Nangong Long and others also came down from the viewing platform to meet Jistat's war concubine.


Elizaveta, who got off the horse, walked quickly to Nangong Long and hugged him tightly.

"I miss you so much," Lisa whispered against his chest.

If it weren't for the presence of other war girls, Lisa might have cried.

"I miss you very much too." Nangong Long touched Lisa's head and said with a smile.

"...What's going on here?" Ai Lian said with a tense face, her relationship with Lu Boxiu's war concubine is not good, and she just called her brother, what's the situation.

"I want to know too." Mira's expression didn't change much, but from her tone, she could hear that she was a little angry, and she came all the way to support you, just show me this?Show affection?

"We'll talk about this matter later, let's deal with the captives first," Nangong Long said, and patted Lisa's shoulder at the same time. Although Lisa was a little bit reluctant, she still understood that the business was important, and now was not the time to act coquettishly.

After appeasing the girls, Nangong Long approached Chihu, who was grabbed by the arm of the death knight, and said straight to the point:

"How much do you think you are worth"

"I am the younger brother of King Meneji, and I want the treatment I deserve as a prisoner." Chihu stared at Nangong Long without showing any weakness. At this time, he must not show timidity. not good.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die. There are not many such valuable prisoners." Nangong Long patted Chihu's shoulder twice, as if you were a valuable commodity.

The corners of Chihu's eyes twitched. He is the king's younger brother and a general who can fight well. When has he ever suffered such a useless attitude, but how can a person not bow his head under the eaves? He endured it.

It is unwise to irritate the other party. If you get angry and cut yourself off, you will be completely cold.

After crossing Chihunangonglong and walking dozens of steps, all the captured Menieji soldiers knelt on the ground, their arrogance long gone when they invaded Brunu, and each of them bowed their heads and waited for their next fate.

Generally speaking, they will not die, and the possibility of being sold back to Meneji as slaves is the greatest. Although they are afraid, they are not desperate. It is better to be alive than dead.

Nangong Long glanced at the few people at the front, and by looking at their armor, he knew that they were the generals commanding the army.

"It's up to you, go back and tell the king of Meneji that if you want Chihu to go back intact, you have to prepare a thousand barrels of gold coins, including two hundred barrels of gold coins for Jistat, Meneji, and Sachstan, and the rest All four hundred barrels need Brunu gold coins," Nangong Long casually pointed at one person and said.

Ai Lian and the others had wonderful expressions on their faces after hearing the ransom. This was no longer a lion's big mouth, it was simply swallowing a whale, it was too dark.

In the past, their ransom was priced according to their titles, but at most it was tens of thousands of gold coins. Of course, this was also related to their failure to capture the top nobles.

Nangonglong didn't need ten thousand to go to a good unit, but barrels, and how many cars would it take to pull a thousand barrels.

Can Menegi take it out?The answer is yes, but it is absolutely painful to die.

Nangong Long asked the death knight to take an ordinary war horse he had just captured and gave it to the designated general, and gave him some water, food, and a weapon, so he couldn't let him starve to death on the road.

"Cut all the rest"

Nangong Long issued a new order to Reaper Nine, then turned around and took Ailian and the others back to the mobile palace.

As for Chihu, Nangong Long asked him to stay and watch Meneji's soldiers beheaded, not to frighten him, but to arouse hatred.

I'll just wait until you, Chihu, pull an army of [-] to beat me, Nangong Long thought unscrupulously.

Not to mention that the effect of pulling hatred is overwhelming, watching the soldiers in front of him die one by one, Chihu's eyes are so red that they are about to bleed.

Does he care about the lives of these soldiers?In fact, he doesn't care at all, the army is just a tool he uses to achieve his goals, as long as he can accomplish his goals, he doesn't care how many people die.

But death is worthless, he can't tolerate 1.6, let alone this kind of behavior that slaps him in the face.

Chihu took a deep breath, and then stared at the scene of the soldier's severed head. He wanted to remember this scene firmly, and he must retaliate ten times and a hundred times in the future.

Although the enemy's combat power is astonishing, no one stipulates that they must fight head-on. There are ways to win, such as poisoning...

This is why Chihu didn't lose his confidence in facing the death knight. This time he just suffered from insufficient information. When he returned to Meneji, he would kill the person in charge of collecting information.

Damn, Bruno has such a strong soldier, you don't give me any information, Chihu even thinks that there are political enemies in the country who want to use someone's hand to kill him.

Chapter 55 Just to meet you

Nangong Long and Ai Lian boarded the viewing platform, opened the door on the wall behind and walked in. The corridor was about three meters wide, and there were rooms on the left and right sides. A small sign hung on the door stated the purpose of each room.

Even though they saw it from a distance just now and heard Nangong Long give a brief introduction, Lisa and Mira were still surprised.

Eve pushed open the door that said living room, invited Nangong Long and the others to go in, and then went down to prepare desserts and drinks by herself.

Mira and Lisa first talked about why they appeared in Anias.

The territories of Ormiz and Meneji are connected, and Mira will definitely get the news of Meneji's large-scale use of troops.

She expected that Nangong Long might send troops to Anias, so she led [-] cavalry for reinforcements. If Nangong Long was not here, then she would return to Ormiz.

Lisa was even more exaggerated. Knowing that the two dukes of Nangong Long and Bruno were hostile, she set off from Luboxiu at 10 after preparing food and grass. It was more than a month ago.

Passing through Legnica, Lede Meriz, the Vosges Mountains, Alsace, Tritor, before arriving in Anas.

She did not choose to enter Bruno from the Dinant Plain, because she might encounter the Knights of the Kingdom that way.

Lisa also went to the town of Seresta in Alsace, and only learned from the old attendant Bardolan that Nangonglong was in Tritor.

She had lived in the Earl's Mansion for several years, and Bardolan knew her of course, but he did not expect that the little girl back then had become a war concubine.

Then Lisa led 1000 cavalry to Tritor, leaving Lu Boxiu only [-] troops to guard.

After arriving in Tritor, when I found out that Nangonglong had gone to Anias again, Lisa continued on without saying a word. On the way, she met Geral with refugees. Fortunately, Sage No. [-] recognized Lisa. There was no conflict.

Canulon and Tainati had no time to send troops to attack Lisa, and the Knights of the Kingdom could not send troops without the king's order. Coupled with the invasion of Meneji's army, Lisa rushed all the way to Anias without hindrance.

After listening to their narration, Nangong Long thanked them sincerely.

Mira responded with a smile, and Lisa also smiled happily.

"What's your relationship? Why did she call you brother?" Ai Lian looked at Nangong Long, then at Lisa.

"This is a long story... Can Lisa tell you all about it?" Nangong Long looked at Lisa and asked.

"Okay, there's nothing to hide," Lisa replied with a smile.

Seven years ago, Nangong Long brought Elizaveta back to Alsace in a small village in Jistad.

Lisa was born with different pupils, gold on the right and blue on the left, which was considered an ominous sign in her birthplace, so she was abandoned by her biological father not long after she was born and was thrown in a certain village.

Because Lisa's father was a nobleman, the villagers did not dare to let her die, so Lisa was raised by the villagers.

But the villagers also hate the different pupils. It is conceivable that Lisa's situation is not much better. The children in the village often beat her, beat her with stones, and insult her...

Lisa would hug her head and kneel down to protect herself at this time. She didn't understand why she had to be treated like this. She obviously didn't make trouble or do anything bad...

she wants to cry...

Even if the adults in the village saw it, they would not care about it. They even said that the children in the village would do this, and most of them were instructed by them.

Adults are afraid of nobles and dare not do anything to Lisa, but it doesn't matter if children fight.

This miserable life ended when Lisa was ten years old, when she was taken away by a big brother.

Nangong Long beat up those little kids, and the adults in the village beat them up one by one, and they couldn't take care of any of them for ten days and a half months, and the same goes for the children.

As for whether they can move?Can you farm?Can I cook?Nangong Long didn't care at all, he endured the pain and started to move if he didn't want to die.

Even if he really starved to death, he wouldn't feel guilty at all. These superstitious guys deserve death. Don't you know that Lolita is for love.

Of course, the village is not without good intentions, but they dare not confront the whole village, so they have to secretly give Lisa some delicious food, and Nangonglong has not done anything to these people.

"The days of living in Alsace were the happiest and happiest days of my life." Lisa looked at Nangong Long with gentle eyes, her face full of happiness.

At first Lisa was really scared, she didn't dare to take off the blindfold, she was afraid that after her brother knew she had different pupils, he would hate herself like everyone else.

Facts proved that she was thinking too much, even though Nangong Long knew that she had different pupils, nothing changed, and there was no hint of disgust in her eyes.

Lisa didn't cry when she was beaten or insulted, but at that moment the young Lisa hugged Nangonglong and cried loudly, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances in her heart over the years.

After returning to Alsace, she was pampered like a little princess, which made her feel unreal. At the same time, she was also afraid that this was just a dream, and she would pinch herself from time to time. When I giggled, sometimes I cried while laughing, these are tears of happiness.

What made her feel even more incredible was that neither the people in Earl's Mansion nor the villagers of Alsace 937 disliked her, at most they were curious about her different pupils, and it was then that she knew that not everyone hated them.

After becoming Lu Boxiu's war concubine, her different pupils were considered auspicious by the locals. Only then did she understand that different regions have different customs.There are places where different pupils are regarded as a bad omen, and there are places where it is regarded as a good omen. Of course, there are also places that are no different from ordinary people, such as Alsace.

"I didn't expect you to have such a past," Mira said as if sighing.

Noticing the changes in Ailian's and the others' eyes, showing sympathy and pity, Lisa looked at them with a smile, and said:

"You don't need to look at me in this way. I used to complain to God and God why I had to be treated that way, but when I met my brother, I understood that all the suffering was for me. The test, just to meet you"

Lisa looked at Nangong Long with an undisguised tenderness in her eyes.

Ailian sighed silently, it was so obvious that Lisa didn't hide her feelings at all.

Is this an extra love rival?Or more sisters?Eileen thought about it jumping.

Ai Lian could tell that Lei Qi and the others were naturally the same, and they were another formidable opponent, Lei Qi had a headache.

Chapter 56 The Encounter of Eileen and Lisa

Not only Leiqi has a headache, but Ellen also has a headache. How should I get along with Elizaveta?

With the presence of Nangong Long, the two of them would definitely not be able to confront each other like before.

But she thought so, would Lisa think so?

The initial conflict between the two started from a small village.

At that time, a plague broke out in a village in the Duchy of Luboxiu. Lisa immediately sent troops to blockade the entire village. All the dead patients were burned, and the healthy and sick villagers were also quarantined.

Ai Lian had some relationship with that village when she was a mercenary, so she offered to take over the village, but Lisa refused without hesitation, and recklessly transferring the villagers might cause her illness to worsen.

After the plague, the few villagers who survived also left their hometowns, too few to form a village.

In fact, Lisa did not issue any cruel policies. Instead, she gave food and money, tried her best to keep the villagers alive, and was even willing to pay for rebuilding the village, but the villagers did not have that idea.

Because of this incident, Lisa was also sad for a long time, but she didn't regret it. If she didn't do this, the plague would expand further, and many people would die in the end.

As Lu Boxiu's war concubine, she has an obligation to protect her subjects.

Then another incident happened, which made the relationship between the two worse.

Lisa's biological father lied about taxes and embezzled money handed over to King Gistart, committing a capital crime.

Lisa asked King Victor to personally arrest her father and bring him to admit his mistake.

Coincidentally, Lisa's father's territory is next to the Principality of Laid Meritz, which is very close to Ailian, so the king entrusted this task to Ailian, and it is not ruled out that Victor may provoke the relationship between the two.

Lisa's father didn't intend to catch her without a fight at all. Instead, he summoned people to try to resist Ailian's crusade. There was no way, Ailian had to kill him.

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