The pitch-black bullet mechanizes the human body, and the blood-phagating madness attacks the artificial life physiology...

Nangonglong, who has experienced many worlds, has enough knowledge in his mind to complete this body strengthening transformation.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Thank you for saving my brother and me." The little girl woke up and said gratefully. The clothes she was wearing were bought by Nangong Long at the store just now.

Then the little girl talked about her own affairs without any scheming. Her parents passed away in an accident a few years ago, and only her brother Aite and her were left.

The little girl Aifu showed the way, and Nangong Long took her back to her home, where she lived pretty well.Then throw Art to his own room.

"This is for food, I have other things to do," Nangong Long said to Eve as he put a bag of food on the tea table.

"Will you come back?" Eve asked anxiously, holding her golden eyes at the corner of her clothes.

Just experienced a man-made disaster, and her brother is still in a coma, so it's not surprising that she feels dependent.



He has yet to replicate the city's powerful personality.

The next day, Nangong Long returned to Ifu's house, and her brother Aite was already awake.

"Eve, go back to your room," Aite said to his sister, who didn't know the agreement between him and Madara-sama, and he didn't want her to know either.The name Uchiha Madara was told to him by his sister.

The younger sister who had no personality had a personality, and her lost limbs reappeared. Although she could not use them flexibly, they all proved the strength of the ruthless man in front of her. Perhaps the abyss awaited him.Even so, he never regretted it.

"Madara-sama, my hands and eyes..." Aite pointed to his hands, legs and his originally blind left eye with his left hand.

"Artificial prosthetics, you need to adapt yourself. Not only that, your severely damaged internal organs have also been replaced. You with personality are different from your sister who has no personality, and you cannot bear a second personality"

Aite is 22 years old, so he saves a lot of trouble, not having to replace his prosthetics as he grows.

"I understand, I'm glad I'm still alive. I don't know what Madara-sama needs me to do."

"Have you ever thought about why you guys went through this kind of thing?" Nangong Long didn't answer directly, but asked another question.

"It's because I'm too weak. If I could be stronger, I could hold my sister and escape earlier, maybe my sister wouldn't have to go through such a terrible thing." Aite clenched his left hand tightly and said unwillingly.

Chapter 5 Bury the sin and welcome the dawn

"This is just one of the reasons. If the arsonist is executed as soon as possible, the combat maniac will be caught or killed by the hero earlier. Not only will your brothers and sisters not be affected, but those passers-by will not die."

There were reports on TV, so Nangong Long naturally knew about it.

It is a common problem in this world that criminals are caught and not tried immediately, but imprisoned.

I don't know if the procedures are too complicated, or the high-level officials want to study the criminal's personality.Or keep them for other purposes.

This has resulted in the successful escape of many powerful criminals.

And the prison has become a must-go place for Nangong Long, where many people have strong personalities.

"The world is divided into black and white, and so is justice. My name is Uchiha Madara, and I pursue dark justice. Control violence with violence, and stop killing with killing. Join the funeral, and I will give you a stronger personality. You are a dark hero. You will save countless "zero two three" like your brother and sister"

This is country M where individual heroism is strong, and fools have to be divided into regions.

Nangong Long has already killed many enemies, but there is no response to Mission [-]. It seems that he alone can't do it, and he has to spread this idea.

There are a lot of organizations in this world, and I don't care if there is one more.

Bury the sin and welcome the dawn.

"I join"

Hero complex, grateful for the life-saving grace, agreed in advance, and various reasons made Aite make a decision.

"Empower · Personality · Freeze · Explosive Power · Air Bomb" Nangong Long endowed Aite with three personalities at once, and it is estimated that he can bear two more.But it can't be granted all at once, even a strengthened body needs an adaptation period.

Ed bit his lip, trying not to make a sound.

"You can cut off the pain-sensing nerve," Nangong Long reminded, the transformed body has this ability.

"No, I want to remember this pain, and remember my powerless self," Ait gritted his teeth in pain and replied.

"I am very pleased that you have this awareness. Familiarize yourself with your body as soon as possible, and someone will come to you later and teach you how to use your new body to fight. He will also tell you the specific rules of the organization."

After explaining some things, Nangong Long left.

Originally, Nangong Long didn't intend to make adjutants, so why did he want to establish an organization.So he created thirty sages of the ruler of death to manage the organization.

The strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the number of adjutants he can create is also increasing.Although it is not impossible to manufacture more, but that will reduce one's own strength, in the words of the game, it is a loss of experience.

Nangong Long would not do that kind of stupid thing that puts the cart before the horse.

For the sake of convenience, the sage adjutant changed the appearance of the robe into a black suit, and the skull-like face was also transformed into a hypocritical face by magic.

"I want to make a big event and spread my thoughts," Nangong Long muttered to himself while standing on the top of a hundred-story building overlooking the bustling city.

Sirens rang throughout the prison

"Someone has invaded the prison, counterattack immediately," the manager of a certain prison in Country M shouted at his subordinates.

In order to attract more attention, Nangong Long did not make a quick decision.

After knocking out the guards approaching him, Nangong Long violently opened one door after another, killing the vicious criminals inside.

"come yet"

Observing a helicopter hovering above the prison with a personality-perspective eye, and a female reporter shouting something loudly, Nangong Long pinched the criminal's neck to destroy the roof, and flew directly outside to maintain an altitude with the helicopter.

This frightened the female reporter on the helicopter.

"Can you point the camera at me?" Nangong Long looked at the female reporter and said.

The female reporter became a little bolder when she realized that the other party had no intention of hurting her.

"Okay, okay"

She felt that she was about to encounter big news, so she hurriedly said to her trembling partner:

"Quickly, quickly point the camera at this gentleman"

"The world is divided into black and white, and so is justice. My name is Uchiha Madara, and I will carry out the justice of darkness and eliminate all evil."

After crushing the criminal's neck and letting go, Nangong Long disappeared without warning.

Newspapers and TV stations were reporting the incident that afternoon.

"None of the two hundred and seven criminals was spared, and the guards were just knocked unconscious. It can be seen that, as he said, the evil is eliminated, at least for now. It is also proved through this incident that the man named Uchiha Madara has extremely A strong personality..." A certain expert analyzed.

"What is Uchiha Madara's purpose?"

"An embodiment of evil? A dark hero?"

Because things got bigger this time, even what Nangong Long did before was dug up again. 0

Every time he goes to a country, Nangong Long will do something sensational, destroying a certain criminal group...

Everything has two sides, but in order to increase popularity and promote ideas, Nangong Long can't take care of everything.

Near the end of the second year of middle school, Nangong Long suspended his actions.

He will soon be in the third grade, and he has to find a reason to suspend school. Anyway, he is going to be admitted to Xiongying High School, so he might as well be in the same grade as the protagonist.

Also, there is one more thing to deal with.

Looking at me as if I was in his own home, Nangong Long felt a little helpless.In the past two years, although he has been making troubles with Uchiha Madara's appearance, he will often come back to check my favorability.

Du Wo, who graduated from junior high school, still played missing.

I couldn't bear the eyes of my parents, didn't want to suppress myself, and hurt my classmates. The above reasons allowed me to escape the cage that restricted me.

Du my hobby was bumped into by a certain classmate, that person showed disgust and fear in his eyes, and said too much, Du I, who was very depressed, broke out, the guy who hit me was covered in bruises, and then ran away.

I made a phone call to Gu Tiaozheng and asked him to help with the suspension of school, then Nangong Long looked at Duwo who was wearing his T-shirt and said:

"I'm going abroad, do you want to come together?"

"Okay," Wataru replied with a smile, shaking his big white legs.

The 15-year-old Wataru has developed so well that he silently praised that Nangong 1.7 Dragon made the system find out about the huge overseas mobile city I·ISLAND.

On the one hand, it collects research results, and on the other hand, it reproduces the personality of favorable research.

By the way, take me out to relax.

"Where are we going?" Watari asked.


"Is that the mobile island that gathers talents from all over the world?"


"Can you get in?" I asked curiously.

The entry and exit management of that island is very strict, and hostility and crime have never occurred since it was built.

"I have my way, not the conventional way"

"Smuggling?" I looked at him excitedly.


Sure enough, it's not normal. If you don't have great strength or immortality, it's better not to take the risk of getting close to this kind of pervert.

Chapter 6 Melissa Heard

"Did you copy the personality that can turn into someone else? Why did you want to look like someone else? That teleportation personality of yours is so convenient, it's perfect for escaping." Du I looked at Nangong next to me like a curious baby. Long talked non-stop.

Nangong Long and Du Wo are walking on the street with people coming and going, they have already entered the I·ISLAND island.

The way to infiltrate is very simple. Nangong Long first came to I·ISLAND by himself, and then directly brought Du and me to teleport over when he got home, and brought her a fox mask by the way.

The procedures for entering the island are strict, but after sneaking in, it is relatively easy. As long as you don't deliberately make trouble, you won't be exposed.

He still has to take the entrance examination for Xiongying High School, so he must not be able to use his original appearance.Uchiha Madara's reputation is too loud, and he has become an internationally wanted criminal, so naturally he can't use it.So Nangong Ryu turned into Uchiha Obito, also wearing a black suit and black gloves.

"I'm not here to make trouble this time, don't do anything that attracts attention," Nangong Long reminded.

"Got it, keep a low profile," Wataru replied with a smile.

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