"Sitting firmly on the Duke's position at such a young age, there must be something extraordinary, otherwise how would he survive in the imperial capital?" Ji said.

"What does this mean?" Chi Tong asked.

"It's nothing, it's not your concern"

"Thumb, what you said is too much"

Ji kept his mouth shut, and he also knew that he accidentally said too much. These children have been brainwashed, so it would be bad to make them suspicious.

"In short, this matter is over for the time being. As for Oberg, we will wait until the spies find out."

"Chitong, you guys go down and rest first, adjust your mentality, and wait for the next mission"


girl's room

"Chitong, is there really someone that looks like Sister Cole?" Bonnie asked.

It wasn't until Gozzi asked Chitong this question just now that Bonnie and the others didn't know.Gozzi didn't mention this matter before, mainly because he was afraid of affecting the mentality of Bonnie and the others, in case of an irreversible gaffe in an unexpected situation.

"Hmm" Chitong resisted the desire to tell the truth, and replied.

She wasn't sure if her companion had doubts about the Empire like she did, or speaking out would only add to the annoyance.

"It would be great if it was Miss Kele," Tsukushi sighed.

"The next time I see Long, I must introduce him to me."

"Hmm, yes"

"I knew that guy was a pervert, and there are so many girls," Yin said through gritted teeth.

Yin has never seen the portrait, but just learned from Chitong's narration that Nangonglong's team is all beautiful girls.

"Are they beautiful, Hei Tong?" After getting angry, Yin asked.


"Liar, playful bastard..." Yin muttered from the side.


Imperial capital, Nangong Long's house

"Chelsea, let me play as a cat"

"Do not"

"Don't, the cat you turned into is very cute, and it feels super nice"

Chelsea made a face at Nangong Long, turned around and ran upstairs to find Taeko.

Time passed slowly amidst the quarrel between Nangong Long and the girls.

five months later

A lot has happened in these five months.

Chitong and the others were ambushed by Putola survivors and the revolutionary army, and also met Nahaxiu, who had been missing for a long time. However, due to being controlled by others, Nahaxiu no longer remembered Chitong and the others. Instead, they faced each other with swords and swords. Qi had no choice but to behead him.For this reason, Chitong and the others felt sad for a long time.

Then the empire sent Gozzi to assassinate the leader of the rebel army, but due to wrong information, Gozzi was deeply surrounded, and finally managed to break through, but was also seriously injured.

The more missions he performed, the more Chitong understood the darkness of the empire, until he met Najie Xitan, was persuaded by her, and defected to the Revolutionary Army, and explained everything to his companions before leaving.

Under the influence of Nangong Ryu, Chikushi and Bonnie also learned about the real situation of the empire, so after hearing Chitong's words, they also left with her.

Heitong and Yin rejected Chitong's invitation, and then returned to the original assassination reinforcement group with Natara, led their companions to rebel, and went to Nangonglong's home.

Since three months ago, after Esdes came back from suppressing the rebellion on the border, he often came to Nangong Long's house to fight with him, but he never won, but the relationship is getting better and better.

And the appearance of Estes also brought a great sense of crisis to the other girls. After all, she has a good figure and is beautiful. Based on their understanding, it's no wonder that Nangong Long didn't make up his mind.

"Long, are we causing you trouble?" Hei Tong asked.

"It's okay, it's easy to solve. The minister has already known my strength from Esdes, so he won't want to tear himself apart with me."

"Tomorrow is just going to the palace for a formality, don't worry."

"thank you"

"There is no need to say these words between you and me." Nangong Long said while touching Hei Tong's head.

"Yeah." Hei Tong smiled and nodded.

"Stop showing off, there are other people here," Yin complained.

"Don't worry, you have a share too"

Yin slapped Nangong Long's claws away and said:

"I do not want it"

"Hehe, don't be shy"


"Your body has already recovered."

"Well, thanks to your medicine, the companions are all well too."

The rest of them have been sent to Oberg by Nangong Long and handed over to Meera for management.

"It's getting late, you guys rest, I'll go out first"


After coming out of Heitong's room, Nangong Long walked towards the garden, intending to look at the starry sky, but bumped into another person.

"Why don't you sleep"

"Can't sleep," Cosmia replied.

"what are you thinking"

"I feel like everything is in a dream. If I hadn't met your shadow demon that day, what would I be like now, or would I be dead?"

"Hey, maybe you will become a female pervert"

"How is it possible, I don't even have a boyfriend?" Cosmia looked at Nangong Long and said shyly.

"Sing a song, Cosmia"


Dragon, you are the first to say that my singing voice is beautiful, without disgust or fear, so, as long as you want to hear it, I will keep singing to you, Cosmia thought.

Nangong Long sent a group of shadow demons to the Western Kingdom to find Cosmia a long time ago. If possible, he wanted to save this miserable girl.

In the past few months, the Shadow Demon sent back the news that he had found it. That is, more than five months ago, Nangong Long asked the Shadow Demon to protect her secretly and not to appear rashly.

It wasn't until the court was about to kill her whole family that Shadow Demon showed up and killed all the enemies, and then explained the whole story to her.

Nangong Long planned to pick her up at the time, but Cosmia said that she wanted revenge on the court and was willing to exchange everything for Nangong Long's help.

So Nangong Long sent a sage who ruled death to help her, because the referees are spread all over the Western Kingdom, and it would take a lot of time to kill them, and at that time, the matter of Auberge was about to be dealt with, so Nangong Long did not personally go.

Of course, Nangong Long didn't make any excessive demands, but just asked her to sing for himself occasionally.

After Cosmia settled her family, she embarked on a journey of revenge with the sage who ruled death. She didn't come here until three months ago.

As for her family members, they didn't follow her because they didn't want to leave the motherland, but the sage who ruled the death had already prepared the coordinates and could go back to visit her family members at any time.

“Still as good as it sounds”

Hearing Nangong Long's praise, Cosmia smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Chapter 23 Wrangling

The next day, Nangong Long went to the palace alone, and went to argue with the minister and his group.

Nangong Long didn't think the minister would target him, but other people who didn't know his strength and wanted to flatter the minister might jump out and kill him.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report."


"Yes, a few days ago a small group rebelled against the empire and caused considerable losses, and these people were taken in by the Duke of Nangong. I believe that the Duke also has the heart of rebellion. Please His Majesty punish them with death."

So what about the Duke, if you offend the minister, you will die, so I will use you as a stepping stone to curry favor with the minister. Maybe if the minister is happy, I can get promoted, the official who made the report imagined.

"Your Majesty has also heard about it, please forgive me."

"Minister, seconded"


A few more officials quickly echoed, regretting that they were one step too late, and that such a good opportunity was preempted by others.

There were still some people who were watching and didn't open their mouths easily. They felt that the matter might not be simple. After all, if the minister's character could do something, he would have killed him a long time ago, so why wait until now.

Another group of people didn't intend to stir up this muddy water at all, they just came to watch the excitement.

There are also very few people who know that Nangong Long and Esdesi are closely related, and nothing will happen at all, and the unlucky ones will only be those who speak out.

Of course they don't remind others that there are no friends in this place in their hearts, and everyone is just competitors.

"Don't say anything, then I will say"

"It's pure nonsense, what you said is nothing but nonsense"

"How dare you frame me as a duke, how brave you are," Nangong Long snapped.

"You, you are, sophistry, dying, dying, struggling." Under Nangong Long's aura, the flattering official stammered.

"You are the one who lied. What is the purpose of slandering the Duke? I suspect that you are a spy of the rebel army." Estes walked to Nangong Long and said.

Sure enough, the general and the Duke had a very close relationship, but luckily they were not in the limelight, the officials who knew some information thought.

"General, general, you can't, talk nonsense, I am loyal to the empire"

Isn't the general with the minister? How could he target me? Esdesh's unexpected move made him completely panic.

"What I said is the truth," Esdeth said domineeringly.

"How can this be"

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