The goblin archer "Three One Three" jumped onto the altar like a hare, first cared about Priestess, and only approached Nangong Long after confirming that she was fine.

"What did you do?"

Although it was a question, she had a determined expression on her face.


"Hahaha, priests, magicians, and martial arts ladies are becoming more and more reliable."

The lizard monk standing by the altar flicked his tail and praised with a smile.

"It's nothing..." Priestess looked embarrassed.

The corners of the mouth of the red-haired female magician raised, and the female fighter showed a cheerful smile.

"It's really unexpected to use the holy wall as a restricted spell," the Taoist miner said in admiration, twisting his beard.

"It's all, it's all taught by the captain." The priestess' cheeks blushed, and she added a little more strength to the hand holding the tin staff.

"You get it?"

High Fairy Archer's surprised voice caught everyone's attention.

Nangong Long touched the mirror with his index finger one after another, and the scene in the mirror changed again and again, and finally stopped at the place where the suspected imp lived.

He put his left hand into the water-like mirror, and immediately switched the scenes in the mirror after retracting it.

This strange behavior aroused the curiosity of Fairy Archer.

"What did you do?"

"Lost a large-scale attack magic"


Fairy Archer was quickly distracted by the new scene.

"Where is this again? A cult group?"

Under the bright starry sky, the ominous sacrificial hall is located on the plain, and there is a tied short-haired girl on the altar in the center.

The skeleton who seemed to be the leader stood in front of the altar and said something loudly, and the surrounding people who were also wearing black robes echoed.

"Hello hello! That's it! I've been meaning to say this line once!"

"I don't understand why you want to give up the advantage of surprise attack"

"It doesn't matter, it is very important to report your name, as long as the provocation is successful, you can attract attacks"

The three girls suddenly broke into the gathering place of the religious group, which surprised the skeleton.

He thought he had done enough.

Let the little ghost lurk underground in the water capital, go to the ground at night to make trouble, and capture as many women as possible as sacrifices.

In order to avoid exposing his own side, he placed his strongholds outside the city, and the direction of the underground chapel was opposite.

"How did you find this?" the puzzled skeleton had no choice but to ask.

"Based on intuition" the brave man showed an energetic smile.

"Your plan has failed," the sage said in a businesslike tone.

At this time, the Juggernaut has rescued the bound girl.

"You can't escape"

Seeing the sword raised by the brave man, the skeleton guessed the identity of the man, so he became very angry.

"It's actually the mortal enemy of Lord Demon God, I want to avenge Lord Demon God"

In the roar of the skeleton, his figure rapidly swelled into a huge monster with a hideous face.

Unmoved, the brave swung the holy sword in his hand vigorously.

With a bang, a dazzling light appeared on the plain.

When everything returned to calm, the monsters transformed into skeletons and the congregation disappeared along with the sacrificial hall.

The only ones standing on the plain were the three brave men and the rescued girl.

"Hey, what's going on? One sword! There's only one sword! The power is too exaggerated!"

Fairy Archer stared at Nangong Long with wide eyes, pointed at the mirror with white and tender fingers and shouted.

Priestess and the others also looked dumbfounded.

"If the brave man doesn't have this combat power, how can he fight the Demon God King.

ok, let's go in"

Nangong Long patted Fairy Archer on the back and urged. 0

"You let me in here?" Fairy Archer pointed to the mirror, looking at Nangong Long as if saying that you are sure you are not joking.


High Elf Archer lowered his long ears and stepped into the mirror as if he had given up.

After everyone entered, Nangong Long left the chapel.

The three brave men who were about to leave the plain and return to the water capital immediately became vigilant when they saw the Fairy Archer and others suddenly appearing.

The sage raised her staff, and if she found any abnormality, she would release the spell.

"Who are you?"

"Poor monk and others..."


The hero's high-pitched voice directly overwhelmed the lizard monk's explanation. The moment she saw Nangong Long, she ran over and jumped on it.

"Your armor is not afraid of hitting me"

Nangong Long rubbed the brave man's head a few times, and said in a teasing tone.

"Hey, I'm too excited, so don't worry about it, master." The brave man raised his head and smiled a little silly.

"Although I don't want to disturb you, it's better to introduce you," the sage reminded with a blank expression.

"Yeah, yes!"

The brave man holding Nangong Long let go, turned around and showed a big smile to his companion.

"This is the master I often mention, isn't he handsome!?"

Nangong Long struck the brave man's head with a knife.



The brave man covered his head and mouth and looked at him with big watery eyes.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Stop bragging about your master and me, go back to the city of water and say it first"

City of Water, Temple of the Supreme God

The girl who was rescued from the cult was placed in the guest room and sent home tomorrow by the priests of the temple.

Nangong Long and his party chatted with the brave three in the reception room for a while.

It was learned from the sage that they were investigating the cult group before, and with some clues and the extraordinary intuition of the brave, they found the stronghold of the cult.

The sages and the others also learned about the underground ruins of the water capital from Nangong Longna.

Didn't realize the two were related.

It was getting late, and everyone left the reception room to rest.

After taking a bath, Nangong Long went to the room of the Sword Maiden.

Chapter 54 Feeling So Good (Everyday)

The warm sunshine, the cool breeze, and the whirling sound of the trees, the few people who appeared in the temple garden at this time broke the tranquility.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me?" Nangong Long held a long knife in his hand, and there was no sign of nervousness on his face.


The Juggernaut girl held the sword in both hands, her aura was rising steadily, and when it reached its peak, she launched an attack.

The sound of fighting and fighting is in the ears, chopping, chopping, stabbing...

The skill and strength of Juggernaut Girl are really amazing, but it is not enough to defeat Nangong Long.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't move a step, even if the sword master walked around behind him and attacked.

"I lost"

The Juggernaut girl put away her long sword, with an expression of admiration and unwillingness on her face.

This is the second time she has lost, and it is still in what she is good at.

"Look at it, even I can't win, let alone my master!"

The Juggernaut girl gave the brave man an angry look, and really wanted to slap her on the face. Is there such a thing as comforting?

"You have such abilities at your age, and you have surpassed most of the 10 people."

Hearing Nangong Long's objective evaluation, the Juggernaut girl sighed instead.

"The brave man is smaller than me, and I lose only in swordsmanship"

"She's cheating, it's better not to use her as a comparison object"


At this moment, not to mention the Juggernaut girl, even the Fairy Archer and others who were watching were puzzled.

You can become stronger by opening and closing!Then we want it too!

"Hey, Master said, if other people's talent is 10, then I'm 1000." The brave explained enthusiastically, showing the same cheerful smile as always.

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