The witch turned her eyes back to Elf Archer, and found that the conversation between her and Priestess didn't match up, as if they were not on the same channel.

"Who, are you getting married?" the witch asked with her slender and tender index finger on her moist lips.

"My sister," Fairy Archer replied with a smile.


"Be clear from the start"

After a while of silence, the red-haired female mage glared at Elf Archer and complained.

"Don't you understand what I said?" Fairy Archer tilted his head to look at Priestess, as if he was seeking a positive answer from her.

"I didn't understand at all," the miner roared in a rough voice.

Seeing that Elf Archer and Shaman Daoist were about to quarrel again, Priestess hurriedly changed the subject.

"Well, will the elves hold a wedding?"

"Yes. After all, it is also the clan of the patriarch. It will be very grand. You all have to come."


The next day, everyone gathered at the back door of the Adventurer's Guild, and Nangong Long activated the transfer magic to go to the Temple of Law in the water capital.

"Go and say hello, and then go shopping on the street." Irene said with a gentle smile.

Cowgirl and Irene were also invited to the wedding.

"I always feel so miraculous, it's here in the blink of an eye." The supervisor brushed the hair next to his ear, and looked at the courtyard in front of him.

When Fairy Archer invited the counter lady, it was the supervisor who blocked all the excuses of the counter lady and let her take a good vacation.

In the end, I didn't expect that I was also pulled over by Nangong Long. Frankly speaking, the supervisor really wanted to see the city of elves, so it couldn't be regarded as coercion.By the way, she was very happy to be invited.

Fortunately, Nangong Long often came to the Temple of Law, and all the priests here knew him, otherwise there would definitely be problems if so many people appeared.

After meeting the Sword Maiden, the girls went shopping together. In addition to buying their own clothes, they also had to prepare gifts for the wedding ceremony.

The miner Taoist and the lizard monk went to the tavern to drink, but they didn't forget about the gift.


The next morning, the Sword Maiden sent Nangong Long and his party away, and then she went back to her room and slept on the bed for a long time, and didn't start working until the afternoon.Nangong Long spent the night in her room last night, she exercised a little more, that's what the Sword Maiden thinks, so there's no need to talk about the actual process.

After leaving the temple, Nangong Long and others went to the port of the water capital.Because of the large number of people, he bought a fairly large boat.

Set sail and head upstream along the river.

There is no transaction between the cities of the elves and the city of water, because the elves don't need mortal goods, and they have no interest in currency.

Since there is no demand, the business cannot be established.

Therefore, the ships going upstream, that is, going south, do business with the pioneering villages along the way.

Few ships make their way further south to the Forest of the Forest.

After crossing the gate to adjust the height of the water surface, Nangong Long and the others were farther and farther away from the last village recorded on the map, and relatively closer to the forest of elves.


The uncanny workmanship of nature made the cow girl unconsciously exclaim.

The seemingly monolithic valley of huge rocks has been washed by the river for many years, forming the valley in front of you.Because of this, the river is covered by a huge shadow, and the wind that blows past becomes cool.

Seeing the spectacular scenery that can never be seen normally, the rest of the girls also praised it again and again, and Fairy Archer proudly puffed out her flat chest.

It's a pity that such a beautiful scenery was broken by a burst of panic shouts.

Elf Archer ran to the front of the deck and looked into the distance with dancing movements.

A group of men on a raft, dressed like adventurers, are being scrambled by an overhead attack.

Fairy Archer was busy swinging a pair of long ears, and then looked sharply at the cliff above, and the ugly little ghost was looking down.

"Goblin Riders"

Fairy Archer showed an indescribable expression, this is her hometown, why would there be a kid! ?

"We must save them," the priestess said firmly, holding the tin rod tightly.

"Clean up the door of the house more or less."

Nangong Long rubbed between his brows, looked forward and sighed.

"What the elf is thinking, ordinary people can't understand," Gu Dian said with a smile, without any sense of tension.


Jiugouyu's reincarnation eye appeared, and the tall half-length giant instantly surpassed the height of the cliffs on both sides of the river, and his huge hands formed a seal on his chest.

"Thousands of Rainstorms"

The blue slender thousand books appeared out of thin air, and poured down like a torrential rain.

The dumb kid was tied up as a hedgehog on the spot, and the same thing happened to the wolf who was used as a mount.

Chapter 71 Arriving in the elf city

"Rare, rare, see you again"

Gu Dian walked up to Nangong Long, folded his hands behind his back, looked up at his strange eyes, and said with a sweet smile.

"Your curiosity is really undiminished." Nangong Long smiled, stretched out his right hand and flicked Gu Dian's smooth forehead.

Gu Dian covered his forehead, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and he even winked playfully at him.

"It's a shocking spell," the lizard monk said in amazement, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.

While everyone was talking, a team of rescued adventurers on a raft was paddling towards this side.They recovered from the huge shock and decided to come over to thank them.

"Thank you so much for saving us"

Probably the captain of the team, she was standing on the raft and shouting towards the deck with a heroic face.

Nangong Long, who was standing in front of the guardrail, nodded in response, and then reminded him kindly.

"It's very dangerous here recently, if it's not particularly urgent, go back."

"Thank you for your reminder. We are here to investigate the reason for the disappearance of the ship. Now that we know it, we will return to the water capital immediately."

Recently, wrecks of ships have always drifted downstream, and the 330 Saintess of the Sword has received several reports of related incidents, and the Adventurer's Guild has also posted requests on the bulletin board for this.

Before coming here, the Sword Maiden naturally told Nangong Long the information she possessed, but he knew that he would still go to the forest of elves.

"Okay, don't be a nympho, everyone has gone away"

The heroic female captain raised her forehead and looked at her sister with a headache.

"It's not like I'm alone." The captain's younger sister looked back at her elder sister from behind, grumbled, and tied her companions to her warship by the way.

"Row the boat, row the boat, let's go back and hand in the task." The female captain decided to ignore her nympho companion, and rushing back to the capital of water is the top priority.

Before them, there were other adventurers who took over this commission, but no one returned, so there was no need to say anything about the result.

So their interaction also has reasons to divert their attention.

"You do it"

Looking at the wreckage of the ship floating on the river, Nangong Long said to the priestess.

The babh sank the ship with large rocks, and the broken hull became an obstacle to stop the newcomers. At this time, the babh just kept throwing stones and rotten wood from above to attack people, and even capsized the ship and raft.It is difficult for the people on the boat to attack them hiding above the cliff.

The imp has sunk countless boats and rafts in this way.

The team of adventurers just now faced this kind of predicament. If the raft capsized, even if they were lucky enough to climb ashore instead of drowning, they would be outnumbered by the brats and face an even more desperate future.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to meet Nangong Long.


Priestess nodded in response, then raised her tin staff and said the prayer.

"Merciful Earth Mother Goddess, please use your royal hand to cleanse us of our filth!"

It was as if an invisible giant hand stretched out from the sky scooped up the river water to remove the filth.

As soon as it touched the light, the filth in the river dissipated, and the debris floating on the water disappeared completely.

The water immediately became clear.

The miracle of cleansing is like a fake replacement, a new miracle obtained by the priestess after she rises to the steel level.

"That's amazing!" The amazed Fairy Archer looked at the river and blinked again and again.

After the girls were surprised, the girl who joined the team not long ago asked her doubts.

"Why are there so many shipwrecks, isn't it that very few people come to the domain of the elves?"

"There are always exceptions. There are very few merchants who have won the friendship of the elves and will go to the forest of the elves to barter from the elves in exchange for something.

Some adventurers will also go to the forest to collect precious herbs or explore ruins. As long as it is not too much and does not affect the elves, the elves will turn a blind eye and acquiesce.

Of course, they can only stay on the outskirts, and they cannot get close to the city where elves live.

As for the wreckage in front of us, it must be the result of long-term accumulation, which can be seen from the fact that the group of little ghosts had enough energy to raise wolves, they must have developed for a long time," Nangong Long explained.

This section of the valley and river channel piled up with debris is actually like a lair of imps, setting traps to ambush intruding adventurers.

This is a disaster for the orderly, but it is a good cycle for the little ghosts. Capturing captives and breeding more of the same kind will allow them to attack more unscrupulously.


Stopping the boat at the river pointed by Fairy Archer, Nangong Long and his party walked into the sea of ​​trees in front of them.

Because Nangong Long had been controlling the direction of the wind, they had enough time to rush to the city of the elves before dark.

Walking through a labyrinth-like road, the group headed deep into the forest. If there were no elves to lead the way, they would have lost their way.

A cool breeze with the fragrance of grass and leaves blows by, and a fairytale-like scenery appears before everyone's eyes.

The large hollow extending from the ground to the sky, with many tree holes protruding from it, is the home of the elves.The leaves and vines intertwine between the tree holes to form countless air corridors, and the city that runs straight through the sky and the earth is like a skyscraper.

It's all about dreamlike beauty that blends the forest and the city perfectly.


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