"What Nangong Long said before has been confirmed, so let's make a decision, whether to join Nangong Long's team or continue to work for the Revolutionary Army?" Najie continued to ask.

Hearing this, the three of Bonnie immediately expressed that they would join Nangong Long.

"I followed Boss," Hill said.

"Me too," said the other three.

"Then from today onwards, Night Raid will officially join Nangong Longfang," Najie announced.

"Yeah, that's great," Bonnie exclaimed happily.

Chikushi and Akahito also smiled.

Chapter 34 Perspective

"Sister Sai Liu, this is the report of the latest serial murder case"

Sai Liu took out the map and spread it on the table, and circled the places where the dead bodies were found one by one, hoping to find out the location of Zanke's activities.

But it's a pity that Zanke's killing has no rules at all. He just kills for the sake of killing, and there is no specific goal.

"Looks like I can only ask Leone and the others for help."

at night

"Why did you come with me?" Leone said.

"I'm still a little interested in Zank's Teigu"

"Oh, there are not many things that interest you. Is there any strange ability?" Leone asked curiously.

At this moment, Nangong Long received a message from Shadow Demon.

"I found Zanke, you stay here and wait for me, I will kill him"

"I will go with you"

"No," Nangong Long refused.

"Oh, okay then." Leonai said in a low voice.

"I'll tell you why later"


Nangong Long rushed to Zanke's location at full speed.

"I finally met someone, happy and happy," Zanke laughed.

"It's painful, let me get rid of you"

"Stop talking big"

Zanke couldn't control his desire to kill, so he rushed towards Nangong Long with his arm knife.

Nangong Long stood there motionless, as if he didn't see the opponent's attack.

"Hole Vision"

Zanke activated Teigu to see what the opponent was up to, but saw nothing.

"Entered the state of selflessness, but it's useless"

"Future Vision"

It's a pity that the result still hasn't changed in any way. He didn't see any foreseeable counterattack. This is the first time this happened after he got the five-sighted omnipotent. He was a little surprised and uncertain for a while.

So, he forcibly stopped his steps and stepped back.


I can see that it's not Tegu's problem, maybe it's because he didn't plan to fight back at all, forget it, let's attack first, Zanke thought.

Zan Ke rushed towards Nangong Long again, and after approaching, he swung his arm knife and slashed at Nangong Long's neck.

"Boy, no matter what tricks you have, if you don't believe me if you cut off your head." Die," Zanke said with a distorted smile.

Zanke's arm knife hit the target firmly, but the imaginary blood spatter did not happen, but Zanke's arm knife broke off in response.

"What?" Zanke was shocked, he never thought it would be the result.

"Are you kidding, how can a human's neck be so hard?" Zanke roared in disbelief.

Nangong Long ignored him, but stretched out his right hand and cast an instant death spell on Zanke.

"Death Corrosion"

A dark aura instantly burst from Nangong Long's right hand and rushed into Zanke's body, frantically destroying his vitality.

"rest in peace"

"...the sound is gone... Pleasant Pleasure..."

"Thank you, unknown brat"

Zanke, who fell to the ground, passed away with a smile on his face.

Death Qi erodes the eighth-level magic, and those who are recruited will be eroded to death in a very short period of time.

ducal mansion

Nangong Long put the five-view omnipotent recovered from Zanke on his forehead, looked at all the girls in the room one by one, and sighed with satisfaction:

"It's really good ability, but the appearance is a little bit worse"

"Thank you for the hospitality," the feasting eyes of the girls of Nangong Longxiang thanked.

Seeing Nangong Long's strange behavior, Sai Liu was puzzled and said:

"Dragon, why did you say that suddenly?"

Nangong Long held Teigu in his hand and explained:

"Teigu Wushi omnipotent has hole vision, far vision, future vision and phantom vision. Of course, these are not important. What I fancy is the last ability, perspective."

"Leonai now knows why I didn't let you go with me."

"Oh? It turns out that I was afraid that I would suffer a disadvantage, so you should have just said it." Leone laughed.

"I told you earlier, you just said it, how can I watch it with peace of mind if you are prepared?"

"So you've seen us all just now," Sai Liu said gloomyly.

"I said, why did you stare at us so seriously just now?" Cole said while clenching his fists.

"Does it look good?" Taeko asked with a grin.

"To be honest, each has its own merits, and they are both good," Nangong Long expressed his thoughts desperately.

Hei Tong blushed slightly and did not speak.

"Sisters beat him"

Chelsea's words were like a fuse, and all the girls rushed forward, pinning Nangong Long under him and beating him up, but no one really tried hard.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Nangong Long scratched and groped here and there.

It was very easy for Nangong Long to run away, but he really enjoyed the happy atmosphere where everyone was noisy together.

next morning

Sai Liu planned to clear the underground drug trafficking organization and the corrupt official Qibul who sheltered them today. When he was about to go out, he asked:

".'Anyone want to go with me to do justice?"

"I'll go, I haven't moved my body for a long time," Leone replied.

"What's the matter?" Cole asked.

"No, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous fish"

"Forget it, call me again when you are in trouble."

"it is good"

After Leone and Sai Liu arrived at the security department, Sai Liu immediately ordered the troops to be assembled.

After everything was ready, Sai Liu looked at Leonai and said:

"We have two goals, one is Flower Street and the other is Qibul's mansion, which one do you want to go to?"

"I'm going to Flower Street"

"Okay, then I will go to encircle Qibul"

"Set off"

"Yes, Captain" the guards responded loudly.

Flower Street

"Sister, what are we going to do?" Tazmi asked.

Leone often hangs out at the security department, so Tatsumi knows her too.

"You take people away and quietly surround this store to prevent anyone from escaping"

"What about you, big sister (of Zhao Qian)?"

"Of course I sneaked in and made a big kill."

"Okay, let's get ready"


Leonai, who suddenly broke into the house, interrupted the discussion of the villains.

"who are you"

"The one who sent you on your way"

"Don't be ashamed, come and kill her"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen big men in black rushed into the room and surrounded Leonai Chun.

"No matter how much garbage comes in, it's useless," Leone said disdainfully.

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