It would be great if Merlin was there. Although this so-called consultant is occasionally unreliable, most of the time, Merlin can be regarded as a qualified think tank, and can even be said to be the external brain of the entire Knights of the Round Table.

It’s just that at some point, the cheating brain of the Knights of the Round Table suddenly disappeared, which directly caused Arturia, who had always relied on Merlin to assist in decision-making, to suffer as if she had really lost her brain.

Of course, most of the time this is not obvious, and it only comes to the fore when you need to think about tactics.

"Forget it, you still have to rely on yourself..."

Shaking her head, Artoria no longer missed the magician who saw a ghost, and decided to continue to think independently.

She must be able to think of it, she must be able to think of it herself, she is the king of knights, but the king of Britain, it is so difficult to have an ideal idea, obviously that village girl used tricks when she was in the English Channel...

"……and many more?"

A sudden flash of inspiration came to Artoria's mind.

At this moment, her brain was connected, and her clever IQ took over the high ground.Yes, she was used to being upright, but she couldn't think of any reliable strategy, but at this moment, she even felt that she was using the same brain as Jeanne!

Of course, this is just a feeling, a rather unreliable way of describing it, but after thinking of Joan of Arc, Arturia was still inspired by that stupid village girl!

"I remember you saying, that's how you won..."

Arturia loosened the braided hair on her head, let her hair hang down, then waved her hand, and changed her long black skirt into French-style trousers and a thin white shirt——after thinking about it, Arturia found some water and wet her clothes.

Glancing at the clothes that were sticking to her body because of the humidity, and even had some translucent clothes, Artoria nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, although the sacrifice may be a bit big, as long as you can show that foreign devil some color, then everything is worth it.

Immediately afterwards, she put away the big sword and walked out in such an upright manner.

It wasn't the stalking just now, but walking towards the opponent after going around the front - this kind of undisguised behavior would of course be discovered, and the devil from the foreign land raised his head almost immediately.

But Arturia didn't dodge or evade, she just looked at the devil in a foreign land with a kind smile.

"Instructor, I didn't expect you to be here too... Huh?"

Saying this, Arturia suddenly showed a surprised expression, and looked at the girl with a sword who looked like Joan of Arc.

"Instructor, who is she?"

ps: It’s a bit late today, the reason is mentioned in the update of the old book Pandaren, because it’s too abstract, I won’t talk about it here again, let’s add more, add more to solve thousands of worries.

Swordsman Qiban wins and loses, he changed Japan: Chapter 97 Chapter 94 Obey your own heart ([-] words ask for a monthly ticket)

For a long time, Artoria couldn't quite understand why it was just a meeting between a man and a few women, which could be called the Shura field.

After all, she has personally experienced the war, and it is just a mere emotional entanglement, which is obviously far worse than the real bloody battlefield-but this time, she vaguely understands it, just because she just said that. When she spoke, she had already seen the girl with the sword next to the devil from a foreign land, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.


Looking up and down the eyes of the strange woman in front of her, the young swordsman named Okita Souji frowned slightly.

The girl swordsman is not too surprised that the other party will know the strangers around her. After all, strangers are human beings, and they must have their own social circles—but the problem lies in the appearance of this woman. It was another person, and she even thought she was looking in a mirror.

After all, that face is too similar to himself.

It's so similar, it's so similar, the two faces are almost exactly the same, it can even be said that they were carved out of the same mold - but it is precisely because of this that Okita Souji's brows frowned even tighter.

After all, in her eyes, the woman in front of her was too indecent.

It was a sunny day, but she wet her clothes on purpose, and the thin layer of clothes was even more transparent after being soaked in water—although she didn't bother to care about other people's freedom of dressing, but this kind of dress was still a little bit It's too much.

What's more, this indiscreet woman has a face exactly like hers.

"Exactly the same..."

Okita Souji faintly thought of a judgment she had made before.

This made her involuntarily turn her gaze to the stranger beside her.

"She called you instructor? Is this the woman you cared about before?"

Frowning, Okita Souji couldn't help showing a bit of disgust in his eyes, and even subconsciously stepped back half a step.

Fortunately, she thought this foreigner was a pure person obsessed with martial arts before, but now... this is clearly a beast that will lust for his disciples!

"Uh, no, let me explain..."

Dubin shook his head vigorously, he felt that he might not have recovered from the alcohol, otherwise how could he see someone who should not be here at all—but no matter how much he shook his head, the man in a thin shirt not far away The young girl is still standing there, just like standing in the burning street in Paris.

It was exactly the same, even the white shirt on his body was wet.

When you see a white shirt, you think of white arms, you think of skin tightness, you think of...

"No! Can't think about it!"

Dubin hurriedly continued to shake his head, trying to clear that charming fantasy from his mind.

But when he glanced at Souji Okita beside him from the corner of his eyes, he found that the girl swordsman looked at him with even more disgust.

"Think? What are you thinking about?"

The girl swordsman's face was rather ugly.

"Are you just thinking about how to attack that woman?"

"No, Chief, I..."

Dubin opened his mouth, but his sluggish brain made him unable to think of even a half-word of defense for a while.

He really wanted to say that he was not a pervert, everything before was a misunderstanding, just like Joan in front of him, everything was fake... But how could the fake stand in front of him for so long?When did sake get so strong?

There was a mess in his head, which made Dubin scratch his head.


Seeing this scene, Artoria almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

It was so joyful, so joyful, this was the first time she saw this foreign devil in such a predicament - she just never imagined that the monster who was unparalleled on the battlefield would have such a day.

But the fun is over, and it's time for her to go.

She didn't want to face the devil in this foreign land in front of her when she had nothing, not at all.

"So... it seems that I came at the wrong time."

Arturia showed a miserable smile, shook her head at the foreign devil, and was about to turn around and leave.

But just when she was about to hide in the dark and watch the fun, a big hand grabbed her wrist.

"No, you came just in time."

"... huh?"

Arturia couldn't help but froze in place.

That is, before she could react, her shoulders had even been fully embraced.

"Forget it, whether you are hallucinating or not, since you are here, don't leave, come and help!"


Feeling the solid arm attached to her back, Artoria's brain was suddenly overloaded.

The strong arms were tightly attached to her body, and there was only a thin layer of shirt between her skin—and after the shirt was wet with water, the slippery fabric made her touch feel different. At this moment, she could even feel the bulging muscles on that arm, and even the lines of every muscle.

Such a strong and firm arm, yet soft and elastic enough, this body that has been tempered and tempered is simply born for fighting. No wonder she has never won a battle, maybe she is not wronged when she loses.

And those strong pectoralis major muscles and powerful waist and abdomen muscles...

"Wait! No!"

Artoria, who recovered from the sense of touch, blushed immediately, she had nothing to do to sense other people's muscles!

What she should do now is to break free quickly!

"You let me go!"

Arturia regained her sanity and struggled quickly.

"You let go first?"

Artoria's words suddenly stopped.

Just because in front of her, the golden light is shining brightly.


Seeing the pile of gold-made Jin Xiaopan in the baggage in front of her, Artoria, who was dragged all the way here, couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, she even forgot to continue struggling.

Just because there are too many Jin Xiaopan in front of him.

Gold coins, all of them are gold coins, and the big bags in front of her are full of gold coins—although it is difficult for her to understand how this huge pile of gold was brought here, but at this moment, she has nothing left The brain has to understand something else.

You must know that even when she was the king, she rarely saw such a large pile of gold at one time. Numbers, after all, cannot match the visual impact brought by the piles of gold.

What's more, she is no longer a king now.

Artoria is very poor now, very poor, and even uses cheap swords.

"If... I mean if."

Arturia swallowed again.

"If you are willing to give me all the gold, then I can make it difficult for you and forgive your offense just now."

"how is this possible!"

Dupin shook his head again and again.

"These are all people's fat and people's ointment! They are going to be sent out!"

"send out?"

Artoria didn't react for a while.

"To whom?"

"Of course it's for the poor!"

Saying this, Du Bin casually threw a stack of tied Jin Xiaopan into the old window not far away.

The window was smashed by an unknown object in the middle of the night, which naturally attracted a yell—but before the residents who woke up in the middle of the night could yell, the blurted yelling choked back.

Obviously, that family also knows the truth of making a fortune in silence.

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