"I want to continue to practice swordsmanship, become a sword master or even a sword master, and become the second Miyamoto Musashi!"

The girl swordsman couldn't help clenching her fists.

The legendary sword masters, Nobuzuna Umizumi and Buden Tsukahara, are too far away from her. She dare not expect to reach that level. Miyamoto Musashi is relatively closer and easier to reach.

This may be her own dream, not too big a dream.

"Sword hero...has ambition!"

The honorable person behind the bead curtain laughed.

"Although you are a woman, you are truly admirable to have such great ambitions. It's just that martial arts cultivation is ultimately up to you, and I can't help you much... But I can at least give you some help in other aspects .”

Saying so, the honorable man waved his hand.

"Come here, give me a box of sword books and a sword."


Before Director Okita came back to his senses, several attendants had already carried the rewards and placed them in front of her.

There is a whole box of sword manuals that the royal family has been collecting for a long time. Not only do they contain the untold secrets of various schools, but even the works left by several sword masters are also placed in it-but it is even more difficult to move your eyes away But it was the Taidao, the sharp blade looked like it was made by a famous master, and the chrysanthemum pattern decorated on it showed how noble this Taidao was.

"One word school, then Zongzuo..."

Souji Okita recognized this knife almost at a glance, just because there are too many imitations of this famous knife on the market-but the one in front of her is obviously not a fake, but the Fukuoka Ichimonji forge. The founder of the smelting school, the chief knife worker in the "Yufan Blacksmith" more than [-] years ago, and a masterpiece handed down by the master craftsman Zezong!

"This this this..."

Okita Souji's hands were trembling, she didn't even know whether she should touch this sword - facing this national treasure sword, she even felt that even touching it might be a desecration of this precious sword .

Is she really... not dreaming?

"No matter how good a sword is, it is just a piece of scrap iron in the warehouse. Only when it meets a real user can it truly find the meaning of its existence."

The distinguished figure behind the bamboo curtain smiled.

"Give it to you, you take it, you deserve it."

"I, I, I, I..."

Okita Souji's head is still down, and she hasn't recovered yet.

This made Isamu Kondo have to quickly press her head and thank her for this grace.

"Okay, okay, it's all trivial... After talking for so long, the two warriors must be tired. Come here, take the two warriors down to rest, and remember to send the rewards too."

"As ordered!"

A few attendants hurried over to lead the way, and Isamu Kondo and Chief Director Okita also hurriedly left as if they had been pardoned.

There is no way, the identity of the person who appeared in front of them is too noble, although it looks amiable, but just faintly exuding power, it has already made them more breathless than Prince Chiren.

With a high position and authority, Isamu Kondo and Souji Okita have never understood this word so deeply.

"Your Majesty, for such a trivial matter, you condescend to meet these two warriors, isn't it a little too much?"

Seeing Isamu Kondo and Souji Okita leave, the Taidao bodyguard who was fierce just now finally couldn't help but speak. Just looking at the person's speech and behavior at the moment, he is no ordinary bodyguard, he is clearly a close minister of the Emperor!

However, facing the doubts of his close ministers, the emperor named Tongren just shook his head.

No matter how noble the status is, it must be used, just like the chrysanthemum one word rule that has been handed down for more than 600 years, if it is placed in the royal treasure house, then it is just a more luxuriously decorated iron bar , Only in the hands of a samurai, this is a rare sharp blade.

The same is true for the so-called honorable status.

If you don't use the position if you have it, you will be like the emperors in the Warring States period, and you can only let the shogunate at will, and sit and watch those daimyos treat the court as a plaything-the so-called noble status at this time It's just a joke, how can those arrogant local lords give half respect to the royal family?

But if it is used, it will be different.

Just like just now, as the emperor, he just said a few words and casually handed out some rewards, which aroused the fear of the two warriors. This is the correct use of status.Although he is not sure right now that the two samurai belonging to the Tokugawa shogunate will treat him as their own, but if there is something he wants to ask, the two samurai will probably not refuse, even if They were subjects of the Tokugawa shogunate.

This is the benefit of a noble status, even if he didn't give anything practical, just the appearance of this virtuous corporal is enough to flatter outsiders.

As for the two warriors...the status is indeed low, but because the status of the two warriors is low enough, the effect of this move will be better.

What's more, those two people also personally experienced the murder of Prince Chi Ren.

Although it is said to be murder, it is actually a blatant murder and arson. Everyone knows who did it, but no one dares to tell the fact that is right in front of them-yes, it is not possible to confront Westerners right now. Time, but if it continues like this, the royal family will be discredited.

So, someone has to pay the price.

"Daoman, do you think the faces of those two people just now can survive a month?"

"A month is too long, Your Majesty."

Behind the gorgeous screen, there was a voice coming out.

"It's half a month, I look at their faces, they will die of sudden illness in half a month."

"You have a heart."

The emperor nodded slightly.

"I hope that the souls of these loyal and brave men will continue to guard this land and bless this country with prosperity."

"It's not just them, Your Majesty."

The voice behind the screen sounded again.

"Even the French envoy can be made into a heroic spirit."

"Don't say it so bluntly, I have to meet that envoy soon."

The Emperor shook his head with a pitiful expression on his face.

At this moment, the guard who was in charge of delivering the orders in the distance also hurried over.

ps: It stands to reason that Emperor JP has a cerebral palsy skill called crane sound, which is another language system. Even if he speaks Japanese, he has to rely on translation to talk to people. I thought about writing this thing out, but that would be too tortured The audience is gone, and the number of words is not so watery, so I choose to be normal, and everyone's reading experience will be more comfortable.

ps3: Thank you Yi Jiangfeng, 2233WTF, Kukulin, and the four above-mentioned judges for the rewards, thank you all. qun medicine [" "] ⑥ 8 7 Iraq [-] seven one six

The swordsman won seven battles, he changed Japan: Chapter 100 Take a good rest

I have been driven away by updates before, even if I take a break, it is because I can’t finish writing. This kind of mentally tense state really can’t make any fun, so I have a day off today. I’ll take some wine and go eat some meat with my friends. , Take a good rest and think about work tomorrow.

It's been a few years, and it's the first time I have a real holiday of this kind, even if it's only for one day.

qqun16⑧②-77 Yiliu

Swordsman Qiban wins and loses, he changed Japan: Chapter 101, Chapter 97, Three Punches of the Emperor

The Emperor had no intention of meeting the French envoy alone, and a solo meeting was not a good idea.

What the French envoy wants is almost known to everyone. These Westerners want to open up trade and sell all the surplus goods to the East. The emperor can almost conclude that the French envoy and others will meet at the meeting It will be mentioned from time to time.

"Actually, if it's just friendly business, I have no objection... But the French Minister, he deceives people too much!"

On the throne, the emperor's tone was full of anger.

"Murder and set fire, commit all kinds of crimes, such a person actually has the face to call himself a minister!"

"That's true, this kind of villain can be punished by everyone."

As the representative of England, Arturia in a black dress also nodded repeatedly.

Although she, who is also a king, also knows that the attitude of the Emperor Dongyang is no different from farting, but at least that curse can indeed be called the only truth.

As for other than swearing... the simple balance technique, she may not know much about it when she was the king of knights, but now that she is not the king, she has a little understanding of these aspects of people's hearts-to put it bluntly, it is this The king of the East was afraid that he would suffer losses if he negotiated terms with the French envoy alone, so he simply called England.

Of course, Artoria didn't want to come here at first. After all, she was a king before. If she attended as a minister, she would be short by more than one head if she attended as a minister, which would be a bit embarrassing.

But when she wanted to refuse, she was stopped by the genuine English envoy.

"Please, we really need this victory to boost our morale."

Arturia still remembered what the English envoy said.

"Because of the struggle of the French, the empire is retreating steadily. If even the colonies in the East are surrendered, not only the situation of the empire in the Far East will become precarious, but even the empire itself will be severely affected... Please be sure to take After this victory, you don't want your people to be incorporated into France, do you?"

Now that this is all said and done, what else can Artoria say?

Of course, it was mainly because the English envoy was a Welsh, and he was really a descendant of her subjects back then, but she would never agree to such a thing if another Saxon came over.

But facing the descendants of those former subjects, even though Arturia had long since given up her status as the Knight King, she couldn't say anything to refuse after all.

"Actually, you should summon Lancelot or Gawain for this kind of thing...Okay, okay, I'll just do it."

So, Arturia came here even though she was not very good at bargaining.

Like the French side, she is also responsible for commerce and trade, as long as she knocks on the door of the Orientals, it will be considered a success.

"Because of emotion and reason, I am willing to trade with you Englishmen. After all, we are all island countries, and we all have royal families. Although we are thousands of miles apart, we also have many things in common..."

When Artoria made her request, the Emperor smiled and said compliments.

"But, but, the English envoy must have seen how rampant the French are. Although our country sincerely wants to do business with England, the French will definitely not give up..."

"So you mean, you want us to help you deal with the French?"

Arturia also laughed.

"Otherwise there will be no trade? Is this your condition?"

"No, no, this is not a condition."

The emperor shook his head again and again.

"It's just that the French are too arrogant and domineering, even I..."

Seeing the embarrassment on the face of the English envoy named Artoria, the emperor just sighed.

But my heart has long been happy.

Yes, this is what I want.This was originally a trouble that should belong to him, but after he pulled others into the arena, this trouble was also shared—this is the advantage of being a king, he doesn't have to take the initiative to do anything, he has He just needs to pull more people into the field, and then sit back and watch them fight to death.

As a king, he never needs to take the initiative to go off to do something. Compared with fighting the French or the English, he, who has a noble status, should go off the field himself as a referee to decide the winner or loser between them.

The so-called anti-barbarian faction and the shogunate are also the same thing. No matter who wins or loses, doesn't he, the emperor, have the final say in the end?

"When the snipe and the clam fight, who will win? Of course it is the fisherman!"

The Emperor sitting on the high seat narrowed his eyes.

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