As for why it is not easy to judge, Xixiang Takamori is not quite able to explain it clearly. After all, this thing only exists in the martial arts handed down from ancient times. For ordinary warriors like them, it has long been equivalent to legends.

"In fact, there have always been two ways to train a warrior. One is to emphasize personal force and use various methods to enhance one's own strength; The algorithm flow achieved... The advantage of the former is that it can have extremely high combat effectiveness, but the training period is too long. The advantage of the latter is that it has more fault tolerance, but the combat effectiveness is low..."

"What do you mean?"

Not only Matsudaira Rongbao, but even a group of people in the shogunate had their eyes widened.

What does this imply inside and outside the words?Do you want to hint at the low combat effectiveness of the shogunate's army?

"It's true. You can't expect an ashigaru with a gun who has been trained for two years to fight against a regular swordsman who has been systematically trained for ten years."

Saigo Takamori sighed helplessly, he knew he would be questioned.

"Yes, you will naturally say that three or five ashigaru can compete with that regular swordsman, and after being equipped with spears and armor, they can even assassinate the swordsman on the spot... But have you ever thought that the swordsman's impending How many ashigaru can you take away with a deadly counterattack?"

A swordsman who is on the verge of death and counterattack can definitely take away two or three people, at least at least one life can be replaced.

All the people present are swordsmen, but after thinking about it for a while, they have already come to a judgment.

"Then if you say that, can't you also replace it?"

Matsudaira Rongbao frowned.

"It's just paying some soldiers as a price. This kind of battle..."

"Do you think those soldiers themselves are willing to be treated as a price?"

Xixiang Takamori interrupted the other party's words unceremoniously.

"As expected of a high-ranking official in the shogunate, you can say that people are the price... That's why I don't agree with the mobilization of the army, because you don't understand what your army is about to face."

Of course, Xixiang Takamori also admitted that through the formation and dispatch of troops of the algorithm school, it is indeed possible to use a large number of troops to carry out siege. This is naturally effective against most strong people who advocate individual force. After all, those so-called strong people still have a limit after all.

But the battle during the day had already shown that the alien ghost they had to face had already surpassed this limit.

Sometimes, once the limit is broken, the actual situation is likely to be completely reversed.

"You who are too superstitious about algorithms have never understood that era. You always feel that as long as the formation of troops is properly done, and then pile up soldiers as consumables, even the strongest opponents can be piled up to death... But soldiers are living people. They also have emotions, and more importantly, they also have fears."

When the thrusts that have been trained for two or three years can be dodged, when the slashes that have been trained for four or five years can be blocked, when the teammates around you are slashed, when the impenetrable formation is broken When... blood will splash on the body, the corpse will fall at the feet, the human brain will stop, and the instinct of being a creature will make them choose to escape directly.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is a human nature that no one can violate.

No one wants to be piled on as consumables, especially when they can find out that they are just consumables.

"So mobilizing the army is meaningless. The more miscellaneous soldiers there are, the faster we will die. Once the tactics of rolling the bead curtain become popular, we will not even have a chance to draw our swords, and we will be trampled to death by our own people."


It's all said for this sake, everyone present can understand no matter how slow the reaction is.Although there is indeed a saying that more ants kill elephants, can they really gather so many ants?

Impossible, the troops they can mobilize alone are far from that many.What's more, if they persecuted them too much, facing an enemy that could not be defeated no matter what, those Ashigaru might even turn against him on the spot and directly support the foreigner as the new emperor.

What's more, that ghost from a foreign land would really promise a salary or even an official position. Anyway, the entire royal family was already in the hands of that ghost from a foreign land, and the other party obviously had no interest in these rare treasures.

On the one hand, if you advance or retreat, you will die, and on the other hand, you may survive or even get a lot of money. At this moment, everyone has almost guessed how the soldiers will choose.

"Military spirit is useless..."

Many samurai of the shogunate had already scratched their hair in pain. Obviously, the fact that it was meaningless to mobilize the army was a big blow to them.

"How can that foreigner's method be so vicious, that he can actually give gold to those ashigaru..."

It wasn't until this moment that the warriors present finally had a real sense of the current situation. This was no longer the intrigue between the two factions before, but the real threat of subjugation!

But in the face of such a crisis, what can they do?

What can they do?

"It's like a long, long time ago, the era when the samurai family was rampant..."

Katsura Kogoro on the side couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

The people present have all read history, so they naturally know when this sentence refers to—that was the era when warriors fought across the battlefield, and it was the era when generals rode like a thousand, famous generals with extremely strong personal force Across the battlefield, killing those farmers and soldiers is like harvesting wheat...

"So... can only use the oldest way?"

Isamu Kondo was a little dumbfounded.

"Just follow the method that the stranger said? Sending a master of martial arts to fight him? What era is this, and we still have to use the way of fighting to determine the outcome?"

"... Otherwise, can you find a good way?"

Saigo Takamori rubbed his head in pain.

"How about a few of us together? Are you sure you won't make trouble for me?"

"You should say whether you will make trouble for me."

Kondo Yuto immediately retorted.

But he also knew in his heart that what Xixiang Takamori said was the truth.

After all, in the battle of one against a hundred during the day, that foreign ghost has fully proved his excellent ability in timing, but if there is a slight omission in their cooperation, they will be caught and pulled to block the knife— — Just like Takamori Saigo said just now, having more people is not necessarily a good thing, it is more likely to really cause trouble for teammates.

Isamu Kondo even vaguely felt that in the daytime battle of one against one hundred, the foreign ghost deliberately used this style of play, just to show them that they should not make any indifferent attempts, and it is meaningless to fight together.

And now, there is only one way left for them.

One-on-one, or one-on-one.

Using absolute martial arts to crush that foreign ghost head-on, this may be their only chance to win.

"...By the way, why don't you contact the Englishman to have a look?"

Katsura Kogoro seemed to have remembered something, and turned to look at Takamori Saigo.

"Those Englishmen are also Westerners. Didn't they say they could compete with France last time..."

"Don't ask me, I don't know."

Xixiang Takamori's face was rather ugly.

It's not that he hasn't been in touch. In fact, when he realized that there was a change in the palace, he had already contacted the English for arms support for the first time-but those English who had originally formed an ally with the Satsuma clan seemed to be dead at this moment. Generally speaking, no matter how many letters the Satsuma samurai wrote, they didn't intend to move at all.

"The English are outsiders after all, and outsiders are unreliable. At least now we can only rely on ourselves...but we don't necessarily have to crush them head-on."

Saigo Takamori's face darkened.

"The way of martial arts, or the way of the art of war, is to use justice to win by surprise...Since we may not be able to beat that foreign ghost in the right way, let's try to win by surprise first."

"Surprise victory?"

Isamu Kondo frowned.

"what do you mean……"

"Don't you people from the shogunate often say that we rebels only use assassins?"

Xixiang Takamori showed a fierce face.

"Then this time, I'll let you see how a real assassin uses it."

ps: I took a nap until more than [-] o'clock in the evening. If I feel numb, I will continue to write. How can a fucking person sleep? Today is all night.

ps 2: Thanks to Yuanhuan Reimuji, Nishigaki Nana, Quincy (0v0), Saya who is not Saya, Amon Meow, Yi Jiangfeng, want to join the fan group QwQ, Panda Dashi.This is not arrogant at all, 123 wooden wooden man, Reggae Ki, Okuyama is from the tribe, Naowanwan, Xingluoyu, big man and cute grandma, I am a fish in Beiming, Salty, black jade crystal, Eludy is super cute~ , Thank you all for the rewards from the above nineteen judges. Group q:: according to six ⑧ ② a 7 ⑦ 1 durian

The swordsman wins and loses seven times, he changed Japan: Chapter 106 Chapter [-] Show me your strength with a knife ([-] characters for votes)

When the first rays of the morning sun came up, Dopin opened his eyes.

The bed in the palace is actually not very comfortable to sleep in. Although the decoration is luxurious, it is actually the same in terms of comfort—but this is what Dubin wants. After all, he is still alone in the enemy camp right now, but Can't sleep too much.

In fact, at least until the first half of the night, he was waiting for the attack of those warriors.

He was curious about the way those warriors would kill him.Throwing darts, shooting arrows, poisoning, shooting black guns, or being more ruthless, and directly washing the ground with a few rounds of shells - the first few are not a big deal for Dubin, which is about the same level as the training game, except The last one, if you really want to face the artillery to wash the ground, even for him, it is already equivalent to a lot of strength.

He hasn't tried to face the bombardment of artillery, so he is still a little afraid of this unknown thing. He has appeared countless times in his fantasies, that kind of picture that will still be bombed no matter how fast he moves— —So in order to break through this fear and find a way to deal with it, he decided to try it himself, even if he had to die once.

Of course, in reality, he would definitely not be so risky, but this is a game after all, it doesn't matter if you die and play another mission.

But he has been waiting all night, and he didn't wait for the expected artillery fire.

"This is really..."

Dupin couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

The first thing after waking up is of course to wash up. Even in the game, he still maintains good hygiene habits—of course, while washing up, he can also kill people, such as poisoning his mouthwash. , or simply put his neck around his back and strangle him to death when he lowered his head and washed his face and lost his sight.However, compared with these traditional methods, Dubin expects those warriors to make some new things for themselves.

However, it is a pity that he successfully completed the washing and did not encounter any attacks at all.

"This is really..."

Dupin shook his head even more.

After washing up, of course, he had breakfast. The Emperor’s family and Artoria had breakfast with him—although Dubin didn’t know why the King of Knights had to stay here, but it didn’t matter. At least it works.

"...So that's how you treat your guests?"

Seeing that the breakfast she took a bite of was actually taken away and eaten, no matter how much Artoria thought about it, she couldn't help showing disgust.

"Ask a customer to test you for poison? Are you serious?"

"Didn't you say that you crawled out of the underworld, and when you have a chance, give me some power?"

Dupin scratched his head.

"Look, you've already died once, right? Then you're definitely not afraid of death...Hey, do me a favor. I've fought once anyway, so I'm an acquaintance. Besides, I'm still asking you Did you have meal?"

"So you're going to eat what I've bitten, right?"

Artoria's expression became more and more disgusting.

"It's disgusting, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Oh, no."

Seeing that he was about to be misunderstood again, Du Bin quickly waved his hands.

"How can you think so? This is obviously a recognition of your personal hygiene... Otherwise, I can't let the emperor give me a drug test, right? Wouldn't it be more disgusting, and I can still eat it?"


Arturia probably thought about that scene.

She also lost her appetite.

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