That is, all of this was caused by her.

Although theoretically speaking, she wasn't the one who did it, and she didn't kill many people from the beginning to the end, but she undoubtedly made a lot of effort to achieve such an ending--at the last moment when she was seriously injured and dying, she gave up everything to instill How heroic Mo Li's posture is, how cold her back is at this moment.

Especially when she saw the oriental woman named Souji Okita, the guilt in her heart became more and more intense.

It shouldn't be like this, everything shouldn't be like this, Artoria swears, she just wants to make a fortune for England and herself - this is a dispute between countries, she is also the king of England, although she is only The former king, but isn't it normal for her to do all this?

Between countries, because of conflicts of interests, they start fighting, and then intrigue, making friends from afar and attacking close to each other... Aren't these all normal things?

Yes, everything is normal.

That's the way it should be.

But why, at this moment, she dare not even look at it?


Letting out a long breath, Artoria finally thought of the answer that she was reluctant to admit.

Like, so similar.

The screaming and howling sound of the girl swordsman named Okita Souji in front of her was exactly the same as her back then.

After the knights of the round table died tragically one after another due to martial arts, and after the sword symbolizing royal power was also taken away, she knelt down on the ground like this at that time, crying bitterly to the gloomy sky.

At this moment, she could even clearly perceive what the crying girl swordsman was thinking. After all, she had personally experienced the confusion, hatred, and pain of losing everything—she had thought about it. To take revenge, she would rather die on the spot, but she couldn't even find an opponent. The person who caused all this has long since disappeared and left.

It's just that it was the devil from a foreign land who beat her like this.

But this time, the one who beat the young swordsman to such a miserable state was... herself?

"There is a grievance and a debtor, it's not my doing..."

Sweeping over the beautiful face that was almost identical to her own, Artoria began to sweat.

Indeed, strictly speaking, she was not the one who did it. It was the devil from a foreign land who made trouble in the court, and it was still that devil from a foreign land who slaughtered the warriors. , all this was done by the devil from a foreign land—but she was standing on the sidelines when the court was rioting, just to get more from the treasury.She didn't point out when the foreign devil was ambushed by the warriors, but just sat and watched the warriors hit the stone with eggs. As for the final light cannon... Well, it was indeed due to her magic power to succeed, but the flying knife crucified the emperor Is it her?

It shouldn't be hated on her at all, they were all betrayed by that foreign devil, rounding it up, they should be sisters on the same front!

"Western women!!!"

While she was still working hard on psychological construction, the girl swordsman who was howling in the sea of ​​corpses and blood suddenly yelled terribly.

"I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you!"


Arturia was dumbfounded.

"It doesn't make sense, you really don't make sense."

Seeing that face that was exactly the same as her own, and also gritted her teeth because of resentment, Artoria shook her head repeatedly.

"Shouldn't we deal with that dog man together? I can bear a grudge against me? You are really unreasonable."

However, no matter what Arturia said, she was still on the must-kill list right now—but this was fine in Artoria's view, after all, she was an experienced person in this regard.Just like how she thought it was some kind of special way of death when she saw the foreign devil turning into a spot of light and disappearing, now she was also broken in front of Okita Souji, this girl swordsman should also He would have thought she was dead too.

Sure enough, after the roar, the girl swordsman named Okita Souji fell into confusion again.

No matter how sharp her knife is, no matter how powerful her strength is, how can she be able to cut an enemy that has turned into a spot of light and disappeared without a trace?

Want to hate, but don't know who to hate, want revenge, but don't know who to revenge, the beautiful past will never go back, and the future in front of you has become a fog.

Even if you have power, where can you go?


At this moment, Artoria and Okita Souji in the video sighed at the same time.

There is no way not to sigh, after all, the fate of this young swordsman is too similar to hers, and now she is in the same predicament, it is hard not to empathize with her—but fortunately, she has passed that stage and is already I have been here, so I didn't immerse myself in this negative emotion for too long.

"It's better to see how the harvest is."

Thinking of this, Arturia flipped through her quests.

[British Temporary Mission Line: Across the Ocean]

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land. You, once the king of Britain, have been summoned to this land. You will dominate the decayed warriors of the old era and bring the land of its own. British order! 】

[Mission Objective: Reorganize the Fallen Faction into a British military system, so that it has the quality to become the British Corps (the Fallen Faction has too many deaths, this task has failed)]

[British Temporary Mission Line: Far East Battlefield]

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land. You, once the king of Britain, were summoned to come to this land, but the nasty Frenchmen also came here, and they also set their sights on this undiscovered land. Developed Far East Colonies]

[Mission objective: Assist the English embassy to gain the initiative in the battle against the French embassy (the English embassy failed to win any benefits, this task has failed)]

[Temporary mission line in Britain: behind enemy lines]

[Introduction: Unprecedented chaos and changes are about to take place in this land, but this has nothing to do with you as the British Commissioner. Whether it is reformists or conservatives, they are enemies that hinder the expansion of Britain. Suppress them and weaken them, but Please don’t kill them all, after all, our trade dumping needs a relatively stable order]

[Mission Objective: Suppress and weaken the Barbarian faction and the shogunate, while maintaining the balance of forces between the two sides, to ensure the existence of the most basic order (the order of the Far East Kingdom has been completely destroyed, this mission has failed)]

[British Temporary Mission Line: Trade Agreement]

[Introduction: British citizens need income, and British goods need to be sold, but the isolation and xenophobia of the Orientals make it impossible for us to intervene in their market.Think of a way to knock on their country's door, even if this method is a bit cruel, it doesn't matter, after all, everything is for England]

[Mission Objective: Make the Orientals sign a trade agreement. The mission ends when the agreement is signed (the Oriental royal family is all dead, and the trade agreement has lost the signing target, and the mission has failed)]

"Not one of them!"

Artoria was trembling with anger. At first, she thought that there were so many mission targets, and she could more or less achieve one or two, but now it seems... Her trip was completely wasted!

And the reason for all this is...

"That dog thing!"

After finding the culprit, Arturia couldn't help clenching her fists.

As long as that foreign devil doesn't mess around like this, and follow the normal rhythm step by step, with her strategy and wisdom as the king of knights, she won't be unable to handle a mission goal-but who would have thought that the dog man would directly hit Entering the palace, and even engaged in some big contests in the palace.

Well now, all dead, nothing left.

"I remember you...I remember you!"

Taking a deep breath, Artoria once again deepened her hatred for that foreign devil.

Even if they just cooperated in the mission...

"Oh, right!"

As if remembering something, Artoria quickly turned her head to look at the settlement screen.

She remembered very clearly that besides the mission accident this time, she still had the treasures dug out from the treasury—although she was cut off by the foreign devil on the way, so she had to meet and share half of the treasures, but she paid half of the treasures as After paying the price, the remaining half of her harvest was guaranteed.

According to her agreement with the English consulate, they will share [-]% to [-]%, [-]% will be sent to the mainland as the harvest of Britain, and [-]% will be used as the harvest of Artoria, and those court mages will find a way to discount it for her. ——Of course, if there are treasures with magic power among them, they will be given priority to her, so everyone gets what they need.

"So this should be fine, right?"

Artoria felt a little uneasy. She had failed four missions in a row just now, and she was a little uncertain about this harvest.

It's not that she can't trust the foreign devil. In fact, in terms of transactions, she feels that the foreign devil is somewhat trustworthy. After all, they have been temporary allies for a while. It just came out here, and the foreign devil didn't stay behind.

After the flying knife crucified the Emperor Dongyang, although the foreign devil cut off the supply of magic power to Souji Okita, he was also forced to retreat because of the end of the mission. In other words, the person in charge of controlling the fleet right now , most likely it would be a Frenchie she didn't know at all.

As a Briton, would she trust a Frenchman she didn't know?


This is Arturia's answer to this question.

It's just that Arturia didn't expect that when the picture began to flow, she was shocked to find that she actually knew the Frenchman who appeared in the picture.

Even speaking, it is no longer just a matter of understanding.

In the ship gun battles in the English Channel, she hadn't seen that damn face!

"Gilles de Reis!"

Artoria's eyes instantly turned red.

"How could it be..."

"You did a good job, grandson."

On the screen in front of Arturia, the middle-aged Baron Jill was patting a young man on the shoulder kindly. It was a young man who looked similar to Baron Jill. If Artoria didn’t remember If I'm wrong, this should be the person in charge of the French embassy. It seems to be called Gilles VI?

"Knowing that I was summoned at this time, you should be the most progressive of all my descendants. Tell me, what can't be solved?"

"The batch of treasures..."

The young King Gil VI struggled to explain the situation at hand, including the amount of treasure and their agreement with England.

"If you send it over, it will definitely increase England's national strength. This is not a good thing for us in France, but if you don't send it over, that adult has already agreed..."

"Oh, you said this, it's easy to handle."

Baron Gill smiled.

"It's really not easy for you to do it, but after all, he and I used to be comrades-in-arms. When we marched together, I was also the logistics officer of the army... so I will take care of this matter. I will take care of it later. Write you a warrant."

Saying so, Baron Gil waved his hand.

"Give me all the goods from the British!"


Seeing that Baron Jill signed the warrant with ease, and even used his own exclusive seal, Artoria's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Imagination, imagination still constrained her, she never imagined that those damn French would actually use the technology of summoning heroic spirits on such nonsense.

With 15 minutes of summoning time and a warrant, all the dozen or so shipments of treasures she worked so hard to transport were all swallowed up!

"I killed you..."

Watching Baron Jill's body shatter into bright spots, Arturia gritted her teeth.

But this voice overlapped with another voice in the picture.

It was a young swordsman named Okita Souji. She was still wailing in the ghostly palace in pain. The terrifying voice awakened Altria, who was immersed in loss, but made the knight king suddenly stunned.

Yes, no matter what, she should have more sympathy for this girl who has the same fate as herself, but why did she go to see what she got?

Is it because you don't want to face your former self?


"Perhaps that's what happened to that foreign devil after he defeated me."

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