What can you do now that you didn't do just now?

How can it be!How could there be such a good thing!

"It's a trap!"

At this moment, the girl in red felt that she had finally seen through the arrangement of the foreign monster.

That's right, this is definitely a trap. First use the posture of a torrent of weapons to show unparalleled strength, and then suddenly die down to show the enemy's weakness - of course, in terms of performance, the foreign monster showed a look of wanting to fight. The posture, the "weakness" in the other party was discovered by herself, but what if... this "weakness" is just what the other party wants her to see?


Wiping the sweat off her forehead, the girl in red sneered, and simply stood the big sword by her side, as if she didn't want to move at all.

"Stupid monster, do you think I'll just be tricked by you?"

"Yo? You actually saw it?"

Du Bin, who was originally planning to fight back, couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"... What are you waiting for?"

The girl in red froze for a moment, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

"what are you saying?"

"You're sweating, sister."

Dubin pointed to the big sword beside the girl in red.

"Try again, can you still hold it?"

"Ha, this is a sword I personally forged, how could I not be able to hold it... hiss."

When the girl in red touched the hilt of the sword again, the feeling in her hand suddenly became strange—this great sword she tailored for herself was originally extremely smooth, but at this moment, the feeling of using it was very strange. Suddenly a little more... heavy?

No, it's not the weight of the sword, the sword has always been like this, it has never changed in any way.

It was her physical strength that became weak.

From the high-intensity exercise without warm-up to the sudden stop just now, it gave her a time to relax-it is easy for her body to relax after a high load, but if she wants to As brave as before, it is impossible to do it without a recovery period.

"So say..."

Scratching his head with the hilt of his sword, Du Bin just walked towards the girl in red with two daggers in his hands.

"I'm waiting for your physical strength to decline, what are you waiting for? Waiting for me to finish shooting? This kind of thing is impossible?"

Saying this, Du Bin simply picked up the two broken swords from the ground and threw them at the girl in red again.

This time, the red-clothed girl had a little difficulty resisting.Although the two broken swords were still flung away with all their strength, they obviously lost the precise and elegant posture before—but more importantly, the two intact short swords in Dubin's hands were still not released, which was the reason he held them. The real killer move here.

It is best to hold the ultimate move in your hand, just like now.

Every time he took a step closer, the oppression of death came closer.

Until the pretty face of the girl in red, which was congested and reddened by exercise, became as pale as the snow-white cloth on her chest.

It was at this moment that Dupin lowered his voice.

"I think we can talk about it."

Remembering what Lao Luo said before, about the completion conditions of this quest line, Du Bin showed a kind smile.

"Let me and my companions be free, I can play with you today, so that we can get what we want, and you won't lose face as the emperor... How about it, this price is very suitable, right? "

"……it is good."

The girl in red clutching the hilt of her sword also lowered her voice.

Even she herself didn't know what kind of mentality she had in agreeing to this agreement.

Of course, these are not heard by the audience in the stands. They can only see that their emperor, even after being tricked, still raised his big sword unsteadily at the foreign monster—the foreign monster They rushed over clamorously, the pair of bronze daggers in their hands were so sinister, but at this critical moment, their emperor was so brave that he split the two daggers with a single blow!

And when the fiery red sword was pointed at the chest of the foreign monster, such a mighty foreign monster finally lowered its unruly head.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

At this moment, the voices of the audience have reached the highest point, how eager they are to see His Majesty the Emperor kill and cut off the head of the traitor.

But amidst the cheers, their benevolent emperor shook his head.

"Such a warrior, since he has surrendered to my sword, how can I criticize him... After all, strictly speaking, I lost the battle just now!"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience present was in an uproar.

What did they just... hear?

His Majesty the Emperor, actually openly admitted his failure?

"You heard me right, this is indeed my failure, so even if it's to wake me up, I can't ruin the life of another warrior..."

While saying this, the girl in red returned to the VIP seats in the stands.

Then facing the arena, he made a thumb gesture.

This is a gesture that everyone who knows about gladiatorial combat knows. It is a gesture that symbolizes glory and praise. When the thumb is compared, it means that all the gladiators present will survive!

"Your Majesty the Great Emperor! You are so merciful and generous!"

At this moment, all the audience praised loudly, and even the remaining gladiators in the arena got up one after another, praising the name of His Majesty the Emperor—even Dubin and Lao Luo joined in, praising With the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor.

Of course, unlike those audiences who sincerely praised them for having witnessed the whole wonderful fight, Du Bin and Lao Luo are more just being bastards, but even if they pretend to be, they have to pretend to be a little bit, after all There will be a wooden sword gift link to restore freedom. Only after this procedure can they complete the speed pass and return to the mission hall.

So, since the audience applauded, they should follow suit, without missing a piece of meat.

It's just that the more they applauded, the more the two of them realized that something was wrong.

"...Why are there fewer and fewer people?"

Under the thunderous applause, Du Bin suddenly found that the audience seats in the stands seemed to be getting thinner and thinner.

No, the auditorium is even considered good, and the VIP seats that belonged to the dignitaries have already been completely vacated!


The thunderous applause continued, leaving only Du Bin and Lao Luo speechless for a long time.

They got everything except the freedom they wanted,

ps: I asked for a leave at the beginning of the month. As for the reason, of course I got burned again.At first, I thought that the body temperature had dropped a little, and it was about to enter the stage of stabbing the throat with a knife, but now it seems that the fever has not subsided.

Because it’s too hot, my consciousness is a little drifting, and the things I write at this time must be messy, so for the new crown, I still have to respect it, and I should take a day off. After all, if I really dare to fight the new crown, This thing can really take me away.

Everyone should also pay attention to health issues. Try to take less baths in winter to reduce the possibility of catching cold. We will survive this epidemic together safely.

Also, Happy New Years Eve everyone. qun ① pomegranate 8 17 6 ⑦ a [-]

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Colosseum: Chapter 141 The content of the previous chapter has been corrected, please leave by the way

Burned confused, copied a chapter twice, it is mentally handicapped, it turns out that since the temperature is 39 degrees, it is really not suitable for work.

Everyone clicked the three dots in the upper right corner of the previous chapter, and then clicked to refresh the chapter content, and you can see the normal ones. I am really sorry everyone.

I went on to sleep. Although I said I was going to ask for leave today, it should be on the morning of the [-]nd. After all, the new crown is not suitable for staying up late, which means that I will not be able to code at night for a long time.

Once again, everyone pays attention to your health. This is very important in the current epidemic situation.In addition, those who can get vaccinated should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Don’t be like me, because the code word does not go out, and I have been at home for three years. I have never had a shot of the vaccine.

Hope the epidemic will pass soon.

Group Doctors【《》】⑥Ba 2一77一⑥

Roman holiday, passion in the arena: Chapter 142 The state is not optimistic, please take another day off

As in the title, I thought I would be fine after the fever subsided, but today I suddenly felt very weak and sweated coldly. Although I felt better after eating something, I still couldn’t work in this situation.

Then you can only rest for another day, life is important, and you will definitely not be able to work in this state, so it is better to sleep for another day.

Let's make up the debt when it's better.

Group yi six 8②①7⑦one six

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Arena: Chapter 143 Chapter 130 [-] Are we really playing a game? (four thousand words)

Du Bin and Lao Luo were still in shock until they were taken back to the lounge by the staff—mainly because they couldn't think of it anyway. The npc is actually cheating.

A dick game is so real, even the task npc can lie, as for it?

"Kill it! It must be slaughtered for her!"

At this moment, Dubin was beyond angry.

You must know that after he completely gained the upper hand, he had already made an agreement with the Roman emperor that he would act on his side, and the other party would give him and Lao Luo freedom after his performance-in this case, his side can also be considered A speed pass, and as the gold master, Lao Luo can also get the maximum task reward.Of course, because the process is not right, the rewards may change a bit, but after all, it can be regarded as not leaving empty-handed.

But there was one point that Dupin hadn't considered at all.

That's the mission npc, who will change his mind unexpectedly.

It’s clear that it’s agreed, and each act takes what they need. After all, wrestling is an exhibition match, and it’s normal for everyone to act—but the problem is that he has already finished the performance, and the Roman emperor changed his mind. Quite a few, but nothing was said about setting them free.

This is too much, too much.

"Since the Roman emperor didn't talk about the rules first, then we don't have to talk about the rules with him!"

Lao Luo was also angered. This was the first time he was played by a mission NPC—at this moment, he didn't even want the rewards of the mission, he just wanted to express his anger immediately!

Why do they have to be unlucky!It doesn't make sense at all!

"This one is free! I'm ready to reopen! Let it go Dusan! Kill them all!"

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

That's right, that's what I want. I suppressed myself not to mess around before, and it was also to take care of Hao Houmi's emotions-you know, this is a friendship worth ten thousand gold, how could he do something that is sorry for his friend?

But now, since he doesn't care about the thick rice, what else should he care about?

"Slaughter the city! Must slaughter the city!"

Lao Luo on the side shook his fist vigorously.

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