Is this a little, too much of a joke?


Arturia moved her fists, and her bones cracked.

"I alone am an army."

A black and red armor appeared on Artoria's body.

Immediately afterwards, the magic dragon crossed the border.

In just a moment, the centurion was completely destroyed. Wherever the humanoid dragon passed, the soldiers were all broken—and after Artoria grabbed the two bronze daggers, the battle was even more serious. It turned into a one-sided killing. Facing top knights who were proficient in many kinds of weapons, even a centurion couldn't hold on for even a second.

Of course, such behavior will naturally expose her identity, but for Artoria now, this doesn't matter anymore.

After all, her identity has been found out, hasn't she?

"You actually said that my skin is not as good as that of a village girl, that bastard..."

Whenever she thinks of this, Artoria becomes extremely angry, and even the identity of that foreign devil is downgraded to the level of a beast—it’s okay to say that her skin is not good, after all, she really doesn’t do skin care usually. Sissy behavior, but she is not in good shape... She really can't bear it.

You must know that she is a well-trained warrior, a knight who swings a sword hard every day. Does this mean that she is not in good shape, meaning that she has been training on dogs for so many years?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all, she has been training for so long, this fit and healthy body should be the best - on the other hand, the Roman emperor obviously didn't train much every day, his body was loose and he didn't have any muscles , and even had two fat lumps that prevented him from swinging a sword.

For a swordsman, for a knight, this is a poor figure, with no trace of training.

God knows what happened to that bastard from a foreign land, to say that she has no trace of training, this is simply...

"Then let you take a good look at the results of my training!"

After snatching a trident, the angry Arturia decided to just kill it.

This is of course not a good idea, and even a little too irrational, but it doesn't matter to Arturia who is broken and broken - anyway, she has already determined the location of the fiery red sword, and it is not necessarily necessary to grab this sword If you have to grab this time, it's better to vent your anger first and let yourself feel refreshed.

What's more, Britain and Rome are in a hostile situation right now. Her actions can also be regarded as serving the country and the people. Backed by the righteousness, she can kill as many as she wants. Why would she accept such a purely cool situation? hand?


Shouting up to the sky, Artoria immediately turned into a real dragon, smashing the not-so-strong prison to pieces!

"Let you see the anger of the Britons... hmm?"

Before the routine ruthless words were finished, Arturia saw a ray of light flying towards her, and it looked quite familiar.

If she reads it correctly, it looks like a... sword?

Yes, it is indeed a sword, even speaking, it is a sword she is very familiar with - or, this thing is too familiar to her, this is clearly the fiery red sword she snatched before, and she How could you not know...


Artoria, who sensed something was wrong, quickly raised her head.

But it was this movement of raising the head that made the sharp sword hit the dragon's throat.


Arturia exclaimed, but found that her words began to leak.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon body shrank instantly like a deflated balloon.


An angry Artoria pointed at the familiar figure leaping in the night sky.


"Oh, no, what do you mean?"

Before Arturia could say anything, the familiar foreign devil spoke first.

"I'm just here to stun you, what are you doing with the knife on your neck, no, hey, what do you want me to do?"

"I, you, this, ah..."

Artoria, who had turned back into a human form, clutched her neck, obviously wanting to say something, but the more she spoke, the more blood spurted from her neck.

Soon, Artoria fell to the ground, and her whole body turned into a shattered spot of light, disappearing out of thin air.

Only Dubin silently picked up the fiery red sword and put it back under the cloak.

The soldiers who had just been beaten by the dragon and fled around surrounded them. They didn't know who the rescued warrior was—but at least they knew the great sword that saved them just now, which was handed down by His Majesty the Emperor himself Forged blades.

But their he so tall?

That is, although they all admired that Emperor, at least they all knew that their Emperor was a woman about 1.5 meters tall - but the figure standing in front of them now was wearing a thick hood, He couldn't see his face clearly, but he was 1.8 meters tall, or even taller!

What's more, the auras of the two parties are also a little different. If their beautiful and noble emperor is a walking pheromone, a woman among women, then what appears in front of them now is simply a man among men—— Looking at the posture of the flying sword throwing and killing the dragon, it is already the toughness that many men dream of.The one who appeared in front of them right now is clearly the hero of heroes!

That's right, heroes among heroes, only this word can perfectly describe their current feelings, and only such warriors can make the feat of conquering the dragon.

In fact, until now, these soldiers are a little unbelievable. If it weren't for the remnants of the defeated soldiers all over the ground who could tell what happened just now, they couldn't even believe that they actually saw the legendary "dragon". monster.

"So... isn't this really a dream?"

Some soldiers couldn't help but slap themselves twice.

"Is all this true?"

The two slaps on the face brought burning stinging pain. Although the force was a bit strong when he slapped himself, at least it made the soldiers realize that everything in front of them was real.

Then, it's not easy to handle.

The prison was destroyed, and the two centurions were slaughtered. All of this requires someone to come up with an explanation—and the idea that the dragon crosses the border is obviously the most unreliable idea.Although this is indeed a fact, what evidence do they have?

What about the dragon?It turned into a point of light and disappeared.What about the warrior who slayed the dragon?The warrior has run...

"Hey! How could you let that warrior run away!"

Seeing that at the moment when they were distracted, the hero among heroes just now had disappeared out of thin air, and the soldiers who were already flustered immediately became impatient.

Don't worry, if they fail to keep the warrior who killed the dragon, they will have to bear the blame for this matter-and it is obvious to the naked eye that there will be absolutely no credit for it.After all, from their own point of view, such a thing as a magic dragon crossing the border is like a dream, so how could their superiors, even the elders of the Senate, believe their words?

"It's over..."

At this moment, the soldiers were almost completely desperate.

Obviously the magic dragon didn't kill them, and obviously they had survived the disaster, but immediately they were going to die at the hands of their own people because of their guilt, and died under the trial of the Senate.

Nobody wants to die, and neither do they.

So in desperation, these soldiers decided to try to save themselves.

"...or it's His Majesty the Emperor, anyway, we saw that great sword."

Some soldiers lowered their voices and began to come up with ideas.

"As for the hero among heroes... that must be His Majesty's disguise. His Majesty is omnipotent. She is the most beautiful woman when she is a woman. If she wants to be a man, she will naturally be the most powerful man... and only As strong as His Majesty the Emperor, you can conquer the dragon with a single sword, right?"

"That's right! You're right!"

The rest of the soldiers also nodded.

"All great power belongs to His Majesty the Emperor! It was all done by His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Okay! Let's report it!"

The headed centurion also made a decision, and he was also the one who didn't want to die.

"But don't bite too hard, try to be vague, just say that we saw the sword of His Majesty the Emperor, and the unparalleled posture of conquest that only His Majesty can have... As for the rest, let's talk about us. Injured, if they continue to ask, they will say that they have a headache and can't remember clearly, do you understand?"

"Understood! I have fully understood!"

All the soldiers nodded after hearing this, just because what the centurion said was indeed more detailed than their response method—it can only be said that they deserved to be a centurion, and this method of dealing with the interrogation alone was enough for them to learn of.

And things were just as they expected, and the supporters rushed over quickly, but what was waiting for these soldiers was not a reward, but a criminal trial.

The soldiers who had already completed their confession were naturally not worried about this. Anyway, they all knew that no matter how fierce these interrogators were, they would not be able to question His Majesty the Great Emperor—even speaking, their boasting of His Majesty would still be sent to the court. Go to His Majesty's desk and let them show their faces in front of His Majesty.

It's just that these soldiers didn't expect that their confessions were not sent to the direction of the palace, but were rushed to another palace.

"Go, Brinos."

The luxurious woman was half lying on the couch, casually calling out to the giant man beside her.

"Bring it here and read it to me."

Roman Holiday, Passion in the Arena: Chapter 151, Chapter 140, Chapter 48, Great Rome [-] Hands ([-] words)

After accidentally killing Artoria, Dubin rushed back to report to the Roman emperor immediately.

Of course, in theory, he doesn't need to explain to anyone, including the Roman emperor, but considering the other party's trust in him, Dubin decided to make this trip—after all, the Roman emperor even gave him the sword. This fiery red sword is nothing ordinary at first glance.

Although Dubin doubts that this kind of saying of "taking the sword for self-defense" is buying people's hearts, he also has to admit that this kind of clumsy expression is indeed somewhat useful.

At least it is useful for him. For a person like him who is not used to twists and turns, such a straightforward way of doing things is more to his liking.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand. Since the Roman emperor expressed his kindness first, he will naturally have to reciprocate.

"So... I'm really sorry."

Dubin, who returned to the palace, looked at the Roman emperor in red in front of him and scratched his head for a while.

"It's really not that I didn't try my best. The main reason is that she turned into a dragon and just used her neck to catch the sword..."

As soon as the words came out, Du Bin scratched his head even more, mainly because the idea of ​​becoming a dragon was a bit too ridiculous, at least he wouldn't believe it when others told him so.

To Dubin's surprise, the Roman emperor in front of him didn't say any words of blame, and he didn't even show any doubts.

On the face of the red-clothed girl, only boundless panic remained.

"Didn't you bring it back...Understood, I have fully understood."

While saying this, the girl in red took over her big sword, then turned her back to Dubin, and opened her closet.

A lot of clothes were thrown out, only looking at the thin fabrics, Dubin was a little blind.

"No, you, hey."

Seeing that the red-clothed girl in front of him even began to take off her clothes, Du Bin quickly closed his eyes.

"No need, really, no need..."

"What is unnecessary?"

The suspicious voice of the girl in red rang in Dubin's ears.

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