"how can that be?"

Joan was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe what she saw.

But the hungry stomach drove her body forward.

Picking up a large piece of steak, gnawed several mouthfuls, and poured down a large vat of wine, Joan of Arc regained consciousness after eating so much oil—but the long table in front of her did not accompany her recovery of consciousness And disappeared, even those militiamen also sat in front of the long table and began to eat and drink.

This dreamlike scene made Joan a little dazed, which made her subconsciously look at the stranger.

"Let me re-introduce. Although Lao Luo is wearing knight armor, he is actually a magician."

Patting Lao Luo on the shoulder, Du Bin laughed.

"Can't you think of it? I didn't think of it either."

"Let's say it first, there is only this one meal, and I can't handle the rest."

Lao Luo couldn't help clenching his fists with a heartbroken face. This time he really bleeds profusely.

【Magic Dining Table】

【Grade: D+】

【Type: Disposable Consumables】

[Introduction to the item: The dining table is made of solid wood, but the weight is much lighter than it looks. In the corner of the dining table, one can see the inscription of the creator that has been crossed out. Obviously, the author of this dining table is not satisfied with this work]

[Effect of the item: Use the magic dining table to immediately get food for 20 people. During the eating process, wounds can be healed, energy can be restored, and physical strength, strength and energy can be increased for 24 hours]

[Note: "You ask me why I don't call it a magic dining table? What can only be used once is also worthy of being called magic?"——A certain magician who did not want to be named]

Team recovery, team growth, things of this level can be sold at a high price even if they are thrown into the player market - the only problem is that this thing can only be used once, so Lao Luo has always been preparing to lead the team to open up wasteland in the future Only use it.

But now...

Just use it, whoever made him hungry.

He only has a quarter of the sensitivity, and he already feels hungry. It is conceivable how hungry the rest of the team is—especially Dubin, who has been in charge of the team's security all the time. Ten times the sensitivity is full, coupled with the daily heavy physical exertion, God knows how this is carried over.

"I'm fine. I have a little experience in survival in the wild."

Not paying attention to the rain of arrows falling from his head, Du Bin casually picked up a large piece of pork knuckle, gnawing on it while talking.

"It's just that I forgot that Joan of Arc is now at the age of growth. We can withstand this kind of extreme consumption, but she may not be able to withstand it... So this time, I will pay for your shortfall, and I will pay directly from you. Just deduct it from my gold coins."


Lao Luo, who was drinking to replenish his strength, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The large sum of gold coins in Du Bin's hand belonged to him in the first place. He asked to lend some to the militiamen to change their outfits when he ran out of money. Now the money for the dining table will be deducted from the arrears... which means he still hasn't received the money?

"What money is not money! We are all friends! We are all brothers!"

Before Lao Luo came around this bend, Du Bin had already raised the wooden wine glass.

The fine wine produced by the magic has a rich aroma, which makes people want to drink it with pleasure.

An arrow that fell in mid-air was inserted into the wine glass, but Dubin casually threw it away.

"Come on! Today's journey is a shared adversity. Let's eat first! Eat and drink!"

"Eat and drink well!"

The militiamen also enthusiastically raised their glasses and clinked glasses with their instructors.

After Lao Luo thought about it, he still raised his glass. He was too lazy to count these twists and turns.

Looking at the scene of everyone toasting, Joan of Arc was already stunned.

The arrows in mid-air fell like raindrops. It was a more intensive rainstorm than the previous ones. Obviously, those Burgundians in the distance also saw them having dinner. How could those Burgundians reassure them? Enjoy the delicious food - the arrows falling in the air are nailed to the ground, to the dining table, and even to the delicacies, but the people in helmets and armor in front of them don't care, and even regard the rain of arrows as nothing.

Facing the rain of death falling from the sky, they clinked glasses with each other.

"I'm coming too!"

Joan of Arc also picked up the wine glass and collided with everyone, even if an arrow fell into the wine glass, there was no fear on her face at this moment.

She gulped down the wine with the arrow in it, and the smell of rust mixed in the wine lingered between her lips and teeth.

At this moment, she felt that she came alive.

It is not the satiety after eating and drinking, but the real sense of refreshment.

The little physical strength left has become abundant at some point, and at this moment, her whole body is full of strength!

"Okay, since everyone has eaten enough, let's pack up the leftover food and don't waste food."

Dubin, who was full of food and drink, moved his fist, and his joints cracked.

Although he has maintained his physical strength and does not need any recovery, the boost effect of the magic dining table has also fallen on him at this moment.

He felt that his state was better than ever!

"Now that everyone has recovered, I will announce the next battle plan. If anyone can't withstand the rain of arrows, find a spare set of armor to use as a shield."

Swinging the lance with one hand and dialing the arrow, Dubin waited for the whole team to pack up.

And after the militiamen packed their food and drink on their horses, he continued to speak.

"Since we met the Duke of Burgundy, we have been disgusted for seven days. Everyone must be full of anger. After all, that animal is really not a son of man. He dared to use this kind of bullshit... But, but .”

Having said that, Dupin cleared his throat.

"But now that everyone's condition has almost recovered, shouldn't we be sick of them too?"

"How to say?"

Everyone in the team gathered together and looked at Dubin.

And Dubin also signaled the militiamen to take out a roll of old maps and spread them on the table.


The arrowhead without the shaft was nailed to the map like a sharp throwing knife!

"Right here! We're here to beat them!"

The Battle of Orleans, The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon: Chapter 27 Chapter 27 All Tactic Switchers ([-] words for tickets)

On the seventh day after the start of the harassment offensive, the central army tent in the Burgundy barracks.

Just released two more rounds of arrows, which has almost become a daily routine for the Burgundian sergeants. The enemy needs to shoot arrows when eating, the enemy needs to shoot arrows when sleeping, and the enemy needs to shoot arrows when he defecates and urinates. The "boil the eagle tactic" style of play has been spread among the sergeants, and it has won the praise of the sergeants.

After all, they don't have to rush forward to kill, just shooting arrows every day can weaken the enemy, which is as easy as an outing for them.

But for the Duke of Burgundy, it was not easy.

The rain of arrows was actually unable to cause any damage, and it took him two days to clearly realize this matter—mainly because he really didn't expect that the small team on the opposite side could actually achieve double-layer armor per capita. The chain armor inside the panel armor may have to be covered with a thick layer of armor. This configuration is not enough to deal with this kind of long-distance projectile, even if it is close to shoot, it may not be able to penetrate.

As for the only one in that team who didn't wear armor... he can block arrows.

The Duke of Burgundy has seen this kind of martial art to block one or two arrows, but this Duke of Burgundy has never seen it before.

It was precisely because of the other party's tyrannical performance that it was so inhuman that the Duke of Burgundy completely extinguished his thoughts of fighting head-on.It is true that the soldiers and horses under his command are going to fight, but there is no need for them to waste their lives in vain.

As long as it is consumed first, when the small team runs out of food and even drinking water, their combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced, and they will no longer be able to fight against him.

As long as it is consumed first, this tactic is fine.

It is indeed no problem. You must know that the village of Domremy is in the east of France, while the castle of Chinon, where the French royal family is stationed, is in the west. If you want to go there, you have to go through a large area of ​​the territory of the Principality of Burgundy ——In other words, this is his territory. As long as he doesn't want the opponent to get supplies, the opponent won't be able to get a single wheat cake.

In theory, that should be the case.

But why is he so restless when everything is fine?

"There must be something I've overlooked..."

The Duke of Burgundy rubbed his eyebrows in distress.

He remembered the arrow rain before.

The previous rain of arrows was shot while the other side was eating. The small team found a table from nowhere, and even set up a table of delicious food-these food did not know where they came from , probably the last supply for that small team, and because of this, the soldiers under his command shot a few more rounds of arrows.

But this time, those people had no intention of avoiding them anymore, and the per capita double armor team ate and drank directly against the rain of arrows, as if mocking the cowardice and incompetence of the Burgundians.

But, do you really want to fight that monster in close combat?

"How many arrows do we have?"

Thinking of this, the Duke of Burgundy turned to ask his personal guard.

But immediately, he saw his own bodyguard with embarrassment on his face.

"It's more troublesome, my lord, our arrows are a bit worn out."

When the arrow was mentioned, the guard's expression turned bitter.

"Everyone is shooting arrows, four or five times a day, two or three rounds each time... When you came out, everyone thought it was hunting, so when you prepared your luggage, you didn't expect to bring so many arrows..."

"Okay, I know."

Although the personal guard had already spoken euphemistically enough, the Duke of Burgundy still understood the meaning of the words—in fact, even bringing more arrows was not enough.Fourteen to five rounds of arrow rain are required every day, even if only one hundred arrows are shot in one round, there are already more than fifteen hundred arrows in one day.

It's fine if there is any damage, but this kind of shooting has no effect, and a lot of arrows are wasted every day. Even if he is a duke, no matter how big his family is, he is already a little bit pained.

"It can't be recycled... Forget it, I didn't say it."

As soon as the words came out, the Duke of Burgundy slapped his head.

That's right, he already said something similar on the second day of the "Eagle Boiling Tactic", but the auxiliary soldiers who cleaned the battlefield only brought back a bunch of broken arrow shafts. The firewood is useless, and the most hateful thing is that the arrows have all been pulled out.

Looking at the safe and sound team in the distance, and thinking about the huge consumption of horse chews on his side every day, the Duke of Burgundy suddenly felt as if he was living in a dream.

Obviously, the opponent is only a dozen people, why is the consumption of supplies on his side almost catching up with the official war?

What went wrong?What the hell happened?

The Duke of Burgundy was suddenly in a trance. He always felt that there must be something wrong. It should be him who is suffering the eagle, but why is it that he suffers more and more?

"Just hold on a little longer, just hold on a little longer."

Taking a deep breath, the Duke of Burgundy forcibly suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart. Now it is time to make a final move, how could he give up at this time.

It is true that the small group of enemies had a big meal before, but that should be the last meal. Apart from that food, they should have no more food in storage-and this means that he only It takes a few more days to drag that team to starvation or even water shortage, and they can all be taken down in just a few days!

Neither the soldier, nor the woman escorted by the soldier, let anyone go to Chinon!They will all be dragged to death in Burgundy's soil!

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