Dupin pinned the shocked Duke of Bedford to the spot.

"No, don't run!"

The startled Duke Bedford nodded quickly, how could he dare to make irresponsible remarks in front of the tyrannical ancient warrior at this moment.

But just when the Duke of Bedford thought he was about to be killed, or even eaten raw, the ancient warrior in front of him spoke up.

"Are you from England? Where is your English sword master?"


The Duke of Bedford was a little stunned, he didn't understand what it was talking about for a moment - obviously he could understand every word, but he couldn't understand it at all when they were combined together.

What is England Juggernaut?When did England have something like that?

"……do not have it?"

Du Bin was stunned for a moment, and then disappointment was written on his face.

That's right, he should have known earlier, the English are famous for their longbowmen, how could they have a Juggernaut... Everything is fake, they are all lies to him, they just want him to come to Kaicheng .

"What a beast...you dare to use this kind of thing to lie to me."

The angry Dubin couldn't help but clenched the halberd in his hand, and even because of too much force, the pole of the halberd had been clenched with fingerprints!

This made the Duke of Bedford, who was watching, tremble with fear.

The ancient warrior who appeared out of nowhere... looked disappointed and angry.

If the other party continues to be angry and disappointed like this...

Will he be killed on the spot?

He had seen all the corpses of those black mages just now. The corpses of more than a dozen black mages were neatly turned upside down in a circle, and their heads rolled to the ground. These black mages were obviously dead and could not die anymore—obviously, If it's just killing people, it's as easy as harvesting wheat straw for this murderous figure in front of him. What's even more frightening is that even killing such a thing, the other party just treats it like harvesting wheat straw.

Those were a dozen or so black mages who would kill as soon as they said they wanted to, without even looking at them.If it were him...

Can't die!Absolutely not to die!He is the Regent of England, and he has to train the young Henry VI!How could he be shot to death by the halberd for no apparent reason like this!

"Yes! Yes!"

Just when the halberd was about to be swung angrily, Duke Bedford nodded in approval.

"It really does exist! According to the Sword Master of England, it does exist!"

"Oh? Where?"

Dupin immediately became excited.

"Take me to have a look!"

"This...will take some time."

Taking a deep breath, Duke Bedford couldn't help but think of those black mages.

Right now, the situation is stronger than others, so we can only suffer for them.

All for the future of England!

ps3: I sent away Ziyue who came to Nanjing to visit yesterday, and now I’m completely fine, so it’s time to make a change. @[email protected]@雷依⑥Ba 7①[-]①⑥

The Battle of Orleans, The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon: Chapter 60, Chapter 59, The Victory and Loss Outside the Battlefield ([-] words for tickets)

Along with the corpses of the previous black mages being carried away, another group of black mages was invited over.

This time, the black mages didn't dare to show any arrogant attitude anymore, just because what they faced was not the royal nobles who would treat them with courtesy, but a halberd hanging above their heads—— After paying the price of three lives, all black mages understood the fact that "euphorbia can really kill people".

So when they were working, they worked harder and harder.

"How could this be possible?"

The Duke of Bedford was stunned. He had seen with his own eyes how crazy these black mages were, and even he, the duke, would refuse orders without hesitation. Executing his orders and summoning the powerful Lancelot, are they still reduced to this level, trembling under the domination of this ancient warrior in front of them?

The answer is obvious.

As for.


The halberd hit the ground, splitting the floor tiles in half, together with the figure standing on the floor tiles—no matter how solid the black armor on that figure looked, facing the pole weighing [-] Even with a heavy weapon of [-] catties, it is as fragile as paper.

"Using a sword to break a halberd, is your hand longer or mine? It makes me want to laugh, you obviously haven't been this good before... Hey! Are there any more? Continue!"

The heavy halberd was carried on his shoulders again, and the man carrying the halberd sat back on the throne that originally belonged to the Duke of Bedford.

This made the black mages who were called over feel numb for a while, and quickly took a knife to bleed themselves, and continued to draw the summoning circle.

It was this time that the Duke of Bedford knew that these black mages had lied to him before. The summoning ceremony itself can try to summon directional summons-but this way will consume more mana, and it also needs to have a summoning target Of course, the most troublesome thing is that no one knows whether this relic is real or not.

Even speaking, the relic is not necessarily useful if it is real, it is like summoning with a sword, it is hard to tell whether the summoned is the user of the sword, or a hero who was killed by the sword—— Therefore, in order to reduce their workload, these black mages who don't like to go to work have unified their caliber, saying that this is definitely a random call, and the royal family who don't know magic can't see it anyway.

But this time, in order to save their lives, the black mages chose to work overtime. In order to defeat the unknown foreign devil, they even summoned Lancelot, the strongest Knight of the Round Table, and made Lance Lotte's strength has gone up to a higher level.

And then... no more.

Lancelot stood up and was knocked down for a second. Even the legendary knights couldn't survive for three seconds. What else could they say?

"Damn! Which colleague summoned this monster? Is his family dead?"

The black mages want to cry but have no tears, but they must continue to work under the pressure of the euphorbia - you must know that this is not an ordinary overtime, after all, the call of the taboo must pay the price of the taboo, and they must use their own Only by injecting your own magic power into the summoning can you sustain a summoning with your own blood as an introduction. This is why a dozen or so people are required to do the summoning together. It is only because it is shared in this way that the per capita loss will be smaller, but now...

a game?What a joke!

Ten games may not be enough!

"Come on! Don't dawdle! Where's your English swordsman?"

The man carrying the halberd was already a little impatient, and the halberd circled back and forth above the heads of the black mages, blowing gusts of wind.

This made the black mages who had lost too much blood tremble even more.

"It can't be done, it really can't be done."

A black mage couldn't help calling Qu.

"It was summoned once just now, and we really have no blood to spare."

"Huh? Did you put so much blood just now?"

The man carrying the halberd frowned.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Bedford felt that he had been kicked.

"This is your business, not mine. Go and let them continue the bloodletting, and if it doesn't come out, let your blood be drained."

What's wrong with me!

The Duke of Bedford wanted to run away immediately, but after looking at the length of the halberd, he gave up this stupid decision-he still had the hope of England on his shoulders, how could he be killed by this halberd? Nailed to the ground!

"So, I can only suffer you."

Taking a deep breath, the Duke of Bedford moved closer to the black mages.

"Continue to summon, as if it is for us to survive."

"What does it mean to live for us! If you call us again, we will really die!"

All the black mages lowered their voices and started cursing.

"Which beast summoned this monster! Go and kill that beast! As long as there is no magic power supply, this monster will go back by itself!"

Yes, this is what they should do most now.According to the normal method of summoning, these summoned ancient heroes essentially maintain their bodies through the magic power and blood of the summoner, and this also means that as long as the summoner is killed, where do these ancient heroes come from? will go back.

Of course, this does not rule out some unexpected situations. For example, the summoned ancient hero is a mage who can absorb magic power by himself, or the opponent simply has a magic furnace that can generate magic power. In that case, the summoner is dead. It doesn't matter, the ancient heroes can still act alone - but this kind is obviously a minority among the minority, at least the warrior carrying the halberd in front of him is obviously not in this category.

"So who did it? Find a way to kill that bastard!"


Duke Bedford choked.

If he remembered correctly, those black mages who summoned this monster seemed to have been killed?

"Then the summon should be lifted, right?"

The black mages were also a little dazed, which was a bit different from the summoning they understood.

"Yeah, it's lifted..."

Duke Bedford remembered that the summoning should have been canceled. He even saw the figure holding the halberd disappear into the summoning circle—then the other party appeared at the door and was bumped head-on by him. He can no longer run away.


The black mages were also lost, and the current situation was completely beyond their comprehension.

Could it be that this is God's punishment?Is it retribution for their wanton manipulation of the souls of the dead?

"Hey! What are you talking about! A small meeting behind my back?"

The heavy halberd was once again in front of Duke Bedford and the black mages.

"Aren't you thinking about how to kill me?"


Duke Bedford shook his head quickly, he didn't dare to offend the other party at this time.

But it was this answer that seemed to him to be no problem, but it forced him to get kicked.

"What do you mean without! You better have it!"

The man carrying the halberd roared angrily.

"Use your ingenuity! Use your brains! Think of a way to kill me! At least give me some pressure! Don't get some trash out to deal with me! Hurry up! Let me have a good fight!"


Duke Bedford and the black mages looked at each other.

It was the first time they heard such an outrageous request.

It was the first time they had heard of such a request—begging others to kill themselves—but it was such an outrageous request that they couldn't fulfill it.

So, under the oppression of the euphorbia, the Duke of Bedford had to hold a tournament, trying to find some capable fighters to deal with this monster, and the black mages worked in three shifts, calling for 24 hours a day, Just to be able to find an ancient hero who can rival this monster from the vast past.

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