It is worth mentioning that, because of the bombing outside the campus, Elizabeth University has issued a three-day holiday notice to everyone.

Seems pretty good.

"Miss, Mr. Wilson is here."

At this time, Alison knocked on the door and said.

Wilson is the steward of Hai Nuo Manor, and it is said that he has been the steward of the manor since his grandfather's grandfather.

Later, due to weird and weird influences, Earl Hai Nuo's family members died one by one. In the end, the Hai Nuo Manor was given to Li Yu by Earl Hai Nuo, and Li Yu became the new owner of Hai Nuo Manor logically.

Incidentally, he obtained the title of a hereditary Earl of England.

"Oh, let him in."

Li Yu glanced at Miss Safi, and Miss Safi immediately obediently found a cabinet in the corner and got in.

Li Yu came to the living room on the second floor only after Miss Safi hid herself.

Some changes will be made here, and it will be used as a place for private detective firms to receive clients in the future.

"Miss, this is your customized sword."

Wilson, like many English butlers, is tall and thin in a suit, and fits the stereotype very well.

He opened the suitcase and took out two space capsules for storage.

two swords

While Li Yu was wondering, Wilson opened two space capsules and took out two swords.

A sword has a scabbard. When the sword is pulled out, the light of the sword is like flowing water. You can vaguely see magic power and thunder flickering in the sword, which is very beautiful.

One with only the hilt?


Li Yu quickly thought of something and was a little surprised.

Wilson said: "Miss, because you only said to order two swords and did not specify specific requirements, so I commissioned the casting of these two styles of swords."

"This sword is an alloy cast from extraterrestrial sand and iron. It applies the latest science and technology. It can store thunder in the sword. It has a certain ability to kill grotesques and weirdness."

"In addition, this sword can carry magic power. After injecting magic power, it can exert more powerful power."

"The cost of this sword is 20 billion euros."

Wilson introduced the first sword first and retracted the sword into its scabbard.

Then, he picked up the second sword and introduced: "Miss, this is a lightsaber, which contains extremely terrifying beam energy, please be careful when using it."

"In addition, the cost of this sword is 50 billion euros. It was co-cast by a company sponsored by the manor, and the actual consumption is less."



The cost of these two swords is so high?

Li Yu blinked her eyes. Although she inherited the Hai Nuo Manor, and the property owned by the Hai Nuo Manor is extremely huge, it definitely cannot support her spending like this.


These two swords are really handsome, cool and beautiful!

Wilson said: "Miss, please don't worry about the property consumed by the two swords. The investment income of Hai Nuo Manor this year is very high. After paying the cost of the two swords, there is still a surplus of 22 billion euros."

Ah this.

Is that so?

Inexplicably, Li Yu recalled how she felt when she first came to Hai Nuo Manor and heard Wilson's housekeeper report that she owned assets.

It seems that the money is no longer money in front of her eyes, but a set of pure numbers, losing its original concept.

Since it will not affect the overall asset operation of Hai Nuo Manor, Li Yu is relieved.

After all, if she wants to study magic in the future, she will need to purchase a large amount of magic materials, and this will be a very huge expenditure.

As long as the money can be used as a strong foundation for her to survive better in this dangerous world, then everything will be fine.

Li Yu nodded, picked up the lightsaber, and opened it.

In an instant, a pure sword light appeared in front of his eyes, just holding it in his hand, Li Yu felt as if she was holding some destructive artifact.

"Hiss, so handsome!"

Li Yu looked at it for a while, then put away the lightsaber: "Do these two swords have names?"

Wilson said: "No, the two swords were newly cast, waiting for the eldest lady to name them."

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "This sword is called [Fate], and this sword is called [Li Yu's Lightsaber]... Well, [Fate Lightsaber]!"

This, although I think [Li Yu's Lightsaber] sounds good, but I don't know why I feel particularly ashamed.

Simply add the word lightsaber after fate.

In case of entering some magical forbidden space in the future, magic cannot be used, and [Fate] is restricted again. Wouldn't it be interesting to take out [Destiny Lightsaber] in front of the enemy at this time.

If the other party is confused, she can also explain to others: "My sword is called Destiny, but there is one called Destiny Lightsaber."

Li Yu has already made a decision to use [Fate] in normal times, and use [Lightsaber of Destiny] when there is no surprise.

The first volume is too cute! : Chapter 29 Chapter 29 Detective Agency 36 James Street

"Miss, here are the documents you need to set up a detective agency."

Butler Wilson took out several documents: "Young lady needs to sign here, and the name of this detective agency needs to be named by Miss."

Is it named again?

This, Li Yu knows, the name cannot be the same as that of other companies in the world, otherwise there will be troubles in legal proceedings.

Because there are always some companies that like to touch porcelain, do nothing, just catch other people's company name with part of their registered name, carry out malicious lawsuits, and extort infringement fees.

Ordinary people can't play them at all.

Li Yu blinked and said, "The name of the detective agency is 36 James Street."

Is it so casual?

Butler Wilson wanted to complain.

It's just that he thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing unreasonable in using such a name.

"I see, miss!"

Wilson wrote down the name of the detective agency and asked, "Miss, do you need to advertise the business of the detective agency?"

Li Yu shook his head: "Build a website, the name is 36 James Street, and let people make commissions through the website. I'll see if I can accept it."

Wilson said, "Yes, Missy!"

After finalizing some details, Butler Wilson said goodbye and left.

It was almost 5:[-] p.m., the night was coming, and the danger was approaching unconsciously.

Li Yu kept the habit when he was in the Dragon Kingdom, and never went out at night when it was not necessary.

Now she got a brand new wand and two swords, and the detective agency will be registered tomorrow.

That way, she'll be busy in no time.

Therefore, in order to obtain more magic power smoothly in the future, Li Yu needs to broadcast more live broadcasts now.

As for today, after dinner, take a bath and have a good sleep first!

"Oh, Miss Safi, what's the name of this wand?"

"I don't know, I only know that this wand is said to be made from the branches of the World Tree, but does the World Tree really exist in this world?"

Miss Safi expressed doubts about this.

Like this?

Li Yu glanced at the magic wand that was put aside: "Well, then, that's it, good night, Miss Safi!"

Miss Safi obediently got into a cabinet: "Good night, miss!"


"Didn't she broadcast live?"

Scotland Yard, asked Southwark Conan Doyle, who had just returned from a field trip.


Chief Inspector Chloe Dawes shook his head.

Today, the members of the Blood Parliament have gone completely insane. They wrecked everywhere and created chaos. In just one day, nearly 106 people died and more than 500 people were injured, which caused great panic among the citizens.

This wasn't a big deal at first, but following Southwark's investigations, he discovered that in this sabotage operation, at least 10 members of the Blood Parliament had been mobilized, and that didn't include Celtic, the secretary of the Blood Parliament.

In a certain sense, apart from the chairman of the Blood Parliament, Emon Hanks, the Blood Parliament is fully present in London.

Don't they want other strongholds in Europe?

Southwark wanted to ask such a question, but no one would give him an answer.

Judging from the clues obtained so far, the other party is likely to be brewing an extremely terrifying conspiracy in London. If something goes wrong, it may even make the whole of London disappear from this world.

It is not unheard of for a large city with tens of millions of people to disappear out of thin air since grotesques have been rampant in the world.

In this comparison, Scotland Yard was accused by many aristocratic families in Europe of putting pressure on it because of the murder of a student at Elizabeth University, which is no longer a problem.

For this reason, Southwark wants to inquire about the stronghold of the Blood Parliament in London, as well as the whereabouts of Sir Lemon and other murderers through the live broadcast room of the great astrologer Coco. After obtaining this information, they will cooperate with the Silver Dawn to give each other a fatal blow .


The virtual anchor, the great astrologer Ke Ke, didn't even broadcast live!

He has already recharged the 1000 Euro money and is ready.


At the same time, the Bloody Parliament is also watching Li Yu's live broadcast room.

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