Xu Qiansu picked up Liuwei, stepped on the floor of the corridor, and there was a soft creaking sound of being in disrepair.

He pushed open the door, and immediately frowned.

Li Liai followed closely behind him, her expression was a bit stunned, and when she saw Xu Qiansu standing by the door frame, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xu Qiansu closed the door, roughly confirming the reason why Mu Yu assassinated him.

There is a poke ball teleporter in the room...

Most of the trainers lying on the ground died because of this.

But he didn't even bother to dispose of the corpse, just throwing it in the room like garbage...

It can't be said that Xia Chen was originally Mu Yu's target, but the arrival of Xu Qiansu obviously disrupted his plan.

Looting Pokémon is really normal in this world, just like Team Rocket...Xu Qiansu doesn't think that everyone on Team Rocket is one of those three treasures.

However, even if you want to grab Pokémon, you must have a profit-making channel. If you want to get to the bottom of it, there are too many things involved behind it.

Xu Qiansu thought for a moment, then fished in his pocket, wanting to tell his little master Caidou.

It happened at the boundary of Suchuan Town, so let Caidou, who is the owner of the Alliance Gym, track down and solve this kind of thing.

Feeling empty in his pocket, Xu Qiansu remembered that his mobile phone had been scrapped.

There are a lot of good things in it...

Seeing this, Lilia quickly handed him her mobile phone.

"Thank you." Xu Qiansu took Liliai's white phone, was about to press the dial button, and immediately glanced at Xia Chen without any trace, and finally just sent a text message.

[Lilia and I were assassinated, and there seems to be a Pokémon trading organization behind the other party, but don't worry, we're fine. 】

Briefly talked about the things here, and shared the location of this wooden house.

Xia Chen came here, in order to prevent being discovered, Xu Qiansu didn't say too much, and returned the phone to Li Liai.

"The information storage chip is not broken yet..." Li Liai on the side disassembled Xu Qiansu's phone and took out a small chip.

Xu Qiansu was slightly taken aback, "You still understand this?"

"Because I'm always at home alone... I read all kinds of books when I'm bored." Lillie replied.

Xu Qiansu took a look at her, and didn't answer because it involved Li Liai's family affairs.

Xia Chen approached and asked, "I know there is a place that is absolutely safe, how about we go there first?"

He wanted to leave a long time ago, and Xia Chen didn't want to stay in this wooden house for a moment.

"it is good."

The three of them left the wooden house, led by Xia Chen, and walked in one direction.

Although there were some changes along the way, fortunately, Xu Qiansu's ultimate goal was achieved.

Not long after, Lillie's cell phone suddenly flashed a light, and Caidou sent a text message... to convey Miss Mary's question.

She asked: [Why did you choose the newsletter?Is it not convenient to talk?What about Xu Qiansu? 】

But at the moment Li Liai was assassinated, her little head was still in a daze, and her phone was in her pocket, so she didn't find this text message at all.

In their wooden house, Mary looked at the phone that hadn't been answered for a long time, and returned it to Caidou after a while.

Immediately, Ma Li glanced at the head of Meow, then looked away, nodded slightly, "Go to the wooden house that Xu Qiansu said, there should be his smell left, find him first."

At this moment, Xu Qiansu and the others obviously encountered something unexpected, but the mobile phone did not answer, and there was no news after only replying to a text message. In such a situation, Ms. Mary couldn't help thinking wildly.

Was Xu Qiansu arrested?or what?

Several thoughts flashed through Mary's heart, even though Xu Qiansu had said that they were fine.

It has nothing to do with whether Miss Mary is calm, smart, or able to accurately judge the situation... In fact, just four words are enough to describe Mary's state of mind at the moment.

She worries about him.

Mary, Sharina, Kirulian and Miaotou went to look for Xu Qiansu. Kaqi and Xiaozhi, who were out to investigate, would soon follow, and the rest stayed in the wooden house... Their strength is not strong. When something happens, you have to be distracted to protect it, so naturally you won't follow.

This operation also gradually changed from finding the enemy scouts to... saving the soldier Qiansu.

At least for Miss Mary and Kirlian.


Suchuan Town.

In a room in a villa, several handsome men gathered together.


A pothole suddenly appeared in the center of the room, and a young man who was covered in scorched black, shot in the abdomen, and bleeding profusely crawled out of it, lying on the clean carpet, gasping for breath.

A six-tailed monster followed closely behind and turned into a variety monster, lying on the ground like a puddle of cement, obviously exhausted too much physical strength.

If the Variety Monster hadn't turned into Six-Tails and used its characteristics, it could barely protect the young man from being burned to ashes, but even so, the jet flames used by Xu Qiansu's Six-Tails were not so easy to catch.

The young man's injuries were quite serious, his whole body was covered with burns, and even if he survived without a single piece of intact skin, he was completely disfigured from the beginning to the end.

The sudden appearance of the young man made everyone slightly startled. One of the seventeen or eighteen men frowned slightly, looked at him a few times, and then smiled in an exaggerated tone: "Isn't this Mu Yu? Why are you in such a mess? ? Have you encountered a stubble?"

"...shut up." Mu Yu's lips murmured for a while, and then he whispered weakly, "No matter what, it's better than you who were beaten and fled by a rookie who only had a different color Lalu Lasi... and I also lost the wishing star..."

Mu Yu's words obviously touched the man's pain. Although he retreated decisively in Cuixue Town at the beginning without any injuries, this incident completely nailed him to the pillar of shame. Not holding its head up within the organization.

"If it weren't for the fact that the organization is in a critical period at this moment and cannot be noticed by the alliance, I would have taken revenge a long time ago, but you..." The man looked at Mu Yu again, and said with a smile: "First find a way to get out of bed talk later."

The rest of the people present turned a blind eye to the cynicism of the two, but called the medical staff.

A group of medical staff soon came outside the door, and carefully lifted Mu Yu, who was paralyzed on the ground, away.

Mu Yu was carried away, and the man who had just talked to him sarcastically stopped his smile and said in a low voice, "Recently, things are really not going well, and even the underground research institute near Mugan Town has been cleaned up by the Alliance... If It's not that the hands and feet are clean, I'm afraid it will be exposed here."

"I've been here for so many years, I don't need to care about the momentary gains and losses, the final result is everything." A well-dressed middle-aged gentleman pressed his top hat and said with a smile.

"...Yes, we have been here for so many years." Hearing this, the man shook his head with a dumbfounded smile and stopped talking about this matter.


The sun is sinking day by day, and the setting sun is falling.

Xu Qiansu let out a breath of white air slightly, walked on the snow, looked at the single-family wooden house in front of him, and felt a little happy in his heart.

The structure is not much different from the wooden house they lived in, but the terrain is obviously different.

The wooden house here is at a higher altitude and is closer to the cliff. You can clearly see the endless wilderness and sparks below the mountain. The scenery is very magnificent and beautiful.

The setting sun and the little lights in the wooden house complement each other, the cold wind blows slightly, and the snow on the wooden roof is rolled up a little, floating in the air, reflecting the color of the setting sun, and finally drifting down the mountain.

Finally found here.

The base camp of the enemy.

Chapter 128 Rescue the soldier Assu (3)

"Here?" Xu Qiansu pretended to be puzzled and looked at Xia Chen.

Xia Chen obviously didn't have any romantic feelings. He looked at Xu Qiansu and grinned, and said directly, "Mr. Onio lives."

Looking at Xia Chen's hearty smile, Xu Qiansu turned his eyes away and looked at the wooden house, thinking that Xiaozhi's little fan is really similar to Xiaozhi, and if he lied to him like this, he was a little like a kid Feel.

But I can be regarded as indirectly saving Mu Yu's life... let's say it's evened.

"Geng Ga!" At this moment, a chubby Geng Gui came out of the ground, opened its mouth wide, exposed its teeth, stretched out its tongue, and floated in the air to meet Xu Qiansu's eyes.

Obviously trying to scare him.

"Huh!?" Liliai's pretty face turned pale, and she subconsciously grabbed the corner of Xu Qiansu's clothes.

"Geng Gui... I heard that his body is the same as a certain blue fat man's four-dimensional pocket, and he can access items without restriction. I don't know if it is true or not." Xu Qiansu looked at Geng Gui and pondered. .

He slapped the tip of his nose, squinted at Geng Gui, and asked, "What did you eat? A taste."

"Geng?" Geng Gui was startled, two chubby hands held his big tongue to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, there was no smell?On the contrary, it was very fragrant, which reminded Geng Gui of the scallion curry that he ate at noon today... His mouth watered just thinking about it.

It looked at Xia Chen with a longing look on its face, "Gengga~"

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Xia Chen hurriedly protected the elf ball on his back, "How many times have I told you that you can't eat the scallions of the scallion duck!"

Xia Chen also has a duck with green onions.

Xu Qiansu silently collected information.

Unfortunately, the scallion ducks in the Kanto area cannot evolve into scallion soldiers.

That is the true sword and shield beast.

Seeing this, Lilia took out a can of elf food from her backpack, opened it, and carefully placed it on the ground. Geng Gui laughed, and began to eat it unceremoniously.

Liliai blinked, and curiously reached out to touch the purple spikes on Geng Gui's back.

Although it is in the shape of spikes, it is soft and cool... Thinking about it, Lilia couldn't help laughing.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, a faint voice came from the side.

"Huh!?" Liliai, who was frightened again, backed away from Geng Gui, and quickly hid behind Xu Qiansu, grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"Ah!?" But the visitor was also frightened by Lilia, and hid directly behind Geng Gui, his petite figure being tightly blocked by the purple fat man.

"Geng?" Geng Gui's cheeks were stuffed to the brim. Hearing this, he raised his head, glanced at Lilia, then at the person hiding behind him, then lowered his face again, and continued to eat.

The person who was frightened by Li Liai leaned out from behind Geng Gui and looked at Xu Qiansu and Li Liai.

Xu Qiansu turned her head to look, but it was a short child with messy hair and a white mask with three holes.

"Onio..." Xu Qiansu murmured to himself. Although he was only a child, probably only ten years old, younger than anyone else in the field, he was a real ghost-type gym master in the Galar region. .

The strength in the Pokémon battle is comparable to Little Master Caidou, otherwise he would not be the gym trainer in Suchuan Town.

With such strength at such a young age, when he gets older, he will probably be a strong candidate to defeat Emperor Dan.


"Huh!?" Noticing that Xu Qiansu was looking at him, Onio quickly retracted his body behind Geng Gui.

For some reason, Onio is extremely afraid of people's sight, and has an extremely introverted and timid personality. Outside of the Champions Cup, he basically stays in the cemetery or ruins, and stays with ghost-type Pokémon all day long.

Here it is necessary to mention the rules of the Galar Champions Cup.

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