Although if this continues, Cattleya's super power will become weaker and weaker, but she doesn't care about this... The only thing she cares about is Kyurem's last sentence.

[The future is doomed to lose happiness and lose Cattleya's most important thing. 】

Cattleya's most important thing, or the most important person... is obviously Zhulan.

Kyurem may kill Zhulan, or Zhulan will die because of Cattleya under a series of coincidences...

Cattleya thought of countless possibilities, but something like fate is intangible, unpredictable, mysterious and mysterious... It doesn't make any sense to stay where you are and think hard.

Only take one step at a time.

Cattleya chose a simple but most efficient method, that increase her own strength as much as possible, and then killed Kyurem.

Cattleya is as arrogant as Kyurem, and thinks very highly of herself...but that doesn't mean she's stupid and pedantic.

Therefore, she agreed to the invitation of the Hezhong Alliance and became the superpower king of the Hezhong Alliance. During this period, at the cost of losing [-]% of her mental power, she completely controlled the superpowers that she had not mastered for many years.

But Cattleya didn't have too many emotional ups and downs, and her childhood experience had already made her flattered or humiliated.

She used the abilities given to her by Kyurem to control the top management of the United Alliance, so as to increase her identity and voice...

As for whether Kyurem will leave behind in terms of ability, Cattleya is not worried about this.

As a result, she has already figured out this ability.

Secondly, with Kyurem's character of being the only one who dominates the world, if he would play tricks in this regard, he would not have let Cattleya go back in the first place.

Therefore, Cattleya asked the United Alliance to issue a top secret order.

Gather Adek, the champion of the United League, the Four Heavenly Kings, the owners of the main avenues, the champions of the Hezhong regional competitions in the past, and many powerful trainers... to encircle and suppress Chief Rem.

This move was too big. Although Cattleya didn't care, she didn't want to cause an uproar in the outside world, so she acted secretly.

Just like the red sun in the Xicui area this time, those strong people would never have imagined that Cattleya was the one who planned everything, and the purpose was neither for the righteousness of the world, nor for profit...just because of Cattleya. Liya's personal grievances.

But Cattleya didn't inform Zhulan, even though Zhulan was the strongest among the group... Anyway, she was still afraid that something would happen to Zhulan.

They came to the place where Cattleya met Kyurem.

The same underground cavity, the same darkness, and Kyurem, who has recovered from his injuries.

But Kyurem, who was defiant and condescending to all living beings, did not get angry because of this... because at that time, another divine beast was present.

One of the three dragons of Tao, the ideal dragon, Zekrom.

Cattleya thinks that the appearance of Zekrom is a satire on her overreaching.

But Zekrom did not communicate with Cattleya, nor did he pay any attention to anyone present. He just looked at Kyurem for a few times, and then retreated with him... Maybe they encountered something important, or Zekrom stopped Kyurem from fighting them...

In short, this time, even in the history of the United League, it was an extremely rare all-out siege, and it ended without a problem with Kyurem's departure.

With the strength of the United Alliance, it is not known whether Kyurem can be defeated, and it is impossible to prevent Kyurem from leaving.

However, when leaving, Kyurem told Cattleya two more things, perhaps out of joking.

One is that Cattleya's super power is getting weaker and weaker. Unless she can get the help of a certain beast, she will definitely not be Kyurem's opponent, but it is not impossible. As for the specific method... it is again A sentence like "good fortune depends on misfortune, and every loss must be gained" and so on.

The second is that there are only three years left before the arrival of "destiny".

At that time, Cattleya was 17 years old.

And now, Cattleya is 20 years old...

After that siege, no matter how hard Cattleya searched, there was no trace of Kyurem.

Although Cattleya has secretly controlled the Hezhong Alliance, she is only in front of the superpower king of the Hezhong area smoothly... In fact, Cattleya only controlled the Hezhong Alliance to carry out a siege, and never used the Hezhong Alliance again What does the league do.

After all, Cattleya has no shortage of money, status, and no ambition to dominate the world... She just wants Zhulan to live well.

In this way, three years have passed.

Over the past three years, Cattleya has used various methods to search for the traces of Kyurem, and has also communicated with many superpowers such as Gejihua, Nazi and others, eager to find a way to save Zhulan... But if it doesn't work, it won't work. The fate set by a divine beast cannot be changed by manpower.

Immediately.Cattleya met Xu Qiansu in December in Mugan Town, Galar Region.

A man from another world.

With such an identity, Cattleya was somewhat surprised and curious, but it only stopped there.

She is not interested in Xu Qiansu, so what does Xu Qiansu's identity have to do with her?

Just passers-by.

In fact, except for Zhulan, Cattleya basically sees everyone like this.

Xu Qiansu was no exception.

Because she didn't care about him, Cattleya acted according to her heart in front of Xu Qiansu... If she wanted to sleep in Mugan Town, she would sleep in Mugan Town, if she wanted to help him, she would help him, if she didn't want to help him, she wouldn't help him... …Xu Qian thought that his words played a lot of role in front of Cattleya, but in fact it was not like that at all.

However, because Zhulan likes to train new trainers, Cattleya paid some attention to Xu Qiansu... If Zhulan wants Cattleya to help, then so be it.

In this way, until February, Xu Qiansu came to Binhai City and stayed in Cattleya's seaside villa.

Cattleya doesn't care about Xu Qiansu's arrival... because it's getting closer to the "destiny" that Kyurem said at the beginning.

Calculating the time, there are still less than two months.

In the past two months, Zhulan might leave Cattleya due to various reasons... Such a fact naturally made Cattleya's heart unable to accommodate anything other than Zhulan.

Of course, no one can see this... Even today, Zhulan doesn't know that Cattleya is still carrying such a secret.

Just when Cattleya was thinking hard about how to break the trap laid by Kyurem...Xu Qiansu and Mary had a quarrel.

The reason, process, and even the speech of the quarrel made people laugh. Cattleya only felt that the two were naive and ridiculous...Xu Qiansu believed that getting along with each other would always be accompanied by conflicts, but as long as they were considerate, there would be no problem. When she confessed her mistake to Mary for this reason, Cattleya couldn't help laughing out loud in the room.

Cattleya has never had any big or small conflicts with Zhulan. She believes that Xu Qiansu and Ma Li's quarrel is in the final analysis just a bad relationship.

But having said that, Cattleya didn't dislike Xu Qiansu's thoughts, on the contrary, she had a little appreciation... From this, an idea suddenly came to her inexplicably.

What Kyurem said back then was that Cattleya would lose her happiness and her most important things... This obviously has a causal relationship, that is, with the death of Zhulan, Cattleya has no hope of living.

But what if... Cattleya's most important person is no longer Zhulan, but someone else?

This kind of inexplicable thought that could not withstand scrutiny, once it appeared, firmly took root in Cattleya's heart.

For Zhulan, Cattleya is willing to do anything, for Zhulan, she is willing to sacrifice anything... as long as Zhulan can live, as long as Zhulan doesn't hate her.

Most importantly, Cattleya has no time left.

If he didn't act again, Zhulan might really die.

So Cattleya chose this method which was not an option.

But the most important person for Cattleya will only be Zhulan, no matter what happens, it can't be anyone else...

However, Cattleya is a person with superpowers... Suggesting to herself, she will naturally...

The 'other person' who will die instead of Zhulan can be anyone, anyone... But since she will become Cattleya's most important person for a short time, it is better to choose someone whom Cattleya does not object to ...That's why Cattleya chose someone she didn't hate, and who she wouldn't regret after death, that is, Xu Qiansu.

So Xu Qiansu, for the sake of Zhulan, please drown in the struggle between Cattleya and Kyurem.

After you die, Cattleya's self-suggestion will naturally be lifted, and Zhulan is still Cattleya's most important person, and the price of fate will be paid by Xu Qiansu...

To Cattleya, exchanging Xu Qiansu's life for Zhulan's life was a worthwhile deal.

So she hinted at herself without hesitation, and had a lot of good feelings for Xu Qiansu out of thin air.

But Cattleya didn't lose her memory, and she didn't forget her purpose, so she intuitively felt that these were not enough... just self-suggestion was not enough.

Bamboo orchid is so important to Cattleya that it has become a spiritual pillar.

Cattleya observed Xu Qiansu and Mary's quarrel, reconciliation, and the usual day-to-day relationship, quarreling, and finally decided to add more drama... love.

After all, Cattleya is not a love brain. On the contrary, she is very rational and ruthless... If Xu Qiansu doesn't love her, then Cattleya can't fall in love with Xu Qiansu anyway, even if she has self-suggestion, it's impossible.

She wants Xu Qiansu to fall in love with her, pursue herself, and add her own self-suggestion to fall in love with Xu Qiansu... In this way, Xu Qiansu's position in Cattleya's heart must surpass Zhulan for a short time...

Immediately replaced Zhulan to die.

For this reason, Cattleya began to do some things without borders to Xu Qiansu, using undefended actions, speaking skills, giving benefits and other means, involuntarily showing her closeness to Xu Qiansu...

Cattleya, with a noble status and a beautiful appearance, coupled with some small tricks, there is no man in this world who can not fall in love with her...

But Xu Qiansu didn't.

Cattleya often reads Xu Qiansu's heart, so she knows that if there is nothing, there is nothing.

Although there are heartbeats and ripples, they will soon be suppressed by Xu Qiansu... Cattleya knows who all this is because of.

So she wanted to kill Ma Li... But Zhulan often stayed in the villa at that time, and she couldn't just kill her at will, she needed careful planning. After all, Xu Qiansu was very smart, and once she was exposed, everything would fall by the wayside.

Neither Xu Qiansu, Ma Li, nor Zhulan knew that during those peaceful days in the seaside villa... Cattleya was planning to murder Ma Li.

But just as Cattleya was planning carefully, Xu Qiansu and Mary went out.

And Cattleya had a premonition that Xu Qiansu might die for no reason.

no!Cattleya understands that Xu Qiansu's status in her heart is not as high as that of Zhulan, so Xu Qiansu's 'death' at this time is definitely not the fate that Kyurem said.

But the premonition was just a premonition, even Cattleya did not expect that the Galaxy team would have a way to make the power of the fireball slate in Liuwei's body go berserk...

Xu Qiansu disappeared.

All of Cattleya's schemes were in vain... There was no reason to murder Mary.

Could it be that Kyurem expected all of this, self-suggestion is just deceiving himself after all, no matter what, Zhulan, as Cattleya's most important person, will definitely die...Xu Qiansu, as Cattleya's pawn, has not yet played As a result, he died under the interference of fate.

If this is the case, even if Cattleya finds a substitute for Xu Qiansu, he (she) will die inexplicably before he (she) can play a role.

Such a fact made Cattleya feel confused and wasted a few days... Immediately after, Mary suddenly returned to the villa.

Cattleya didn't care about Mary, so when Mary was injured and hospitalized, Cattleya never asked or cared... But Mary brought a piece of news that shocked Cattleya...Xu Qiansu It turned out to be alive.

Still living in the Xicui area 1000 years ago.

Such good news means that the facts are not as inexplicable as Cattleya guessed... Her recent plan is feasible.

She was going to the Xicui area to find Xu Qiansu.

First, to continue to carry out her plan.

Secondly, maybe the self-suggestion in recent days has worked. The victim who died instead of Zhulan, the victim who made Cattleya fall in love with him for a short time, Cattleya only wanted to choose Xu Qiansu.

Therefore, after some psychological construction, Cattleya chose to risk her life, crossed the back of the world, opened the door of time and space, and came to Xicui area on February [-]th.

But something unexpected happened.

Even though Cattleya has already made sufficient preparations, traveling through time and space as a human will not be easy...

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