"Mom, I'll take these things away!"

After dinner.

Zhong Xiaoai started a new round of sweeps at home.

"Mom, what is this? I haven't eaten it, so I took it away!"

After hearing this, Mother Zhong immediately picked up the feather duster: "You haven't eaten it, Qisheng hasn't bought anything for you, put it down!"

"Mom, do you want to eat? Besides, it's late at night, so there are some for sale. Well, the main reason is that Zhigan wants to eat!"

"Zhiqian is only one year old, what can he eat!"


"Dad, your tea is pretty good. Qisheng hasn't had any good tea to drink recently, and those old men have taken all of them. I'll take some back to Qisheng!"

Father Zhong sat on his chair.

Holding a book, I read it slowly.

When you hear Zhong Xiaoai's words, pretend you didn't hear them.

But when seeing what Zhong Xiaoai took away.

Eyelids still twitched.

Want to say something.

But finally endured it.

My own daughter, hold back, hold back!

Zhong Xiaoai yelled at one mother and one father.

But the hand didn't stop at all.


Just carrying the big and small bags, I left my parents' house directly.

When Gao Qisheng came, he was carrying some fruit.

But when he left, he brought two big bags of various things.

Although the packaging is simple, the contents inside are not cheap at all.

"Qisheng, let's hurry up, I always feel like my mom and dad want to beat me up!"

Zhong Xiaoai hugged Gao Zhiqian and said in a low voice.

Gao Qisheng glanced at Zhong Xiaoai.

If I have a daughter in the future, the same is true.

I definitely want to fight... Maybe I will?

the other side.

After Gao Qisheng left.

Mother Zhong looked at Father Zhong.

"Why didn't you talk after taking your tea?"

"What are you talking about? The young couple are living a good life, and they can come to our place every week to enjoy the autumn breeze, which shows that the two are in love. I'm too happy to be happy!"

Hear this.

Mother Zhong nodded.

I agree with Father Zhong's words.

"But Qisheng gave me a big problem, the Z-type centrifuge, this thing can't be done just by thinking about it!"

"Try it, it's not a trivial matter that Qisheng has been able to speak for so many years, and I listened to it, isn't it for the quantum computer? Is that thing really so powerful?"

Mother Zhong nodded: "It's amazing, how should I put it, with quantum computers, it may become easier for us to go to the moon!"

Hear this.

Father Zhong immediately nodded and said, "You must persist. I said I would send you the moon. Let me tell you. Here is a piece of lunar soil for you!"

Hear this.

A smile appeared on Mother Zhong's face immediately.

But still gave Zhong Mu a supercilious look.

"Okay, how grown-up, and still so dishonest, I'll go get in touch, but there shouldn't be much hope!"

After Mother Zhong finished speaking, she took her mobile phone and started calling.

ps: Ask for a full order, ask for a full order, today I want to go to Tianyi, everyone, please give me a full order, and I won’t ask for it in the future, kneel down and beg everyone, let the children realize their dreams, Please! .

135: Gao Qisheng, nicknamed by others, the walking God of Wealth

Pengcheng, DJI company.

DJI is currently in trouble.

Wang Tao lived with the help of his teacher Li Zexiang in 2006.

DJI Corporation was established.

Including the two people brought by Wang Tao himself, there were only four people in total.

After nearly two years of development.

Dajiang company, the funds began to have problems.

In the beginning, I paid for it myself.

Or Li Zexiang paid for it.

But with the continuous deepening of research.

Various trial and error.

Wang Tao had almost the money in his hand, and all of it had been used up.

Li Zexiang also took out a lot.

I don't have much on hand.

Now Wang Tao has fallen into a state of two years.

Or go back to your hometown, seek help from your parents and relatives, and continue your research.

Or it is to attract investment.

Several companies that want to invest in DJI are all foreign-funded enterprises.

Wang Tao, who has studied abroad, knows it well.

What does foreign capital look like.

If you agree to their shareholding.

It may be who owns DJI in the future.

But if all the money from the parents' pension is taken out and invested in it.

Once it fails.

Then after my parents...

At this time, Li Zexiang made a suggestion.

You can apply to Mrs. Zhong.

I thought that Wang Tao's level would definitely not be able to reach Zhong's mother's level.

But Li Zexiang is different.

It is a big player in automation and intelligent robots.

I often go back to China to participate in some exchange meetings.

So get to know Mother Bell.

"Who is that?"

Li Zexiang immediately smiled and said, "Gao Qisheng's mother-in-law!"

As soon as this sentence comes out.

Wang Tao was taken aback for a moment.

Gao Qisheng knew it.

Now the leading commercial powerhouse in the country.

Known as a business genius.

He is also one of Wang Tao's idols.

After other entrepreneurs become famous and make money.

It will start all kinds of publicity about success, or all kinds of extravagance and waste. Of course, some of them are very low-key after making money.

Whether it's extravagant and wasteful flaunting of wealth, low-key rich, or those who promote success.

In Wang Tao's eyes.

These people do not contribute much to society.

Especially those coal bosses.

Among those who were going to invest in Wang Tao.

There is a coal boss.

For this kind of people who make money by reselling resources, Wang Tao despises them in his heart.

Because Wang Tao only believes in one sentence in his heart, the country is rejuvenated by science and technology, and the country is strengthened by science and technology.

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