For Ye Zhao, the rare five-star habitat today is indeed auspicious.

The phantom array powered by the sun, moon and stars is mistaken for the stars in the sky, with more danger points and more roads than before.When night fell, the guards had no idea of ​​the path of the Phantom Array, because they followed the usual patrol route and had to temporarily modify the patrol plan.This left some gaps for Yan Fangren.

Relying on the astrology and long-term experience accumulated in the past few years, Yan Fang deduced several modification points, and then observed the patrol law of the guards, and passed the magic circle smoothly.

That's it, Yan Fang's eccentricity pushed the emergence of the magic circle and led to the guard, and he reached the outermost layer without drawing his sword.

Ryan Lang's back doesn't seem too tight.Ye Zhao suddenly remembered something: "Where's your metal ring?" He found that he hadn't seen the metal ring that he originally wore in the hair salon and on his wrist recently.

"Oh, I threw it all away before I got arrested." Finally feeling a little sad when it comes to that.

Was she ready to fight before?

Yan Fang remained speechless.He raised his feet to the outermost phantom wall, hesitating again.On this foot, he embarked on an unknown path.

If Ryan Anlan can break through the rules and restrictions set by Ye Zhao, and do what he cannot, then the unknown will have a fatal attraction.

He fell down.

After walking out of the illusion, the scenery changed instantly, the temperature also increased, and even the breeze became calmer.

Ye Zhao whispered, "Come out."

Ryan Lang did not respond.She closed her eyes and lay softly on Ye Zhao's back, breathing very shallowly, with cold sweat streaming down her face.Ye Zhao raised his hand and felt the pulse on her wrist, the tentacles were wet and cold, her pulse was so weak that she could hardly feel it.

Ryan Lan kept pushing forward, and once she was safe, she was immediately shocked.

On Mount Alin, Wu Rong didn't take it seriously when he heard that the Phantom Array had fallen into the water.The environment of Jingfeng Pavilion is too easy to catch fire, and a complete fire extinguishing mechanism has been formed for a long time.

Chapter 222 No Money

He was thinking about returning to the courtyard in the evening, and Ye Zhao closed the door all day, ignoring him.He decided to check on Ye Zhao.

Unexpectedly, Yan Fangren's room was empty.

Wu Rong asked if anyone had seen Yan Fangren before learning that Yan Fangren left at night.

Wu Rong looked at the place where Ye Zhao usually went at night, but there was no sign of him.Wurong guessed, can this child return to the night courtyard again in the middle of the night?Therefore, Wurong left home at night.

Walking into the five hometowns, Wurong has no breath of life.He couldn't help but wonder, would there be at least one?Did she end up unable to carry it and die?Thinking so, he went directly to the place of detention.

After pushing open the door, he only saw a broken shackle and iron hook and a few drops of fresh blood.


Wurong couldn't help being cursed, this time the loss was huge and the troubles were endless.According to the original plan, the information should be pried out of Ryan Lang's mouth, and the body will be destroyed, leaving nothing to the world.As a result, Lan En escaped, Jingfeng Pavilion found nothing, and the conflict between worlds was confirmed.Even if the heaven and the earth cannot temporarily destroy the rooted Xingfeng Pavilion with their own power, it will inevitably cause immeasurable losses to Xingfeng Pavilion.

Then came the problem.Ryan Lang can't run alone, which rabbit helped her?

He doesn't think Ye Zhao is a defector because he thinks Ye Zhao has no courage.But he couldn't help feeling a premonition of the unpredictable as he picked up the severed chain on the ground.Returning home always detains adults, and the chains used are not ordinary iron.The upper and lower hands of Jingfeng Pavilion can be cut smoothly.

He remembered the fire on the border just now, he changed his mind and shouted: "No ¨々!" At this moment, he was [-]% sure that Ye Zhao, who was under his control, had a problem.The next success is the psychology of luck.It cannot be said that it is the cabinet ministers or other masters who cut these chains.For a while, my mind was messed up, unbelievable, angry, etc.He immediately ran to the border.

Just a few steps away, he stopped again, went back to find some disciples in the cabinet, and went to the border to see the situation for him.By the way, he informed the guards in phantom form, and he went to the top of the mountain.

It has been a long time since the fire, and he must first report to the ancestor Yin Yuezhi to make a decision, and please come inside.

:wake up!We have no money!

Ryan Lan has been alive and kicking hard, Ye Zhao didn't expect that his love would reach the limit of his life.After stroking her pulse, his heart sank.

Does he want to repeat the same tragedy?

Ye Zhaoxian found a corner in no man's land to do simple first aid for Ryan Lan, at least his breathing and pulse could not be interrupted.

After being rescued, Rui Anlan showed no signs of improvement, and his vital signs were still weak, but they seemed to have no tendency to dissipate.To be precise, (Li Li's) is still hanging his last breath.

It is too close to Jingfeng Pavilion, Yan Fangren can't stay on the mountain for long.He carried Ryan Lan back on his back as slowly as possible, never leaving her wrist with his fingers. "` "Persevere." Yan Fangren whispered, from the moment he came out of the phantom formation, he had no way out, "I tied my life with yours."

After Rui Anlan opened it again, several people finally discussed this topic.

Chapter 223

The old man took Ryan Lan’s hand: “Wait, we still keep the box you stored here, are you important this time?

Ryan Lang said, "I want it, Grandpa."

The old man smiled and said: "Wait, grandpa will help you." Then, the old man pulled out a cloth bag from the gap between the pillow and the wall, uncovered the left and right two layers of colored rags, and took it out of the double-layer box .He held the box tremblingly, and then put it on his hand carefully: "You can hold it, niece."

Ryan Lan took off the upper box, grabbed it, and threw the lower one directly into Ye Zhao's arms.

After the two of them left the village, the old man who had followed them dozens of times said, "Come again next time." 553 couldn't move anymore, opened the lid in his hand, and poured out a lot of things.Short black pins, then click the black pins one by one between the wrist and the hair.

Ye Zhao opened a heavy box thrown to him, and found that it was full of broken silver and broken gold."What are these?" he asked.

Ryan Lan waved his hand casually: "You can use Yi Yansu's money as you like."


Looking at Yan Fang's inexplicable expression, Lan En is also very innocent: "You don't allow me to kill people and buy goods, can I only find Yi Yansu's money (ahcd)?"

There is nothing wrong with Ye Zhao's daughter using her father's money.Hold on a second, has Ryan Lang made money killing and selling merchandise before?What life did to this kid.

Ye Zhao's expression suddenly became complicated.

Lan En didn't notice the ups and downs in Ye Zhao's heart, but took the wrong way to guess Ye Zhao's thoughts: "Don't panic, there is a lot of money like this, so I have to wait somewhere."

"..." Ye Zhao had a normal smile on his face.

Laifang Lan doesn't have to worry about financial problems, he has been taken care of all his life, his body has fully recovered, and his weekly martial arts schedule is going on as usual.Sometimes she would ask someone to practice with her.In the beginning, Ye Zhao always tried to avoid physical contact as much as possible, or see that Lianlan was too young to release water.As a result, don't care about the scene.He always approached him in a weird way, suddenly got into trouble, and took him away directly.After being defeated many times, Ye Zhao also let go of his thoughts and faced Ryan Lan wholeheartedly.

Then you will be beaten.

Ryan Lan can't speak human language, and can't fight like a human.Every day he struggles or throws a black needle.Caught off guard.

In the end, Ye Zhao had to admit with shame that he couldn't defeat it.

However, there are not many opportunities to shoot.Ye Zhao didn't want her to suffer unnecessary harm.Always leaving herself behind, she uses her senses first to gauge the level of a potential threat, following the servant principle first and then trying to resolve the situation in the way she is most comfortable with.Lan Enlan only needs to benefit in the end, the process is irrelevant, and after being pressed a few times, he also left with Yan Fang.

After another period of time, Jingfeng Pavilion still maintained a quiet search posture, but the intensity did not decrease.Seems to know that neither is ruled out.

And played a game of hide and seek and got tired after a while.Seeing that the disciples of Jingfengge were not interested, they took the initiative to retreat from Yanfang and settle down.

Chapter 224 Unfixed

Finally, she clapped her hands and said, "Come on, let's let all the Jianghu know this!"

Yan Fangren thought for a while, then smiled: "Okay, wait a minute."

Soon, the storytellers and gangsters here learned that "Jingfeng Pavilion privately tortured innocent women in the world to monopolize the flowers, which caused internal divisions. Master Tang Shao fled outside, and Jingfeng Pavilion still tried to cover story.

The elements of the story are complete, involving several major forces, reflecting underground problems and huge room for expansion.Rivers and lakes are immediately hot.There are rumors that Rubia helped the gangs hear the story, and added many other messages, such as: "The Five Glories have failed, and the Five Churches are in a major crisis!" The question, or the attraction of love?" "Yan Fangren and Wu Rong have to say" "The unknown past of the daughter of the world" "Jingfeng Pavilion is in a high position, but can't bear its due responsibility" "There is no angry, bloody Is the rain about to strike?"

The three forces I heard later.

Jingfeng Pavilion has known these rumors for a long time, but it can't control people's desire for gossip and the urge to spread the word wrongly.

Letters flew to Jingfeng Pavilion like snowflakes.Most of them have been accused of encountering such a momentous event.Jingfengguan acted without the permission of others, acted cruelly, and caused an uncontrollable ending.Now, before the Five Churches, the lessor and Tiandi Wuwu's daughter defected, and Jingfengge must be responsible for the possible consequences.Some people also asked Jingfengge not to act alone, but to join forces to search.

Some are heartbroken and miserable, others swear at Huai Huai with their own thoughts, trying to get some money out of it.In any case, Yin Lezhi was disturbed by piles of letters every day, and ordered to throw all these letters into the sixth hall for processing.Don't let him see one.

The disciples of Lesson [-] are reviewing letters with similar content every day, and they must answer important letters seriously.Some of them had to get their landlords to ban ~ Yinlezhi.

Today, the Hall of Six Masters knocked on the door of Yin Lezhi's study again.Yin Lezhi looked at him with a bad tone: "Whose letter?"

0 ··············································

The owner of the Sixth Hall replied tremblingly: "Master Mu Zhuang of Jiangxiang Villa."

After the leader heard it, Yin Le waved his hand impatiently: "Read.

The lord of the six churches dared to open the paper in his hand.The area of ​​the paper nearly blocks the others, and reads: 'Lord Indigo respects...  

After Yin Lezhi checked the astonishing size of the paper, he immediately stopped him: "I don't want to read it, but I can sum it up in three sentences."

...... ......

The connection times out after six milliseconds immediately

Yin Lezhi is not alone.Ye Zhao betrayed Jingfeng Pavilion, and the marriage agreement with Xue Linlin ended naturally.The five-winged man was too lazy to show up, so he directly sent the disciples of Liutang to the Xue family compound to talk about the situation.Ms. Xue cried and swollen her eyes at home, making Mr. Xue anxious.There is no other way.She was so angry that she scolded Yan Fang for some reason.Mother Xue felt uneasy about her daughter and worried about her every day.She insisted on enlightening Xue Linlin.There are so many men in the world.But Xue Linlin couldn't hear her, and started crying at home: "I only need Brother Yan!"

Chapter 225 It's Okay

"Mr Lee's border is more lenient with people here south," she said.

Ye Zhao shook his head: "That's because the boys are only temporarily exchanging supplies with them. I really want to live for a long time, even ordinary people look down on boys."

Ying Zhongyue's heart ached.She knew what Ye Zhao said was true, but that didn't stop her from worrying about Shi's status.

Mr. Li collectively called the south here a barren land, but where are they "five five three"?

Ying Zhongyue was silent.

Ryan Lan waited beside him for a long time.When she saw Zhongyue, she didn't speak.Eager for the meat, she said impatiently, "Spiders shed all their skin, don't they?"

Ying Zhongyue, "Huh?" He raised his eyes and looked at Ryan Lan.

Ryan Lan didn't look at her, and pushed Ye Zhao: "Soon, I'm going to eat."

Ye Zhao: "Okay."

The doubts on Yingzhong's face gradually disappeared, and the lake-like eyes sparkled.She hurriedly hugged Ryan Lan: "Alan, you are really the best and most fragrant big hoof in the world!"

Rui Anlan was hugged and rubbed by Ying Zhongyue, who was half a head taller than her, and the turbulent waves made her breathless.Ryan Lan said angrily: "...try to fry spiders tonight."

Of course it didn't eat the fried spider.

When Mu Feicui was exhausted, a few teams took advantage of the darkness to find out the deep mountain.

They were all dressed as Mr. Li's people, or they carried burdens, as if returning from a visit to relatives, or they pulled a carriage full of merchants and silver.

If you open their bags, you will find that there are sacrificial silverware, voodoo jars, etc. that have been passed down for hundreds of years.

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