After hearing this, Aunt Yinghai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I really know a good woman. When I gave birth to Haizi, she was the one who delivered the baby. She is also a distant relative of my mother's family. Not far from our village. Before When I met her at the market a few days ago, I told her she could come."

Ye Zhao was really shocked.I don't think she mentioned it before.

Chapter 295 Very Busy

Yinghai's aunt is already helping with the project.Ye Zhao was really moved by this sincerity.

If you remember your aunt's kindness, you will repay her in the future...

Aunt Yinghai smiled, "It's not easy for your mother and daughter to say that this is also a matter of doing good deeds and accumulating good deeds."

Ye Zhao said, "How much does it cost? I don't have much money right now, so I have to get ready quickly."

"Don't worry about this. This old lady is delivering babies in the country. She can't accept a few soft sister coins, and she has no malice. If she doesn't, she will send a few kilograms of grain. You can only eat it later."

"Don't look at her so casually. She is a very good midwife. Many babies in ten villages and eight miles away have come from her."

Only then did Ye Zhao07 breathe a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Well, I won't be in a hurry. Thank you, auntie."

"Why are you so polite?" Aunt Yinghai smiled.

75 Mother-in-law is still playing

Xu also went to the Chunjiang River to wash clothes, so he didn't stay long.As he was leaving, he blinked and saw a piece of meat hanging from the kitchen top that she had delivered yesterday, but it wasn't even halfway through.

Villagers store the meat for fear of spoilage, put salt on it, and bake it on top of the kitchen.It's not easy to break.

Xu Xin thought, a lot of meat and vegetables were delivered yesterday, and the three of my aunt's family couldn't eat a meal. Even if they sent some to the room, they could only eat a meal. Less than half, obviously not what they ate.

Seeing her staring at the meat, Yinghai's aunt said, "Well, yesterday Haizi's grandma saw her and cut more than half. It's just that she is an elder. We can't say anything. We know what you want."

Ye Zhao frowned. "Auntie, although filial piety is the most important thing, it can't be stupid. If it's unreasonable, Auntie should be tough, otherwise she will be bullied forever."

Aunt Yinghai smiled. "Well, the little girl did teach me. I know."

Ye Zhao sighed inwardly.He knows, what's the use of knowing?The ancients believed that filial piety was too important.Most of them are daughters-in-law bullied by their evil mother-in-law, who dare not speak.

She didn't want to do this, and later got married, and her mother-in-law treated her best, not so well.

But if you're being unkind and trying to bully her, then don't blame her fists.You're welcome.If you are unhappy, don't worry if you are old.

Far here, a woman suddenly felt a chill behind her back and shivered all over.

Maids are busy. "What's the matter, ma'am?"

"It's okay. It's strange that I suddenly feel cold. It's still cold in June," said the woman with a smile.

The maid said, "Maybe the iceberg is too cold. Let the girl remove some,"


Xu went to the river to wash clothes.Several rural women were there too.Seeing her, she smiled and said, "If Yue is here, come quickly. The water is very clear."

Ye Zhao smiled, "Yeah"

She put down the wooden basin, and the people around began to ask, "If he, I heard that people in the town like to eat sweet potato tips, how do you sell them? How much is a kilogram?"

Ye Zhao smiled and didn't hide it.Why?

"Take the straw and tie it up yourself. There's no need to weigh it. Twopence is handy."

"Well, if you have such a good brain.

Chapter 296 Not Happy

Your mother is lucky to have such a dutiful girl like you. "

Ye Zhao was praised when his clothes were washed by the river.Fortunately, there are not many clothes.She also washed the blood-stained one yesterday, but it was not clean and there were bloodstains.

At first, I thought about throwing it away, but then I thought, now I have to spend my money on everything.This dress is fine.Why should I throw it away?You can wear it while cooking at home.

After washing it carefully, Xu looked at it and found that there was a little ink color inside, which was not obvious, so he took it home.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please wash slowly. I'm going back."

As soon as Xu left, the people behind him started a discussion. "It is said that some people become fools after they fall. Look at their brains. They almost died when they fell. This survived. On the contrary, their brains are better. Blessed is Song,"

Another said, "Blessed, really blessed ¨々."

76 poor life

"Blessed, blessed indeed. Both mother and daughter are starving. For example, Yue is a different person now, but her life is over. I guess God couldn't bear to let her know."

"That's what I said. Maybe."

We all do the laundry and then someone asks, "Ah, like he said, the Red Stripe Creek tip really sells. There's a lot less work in the fields now. Are you going to sell it? Left and right grow in the field , to feed the pigs, so why don't you take them to town and get them for twopence, it ain't cheap."

At the end of the sentence, Aunt Chunhua curled her lips, "The family is not too poor, it was exposed, what are you pointing at? The pig feed will be sold for money, and there is no fear of laughing at the dead. That is to say, mothers and daughters can do it."

The daughter-in-law who slipped into a big fortune raised her voice and said, "Aunt Chunhua, you said this is wrong. Potatoes can still be fed to pigs. The vegetable market in the town does not sell them, and nothing in the field can be fed to pigs. Then

Corn is still being fed.Your family grows more corn each year and sells a lot.

When I was young, I didn’t like Aunt Chunhua’s appearance the most. Her son was reading books and doing accounts in a store in the town, earning a few taels of silver. She would behave like your wife every day, looking down on this and that.

No matter how capable you are, you still have to do your own laundry and work the fields.Why didn't her family Qingfeng buy her a big house and a few servants to serve her?

Hearing this, Aunt Chunhua was unhappy, "` "I said Shirley, are you deliberately opposing me? Does this make sense?"

The teenager smiled, "Why doesn't it make sense? That's what I mean when I look at it. I also know that Aunt Chunhua is lucky, but her son works in the town. Where will he learn from fellow Meiguo?"

"I think selling sweet potato tips is still good. There are no jobs these days. Men can do it. I will sell it tomorrow (Wang Dehao)."

Aunt Chunhua packed her things and snorted coldly, "I'm bankrupt."

"Well, who says I'm unlucky?"

Aunt Chunhua took the wooden basin and left.The rest couldn't stop laughing.Another said, "Ah Shirley, we don't like her like this, that is, you're brave enough to confront her, but she still can't tell you."

Liu smiled and said, "I have a thick skin, so I'm not afraid of her."

Chapter 297

I'm supposed to be in this immaterial area, also called the "cold spot" area, and the parasite should have countless connections with me, or I wouldn't even have the same name.

Was the original owner actually the owner of another time and space?What about me who was injured in the car accident?Can the soul of this body be the same as my soul?

A series of question marks circled in Ye Zhao's mind.Alas, this is amazing, HTC fans!

Caiyun sighed, turned around and walked towards her own bed, returned to the bed, and nestled on the bed.As if she had thought so much just now and didn't feel any headache, she started trying to find the memory of the original owner again.

This time the recall was smoother.Unfamiliar and incomplete information gradually becomes clear and eventually pieced together.Only the more perfect, the deeper Ye Zhao's pupils, the darker his face, and the tighter his lips.

The original owner was a real bad karma.His father died in battle, his mother died without Taguya's fragrance, and his brother fell into the water and died.She gradually changed from a daughter to an orphan dependent on others.She thinks that her aunt and uncle are very good to herself, but she doesn't want to go to the end of her life just to discover the true nature of this family, just to discover this great conspiracy.

Although we don't know how they hurt their parents and younger brother, they did die at their hands.However, they shamelessly attacked their father's title, annexed the family's fortune, joined powerful circles, and lived a life of luxury and abundance.

Damn it, the scum of this family, the hungry wolf that eats people but doesn't spit out bones...

Liu Yunxia's short life has become a joke!Fan Yunxia lamented.

A deep sadness enveloped her, and her heart ached.She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as though something was blocking her throat.

Stretching out his hand to touch his murderous mouth, Wu Yun's eyes became sharper.

She said to herself, "Looks like God thinks you've been wronged too. Let me go and do justice for you. Okay, don't worry, I'll take over the job." From now on (ahcd), see look at mine.I have revenge, revenge, revenge, I will definitely seek justice for you!

Yunxia tightly clenched her fists, took them out of the brocade quilt, and hit each other.

Looking at her tiny fist, she decided to make herself stronger as soon as possible.Dad is still at the border.It's been more than three years since his accident.My mom and brother are still fine.Let me take care of them this time.

When the injury is healed, the first thing is to pester my mother to learn martial arts, and the second thing is to teach my younger brother to swim.The rest start to plan step by step, scum, trembling, waiting for this girl to give you a powerful blow!

Determined to settle down, Ye Zhao fell asleep peacefully.She had a good night's sleep and didn't wake up until the sky cleared.

The little girl was already up and cleaning the yard, waiting for the young lady to get up.

After stretching, Ye Zhao sat up holding a carp.

Hearing the sound, Xiuzhu ran in from the outside: "Miss, have you gotten up yet? The slave will help you change your clothes."

Seeing the young lady sitting on the bed and nodding, Zhuzi hurriedly took the clothes and waited for her to put them on.Then she started brushing her hair.This little girl has really good skills and her movements are soft.

Chapter 298 Different

She straightened her hair quickly.Her black hair was combed into two buns, standing on both sides of her head like a fairy.

When the bamboo was taken out for washing, Yunduo felt bored, so he folded the bedding into neat tofu cubes.Impossible, the habit formed over the years has become her conditioned reflex.

This naturally surprised Xiuzhu who came in with water: "Miss, did you make this quilt?" She drooled, and could hardly hold the washbasin in her hand.

Ye Zhao remembered that she felt itchy hands, so she did some incredible things to repair the bamboo.She said awkwardly, "I thought it was funny." Then he stepped forward~to mess up the quilt.

Xiuzhu put down the basin, ran over and said, "Miss, it's very kind of you to do this. Why don't you teach the servants, let the servants learn too..."

"Oh, do you want to learn?" Yun didn't expect my girl to be so interested.

The head of the bamboo trimmer was heavier, and his eyes were full of joy.

Ye Zhao smiled, pulled the quilt and folded it for Xiuzhu to see.While watching, Xiuzhu praised her: "Miss, you are so smart!"

After a demonstration, Ye Zhao stepped aside to point out the direction for bamboo pruning.After several folds, she has learned how to pruning bamboo.She folded the quilts on the bed into squares and lined them up.She also folded her quilt and put it on the sofa, clapping her hands and shouting: "Miss, this is so neat, what do you think? Did you do it by hand? This young lady is no worse than a person in an opera. "

Xiuzhu's eyes were full of admiration, and he didn't hide his admiration for his young lady.

I didn't expect to fold the quilt, make a girl, and cloud my lips. I thought that I still have a lot of skills to show, and I will show you slowly in the future.

"Bamboo cultivation is not as good as you said, but it is only a temporary pleasure." Wu Yun decisively diverted her attention: "Wash it clean!"

In the original owner's memory, Xiuzhu was beaten up by the old lady, sent away, and then disappeared.Speaking of which, Xiuzhu has always been loyal to her, perhaps because of this, the old man cruelly cut off her powerful support.

Yun Mou dimmed, and her sharp eyes looked at the void. This time, she came to protect the bamboo, and no one wanted the bamboo

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