Not only has the power of Demon Hunter World, but also has the power of Remnant Blood Moon and Mage Space.

Chapter 489 Different

Plus deep intrusion.

The barrier between the inner world and the material world is also broken down.

In short, the situation is extremely bad for all people in this world!

Not only demons appeared, but even many shadow demons in the inner world entered this world.

Coupled with the residual influence of the mage's space, the inner world has become more complicated, and those shadow demons have become more changeable.

These things come to the material world and this is a disaster for anyone in the material world.

The farm castle here is also safe, but who knows how long it will last?

In this world, what will happen to even a moderately powerful hunter?

He just thought of 07, when he suddenly saw something happened in the distance.

I couldn't help changing my face slightly.I picked up the binoculars and took a closer look.My face suddenly changed: "The devil. The devil is coming..."

In the binoculars, you can see a skirt of little devils and little immortals, and you don't know how to escape to this vicinity.

At the moment, I just see the cows on the farm and go down like crazy.

Mr. Chebman's farm not only grows a variety of crops such as grains, but also raises hundreds of dairy cows.

It is a relatively large property in his hands!

Even in this world now, after all, we still have to eat.Or employed by cowboys and cows.

But now, these cows were discovered by the little devil and the little immortal, and they ran wild all the way.

On the border of the farm though there is a barbed wire fence.

But this kind of fence, if you want to block the attacks of the devil, don't count on it!

Even the weakest little devils and Xiao Dixian broke through the fence without any scruples at this time, and rushed towards Niuqun.


A strong cowboy shot and killed a little devil and a little fairy with a shotgun he carried.

Immediately knocked the little devil and the little immortal who rushed up to the ground.

However, it didn't take long for the little devil and the little dixian to roll up again and continue running wildly.

If it weren't for the wounds and bloodstains on his body, people would almost think that the shot hadn't hit the little devil or the little immortal at all.

Here, we can also see that this little devil and Xiao Yixian have a strong vitality.Even though the bullet left a bowl-sized scar on its head, it wasn't dead, and it was still rechargeable.

This is just one little devil and little Dixian, and there are at least thirty or forty other little devils and little Dixian.

Now several of them are from here!

To see these cowboys and cows is to die for.

The chain appeared and hooked directly around the necks of a little devil and Xiao Dixian.

The next moment, the little devil and the little Yixian were already beheaded!

Then, with the swing of the chain, no matter where these little devils and Xiao Dixian appear in 787, they and Xiaoye will be killed immediately!It was like being cut by a sharp sword.

Space chain!

In the blink of an eye, these little devils and the little Dixian were all dead.

Qiao Ni's body just walked out of the void.

Over the years, she has gone from being a little thing to a slim little thing.

Its aura became stronger. Although it didn't break through the realm of an intermediate hunter, its strength should have been multiplied several times.

In the beginning, she was only going to show the space chain.

But now, it is very easy for her to use this secret skill!

However, the easy killing of these little devils and Xiao Yixian didn't make her face look easy.

Chapter 490

Instead, it shows a little seriousness and fear.

"Go, quickly withdraw..."

Midway through the conversation, I suddenly changed my mind and said, "No, we should get out of here. It's too dangerous here now..."

The cowboys were still puzzled, the space chain in Qiao Ni's hands had formed a shuttle gate, and the next moment he had shuttled back to the castle at the core of the farm.

At this time, due to the coming of the blood moon, the inner world has become extremely dangerous.

Shizhu Taiyi

Few hunters dare travel through space like this!

Joe, it's an adventure!

It was about a few miles away from the castle, but to save so little time, she preferred to fly back.

Fortunately, Zioyi was lucky and didn't encounter any danger during the shuttle.

However, as soon as she got back to the castle, she started yelling, "Daddy, Uncle Cecil, hurry up, let's get out of here. I found a space exit near here, it's not safe anymore!"

This immediately surprised the castle with a chicken flying and a dog hopping around.

Of course the few of them believed in Qiao Ni's judgment!

But the question now is, where can a few of them be here?Where is the world truly safe?

"I don't know if Chett's brother is awake, if only he is awake¨々!"

Qiao Ni said this, which worried Cecil and his wife.

Of course the few of them didn't know that since Ye Zhao left, Chett's body had been left behind.

It turned out that Chelt should be considered dead and was caught by Ye Zhao.

After Ye Zhao finished his work and left, his body was equivalent to a vegetable!

However, several of them knew nothing about it.I just thought Chett had suddenly slipped into a coma.

At this time, the ground more than ten miles away suddenly shook, and suddenly a big explosion happened inexplicably, and then the gray smoke seemed to be blown away and filled the surrounding area.

From the smoke, I don't know how many shadow monsters rushed out.

"No, it's too fast!"

Qiao Ni's face changed drastically, it was obvious that her castle couldn't stop these things.

So close, those shadow fiends can easily find it here!

"I'm going to catch a few of them, you retreat first! Take Chett's brother..."

As Qiao Ni said, she was about to catch up, block those shadow demons, and prevent the spread of the world's breath.

However, at this moment, her wrist was suddenly pulled.

"' "Brother Chett, are you awake?"

Looking back, Ji Nayou only saw that it was Ye Zhao who pulled her.

It turned out that Ye Zhao didn't know when he woke up.

No, it's definitely not awake, but Ye Zhao is here again.

"No, don't go. These things can't be let go..."

Ye Zhao said lightly, with a convincing tone of his own.

"But...yes, Brother Chert!" Ji Nini said in her eyes.

Ye Zhao giggled, stretched out his (Zhao Qianzhao) hand and danced like a halo, covering the entire farm in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, the entire farm occupied the castle, as if it was isolated from the world, forming an independent space.

Although the shadow demon was very close to the farm, several of them couldn't feel the farm's existence at all.

"Chett's brother is very fierce..."

Joey looks so cute.

Laymen watched the excitement, but Chebman and others couldn't see how powerful Ye Zhao was.

Chapter 491 Don't Be Nervous

The most important thing is that Gates, who was born in 1992, is one year younger than Mattipu, and has become an important offensive problem for Domi Mengqi u19.

In the past few months after entering Shazhuo U19, Ye Zhao has gradually realized the age gap in the professional echelon system. It is very difficult to play young and big, but on the other hand, anyone who can play like Ge Ze A player who jumps and fights alike certainly has enough power to beat his peers.

In addition, it should not be emphasized that in the past seven league games and one World Cup game, Goetz has scored two goals and one assist, and is in good form.

"Xuanyuan, you have to be mentally prepared. Your task in the next game is very heavy. The team's offense needs more support from you. The defensive end should pay attention to Duo Mimeng's sharp knife and rely on you. I know this is a good match for 790 It's hard for you, but there's no way around it. The whole team can't find two players like you."

"Boss, I will do my best." In fact, Ye Zhao was very happy that Ai Gemi could give him the task to influence the trend of the game.

It is only because of trust that we shoulder the burden.

Naturally, Ye Zhao must be prepared for this focus battle.He turned to the system to check the relevant data of Marian Goetz.

What surprised him most about the system results was Ge Mi's off-ball running ability, and the number was actually yellow, reaching 81!

Ye Zhao (ahcd) couldn't help being taken aback. He knew that although he had improved rapidly, his score had never exceeded 80 points in any ability evaluation system.Of course, there are many abilities to reach 78 and 79, and soon to 80.Originally, Ye Zhao thought that his ability would always have an advantage in the face of any peers, but now Xuanyuan Genius has discovered the reality outside the Qingshan Building.

"I will go, a born shadow killer." Ye Zhao whispered when he saw that Goetz's position was marked as the midfielder, which is the role hidden behind the striker.

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