After Fubuki said a few words to Teacher Chapelle,

Chapelle is not well.

He looked at Fuxue with a straight face.

"Blowing snow, why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"I think this kind of practice is ridiculous. In the residential training activities, everyone has only one chance. This is the rule that the academy has never changed. Now you actually want to ask the students what right to appeal... .Do you think this kind of thing is suitable to appear in our academy?"

Seeing the serious look on Chapelle's face, Fubuki said seriously:

"Mr. Chapelle, all this is my idea."

"With the progress of the times, some traditional ideas should also be improved."

"I think the way of life and death with one fist is too extreme, and children should be properly given a chance to redeem themselves."

"Mr. Chapelle, I think you can understand what I mean."

Chapelle glanced at Fubuki, then he lowered his head and fell silent.

After about ten seconds, he raised his head and said to Dojima Gin and the others:

"The rest of you go out, and I will talk to Fuxue alone."

After hearing Chapelle's words, Dojima Gin and the others withdrew.

At this moment, Chapelle looked at Fubuki and said:

"Did you convince Dojima and the others? Otherwise, they wouldn't have the courage to come up to me and say these things..."

"I just explained my thoughts to everyone. It is a great honor that everyone supports my ideas, so I want to get your support, Mr. Chapelle."

Hearing Fubuki's words, Mr. Chapelle nodded and said:

"There is no one now, you tell me your true thoughts¨々."

"it is good."

Fubuki sat down on the sofa opposite Mr. Chapelle, and he said:

"No matter what educational philosophy the academy has, the ultimate goal has never wavered."

"From the day the academy was established, all of us have only one goal."

"That is for the culinary world, to cultivate cooks who are good enough to stand alone in any situation."

"The reason why so many elimination items are set up is just to screen out the shining jade from the crowd."

"But teacher, you should be able to understand that the surface of some rough jade is probably contaminated with dust..."

"To get it and let it shine truly, we need to spend some time cleaning it repeatedly..."

"It is based on this kind of thinking that my right to appeal came into being."

"In the cooking process, everyone is likely to encounter some irresistible external factors, and it is really common for these external factors to cause abnormal performance."

"So I want every student to have the right to lodge a complaint."

"If they really have enough confidence in themselves, then it would be nice to have the courage to question the person who judged them."

"Eating halberds is a tradition that our academy relies on for survival. If he can prove the value of his existence in eating halberds, it proves that he should have the qualification to start over."

"I believe that this approach does not violate the educational philosophy of our academy, so I hope that Mr. Chapelle can think about it carefully."

Fubuki's words were very detailed, and Chapel understood what he meant.

Give the uniquely talented an extra chance?

Mr. Chapelle closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Finally he said slowly:

"Okay, I see."

"Since all the instructors in charge of the assessment agree with your idea, let's do it according to your wishes."

"You are right. The academy can relax some of the assessment criteria for those who have strength... But whether they can seize this rare opportunity depends on whether they work hard."

"Fuuxue, I will report your proposal to the commander-in-chief later. As for whether the commander-in-chief agrees, this is beyond the scope of my consideration. You should know that I have no right to call the shots on such a large-scale change."

"Then please ask Mr. Chapelle to explain to the commander-in-chief. I will take care of the rest."

"One day in the future, I will prove to Mr. Chapelle that some people are worth what I do for them."


After walking out of Mr. Chapelle's office, Fubuki was immediately surrounded by Dojima Gin and the others.

"` "How about it, Fubuki, did Mr. Chapel agree?"

"Is the teacher convinced by you?"

Seeing everyone's concerned eyes, Fubuki responded with a smile:

"The teacher agreed, but the specific results will still stand the test of time."

"I believe that everyone's choice is not wrong, but in this way, seniors and sisters may have to work hard."

Hearing Fubuki's words, Tsukinosuke said helplessly:

"I'm already quite old, and I never thought I'd accompany you to participate in this kind of farce."

"However, Fubuki, although I agree with your proposal, but the ugliness I want to talk about first."

"Giving freshmen the right to appeal is my biggest concession. It is absolutely impossible for me to leave room for food."

"If you can't prove your worth with cooking, I don't think your little apprentice will be able to change the punishment of expulsion."

"I know, don't worry, I won't embarrass Senior Matsushita, if Hinata really fails to prove the value of her own existence, then I can only say that I was wrong."

Wenyuan Lily said with a smile:

"Oh, Little Chuuxue, do you think you're acting like a concubine?"

"Who is that little girl named Hinata who can make Fubuki-kun spend so much trouble on you..."

"I'll take a good look at her later."

"Okay, then Lily-senpai must take a good look at it for a while, Hinatako will never let you down..."

"By the way, Dojima-senpai, the freshmen will go to the examination room in a while. Let's gather them in the banquet hall before the examination starts. I want to inform them about these reforms, as well as the ones from yesterday. The eliminated students, they probably didn’t leave either, I called them to gather together, I have created opportunities for them, it depends on whether they can seize it... ".

Chapter 135 What is the difference between no dream and salted fish?

Hearing Fubuki's words, Dojima Gin nodded and responded:

"I see, leave the next thing to me."

"I will now notify all of them to gather in the banquet hall."

Dojima Yin made a phone call, and soon all the freshmen received a notification from the hotel, and they came to the banquet hall one by one.

And those students who were eliminated in the first assessment yesterday stood alone in a square team.

After everyone gathered, Fubuki walked onto the summit platform.

"Everyone, be quiet for a while."

"Before today's assessment starts, I'll call everyone over, and I want to inform you of something important."

"After discussing with all the examiners, I decided to implement certain reforms for this year's residential training."

"The specific content of the reform is aimed at these eliminated freshmen."

"I think that if everyone has only one chance, this kind of judgment conclusion is a bit too arbitrary, so from now on, every student who is given a negative evaluation by the examiner in the examination room has the right to appeal once."

"The so-called right to appeal means that you, 037, feel that the examiner's evaluation of your cooking is too arbitrary, so you lodge a protest and appeal. Then, three other examiners will intervene together to further test the value of your existence."

"Eating halberds has always been a fine tradition that our school relies on for survival."

"Using one's own strength to express different voices is a concept that everyone agrees with,"

"So the student who lodged the complaint must have a one-on-one eating halberd with the tutor who is in charge of your assessment. If you can beat your assessment tutor in the eating halberd, then our entire assessment team will cancel your withdrawal from school."

"Of course, if the challenge fails, your withdrawal will be approved immediately. The reason why we set up such measures is just that we want to give those really outstanding students a chance to start all over again."

"The reform plan will be implemented from today, and the students who were eliminated in yesterday's assessment have the right to lodge an appeal, so let me ask now, is any of you willing to try harder?"

Fubuki's eyes stayed in the formation of those eliminated teams, and he roughly estimated that the total number of people who were eliminated in yesterday's assessment was about 86.

And the figure of Xiao Hinata is also impressive.

Originally, when these people heard what Fuxue said before, their hearts were still extremely excited, but when they heard the latter, everyone's hearts that had just been excited were completely chilled.

"This kind of reform plan is completely meaningless!"

"Having a meal with these graduates and seniors, how can we have any hope of winning."

"I thought the seniors would give us one more chance to take the assessment, but I didn't expect that in the end, they would use the halberd to change the handling of withdrawal from school... You know, the tutors are all the top ten in the past... Even if they have spare strength, it is impossible for a guy like me to defeat..."

Fubuki waited on the summit stage for a few seconds. Although these eliminated children had been talking with each other, in the end no one stood up and said no to the upcoming fate.

Seeing this scene, Chuuxue couldn't help shaking her head inwardly.

It's not unreasonable for these guys to be eliminated. By this time, you have nothing to lose. What else is there to worry about and be afraid of?

Fubuki's eyes were on Hinata, at this time the little girl was holding her skirt tightly, standing in the middle of the crowd at a loss.

But within 5 seconds, she raised her hand tremblingly.

"I...I file a complaint."

Hinata's nervous voice echoed in the banquet hall, and for a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"My God, there are actually people who dare to challenge the ten outstanding seniors?"

"It's really overestimated. At this time, can't you accept your fate obediently?"

"This classmate is Kahyuko from class A, she was eliminated anyway, didn't I hear that she was a top student?"

The whispers around her drifted into Hinata's ears, and she also knew that many people were not optimistic about her.

However, she is not reconciled.

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