After opening the bloody treasure chest, Zhou Yuan opened more than 300 soldier treasure chests, from which he unearthed a lot of Tier [-] firearms, grenades, and armors, but the quality was mediocre, throwing them away from shops.

In addition, 25 points and [-] attribute points were obtained from these treasure chests!

From the official position treasure chest, Zhou Yuan issued ten certificates!

Lu Cao's certificate is X5, Lu Wei's certificate is X3, Lu Zuo's certificate is X1, and General Lu's certificate is X1.

These credentials are used before entering the dungeon world, and after entering the dungeon, a corresponding identity is obtained.

these things……

Except for Lu Cao's identity, which can be bought with points, basically no one will sell other identities!

These identity certificates represent that after entering the dungeon world, they can directly control a lot of power, which is of great benefit to completing the dungeon mission or the hostile characters among the reincarnations.

Can seize the opportunity!

All good stuff!

In the last two toolboxes, Zhou Yuan launched an armed helicopter!

[armed helicopter

Quality: C blue

Flight maximum speed: 1000 km/h 0......

Maximum load: 16 tons.

Mount: Air-to-Air Combat Missile X4, Vulcan Cannon X2, Vulcan Cannon Elixir X1000000

Maximum flight altitude: 3000 meters.

Defense: 1000. 】

This is a very good vehicle.

Zhou Yuan rubbed his hands!

Take out your favorite idols and start burning incense and worshiping Buddha!

Regardless of whether it works or not, please give it a try.

What if you want to improve your luck a little?

After paying his respects, Zhou Yuan washed and disinfected his hands, made them clean, and opened the last treasure chest, which ranked first in the treasure chest ranking!

A burst of golden light flashed!

Zhou Yuan's heart almost jumped out of his mouth!

Big Bang!

Absolute super explosion!

Inside, is a garland.

【Hardy's Wreath

Grade: MAX (artifact, sealed at the peak of Tier [-])

Introduction: Hadi has married many wives, and every time he marries a wife, he will use the thorny roses that symbolize love in the Garden of God to weave a wreath and wear it for his wife with his own hands.

This wreath symbolizes marriage.

Function: You can form a husband and wife with any person (including the dungeon world), become the same reincarnation as the user, and share life with each other. 】

Zhou Yuan saw this garland!

There is an urge to smash this wreath!

Hardy's LSP, in the original anime, fell in love with his current subordinate, Lori Mercury, and wanted to forcefully marry 3.1 Lori Mercury.

If there is a chance, Hardy must be hanged!


Hardy's Garland, the ability of this artifact.

Really strong!

If it is completely unblocked!

What a waste, if only this wreath could be worn by a mighty war goddess.

It was like getting a certificate of immortality!

Just ...

The wreath!

Even if Zhou Yuan was killed with a piece of tofu, he would never use it.

It's so irritating!

Zhou Yuan marked the price ** points on this wreath. This insane price was directly transmitted to his terrain grocery store through the function of the panel, and opened the store door.

As soon as the group of copies is over.

The reincarnation squatting at the door of the terrain grocery store!

As soon as I entered the terrain grocery store, I saw the garland in the most obvious position, and I couldn't help but swear! .

Chapter 81 Creator Series!Bracers of the Creator! (Seek full order!!)

"I'm here! Artifact wreath!"

"It was sealed!"

"With an offer of 100 billion yuan, the owner doesn't even want to sell it!"

"Damn! Even if he wants to sell it, we have to have someone who can afford it! Divine artifact! Even the official can't afford it!"

"This store is awesome! Besides the divinely controlled body restoration device that I don't want to sell, with a price tag of 2000 million, there is another artifact that I don't want to sell, with a price tag of 100 billion!"

"This artifact is useless, don't pass me a tissue! I'm not drooling, and I don't think about wearing a wreath to the goddess, so that I can share my life with the goddess! Absolutely not!"


There were screams in the shop!

"This shop is amazing! What did I see? I saw dragon eggs! There are five dragon eggs with a price tag of 200 million! If you want to be a dragon knight, hurry up and buy dragon eggs!"

"Fifteen sets of C blue uniforms, the price of each set is 70000 points. The price is not too high, and the defense power of these blue uniforms is so high that F sniper rifles may not be able to penetrate them!"

"There is also Lu Cao's certificate! Awesome! As long as you use this certificate, you will be able to obtain an official position comparable to that of Izumo Kingdom Cao in the dungeon world! This is a lot stronger than others at the beginning!

This can seize the opportunity!

That's... shopkeeper, are you crazy or poor?You released five vouchers, and each voucher has a minimum of 09 points and [-] points, you might as well grab it!

Everyone is Tier [-] or Tier [-]. Even if you use this identity, you won't be able to earn back the points for this credential!

ten thousand!I bought it for [-]! "


Their attention was dazzled by a large number of F-level equipment that Zhou Yuan ran out of.

The prices of these equipment and items are slightly lower than normal prices.

All reincarnators have an illusion of being so cheap.




Soon, they swept away all the things Zhou Yuan released.

After adding 50 points to Zhou Yuan, he once again looked eagerly at the super boutique but expensive equipment and items in Zhou Yuan's shop.


They saw the rich bigwigs sweeping away C Lan's regular clothes and buying the dragon eggs one by one, even the Lu Cao vouchers that they thought were not worth [-] points were all bought up up.

Only the god-controlled body repair device and the sealed artifact garland with prices that make people feel crazy are left to attract others to drool.

at the same time.

Zhou Yuan also completed his points and statistics!

Now his attribute, it can be said that it will not exist before the zero level, and it will not exist in the future. Zhou Yuan himself is absolutely magical!

【No. 100860

Codenamed Army Lord.

Name: Zhou Yuan.

Occupation: All-Terrain Master Level 1 (God-level occupation)

Deputy: Magician

Order: zero order 10

Physique: 100 (After breaking through the zero-order limit, you can continue to break through, and for the second attribute breakthrough, you need to pay **points)

Spirit: 100

Basic abilities have been improved: basic nerve reflex (body instinct +5%), basic dynamic vision (dynamic vision +5%), basic mind power (probability of making controlled permanent objects +15%)

Physical base resistance: 69.5

Mystic base resistance: 67.5

General attribute points: 44 points.

General skill points: 0 points.

Gold skill points: 16.

Gold attribute points: 6

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