
He was also right about the base scroll!

Creation god-level reincarnation can be consumed in the tragic space killing field and battlefield, and can also be continuously cultivated.

But the basic scroll, that is one less one!

In various trading markets, there is no trace of the basic scroll in root 4.8!

If you miss this village, there will be no such store.

Some reincarnated people have rather gloomy faces:

"I will buy things and get the VIP qualification, but no matter how rare the basic scroll is, it is still valuable, and its value will not exceed the one-time universal scroll of puberty syndrome! I hope that when the time comes, your boss will not The price did not reach the psychological price as an excuse not to sell the basic scroll!

Otherwise, even if I use all my connections and authority, I will find out who your boss is, publish his information, and let everyone beat him to ashes together! ".

Chapter 1067 I don't know how many times faster than stealing money!Deal done!

Camus is still full of smiles: "We are a regular store and do business with integrity. Of course, this situation will not happen. If this situation does happen, everyone is welcome to find out our boss and tear him into pieces."


Can't find it!


The trading world entered through the Sky Arena is directly covered by the Great Void Engine. Zhou Yuan's Great Void Engine authority can take effect directly in this place to ensure the security of his information. No one can break the protection of the Great Void Engine. case.

As long as Zhou Yuan doesn't expose his brain damage, no one will be able to obtain any information about him!

This is also the main reason why Zhou Yuan could do this kind of thing in the trading market of the Great Void Arena, but he didn't do it. It was only in this trading world that he started to be inappropriate!


There are still a hundred basic scrolls owned by Zhou Yuan.

He won't hold it tightly in his hands and never let it go.

Although he is pitiful.

But only this time, he won't do things like wolves.

Use a scroll to hang these leeks, and cut them from time to time, isn't it fragrant?

And by this time.

Many reincarnation bosses feel that they do not have the financial resources to win the basic scroll, and, instead of buying the basic scroll, it is better to find other equipment and props that can enhance their combat power.


In order to be able to buy things in the Overlord's House in the future, they voluntarily withdrew from the store before being blacklisted.

One of the bosses said directly: "I'm not afraid of being blocked! I'll just say it straight! If you want to win this basic scroll, you may need more than a hundred soul crystal cores and more than one inheritance artifact." .

If you don't have enough financial resources, just quit, don't buy anything, let this shop owner and that bitch get tricked! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he was blocked!

Forced to teleport out of the shop.

what he said.

The other big bosses of reincarnation knew it, and so did Zhou Yuan.

He said it was okay.

But if he scolds Zhou Yuan, he deserves to die.

Not only was he teleported out.

His code name!


It was all recorded by Camus!

That's right!

Zhou Yuan who has the authority of the Great Void Engine!

In his shop, one can know the true identity of the reincarnation!

Someday if he is upset!

He will wear small shoes for the reincarnated people who scold him!

Even if someone is telling the "truth", Camus still sold more than [-] whiteboards on the first day of the trading world, the garbage that the bosses said no dog wanted.

Three days...

A total of [-] copies were sold!

This is also because this trading world is just one of the many trading worlds that the Great Void Engine has opened to reincarnators, and it is an insignificant one.


Because there are too many shops open, Zhou Yuan’s overlord’s house name and advertisements do not see as many reincarnations as expected. Those big bosses who saw these news, in order to buy the basic scroll for themselves, deliberately did not spread it. result!

Ten trillion!

Zhou Yuan sold ten trillion yuan in three days with rubbish that might not even reach [-] points!

This is the speed at which an empty-handed white wolf who has the top resources in his hands and is proficient in current marketing methods can make money!

If Zhou Yuan is now at the ninth level, he can trade the first floor of the world to open a store, and he is willing to display the second era code, the silk thread of the screen of isolation, the blood of the main god, etc., and expresses that only by spending the price of an inheritance artifact, can he Only by becoming a VIP can you be eligible to buy these things.

Maybe his first day.

It is possible to gain one hundred thousand, or one million soul crystal cores, that is, one million trillion points!

This is no nonsense!

In those novels, those top bigwigs are willing to lose their fortunes in order to obtain the news of breakthrough ranks and the possibility of becoming immortals. This is not nonsense.

it is true!

For those creation gods and god kings who are trapped in the ninth level, anything that may allow them to break through the ninth level, even news, let alone the price of a real artifact, even if it costs a Hundreds of real artifacts are the price, and they will chase after them crazily!

Even, if Zhou Yuan said that if there is a god of creation who is willing to be his dog for 1000 years, he will lend him the blood of the main god to study.

There will definitely be tens of thousands of reincarnations at the level of the Creator God who are willing to be Zhou Yuan's dog.

He even adds various constraints to himself!

in order!

It is the first-line chance to surpass the ninth level!

Day three.

Thousands of reincarnators of the ninth-rank boss rank who, in the eyes of Bie Ran, were unattainable and would never come to low-rank areas, gathered in the overlord's house.

Each of them passed the items they were willing to exchange and the price they were willing to pay to Zhou Yuan through the store's trading system.

About 1 minutes later!

Camus took out a basic scroll that can increase the speed of basic nerve reflexes from the exhibit area, and handed it to one of the reincarnations:

"The boss likes your stuff very much. As long as you complete the deal with the Overlord's House and swear not to reveal the specific information about your stuff, and not to reveal all the reincarnators who will use it in the future, this basic scroll will be yours." .”

Chapter 1068 System?Exclusively for the War Bureau! (Seek full order!!)

The deal is over.

Camus looked at the remaining bosses:

"This transaction was completed under the witness of the Great Void Engine. This transaction was recorded by the Great Void Engine. You can check the records to confirm that there is no direct or indirect connection between the two parties in this transaction.

We actually sold a base scroll, and there was nothing inappropriate about it.

The next time our store will sell a basic scroll again, I will send a message to the VIPs in advance. "

A big reincarnator pursed his lips:

"From the way you sell a basic scroll, I guess you won't sell the one-time universal scroll of Puberty Syndrome and Mr. Pei's knife. I want to ask, do you sell the Mars Infinity Set? Do you sell the saplings of the world tree?

I can play for a high price.

The sapling of the world tree, one hundred soul crystal nuclei.

The Mars Infinity suit forms a piece of 500 billion points. "

He did pay a high price.

The fully grown world tree is a powerful divine power, even a great divine power can grow to the level of a god king from its existence, and the price naturally breaks through the sky.

As for the saplings of the World Tree, even if the survival rate is extremely low, some will appear from time to time in various trading markets, and the price is only more than 90 crystal nuclei, which is equivalent to the price of a medium-sized divine weapon.

He is willing to pay a few more crystal nuclei, which is naturally a high price.

Mars Infinity suit, each piece is about 400 billion more, the price is several times more, naturally it is also a high price.

Camus narrowed his eyes.

She was assimilated by Zhou Yuan's soul and had the same thinking as Zhou Yuan.

She has always believed that there are never pies in the sky, only traps.

Whenever someone gives her a favor, he must intend to get several times, even dozens of times, or even higher benefits from her than the benefit given.

Especially for a reincarnated person who has never had enough money to spend, the benefits he wants to obtain must be greater.

This reincarnation person is willing to spend a few more crystal nuclei, which is equivalent to spending a few more godheads of weak gods.

What he wants may be hundreds or even thousands of crystal nuclei!

In addition, Zhou Yuan may have wanted to sell such a big money swallower of World Tree before, but now, Zhou Yuan has entered the trading world of the Great Void Engine. Zhou Yuan also got a large part of the benefits obtained from the robbery-like phenomenon from the puberty syndrome spar.

Zhou Yuan will have no shortage of points in the future!

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