This is... Heard's Labyrinth!

A law-level maze of violence that can hide and protect memories!

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn!

I don't know how many reincarnated people, in order to prevent their memories and secrets from being prying, tried every means, no matter how expensive they were, they had to build a Hart maze to protect their memories.

Zhou Yuan...

Is one of them.

He was luckier.

Although I didn't get the rare law-level Hurd's maze props.

But he got the construction blueprint of Heard's maze, and with his mental strength, he built a complete Heard's maze bit by bit!

He is familiar with every rune in Herd's Labyrinth beyond anyone's imagination!

Heard's Maze...

how to say.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

The reason he is called a maze.

There must be discrepancies.

Just find the entrance!

You can walk into the real memory protected by Herd's maze.

As long as you can completely conquer the maze and find the exit of the maze, you will be able to face the true self of the person whose memory is being protected and understand all his memories.

But the egg hurts, the egg hurts, the Heard maze, it is a maze, and it is a law-level maze that is basically indestructible!

If the entrance to Heard's maze can never be found, so be it.

If you find the entrance to the Hart's maze and enter the maze, you must find the exit according to the rules set by the person who used the law-level props to impose the Hart's maze on Jingu Beja!

If you can't find the exit of Heard's maze!


Enter the soul in the labyrinth!

Will be trapped in the Hart Labyrinth forever, gradually assimilated by the Hart Labyrinth, and become a part of the Hart Labyrinth.


It's a puppet that has become Heard's labyrinth!

This is worse than death!

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn.

I don't know how much I think that I have a thorough understanding of runes, and I can't be more familiar with the Hart's maze. I entered the Hart's maze built by others and was trapped in it forever.

Before rebirth, Zhou Yuan made Heard's labyrinth himself, trapping more than [-] god-level enemies!

Heard's Maze...

It's really disgusting!

It's no wonder that Jingu Beja seems to be a little impatient to have her memory read by herself and rewritten by the instrument.

There is Heard's maze.

Those instruments can't read Jingu Beja's real memory no matter what. What can be read and rewritten is just the memory prepared by Jingu Beja with all his heart, even if the rewriting is a mess, because Jingu Beja can't lose himself.


She is so confident!

If Zhou Yuan wanted to see her true self, he didn't need to enter Heard's labyrinth at all!

He just needs to...

To flicker, just flick the id of Jingu Beja out of the Hart maze.

Zhou Yuan's voice was unusually gentle: "Jingu Beja, do you think that your memory and your id are protected by the Hart Labyrinth, so you can sit back and relax? Don't you think it's too naive?

Do you think your maze can trap Big Big Wolf? "Van.

Chapter 1101 Big Big Wolf Transforms!Super Assist System! (Seek full order!)

Zhou Yuan's voice just fell.

Heard's maze is shaking!


The self of Jingu Beja, who was protected in the Herd Labyrinth, was really shocked!

Big gray wolf?

Don't say that Hurd's Maze can't trap Big Big Wolf, even if it's Hurd's Maze's father, it can't trap Big Big Wolf!

In this world, or this universe, or even the copy worlds of many spaces, all kinds of mazes, all kinds of bans, it can be said that there is no one who can tie Big Big Wolf!

Funny anime characters!

Whether it is Pai Daxing, Big Big Wolf, or Tom Cat, they are all such perverted characters.

You can't imagine what kind of methods they will use to achieve their desired goals.

The issue is!

Army Lord!

Will he really turn into Big Big Wolf?

is it possible?

next second!

"Zero Four Three"

In the spiritual world of Jingu Beja, Zhou Yuan used Sharingan to stimulate his super illusion ability, so that Jingu Beja saw the army leader "with his own eyes" and turned into a big gray wolf. , stretched his body at least ten times, and turned into a long gray wolf!


She saw Zhou Yuan's Big Big Wolf with her own eyes, took out a hammer, knocked out a super powerful spaceship out of nothing, and showed a mouthful of extremely shiny teeth in her spiritual world!

The military leader "really" turned into Big Big Wolf!

This idea is her subconscious thought.

And that's the idea!

The system dedicated to strategic deception that has been tampered with in other spaces and cleared by the Great Void Engine, the reaction produced!

[System (Special Version for the Strategic Deception Bureau)

Through this system, the capacity development progress that has been obtained is as follows.

Invincible: 0.**01% (Some of the reincarnations numbered 99 in the reincarnation space think that you are invincible, and you gradually have the attribute of invincibility.

PS: This attribute only takes effect in the current copy, and cannot take effect in the real world.

When you leave this dungeon world and enter another dungeon world, you need to re-perform your performance, change how other lives perceive you, and accumulate progress again. )

Insanity: 15% (Your madness gives others a cognition that as long as you are crazy enough, you will become stronger fast enough. When you become crazy, as long as you still have this system, you will become stronger. The speed will increase by an additional [-]%!

This ability has no effect if you leave the current instance world. )

Turn into Big Big Wolf: 1% (This ability takes effect!

The performance you performed in Jingu Beja's spiritual world successfully deceived Jingu Beja and distorted her cognition. Maybe you can transform into Big Big Wolf?

Of course, due to the low progress, you can't have the ability of Big Big Wolf. )

Another PS: If you want these attributes and abilities to be used in the real world, you need to accumulate various progress in the real world. The difficulty of accumulating progress in the real world is a hundred times that of the dungeon world.

But the real world...the possibilities are endless.

You will become infinitely stronger!

Moreover, the progress you have accumulated in the real world can be superimposed in the dungeon world!

Damn it! 】

This system...

Really awesome!

People who are fooled by Zhou Yuan's performance and lies, the stronger they are, and the more they believe in Zhou Yuan's performance and lies, the higher the degree of completion of the ability Zhou Yuan deduces will be!

Of course!

The level of completion is also directly related to the strength of others' ability to recognize Zhou Yuan.

It’s as if Zhou Yuan tried his best to make me not Pan Jinlian and their top-tier reincarnations like Tier [-]. I believe that Zhou Yuan is invincible, but invincibility... I don’t know if it’s an ability or a BUFF thing, because there is no clear direction, even if In the dungeon world, which is a hundred times easier, the degree of completion is insanely low.

If Zhou Yuan wanted this invincible attribute, even if it only took effect on him, he would probably have to go in front of a Chuangshi God-level boss to frighten that boss and make him fear himself. Thinking that you are invincible is possible!

And Zhou Yuan only has Tier [-] now!

Even if he exhausted all his abilities.

It is also impossible to pretend to be 13 in front of the boss of the creation god level, and it is impossible to fool the boss of the creation god level through lies.

On the contrary, it is very likely that he will be slapped to death by a boss at the level of a creation god.

In other words.

When Zhou Yuan was at the fourth level, or even at the lower level, he gave up the idea of ​​using performances to make conceptual abilities or attributes like invincibility take effect...


Zhou Yuan is very clear.

The system is invincible.

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