Zhou Yuan's world was evolved by the rule calculator, and Zhou Yuan's rule calculator is currently evolving towards the touch of space, an existence between the highest level world and the space level!

And this world group!

Has the potential to evolve into a space!

But it's just potential!

Not yet space!

The level of this world group!

It is lower than the space level!

In essence, it is on the same level as Zhou Yuan's world, or even lower than Zhou Yuan's world!

This creates a unique phenomenon...

this phenomenon……

how to say?

It's like in many novels, the immortal cultivators in the three thousand big worlds and the three thousand small worlds, in their respective worlds, have ascension channels connecting to the immortal world, so that they can ascend to the immortal world.

Zhou Yuan's world, because of its level, may exceed this world group, although it is not big!

But it is still equivalent to the fairy world of this world group!

Anyone who can communicate with the Zhou Yuan world can open a channel to the Zhou Yuan world in any world or universe in this world group, enter the Zhou Yuan world, or release Sadako from the Zhou Yuan world, release Out of Zerg!

Zhou Yuan is going to do something big this time!

It is related to his world characteristics!

What Zhou Yuan had to do first.

It is to let his followers find ways to go to other fourth to sixth-order worlds and universes in this world group.

This is in another world!

It may be difficult!

But in this world group!

But it's not difficult at all!

If you want to leave other worlds and universes, you still need to break through the world barriers and cosmic membranes.

But this group of worlds, because of the abyss lord Karna Liu, between worlds, between worlds and universes, between universes and universes, there will be regular outbreaks of unique waves linking worlds and universes!

As long as you master the law of the wave outbreak.

Between the waves, keep shuttling!

It is not too difficult to leave the current world and the current universe.

of course!

If you want to do this kind of thing, you need enough force!

Otherwise, if he was killed by the human or abyssal demon just after crossing the wave, that would be nothing.

And Zhou Yuan!

Regardless of his followers or other members of his forces, they are all strong enough!

The sub-god Lori Mercury is the sub-god, as long as her combat power is released, she is almost invincible below the god level!

Just ...

When she first appeared on the stage, she made too much noise, and was remembered by the automatic coping mechanism of Abyss Lord Karnarius. As long as she appeared again, she would easily attract the subordinates of Abyss Lord Karnarius...

At least those with weak divine power, and they are in teams.

The strongest, maybe even the abyssal demon with great divine power!

Yashen Lori Mercury will not participate in the next space battle.

And Esdeth is a sixth-order overlord-level unit template. After learning Zhou Yuan's combat skills, she deduced her combat skills to the extreme in the spiritual performance, plus the various auxiliary equipment Zhou Yuan provided her. , her strength, even if she is suppressed to the same level as Zhou Yuan, she can still fight by leapfrogging!

And it's more than two steps!

She is at the fourth level!

You can play low-level Tier [-]!

Overlord unit!

It's that scary!

She is alone, as long as she doesn't fall into siege, she can even shuttle freely in the fourth to sixth-order worlds and cosmic waves without relying on any help!

Poison Island Saeko...

This is the first woman who follows Zhou Yuan and is awakening Shura's bloodline. Zhou Yuan's training and investment in her is also the biggest. Although she is not a dominant unit, she can still suppress Esdesh. !

of course!

This is only the case of the fourth order.

If Esdesh's strength is liberated to the fifth level, the 4.9 rate that Saeko Busujima can beat Esdesh is less than [-]%!

If Esdesh's strength is released to the sixth level, even if Busujima Saeko is also at the sixth level, the chance of her winning against Esdesh is zero!

The overlord-level template can raise the sixth-level Esdes to the peak of the seventh-level, which belongs to the high-level combat power, and there is an insurmountable horizontal gap between the middle-level and the sixth-level. Children make no difference!


At the fourth level!

The strength of Saeko Busujima is enough to shuttle through the waves of middle-level areas!

Astarte of Frozen and Belial of Karmic Fire, at the fourth level, can still fight back and forth with Esdeth!

And Sadako...

of course?

In the space battlefield without any constraints, she is a disaster!

Only this time!

At the beginning!

She needs to use her avatar to go to worlds and universes and become Zhou Yuan's space beacon! .

Chapter 1107 Target!Loot the Quartermaster Office! (Seek full order!)

As for the followers of Estes, Chitong and Heitong, each of them not only used the super power seeds, but also used those super awesome fruits in the world of One Piece, such as the heavy fruit, the silent fruit, the shining fruit, the dark fruit, etc. Fruit, thunder fruit and so on.

Some of these fruits were obtained when they invaded the world of One Piece.

Some are the newly born Devil Fruits after Zhou Yuan's safe house base world has been integrated into the origin of the world of the Seventh One Piece!

In addition, their combat skills have been greatly improved, even several times, in the spiritual martial arts. Even if they are at the fourth rank, they still have the combat power to leapfrog the ranks!

Especially the red pupil, it is worthy of cutting the red pupil, the protagonist of this anime is worthy of being able to kill the existence of Esdeth in the anime, her talent is terrible, now, she can compete with the fourth-order Estes fought back and forth. Although he won't win, he won't be completely suppressed either.

It can be regarded as the combat power of a sixth-order primary stage.

12 All the followers of Estes also have the combat power to survive in the fourth to sixth-order space battlefield!

As for Pina and her Rose Knights.

Its members are less talented than Zhou Yuan's followers and Esdeth's followers.

But Pinna and her order...

There are so many people!

The original number of knights that Ping Na brought from the empire was not very scary.

But because their knights are the only combat knights in the safe base world other than Zhou Yuan and his followers that need living people, and they are also the only unit that recruits members from the entire safe house base world!

This has attracted a large number of people who originally belonged to researchers in the safe house base world, but have a fighting heart, to join her knight order!

Her Knights!

Today's number is 1!

All 48 levels!

Same level as Zhou Yuan!

Everyone has used genetic enhancers and superpower seeds, and almost all of them have learned the three-color domineering, although because of talent, the domineering domineering color was not born, nor did the knowledge-color domineering and domineering Armed color domineering cultivation to the extreme, but if combined with the improvement in the spiritual performance, each of them can basically fight by leapfrogging!

They can be regarded as a fifth-order knight order!

Among them, there are more than 300 outstanding, who ate the devil fruit born in the safe house base world!

Although these fruits are not of the natural type, nor are they animal-type phantom beasts, they don't look very powerful in the superhuman type, and there are even some animal-type fruits.


Because their vision is wider, they have more whimsical ideas, and Lilith of the Black provides various scientific research data and experiments, their devil fruits are highly developed and capable.

there's a few!

Even after completing the awakening, his ability was so strong that he almost caught up with Esdeth's Anxie followers!

Princess Pinna even promised them that if they could defeat or draw with the followers of Esdes, she would win for them the same rights and interests as the followers of Esdes from the military lord!

They are integrating their fleets, mecha units, and almost all B-gold hot weapons.

They can completely be undefeated on the battlefield of the fourth or even fifth order!


Most of them, like the Zerg, are not certified by the number 99 reincarnation space. No matter how many they kill on the space battlefield, the army leader will not get any benefits.

It's different from Zerg.

Their task is to constantly shuttle in the space vortex of the wave, and provide space beacons for the military master to drop Zerg and Sadako!

They don't have a hard task!

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