Li Ye's face was full of relaxed and freehand expression: "I'll be waiting for you right here!"

"If you dare to come, just bring your 20 Hun army, just come!"

After one word.

But I can see Li Ye behind him in the capital.

Thousands of flags are fluttering, smoke and dust are rising, and voices are everywhere!

From the looks of it, it is called a rainbow-like momentum.

Just momentum.

It is determined that it is not a mere one thousand as Li Ye said, and the army can be compared.

Do this.

The expressions of Modu and the Hun army changed.

Grinning, Mao Dun's face was cloudy and uncertain.

His eyes were on the banners in the city and Li Ye at the head of the city, and he couldn't help hesitating.

He who originally wanted to order, desperately, the whole army to attack.

See this scene.

It turned out to be hesitant.

To fight, or not to fight?

It became a difficult problem in Mao Dun's heart.

It can be said.

Today's Modu is the same as the Huns.

It's already hard to get off.

If you don't fight, it will naturally cause more turmoil in the army.

But it's time to fight...

What if Li Ye really ambushed heavy soldiers here?

Could it be that yesterday's tragedy is really going to reappear?

With such hesitation.

Mao Dun, who intended to charge regardless of everything else, quietly let go of his ambition.

He still glared at Li Ye and drank, but his tone was softer than before, but for some reason, he said, "Li Ye, little boy! Don't play tricks and play tricks!"

"Unrealistically know that I have an army of 20, and the soldiers are strong! No matter how scheming you are, you will not be able to escape the fate of the leader today!"

Li Ye spoke loudly, with an even bigger smile on his face.

The momentum of the whole body is also increasing.

In front of the 20 Huns army, he unceremoniously pointed straight at Maodun: "Then why are the 20 troops still cowering here at this moment!?"

"Since the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, I am only one person, just come and attack the city!"


Li Ye's face was full of grimness, and he shouted angrily: "Today we fight and don't fight, and we don't retreat, what's the reason!?"

"Still, you are so timid as a mouse, are you really afraid of me!?"

The loud and thick voice resounded through the entire Desheng Gate in an instant!

Many Hun troops heard this.

It felt like thunder, exploding in my ears!

for a while.

Li Ye shouted angrily!

The majestic 20 Huns army even took a step back.

The prestige of one person.

That's all!

When it is time, above the head of the city.

Everyone in Daxia was full of enthusiasm.

Looking at Li Ye, he is like a heavenly man!

And Li Ye, will he give up just because of this?

Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone.

Li Ye was already holding the Overlord Bow!

Draw the bow!

With the power of one person!

Directly aimed at Maodun under the protection of the 20 army!

"Since you don't dare to fight, then what if I start this battle!?"

After one sentence.

The whole house was in an uproar!

Everyone at the top of the city was stunned and looked at Li Ye at the top of the city.

Everyone stood there in a daze!

Chapter 155 The remorseful Maodun killed the Huns until they were terrified

when it is.

Li Ye drew the bow and strung the string.

The Huns army, which was originally nervous, immediately fell into a commotion.

"Quick! Protect Shan Yu!"

"Quick! Protect Shan Yu!"


Under the anxious cry of a group of Hun leaders.

There is a large group of Xiongnu troops guarding Maodun behind them.

Raise your shield.

Jiang Maodun is almost airtight.

under heavy protection.

Mao Dun lowered his head slightly, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

That's what holds your head up.

You laughed loudly and said, "Li Ye! This is a battlefield! With your courage, do you want to frighten Ben Shanyu!?"

"How naive, do you think Ben Shanyu will give you this chance!?"

After ten days.

Mao Dun naturally knew it too.

Back then on the south bank of the North Canal, how did my beloved son Ji Porridge and the [-] advance army be defeated?

In addition, his left ear, which was shot down by an arrow, still hurts a little.

Mao Dun naturally had enough awareness of Li Ye's bravery.

How could he give Li Ye another chance?

However, is it true?

Li Ye narrowed his eyes.

Listening to Mouton's loud shout under the heavy protection.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Huns can protect Modu.

But can other things be protected?

Eyes shifted.

Li Ye's eyes fell directly on the Hun's banner that was waving in the wind behind Maodun!

The big banner is the soul of the army.

No matter when and where, as long as the banner is still standing, the morale of the army will not be completely collapsed.

The big banner is like falling down.

Even if the battle situation is in an advantage.

The morale of the army must also be turbulent.

Li Ye smiled lightly.

The string is like a full moon!

And the arrow is pointing to the banner of the Huns!


Mao Dun under the city seemed to know something.

He quickly looked at the big banner and shouted from all over his body: "Quick! Protect the big banner! Protect the big banner!"


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