Just kneel to the sky, kneel to the ground, and kneel to parents.

Born to be worshipped.

Why do you need to bow to other people?

They really didn't understand what Li Ye was up to.

It was only Li Ye who was half kneeling on the ground.

Everyone present had goosebumps, and their hearts were trembling.

So ever.

under the watchful eyes of all.

Li Ye gave them the answer.


"I salute to all the soldiers who fought bloody battles!"

Li Ye faced the soldiers guarding the capital and bowed heavily: "Thank you for your bloody battles. The capital, Daxia, and Zhen survived!"

"My second obeisance, to all the soldiers who died in battle!"

Li Ye's face was extremely solemn, and he bowed to the sky again: "Because of their sacrifices, you and I are able to stand here today!"

"My third worship is to the families of all the fallen soldiers!"

Li Ye turned his head, faced the countless once-hidden few, and bowed three times: "Thank you for your dedication and understanding, your son, your husband, and your father! You have made indelible contributions to Great Xia!"

After three prayers.

Li Ye got up.

Facing everyone who was already stunned.

Raising his big hand, he immediately ordered: "Pass on my order!"

"Starting today, all the families of the fallen soldiers in Daxia will be given [-] acres of fertile land, and they will be exempted from taxation and corvee for ten years!"

"At the same time, all soldiers who died in battle can enter the Martyrs Cemetery! Its specifications are the same as those of the emperor's mausoleum!"

"You were once forgotten, ignored."

"But from now on, their names and their achievements will be remembered forever!"

"I will never forget them, and Daxia will never forget them either!"


Li Ye's words ignited the audience!

Chapter 203 They Are God's Will

At this moment.

Whether it is Cao Cao, Sima Yi, the ministers and generals of the court.

Or ordinary soldiers.

And those people in the capital.

After hearing Li Ye's words.

They all stared at Li Ye in astonishment.

I couldn't believe everything I heard.

To build a martyr's cemetery for all the soldiers who died in battle?

It doesn't matter if it's in Daxia.

Even the entire Central Plains!

For thousands of years, this has not happened at all.

Since ancient times, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors began.

for thousands of years.

Joining the army to fight is the bounden duty of a soldier.

And sacrifice is inevitable.

It can be said.

Whether it is joining the army or dying in battle, it is just their duty.

But he has never enjoyed such treatment.

To know.

Except for a very few generals with outstanding meritorious service, they have the towering achievements of changing the sun, the moon and the new sky, and helping the building to collapse.

Almost no one who joined the army is qualified to let the country set up a mausoleum in person.

Even the generals are like this.

Not to mention those ordinary soldiers.

After dying on the battlefield.

It is not easy to send a complete set of bones to their family members.

What's more, let alone the bones, even the relics of the sacrificed soldiers cannot be delivered.

After dying in battle.

No one knows, no one cares except the family.

Buried in a foreign land.

After a hundred years in the family.

Their exploits, their valor, will no longer be known in the world.

All traces of existence are almost erased by time.

It was as if they had never come to this world.

All the soldiers in the world are like this.

Although they don't say it.

In my heart, is there no idea after all?

Although it is a duty to die for the country.

However, such an inexplicable death, without even leaving a life or even a trace, isn't it sad?

And this moment.

What Li Ye said.


It was for these soldiers that they made up for the last piece of heart trouble.

From now on.

Their sacrifice is no longer meaningless.

It will no longer dissipate with time.

As Li Ye said just now.

Their names.

what they have done.

All will be engraved there one by one along with the martyrs cemetery.

Everyone looked at Li Ye in the center in unison.

There was a little inexplicable shock on his face.

Those holy kings and benevolent people, they have heard a lot.

Even, most of them grew up listening to the stories of those people.

From the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns to the current Qin Emperor, Han Emperor and his like.

But no matter how much you see.

But it is not very clear, what is called a real Mingjun.

Knowing that now, they understand.

Probably someone like Li Ye is Mingjun, right?

They are experiencing it.

A Mingjun who is quite different from all the heroes in the past thousands of years.

No matter what happens in the future.

At least for now.

They feel that they are lucky.

"Your Majesty, Sheng Ming is benevolent! Great Xia is blessed, and the heavens are blessed!"


Shout out one sentence at a time.

In an instant, it resounded through the audience.

I don't know who started it first.

In the beginning, it was all the soldiers who participated in the defense of the capital.

They are the ones who benefit most from this statement.

It is also the group of people who most understand what this means.

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