"What do I do with this!? What do I do!?"

Under Li Ye's pressing step by step.

Li Zhen retreated step by step towards the rear.

His mouth still shouted sentence by sentence.

But the tone of the rebuttal was so weak.

Li Zhen didn't care about the 50 Xia elites who died in the civil castle.

He didn't care about the ability of the famous officials of the Great Xia who died together.

I don't care about that in order to protect the capital.

More than 6 soldiers died.

From start to finish.

What Li Zhen cares about is only his own throne, his own glory and wealth, nothing more.

And now.

Even if he is stupid, he knows it.

If there is no action.

All he cares about.

from now on.

will go away from him.

Almost subconsciously.

Li Zhen turned his eyes directly to Cixi who was beside him.

It was as if he had seen the backbone.

"Queen! Queen! Say something!"

Li Zhen trembled slightly, and even burst into tears between his words: "Li Ye, this little bastard, he wants to destroy me, he wants to destroy me!"

Li Zhen at the moment.

That trembled all over.

A look of incomparable fear.

Where is the slightest demeanor of being an emperor?

Even Cixi on the side.

They all gave Li Zhen a hard look.

Seeing the latter's disappointing appearance.

Then he looked at Li Ye who was at the side.

Can't wait to kick.

Kick down.

This thing is really embarrassing.

After all, a pheasant cannot be a phoenix.

Although he has been the emperor for five full years.

But look at Lee Jin now.

Where does this look like the Son of Heaven?

Cixi had a gloomy face.

Take a deep breath.

Looking at Li Ye again: "Li Ye, no matter how much you talk, it's just nonsense!"

"Li Zhen is the emperor! He is the emperor of Daxia!"

"No matter what mistakes he made, it's not a reason for you to depose him. You alone are not worthy!"

"You abolished his throne without authorization, have you ever asked Aijia? Have you ever asked the princes in the court!? This Great Summer is not yours, Li Ye!"

And after Cixi finished saying this sentence.

Either Qin Hui or Zhao Gao and the others were on the side.

All are listed.

Came behind Cixi.

Loudly echoed: "Your Majesty, you are only performing the duties of the emperor temporarily in place of the orthodox emperor! How can you abolish the orthodox emperor's position without authorization!?"

"Aren't you afraid of causing anger and resentment for this move!? Where will the Great Xia ancestor rule be placed!? Where will the princes of the court be placed!?"

"Abolishing the orthodox emperor, isn't Your Majesty afraid of provoking public anger!?"

A group of about ten people.

One after another jumped out.

Don't say it yet.


It's full of momentum.

while talking.

Cixi also looked at the rest of the court ministers.

Desperately winking.

The meaning is already obvious.

after all.

In Cixi's view.

Now the entire court.

Although they are basically under Li Ye's control.


This court is not Li Ye's court.

Although right now.

Li Ye had the upper hand in court.

But he, Cixi, is not without people.

five-year reign.

Cixi is in court.

However, he recruited a large number of cronies.

Only these people come out.

Even if the number is not comparable to that of Li Ye.

But as long as there are voices of opposition in the court.

Li Ye abolished the matter of Li Zhen.

It was not so easy to proceed smoothly.

Cixi naturally had this calculation in mind.

However here.

Li Ye always had a faint smile on his face: "Really?"

"Arouse public outrage?"

Li Ye smiled.

But it was under Cixi's suspicious eyes.

Looking straight at the ministers in the court hall: "My dear ministers, do you also think so?"

A word is spoken.

But no one answered.


Cixi began to panic.

Desperately winking at those people.

For the response to Empress Dowager Cixi.

It was the eyes of those people who dodged.

quite a while.

Still no one came out.

"You guys are talking!"

Cixi was so angry that her whole body trembled.

The creases on his face trembled, looking extremely terrifying.

His eyes were on those people, and he couldn't help hesitantly.

But respond to her.

But there is only silence.

among these people.

In fact, there are also many veterans of Daxia.

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