He handed the kettle in his hand to Naruto, and then jumped back to the position just now, tensely on guard.

The woman who spoke just now is the fifth-generation Mizukage of the Water Country, and is currently considered the most powerful ninja in the country, but she is also considered a more beautiful woman besides Hokage Tsunade of Konoha Village.

Chapter 201 Five Generations of Mizukage ~ Terumi Mei

The appearance of this woman, even in the entire ranks of ninjas, can almost rank in the top ten positions, at least among the known crowd, she can bear this title.

Elegant temperament, tall figure, and even the way he talks, all give people an extraordinary feeling.

"Brother Naruto!"

Kaorin stood behind the fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, and when he saw Naruto, he smiled and shouted loudly, but at the same time began to show a state of worry.

I am happy that I can see the other party here, but I am worried that the number of people coming this time is indeed quite large, but they are not as frightened as I imagined.

"Little girl, don't interrupt! Let me chat with your brother for a while. As for the rest, that's your business."

With a slight smile on the corner of Terumi Mei's mouth, she turned her head to look at Kaorin, put her finger on her lips slightly, and opened her mouth to speak in a friendly manner.

But her smile directly startled Xiang Lin.

Immediately recalled the scene when I was caught an hour ago in my mind. The other party was bored and kissed the wooden pillar in the room, and then there were burning marks on the wooden pillar. The picture, in a short period of time, made her really unacceptable.

"Kigakure Five Generations of Mizukage, I really didn't expect that I can still see it in this place where the birds don't shit. I don't know if this is fate or accident?"

In the gazebo, Naruto was still sitting there with a smile on his face, looking at Terumi Mei who was more than ten meters away with interest, and asked in a frivolous tone.

"Interesting little guy, if I were 20 years younger and talked to you about such a topic, maybe I could consider it, but I can't do it now. I don't have that kind of thought when I come here today."

Terumi Mei said, her tone paused for a moment, and then her face suddenly became serious and she asked, "I want to know why you killed our people in Wuyin Village?"

"Kill it if you kill it. How can there be so many problems? If you think you can take revenge, after all, there are so many people here, you can try it."

Naruto said lightly, then stood up directly, and started walking towards Terumi Mei.

When walking towards the steps of the gazebo, Naruto's own Chakra aura surged instantly when his footsteps landed, and the powerful impact directly caused cracks to appear on the ground the moment he landed.

When the second step landed, Naruto's eyes instantly turned sky blue, and his hair stood up. Under the blessing of natural energy, the floor tiles laid on the ground flew far away in an instant.

"You can find out about my affairs, but as for the other one, can you let go now?"

Naruto walked towards Terumi Mei step by step, and a cold voice appeared in the other's ear at this moment.

With such a powerful aura, even the fifth Mizukage felt tremendous pressure. She had no doubts about the other party, and as long as she wanted to, she could easily kill everyone present.

Terumi Mei finally understands now, why Buzai would say such words to make her give up before coming here, a person with such great strength, even at such an old age, she has hardly seen a few people .

"Don't get me wrong, we came here this time just to get to know each other, but we have lost a general in Wuyin Village, we always have to come here to ask the explanation, otherwise, the village is not easy to control, right?"

Terumi Mei suppressed the surprise in her heart, looked at the other party with a smile on her face and asked.

"I'm not interested in your affairs. The ultimate reason why the people under your command will be killed is all because of him, so don't think too much about it. At least I don't have any thoughts about your village now. As long as I don't While being threatened again, it will not bring any threat to others.

And vice versa, I will use my own hands to kill anyone who can threaten me, and I will do what I say! "

If Naruto hadn't seen Xianglin and nothing happened, otherwise, he would have already started to do it.

Even in the face of so many people, it is impossible to bring him any pressure.

Sometimes strength is as simple as that, as long as strength can stand on the commanding heights, then people can also stand there.

"I also hope you don't get me wrong, Mizukage-sama came here this time mainly to meet you, and he didn't have any thoughts about Qing-sama's death, besides, Qing-sama doesn't belong to Mizukage-sama's side.

We didn't hurt your partner, and she can leave at any time, so please don't get angry! "

Taodi stepped forward again, lowered his head slightly and said.

Originally, this incident was already blamed on Sanwei, but he didn't expect those people under him to be so unreliable. One of them revealed all the details of this incident after drinking.

This led to the current situation. It is estimated that none of the people present wanted to do it. When they saw the opponent's strength, they already knew how much they were.

Just when they were about to set off from Kirigakure Village, they already wanted to stop Terumi Mei if they didn't kill them. The main reason was that they knew that Naruto's strength was not what their current strength as a village could handle.

Not to mention that after passing through the Blood Mist, the strength of the entire village has declined significantly compared to before, and there is no strong person to take the lead, so why bother to start a war with others?

Most people in the village now understand this situation, but there is always one side, a small number of struggle factions, occupying high positions, but never thinking about a village, but always using other people's lives for their own petty gains. To fill the void in my heart.

Terumi Mei was still thinking of himself as Mizukage, and the high-level people in the village had this kind of thing happen. The key is not people from his own faction. They came here because of pressure to settle accounts with Naruto, but this is just the beginning, and it has not yet happened. After chatting for a few words, it has already evolved into this appearance. In an instant, the water shadow opened his mouth slightly and didn't know how to speak.

Naruto looked at the progress of the matter and had reached the goal he wanted. After putting away the natural energy chakra, he continued to wear a gentle smile on his face, and glanced at everyone present, even if their faces were hidden behind the mask. However, relying on the other party's body movements, you can still perceive the difference.

All the people present, except Zabuzhan and Mizumu Yuebai had already guessed this kind of ending, none of them had thought that a young guy could have such strength, relying on One person can frighten a village.

Chapter 202 What do you want?

After returning to Kirigakure, life is not as bad as imagined, at least as the owner of the beheading sword, his status in this village is pretty good now.

Basically, it is almost the same as Kakashi's position in Konoha, and he can be regarded as a talkative person at least.

Mizukage Terumimei didn't care about Momoji's tone of voice and behavior, but now she is full of interest in this little guy.

"If I remember correctly, your name should be Uzumaki Naruto, right?"

Terumi Mei twisted her body and approached Naruto, the fragrance of her body was even absorbed by the other party's nostrils.

The tone of his speech was even more whiny. If he didn't know that he was already an old woman around 40 years old, maybe he might really be seduced by the other party's situation.

"You remember right!"

Naruto looked at the other party indifferently and said, of course, he couldn't help scanning his eyes.

This action made Uzumaki Karin, who is also a woman standing behind, instantly feel as if the jar of vinegar has been overturned. He probably didn't care about being captured by others, but stared at Naruto angrily. .

"Little brother, are you interested in coming to our village? At least it must be much better than staying in Konoha. We can give you what they can't give you, and we can give you more things you want."

It has to be said that Terumi Mei's condition is very rich, and for a Mizukage to say such words in person, there are already many inner meanings.

After all, for a big country, rashly accepting the treason and tolerance of other countries, let alone Nine-Tails Jinzhuri, the political impact will be quite serious, and it may even directly lead to an all-round war between the two countries.

Regardless of whether Terumi Mei is intentional or unintentional, or joking, once she says this, she needs to bear the consequences of saying it as a Mizukage.

"It can be considered, but at least I don't have much interest in your place right now! At least I am very pleased to have your words. If possible, I don't mind helping you in the future!"

Naruto said with a smile, and then walked directly past the other party to Kaorin, not paying attention to the eyes of anyone around him, holding the other party's hand and preparing to leave here.

"Could it be possible to kill the people on our side, and there is really no explanation?"

Terumi Mei looked at the back of the other party leaving, and before taking a few steps, she began to ask with a serious face.

"Ice Escape ~ Spiral Blade!"

Naruto didn't look back, but simply condensed an ice cube on the palm of his hand, the whole was like a sharp blade, but this sharp blade was suspended at a place about 5 cm away from the palm of his hand, and he drank lightly with his mouth , and suddenly flew directly towards the area where the dense woods were located halfway up the mountain in the distance.

At the same time as it left the palm and began to fly out, the throwing knife, which was originally made of ice cubes, suddenly began to spin rapidly, and began to affect the surrounding air.

If it's just like this, it doesn't matter, but when it flies about 10 meters away, it starts to crack instantly, and when these ice blocks fly to the distant woods, when they fall to the ground, they seem to have become countless ice cubes. the same.

It didn't make too much noise, it was just a very understated attack that directly turned the dense forest into a barren ruin in an area [-] meters away.

The area covered by this ninjutsu has reached at least a thousand square meters, and there is not even a single grass on the ground after the attack.

The huge trees that were still there turned into powder after this attack.

All this was done in a smooth manner, without even a straightforward reply, and then continued to hold Xianglin and slowly disappeared here.

When you can use force to deter, you will never say it with your mouth. After all, the effect shown and the result obtained are almost two different situations.

"It's really shocking. How old is this?"

Terumi Mei said in disbelief, although she felt the strength of the other party just now, she didn't think that she could not defeat the other party with so many people, but everything in front of her at least allowed her to believe it greatly.

"I've already said before I came here that this guy's abilities cannot be compared with ordinary people's. He can condense ice attribute Chakra by himself in more than ten days. His brain can no longer be considered by normal people's thinking."

No longer looking at the empty road with emotion and talking, it can be regarded as a simple reply to Terumimei's emotion.

"It's already like this, how should I explain to those old monsters when I go back?" Terumi Mei asked.

As a water shadow, she seems very relaxed at this moment, she has completely forgotten everything that happened just now, and now she is thinking about how to explain to the old guys in the village.

After all, the person who died was not his own, and Qing's existence itself still poses a great threat to him. If he hadn't taken into account the opinions of the Hyuga family in Konoha Village, this guy would very likely become an existence to replace him , excellent ability, coupled with the appreciation of those old guys, there will be no one who refuses such a person to become Mizukage.

After all, Kirigakure is already in such an environment, and no one cares about who is the leader. Anyway, they only think that no matter how bad it is, it is impossible to be worse than the previous form.

However, it is such an existence, who can die there just by performing a small task, and the happiest person after getting the news is her.

Solving such a guy will greatly weaken the status of those old guys in Wuyin Village to a certain extent, and at the same time greatly strengthen their own position.

"I think now is the time to completely control Kirigakure!"

Zabuzhan took a deep breath, and then said seriously.

His gaze was fixed on Terumi Mei, the purpose was to take a look at the attitude of the other party.

I chose to defect at first because that village has become a purgatory on earth, without any humanity at all.

The reason why he returned now is that he is full of hope for the current water shadow. Although everything is not as satisfactory as he imagined, at least the village is gradually developing towards the better side.

"What do you want?"

Terumi Mei didn't express his attitude immediately, but looked at the other party leisurely and asked.

"Then kill them and let those old guys in the village hide in the blood mist forever!"

No matter how fierce his eyes are, at least for today's village, it is indeed possible to do this kind of thing directly.

Chapter 203 For Nine Tails

Terumi Mei stared at each other, her face gradually became serious, but in the end she still didn't express any attitude.


A dim room-like place, there seemed to be no doors around, and there was no light here, and there was only a guy with black sticks sitting in the middle.

The thin body looks like it is dying, but at the same time it gives people an extremely gloomy look.

"Nagato, the tailed beasts in front have not been dealt with yet, is it possible that you really want to start with Kyuubi first?"

Xiao Nan stood beside Nagato, looking at the other party very distressed. She looked like a walking dead now, and she was very worried that the other party might not be able to hold on to such a battle.

That's why he looked puzzled, and looked at the other party worriedly and asked.

"This plan was supposed to be realized in a year and a half, but the current situation may not be able to wait. Uzumaki Naruto's strength is growing too fast, and it is likely to have a great impact on us. While the current strength is not outstanding, Hurry up and take down the opponent first, as for the others, we can only talk about them one by one."

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