
Jiu Xinnai said sorry several times in succession. If she was in a normal state, she would be able to feel her tears, but in this state, even her eyes did not change at all. This body is average.

"Kushinna! Let me say a few more words. Let me interrupt your tender moment first. Naruto-kun summoned you back this time because he wanted to use this form to resurrect you. Now he really wants to consult your opinion, so I think it’s not bad for me to speak about this matter!”

At the moment when the mother and son were still speechless, Orochimaru took the lead in directly talking about Naruto's topic.

For the resurrection, the most excited and anxious people were not Naruto himself, but Orochimaru and Yaoshidou who had been standing aside to see the existence of this miracle.

One pursues eternal life, the other pursues faith. The two seem to have different paths, but they are surprisingly consistent in some things.

That's why Orochimaru directly broke this kind of warm moment. Before the two of them started chatting, they directly stated their ultimate purpose.

Chapter 230 Pharmacist's Curiosity

"To shut up!"

At first, several people were still thinking about what kind of reaction and performance Kushina would have?

But the sudden opening of his mouth instantly made Orochimaru speechless and ashamed.

After being stunned for a moment, he recalled that this should be regarded as a relatively normal Jiu Xinnai, a woman who was called Little Red Pepper since she was a child.

"This kind of thing is not so urgent. I will call you when I start. In the next time, we need to have a good chat. At least let my mother know what the situation is now. The specific choice at that time will be determined by my mother." !"

Naruto didn't look too anxiously at the unfamiliar woman in front of him and said.

Orochimaru didn't act too anxious afterwards, anyway, the matter is only for a while, no matter how anxious they are, they need the consent of the two of them.


"Oshemaru-sama, why didn't Naruto-sama revive his mother immediately?"

In the laboratory, Pharmacist looked at Dashewan curiously and somewhat disappointedly and asked.

"Things are not so urgent. Since he chooses to do this, he must have his purpose. Some things seem to be not as simple as you imagined. Is it possible to tell a woman who once had infinite fantasies about the village? The only son actually defected? And the person who was used to resurrect and turn around was the person from the village that made her die for it?"

Orochimaru said calmly, but while saying this, he also slowly put down the experimental work in his hand.

Suddenly the former person appeared, and this kind of thing directly caused Dashewan to lose the nature of the research in front of him, at least for now.

Yao Shidou is not the kind of person who is not smart, otherwise he would not have lived to his current age, perhaps because he wanted to revive the person in his heart so much, which made him a little anxious and lost his due judgment.

"If a person can really revive other people indefinitely, and this person will not suffer any loss, then do you know how terrifying it will be?

There is a price to be paid for doing anything in this world, so where is the source of this price?

So some things are not when you should be anxious, just watch carefully, what Naruto-kun will do in the future will exceed your imagination! "

Orochimaru sat there calmly, recalling the scene of meeting Naruto for the first time in his mind, everything seemed so close, as if it happened yesterday.

The number of times the two met each other can also be counted on the fingers, but the shock brought to him by the other party is more obvious each time.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru spoke unhurriedly, the words in it had the meaning of warning, but also the idea of ​​praise.

The one who warned was the pharmacist standing in front of him, and the one who praised was Uzumaki Naruto behind him.

No matter what a person does, it seems that there is depth, but this little guy who is only in his teens, in the eyes of Da Shemaru, has been counted as a bottomless person through and through.

"I understand, but will the sudden appearance of people affect our experiment?"

the pharmacist asked.

"Ha ha!!"

Orochimaru laughed suddenly, and then said with emotion, "Your people who appear suddenly will disrupt our experiments, so Naruto-kun will be more worried that people who appear suddenly will disrupt his experiments. The level is low, and all Things are definitely not as simple as what we see right now, we may not understand this kind of thing until later, and even Kushina's resurrection is very likely to be related to the experiment!"

Pharmacist Dou seems to understand, but he doesn't seem to understand, but he does know one thing, and it is no longer suitable for him to know too much. In this position, to be precise, he is someone else's subordinate, and he should do his part well. Don't inquire too much about things that should be considered.



This place has now changed into a different look. Although the previous architectural style is still retained, at least this kind of wooden villa facing the sea and blooming in spring is particularly conspicuous here with a height of four floors.

As soon as he came out, the fresh air rushed towards his face. Feeling the environment and the sense of familiarity here, Kushina suddenly asked in surprise, "Isn't this Muye Village?"


Naruto was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Xianglin who was standing behind him, "Go back first!"

Xianglin glanced at Kushina, then looked at Naruto again, then nodded and turned to leave.

"Is this your little girlfriend? I think it should be a member of our Uzumaki clan, right?"

As a woman's nature, Jiu Xinnai started to gossip as soon as Xiang Lin left. Although she is not familiar with this son yet, her personality is here after all.


Naruto was speechless, rolled his eyes and said again, "I'm only 16 years old now, don't be so anxious, okay!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've been dead for too long, and I just came out, and I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Kushina said carelessly.

"This is the Land of Vortex, and it should be considered as the place where you lived when you were a child, but I have to say, this place is indeed very comfortable, without the coldness of the Land of Water, the heat of the Land of Wind, and the lack of land. The desolation of the land of thunder and the mountains of the land of thunder.

Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. The family lives in such a place, pursuing comfort without any disturbances. This is the life I have always wanted.

There is no intrigue, no intrigue, and the country of Vortex is like a paradise. "

"This is Whirlpool Village!"

Listening to her son's words, Jiu Xinnai suddenly realized why she seemed to be familiar with this place. Although she didn't live here for a long time, it was still the place where she lived for five or six years when she was a child.

Even though everything here has changed, but the traces left around are not enough for her to recognize this place at a glance, but the memory fragments left in the impression still make her realize this.

"That's right, this is Uzushio Village, once the core of Uzumaki Country!"

Naruto didn't hide anything, he sat directly on the rattan chair in the courtyard, swayed his body, and calmly said to his familiar but unfamiliar mother.

"you are here……"

Kushina originally wanted to ask a serious question, but thinking of the current situation, the experimental base in the underground space, the expression and words of Orochimaru, have all proved that his son did not seem to follow their will at all. .

Before she finished speaking, she also simply sat on another wicker chair next to her, trying her best to calm herself down and not think too much.

Chapter 231 Resurrection

After carefully feeling the surrounding environment and atmosphere, she who lived here originally did not know the existence of the underground palace.

But now, for this woman who has already died once, besides the son in front of her eyes, what else is there to care about in this world?

Whether the village is a village or not doesn't seem to have any effect on her, and it doesn't seem to matter whether she has it or not.

"Can you tell me a little bit about your life over the years?"

Jiu Xinnai returned to a calm state, did not pay attention to those things outside, looked at his son with some curiosity and expectation and asked.

"I defected. More than two years ago, when I was 13 years old, I defected from Muye Village. I left the place that I didn't feel hated, and found my own freedom.

from the very beginning...


Naruto didn't reject this topic, in fact, he probably didn't even know why he was willing to communicate with the woman in front of him about his past.

Maybe there is a mother-child relationship between them, or maybe these things themselves have been suppressed for so many years.

In short, at this moment, he really found a feeling of coming home, and enjoyed this leisurely moment basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze.

Two people, one talking and the other listening, Kushina had no intention of disturbing her son's continuation of the talk.

But even in this state, after hearing about her son's childhood experience, she was so angry that she held both sides of the wicker chair tightly with both hands, and the strength even exceeded the limit that this same person could bear.

A deep finger mark has been scratched on the edge of the thick wood, but he can't express any emotion in this state. Even if he is so angry, his face still has the original indifferent expression.

"I'm sorry, Naruto! We didn't think so, I..."

"No need to explain, mom, I can understand it very well. I have met you and dad once before in my spiritual world. I know the things inside very well. I don't regret leaving there, at least for now Life is quite comfortable, without the shackles of ninja identity, isn't it better for me?"

Naruto interrupted Kushina, who was blaming himself, and said with a gentle tone and a smile on his face.

He casually brought up all the past in one stroke, as if he had never experienced those life experiences in his childhood, or these unbearable pasts are just a shallow painting in his life for him now, and he can't describe too deep emotions and anger.

"Seeing that you still have this mentality when you grow up, my mother is really happy. Maybe your father will also be proud when he sees you like this."

Although Jiuxinna had let go of everything in her tone, only she knew it in her heart.

The husband and wife gave up their lives for the sake of the whole village. They did not expect their only son to end up in such a situation.

The place that once cost them their lives only got this kind of reward in the end.

It is estimated that whoever it is is likely to directly collapse in anger, and may even directly kill back to that place, and let everything that was once cherished disappear in smoke.

But at least he won't do it now, Jiu Xinnai understands that his son has already taken this step, so why should he, a dead person, do those things again?

Chatting from noon until sunset, watching the sunset on the sea, the dusk looks so beautiful, when the red sunset light shines on Jiu Xinnai's long red hair, this woman looks exactly as imagined It's very different, not as irritable as I remember, nor as careless as I remember!

"Naruto, the meal is ready, let's see if..."

When the two of them watched the sunset scenery together, the door behind the room slowly opened. Xiang Lin was wrapped in a light blue apron, and she looked like she had been dressed up a little bit. She also had red hair, but This time she accidentally put on trousers and a shape-fitting shirt. Under the shining light, she looked very beautiful when she smiled.

"It's time to get down to business. I summoned you this time. I didn't just want to chat with you for a day. The next step is to revive you. In the days to come, my mother can also become an ordinary person. The whole family Be happy, enjoy this scenery every day, at least you don’t have to worry about anything, don’t you?”

Naruto understood what Xianglin said, so he smiled and asked for his mother's opinion.

If the resurrection is not agreed by the person himself, then there will be big problems in the next resurrection road, and it will also cause a considerable price to forcefully pull it from another dead world.

Jiu Xinnai just stood there blankly, she really never thought about this kind of thing, and she never even thought that people can be resurrected after death.

This is no longer a simple ninjutsu concept, or in her sea and impression, this should be a kind of logic that should never appear at all.

But looking at his son's appearance, Kushina didn't think about refusing, but asked in a daze, "It won't do you any harm, right?"

"Don't worry mom, this kind of thing will not be affected in any way except for wasting a little chakra!"

Naruto said it lightly, as if it really wouldn't do any harm.

Why did Jiu Xinnai not want to be with her son? After hearing this, how could she have the courage to refuse?Perhaps the heart is more in a state of hesitation.

"Go and take the two of them into Laboratory 0, but they are not allowed to enter any area during the process!"

Naruto said to Xianglin.

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