"You little bastard!"

Seeing his tired appearance, the boss of the provincial capital laughed and cursed helplessly.

David's inspection trip continued, and Gao Qiqiang even avoided going there on the first day, giving the provincial capital faction enough room to play.

It's a pity that the provincial capital faction tried their best, but they didn't impress David.

On the second day, the provincial capital boss, Mr. Huang and Gao Qiqiang took David to Jinghai to investigate the projects in Jinghai.

The provincial faction was a little unconvinced at this time, and followed suit.

Although Liu Shide told them very honestly, it was useless to go.

This is Gao Qiqiang's way, if he can snatch it from him, will he lead this person directly to Zhijiang? !

But some people just don't believe in evil and insist on going to see it.

As a result, I was desperate after just looking at it. It was different from the evaluation of the previous teams who said "Let's take another look". After they arrived in Jinghai and read Director Meng's introduction from Qinghua District, they made a decision to invest without saying a word!

(Wang Dehao) Isn't this too bullying? !

The group of people from the provincial capital that followed looked at Gao Qiqiang and gritted their teeth angrily.

Why did he run into all the good things, why doesn't our provincial capital faction have such luck!

That day Zhao Lidong followed behind a group of bigwigs, his dog teeth were about to laugh out loud.

This is a pie that fell from the sky. After such a large investment, it is still a beautiful knife!

It's a pity that Gao Qiqiang is Meng Dehai's confidant, otherwise Zhao Lidong would praise him to death no matter what he said!

With such five tiger generals in hand, why worry about progress!

After the decision is made, it is natural to sign a contract, but pure foreign capital cannot invest in domestic high-speed highways. Fortunately, this matter is a major matter related to foreign exchange after all.

The boss of the provincial capital immediately activated his own network, and Gao Qiqiang directly registered the Asia-Pacific headquarters of GD Capital in the imperial capital in just one morning.

Chapter 140 I will not stay here, I will vote for Gao Qiqiang

After drawing a sum of money, the company was established instantly!Even the company's office is done!

 There is an idle courtyard house directly in the first ring road, and Gao Qiqiang will be called to deal with it later.

 Then several people in charge of the provincial capital directly called to work on the spot, Jinghai Shenghe's beauty assistant Cheng Cheng was promoted to the president of Shenghe Group on the spot, and signed an agreement with GD Capital.

GD-Shenghe Investment Co., Ltd. was jointly established by DG Capital, which invested 3 million U.S. dollars and accounted for 70% of the shares, and Shenghe Group invested 5 million local currency and accounted for 30% of the shares.

 And their first project is to invest in the Chengjing Expressway located in Qinghua District.

David signed the contract smoothly, and all the funds were transferred to the account of GD Capital Asia Pacific Headquarters in US dollars.

 Then he announced directly to everyone that he was rushing back home.

 Gao Qiqiang will be the president of GD Capital Asia-Pacific region, and Gao Qiqiang will be fully responsible for the follow-up matters.

Now the face of the provincial faction has collapsed. Is this rich man in Nima Beautiful Country really not taking money as money? !

 You sign the contract as soon as you say it, and that's fine.

 How the hell did you hand over such a large amount of capital to Gao Qiqiang's hands!

 You...you...ouch!What are you doing!

However, a done deal, even the provincial faction can only look at the ocean and sigh.

Everyone didn't notice that Zhao Lidong looked at the elated Meng Dehai with a chill in his eyes.

Not only did he and Meng Dehai not deal with each other so simply, but to a certain extent, they reached the point of life and death.

If Meng Dehai's project is successfully completed, it is very likely that he will directly enter the provincial capital.

At that time, I am afraid that I will...

Zhao Lidong let out a breath, stepped aside and winked at Secretary Wang.

Secretary Wang leaned over knowingly, Zhao Lidong said in a low voice: "Find a place tonight and let Jiang Tian come to see me!"


Secretary Wang didn't ask too much, he had already known Zhao Lidong's style of doing things over the years, and he would never say a word if he shouldn't ask.

This project must be completed, because this is the capital for his promotion.

But...it couldn't be done in Meng Dehai's hands, otherwise he would have to face Meng Dehai again!

"Congratulations! Congratulations! Hahaha..."

The boss of the provincial capital finally laughed, and so did Mr. Huang. ============================

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After this investment, they can finally feel at ease, and then... just wait for the results! (bbcj)

After all, it brought in a large capital of up to 30 billion knives. At this time, the country's foreign exchange reserves are only 100 billion.

But the big boss of the provincial capital and Mr. Huang brought in 30 billion at once!

This money was directly remitted to the country, and even [-] million has landed!

This is a huge satellite, even the bigwigs of the imperial capital will look at it.

"Hi! Mr. Swenson, why did you remember to call me?!"

Just after signing the contract, David received a call.

Holding the phone, he patiently listened to the statement over there, and then said: "Oh! I am very interested in what you said!"

"Yes! Your call came in a timely manner. I am in need of such a talent right now! The ones you personally recommended to me must be several outstanding talents!"

"I'm going to the imperial capital next, you tell him to book a ticket right away! I'll meet him in the imperial capital!"

Soon David hung up the phone, came to Gao Qiqiang's side and pulled him aside, whispering.

"Boss, do you know Mr. David Svensson?!"

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and then nodded fiercely.

Fuck!I know him too well!

The chief investment officer of Yale University, who studied under Tobin, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, made his mark on Wall Street in his early years, and later became the chief investment officer of Yale University in 1985 at the invitation of his mentor.

How awesome is this boss? !

Barton Biggs, chairman of Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company, commented on him: There are only two truly great investors in the world, and they are Svensson and Buffett.

In 2009, he was appointed by Ao Heizi as a member of the Economic Recovery Committee of the Beautiful Country. Gao Qiqiang even learned the concept of investment from his books "Innovation Road of Institutional Investment" and "Unconventional Success".

"Mr. Swenson called me just now. One of his students from your side failed many interviews because of his skin color and experience. Mr. Swenson was very angry about this. He also heard that I have a boss with a very rich background. ..."

"So he recommended his student to me, and I have already asked him to come to the imperial capital. If you use it inappropriately..."

Before David finished speaking, Gao Qiqiang's breathing became heavy.

"What's the name of Mr. Swenson's student?!"

David listened to Gao Qiqiang's question, he was stunned and said, "It's Zhang Lei."

Zhang Lei!It really was Zhang Lei! !

Zhang Lei, the founder of Hillhouse Capital, is known as the "Godfather of Business". Buffett once teased him with his wallet that he can make more money than himself. He is in charge of 5000 billion capital wealth - Zhang Lei!

"Let him come! Hahaha..."

Gao Qiqiang really wanted to say "God help me" at this time. According to his memory, Zhang Lei would have to wait a few years before he had the idea of ​​starting his own business.

I also wanted David to go back to find this person, and find a way to lure him back to the country to help, so that I can free up my hands to do a lot of things.

Unexpectedly, the person who had racked his brains to poach someone would come to his door on his own initiative!

After all, Zhang Lei should have just come out of the Yale Foundation at this moment, had just been recognized by his mentor, and was full of ambitions and ready to start his own career.

It is not easy for Gao Qiqiang to poach him.

But it's clear Wall Street doesn't pay him enough respect.

This angered David Swenson, the mentor who admired his talent and trained him single-handedly.

There is no father here, there is a place to keep the father!

Don't leave me anywhere, I vote for Gao Qiqiang!

Gao Qiqiang thought that such a genius was actually in his pocket, and immediately wanted to hug David and kiss him madly.

This boy David is really my lucky star!

"David, in the future, anyone who has relevant talents must remember to recommend them to me!"

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile: "There are a lot of projects to be invested here, I'm afraid I can't manage them alone."

"Don't worry! Boss, I know what to do!"

Seeing the person he recommended, Gao Qiqiang accepted it without hesitation, and David was also very happy.

Gao Qiqiang didn't stay in Jinghai that day, he wasn't even in Zhijiang.

Instead, they flew directly to the imperial capital, and Cheng Cheng did not stay but followed directly.

Chapter 140 Second Accepted a Big Boss

As soon as he arrived, Gao Qiqiang took Cheng Cheng to the courtyard that the boss of the provincial capital had told him about.

I thought it was a deserted place, but I didn't expect to see it, but it was cleaned up early.

There are even tables, chairs and benches, as well as indoor toilets.

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw these. It seems that the background of the provincial capital boss is not simple!

A phone call directly asked for a well-organized office location for myself, and directly managed GD Capital.

Just when Gao Qiqiang asked Cheng Cheng to go through all the remaining procedures, bursts of laughter came from outside the room.

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