For example, ask Sheng Hedun what he is mainly responsible for in terms of security, whether there are any related cases, or how to cooperate with the scenery.

After visiting Jinghai Shenghe, he went to visit Shenghedun's training ground without stopping.

Watching hundreds of fighters training on the training ground, in addition to fighting, anti-riot, disaster relief... and so on.

"The rescue project is a new project established by our company. According to the resolution of our company's top management, the veterans should not fade away! You must always remember the color of the military on your body! Understand your responsibilities!"

Ye Wen calmly introduced to the deputy boss: "Whether it is a suspect or a natural or man-made disaster that endangers the masses, we must have the professional ability to deal with it! Put the lives of the masses first!"

"Recently, we are still expanding our team and purchasing corresponding rescue equipment. It may not be useful for the time being, but we will always prepare for the battle! I hope it will not be useful to us one day, but once the masses need it, we can make the most professional rescue equipment as soon as possible. Rescue and safeguard the lives of the masses!"

After the words were spoken, the whole group of the guidance team was suddenly full of enthusiasm, and many old people who had retreated from the team blushed spontaneously and applauded unceasingly.

"Okay! This is the true nature of our soldiers! It's good to say that you won't fade after leaving the army!!"

The deputy boss was also very excited, and even brought people up to check these professional equipment in person.

The soldiers were also very active in explaining the purpose of various tools to the deputy boss.

"This is a fire broom, made of flame-retardant materials. It can be used to put out fires, and it works very well! It won't catch fire, and it's foldable and portable..."

"This is a demolition tool set, and this is a pressure pliers. If you encounter situations such as being trapped in the concrete reinforcement or being pressed by the frame, you can use this rescue pressure pliers to cut open the reinforcement and other areas, and the front can be Replaced with a smashing steel hammer, smashing the concrete slab with a blow..."

"He also supports working within 50 meters of water. To put it simply: if there are people who drive into the water and get trapped, or if the ship capsizes, we can use this tool to launch the rescue as quickly as possible to ensure that they get out of the water as soon as possible. Get out!"

"... These are cut-resistant gloves. Some operations need to consider that other tools cannot be used. You can only dig down with your hands, and what is buried underneath is completely unpredictable. Wearing this glove can prevent your fingers from being cut. !"

As he said that, the demo soldier slipped a knife on his glove a few times, and then cut open the fruit on the side with the knife.

Seeing this, the deputy boss was amazed: "Good! Good! With such a professional rescue team by your side, how can the masses not be at ease! This needs to be publicized, and it needs to be vigorously publicized! You need to form more such teams to be prepared. !"

Ye Wen stood at attention facing the deputy boss: "Yes!!"

Zhao Lidong, who followed behind the deputy boss, had a gloomy face. As long as it was an inspection by the Shenghe Department, the guidance team always praised it.

But when it came to Jiang Tian and Mang Village, it was almost criticism.

And many of them didn't say it clearly, but their dissatisfaction with Jiang Tian and Mang Village was still palpable.

It was also at this moment that Zhao Lidong suddenly had a strange and inexplicable thought: the guidance team, could it be that they came after me? !

But this absurd idea was suppressed by himself again, it was impossible.

After all, if it was really aimed at him, then Mr. Huang should have some hints.

Cut yourself off from Mangcun, is this the prompt? !

At this time, Secretary Wang suddenly walked to Zhao Lidong's side with a gloomy expression, and said in a low voice.

"Something went wrong!"

Seeing that Secretary Wang whispered something in Zhao Lidong's ear, Zhao Lidong's face immediately turned ferocious! .

Chapter 160

Soon, he forced himself to calm down.

Suddenly Zhao Lidong became expressionless, but his current emotions could be seen from the words he squeezed out between his teeth.

"Tell Jiang Tian not to move anything! I will solve this matter!!"

Secretary Wang nodded quickly and went to the side to make several phone calls.

At this time, the construction site in Mang Village was already in chaos.

Because Qinghua District posted an announcement, the last announcement was to take the two mountains on the left and right of Mang Village and the mountain behind the ancestral grave of Mang Village into public land.

Mang Village did not respond to this point, after all those lands did not belong to Mang Village.

You will also be assigned, so only Jiang Tian feels that something is wrong, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Now that the announcement period has just passed, Jiang Tian and the people in Mang Village will not be calm when the second announcement is posted!

"In order to meet the requirements of the provincial capital to promote fire places and reduce burials, it is planned to develop the public land on the left side of Mang Village into Jinghai Crematorium!"

"In order to meet the provincial capital's requirements for reducing burial planning, it is proposed to develop the public land on the right side of the blind test into Jinghai Cemetery land! This announcement is hereby made."

As soon as this announcement came out on 630, Jiang Tian and Mang Village immediately exploded!

Wozhinima!What the hell is this? !

At the beginning, Jiang Tian participated in the Mang Village project, which was actually for the development of Qinghua District, because he noticed that Meng Dehai might fully develop Qinghua District.

For this reason, he made arrangements in advance and began to discuss cooperation with Mangcun.

Of course, he still has a selfish intention here.

According to the information given to him by Secretary Wang, Mang Village is likely to be on the demolition road of the newly built expressway, so they skipped Qinghua District directly before the construction of the expressway, and approved the project of Mang Village through Zhao Lidong, who is the second in command of the city. Resort Development Plan.

Jiang Tian's idea is very simple, whether it is to demolish the land or directly build it into a resort, it is not a loss.

In the case of demolition, Jiang Tian and the Shahai Group can receive a large sum of money immediately if they are compensated according to the compensation for the resort building.

And if it has not been demolished, then Zhao Lidong asked the highway to leave a hole here, and the project of Mang Village Resort can also be built.

At that time, Qinghua District will be developed again, and the land under his circle will skyrocket in one fell swoop.

And within ten years, the projects here will definitely be indispensable.

I can use the land in my hand to negotiate with Qinghua District: Let the Shahai Group get more projects.

Despite Zhao Lidong's repeated assurances, he can adjust the plan to public land.

But Jiang Tian still thought it was better for him to occupy it first, so he did not hesitate to let the people of Mang Village go out together, spending money to seize some land.

However, with the posting of these two announcements, all Jiang Tian's preparations seemed like a joke.

"Let me wait?! He will solve it?! How will he solve it!!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were red, and he cursed at the managers in front of him: "What is the situation now?!"

"Boss, what else can happen now?! Should we continue to repair it, or stop working first!"

The manager of the project department said with a sad face: "If we stop working, we will lose more than 80 yuan every day!"

"The furniture and decoration materials have also been shipped in, and the final payment of these payments must be settled with the other party. The total amount is about 400 million..."

Jiang Tian waved his hands impatiently: "Stop! Stop!!"

"Don't start work until you receive the notice to start work! Send all the temporary workers back!..."

The project manager asked Jiang Tian cautiously: "The salary..."

"How long have you been working?! Dare to ask for wages?!"

Jiang Tian looked sullen: "Why don't you pay them the money?!"

"Boss, if you don't give it at all, I'm afraid something will happen..."

Jiang Tian's face turns blue and white for a while.

After all, (bbcj) let out a long sigh: "Give part of the salary, but don't finish it! We don't have much money left in our account."

"Go and contact Mr. Zhang of CCB, I'll treat him to dinner tomorrow!..."

Jiang Tian also knew that losing his temper now would not solve any problems.

The most important thing now is to solve the problem, first to coax the workers well, and secondly to get rid of the steering group.

As long as the guidance team is gone, then Zhao Lidong's actions can be bigger.

However, what Jiang Tian didn't know was that it was this night that the bigwigs from all major firms in Beijing and Hai received a mysterious phone call.

Then a group of people in charge silently packed their bags and went to the provincial capital for a meeting.

It's different from Jiang Tian's anxious heart, and it's also different from Zhao Lidong's exploding with anger.

Gao Qiqiang is in a good mood now, because Zhang Lei's phone call came.

"Boss! The matter is settled. I even got all the shares sold by the Penguin founding team and the previous ones! A total of 46%."

Gao Qiqiang almost looked up to the sky and laughed, a full 46% of Penguin's shares!

In the near future, this will be a trillion-dollar asset. Even if he eats dividends every year, his profits will explode!

"However... Superman made a request. He wants to see you."

Zhang Lei said softly on the other end of the phone.

"See me?! What do you see me for?!"

Gao Qiqiang frowned, he was not interested in meeting Little Cucumber.

This person's management ability is really worrying, but he doesn't know that everything in finance needs to be supported by management.

If his father hadn't wiped his butt afterwards, he would have fallen down when he was flying into the air, and died without a place to die.

"Actually... Old Cucumber also contacted me, expressing that he wants to meet you."

Zhang Lei on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment, but still said: "After all, they still have some status in Hong Kong Island. Look..."

Want to see me so much? !

Gao Qiqiang smiled faintly, and said, "After finishing my work here, I will go to Hong Kong Island a year ago."

"Okay! By the way, the founder of Penguin also wants to meet you."

Zhang Lei seemed to remember something this time, and said to Gao Qiqiang.

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, he was also a little interested in Xiao Ma.

But it's just an interest. In fact, Xiao Ma...he feels that it's just average.

The reason why he doesn't like brother pony is because brother pony has a stubborn pursuit of the atmosphere on Hong Kong island.

Most of the people in the company have to have English names, and they often speak mixed Chinese and English, which makes Gao Qiqiang very uncomfortable.

In his previous life, he had some dealings with Penguin people, and he was disgusted by it.

How about pretending to be Nima!They are all from the same country, you can die if you speak Mandarin! .

Chapter 160 Seven

To hold an event, there are seventeen or eight people named "Mary", and you have to add "Mary Zhang", "Mary Chen", "Mary Wu" can know which Mary to look for, if you meet two Mary Wu, Then it's hard to find.

You still have to add departments before you can find people.

This made Gao Qiqiang very crazy at that time, what's wrong with Du Nima!

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