Until the secretary knocked on the door to remind him that he was leaving.

Only then did Li Cucumber heaved a long sigh, got up and straightened his suit, and got into the car and left under the leadership of the secretary.

The car was driving slowly, and there was no traffic jam on Hong Kong Island at this point.

And the location of the hotel is good for parking.

After the driver parked the car, several bodyguards followed into the hotel.

The secretary reported the room number, and the bodyguards vigilantly escorted Li Cucumber to the private room, checked left and right to confirm that there was no problem, and then quietly exited.

"Hahaha... Mr. Gao! I've heard of you for a long time!"

When Li Cucumber saw Gao Qiqiang making tea, he couldn't help laughing and walked over. Gao Qiqiang stood up and shook hands with him with a smile.

After the two sat down, Gao Qiqiang poured tea for him.

Meanwhile let the waiter start serving the food.

"The last time the senior invited me, it was really the junior's fault that the junior didn't attend the appointment! Today I specially invited the senior here to apologize to the senior."

Li Cucumber waved his hand and said with a smile: "What did Mr. Gao say! What Mr. Gao said that day really opened my eyes!"

The dishes were ready at this time, and the seats for two people were transferred from the tea table to the dining table.

960 "To be honest, I also lost my father when I was 14. I am also a younger brother and a younger sister."

But seeing Li Cucumber looking at Gao Qiqiang, he said with emotion: "I am luckier than you in that I not only have a mother, but also an uncle who was quite wealthy at the time..."

With Li Cucumber's eloquence, Gao Qiqiang has a general understanding of Li Cucuma's less-mentioned history.

At that time, the whole family evacuated to Hong Kong Island in order to survive, and his father died of illness.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, Li Cucumber chose to drop out of school to work.

But the uncle, who had a relatively low income at the beginning, didn't think that this 14-year-old child could suffer.

So instead of letting Li Cucumber work in his shop, he introduced him to a teahouse as a waiter.

During that year, 14-year-old Li Cucumber seized every opportunity to enrich himself. He even put English flashcards in his pocket, and practiced English hard on top of working ten hours a day.

And this practice of enriching himself also brought him opportunities.

When a foreigner who does not speak Cantonese comes to a teahouse, he is always there to receive and make arrangements. Gradually, because he can speak fluent English, the bosses will curiously ask him to serve tea and order things.

It was also from these bosses that he learned how to read words.

He also learned a lot of salesmanship, which laid the foundation for him to start his own business.

After he worked for a full year, his uncle was amazed by his talent, so he asked his mother to inform him to come to his watch shop as an apprentice.

He didn't want to go at first, but the salary of an apprentice in a watch shop is much higher than that of a waiter in a teahouse, so he had no choice but to bow his head in order to make a living.

But in just a few years, he resigned from the watch shop and found a plastic product factory as a salesman.

One year later, he founded his own plastic factory.

Then through this plastic factory, he gradually became the richest man in Hong Kong Island!

"It's just that my younger brother is more stubborn. I once wanted to ask him to come to the factory to help learn technology, but he just refused..."

Li Cucumber said to Gao Qiqiang with a wry smile: "I would rather be a small employee for the rest of my life. I want to help him open a company or a factory, but he is not willing. He even refuses to come to pay me New Year's greetings..."

"My younger sister came. Later, I wanted to give her the factory as a real estate developer, but she refused to take it just like my younger brother. She insisted on starting one herself."

As Li Cucumber said, he said with emotion: "My brothers and sisters have not enjoyed any blessings from me. This is actually my most regrettable point."

"Everyone has his own aspirations, you can't force them."

Gao (bbcj) Qiqiang smiled and said, "Based on this, I'm pretty good."

"My younger brother is a top student, the kind who is very good at studying. From childhood to adulthood, every wall in the house is full of his awards."

Speaking of his younger brother, Gao Qiqiang was very proud.

Apart from being paranoid and crazy, this younger brother has nothing to say in terms of being a top student.

David came this time to give a general overview of the situation. He thought that Gao Qisheng would be favored only if he had to give the mentor some money to subsidize his laboratory.

In the end...he was dumbfounded!

That Jack Kilby's love for Gao Qisheng surpassed all his students directly. He even heard that many of the students who came from China had a poor family environment, so he was worried and asked Gao Qisheng to move into his house. Eat, save some money on rent and food.

When attending any event, Gao Qisheng must be brought by his side and introduce to everyone that he will be the student he is most proud of.

So this also led to a problem, Gao Qisheng seemed to be being targeted by Fo Bole now.

If it weren't for David having his own friends in Fobole, and several congressmen intervening, Gao Qisheng would have to be taken away for investigation or something.

This is the benefit of being rich!Fobole can't easily investigate you, otherwise someone will investigate them.

"My younger brother is currently studying in the beautiful country, under the tutelage of Professor Jack Kilby, the father of integrated circuits, and my younger sister is still studying in medical university. I plan to send her back to study at Harvard Medical School. As for her future, she wants to come back as a The doctor started to open his own hospital, and I think there is no problem."

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile: "My financial conditions can fully support her expenses."

The two began to eat while talking.

During the meeting, Li Cucumber would ask about Gao Qiqiang's business in Jinghai and Zhijiang, as well as domestic investment.

Gao Qiqiang didn't hide anything, and would deconstruct the discussions and ideas he had with Zhang Lei to Li Cucumber.

And Li Cucumber also reciprocated, and would tell Gao Qiqiang some of his business experience in detail, especially some major projects he invested in.

How did you plan it, how did you come up with this idea, and how did you plan it.

What accident happened in the middle, and how did he adjust it.

Even Gao Qiqiang has to admit that regardless of his standpoint, Li Cucumber is indeed talented and has the charm of leading people.

Just when the two of them were talking happily, Gao Qiqiang suddenly put down his chopsticks.

"I have sold out all the shares of PCCW.".

Chapter 180 Seventh, prepare to sell!

Li Cucumber didn't shake the hands holding the vegetables, and looked at Gao Qiqiang with a smile on his face and said, "Isn't Gao always optimistic about the future of Haoyingke?!"

"I'm not optimistic about the short-term benefits of Hobby Yingke, especially the way Mr. Ling operates."

Gao Qiqiang also maintained a smile, and said softly: "No matter how capital is operated, the core of corporate value lies in operation."

"At least an enterprise must be valuable and create value, and then its added value can be perfectly reflected."

Gao Qiqiang looked at Li Cucumber, and said softly: "An enterprise with no operating results, no matter how much added value it generates from capital, it's still a castle in the air..."

"When the wind blows, it falls."

Li Cucumber picked up a crab and gently peeled off the crab's shell.

He even carefully peeled out the crab meat inside and picked out the crab roe.

Put it in a bowl and turn it in front of Gao Qiqiang.

"Can you persuade him for me?!"

Gao Qiqiang picked up the lobster, peeled it off, carefully rearranged it on the plate, and turned it in front of Li Cucumber.

"Your own son, can you persuade him?!"

Li Cucumber looked at the lobster in front of him and sighed helplessly.

He picked up the lobster and put it in his mouth, chewing gently.

"Although I guessed that something might happen to him, I didn't expect it to become such a big mess."

Gao Qiqiang looked at Li Cucumber and said, "I'm a businessman, and I always have to consider profit."

"But I can promise my predecessors one thing, we will not be the ones who detonate the dominoes."

Li Cucumber looked at Gao Qiqiang and sighed, "Thank you."

"It's due, at least it's a respect for a senior."

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly and said, "This is probably the only thing I can do."

Then, the two continued talking and laughing.

It's just that the atmosphere didn't have the harmony it had before, even though both of them were trying their best to bridge it.

It was when they were having dinner that Superman went into a rage in the conference room of PCCW!

"Since the merger, the cumulative excess return rate of 'Yingdong' has been -20% in just two months, and the data is now lower than -100%!"

Little Superman looked at the report after report, his face was turning pale.

He knew very well what this report would mean once it was released.

All the people below were so scolded that they dared not speak out, including the two masters who had been dug from their father.

One is Yuan Tianfan, who is famous for financing, and the other is Dolby, who is famous for real estate development and marketing.

The only ones who can be regarded as professionals are the chief director and Alexander left by the former Hong Kong Island Telecom.

But Alexander has nothing to do in PCCW, because the focus of PCCW is not on the telecommunications business at all!

"You tell me, how to publish this data?!"

Little Superman's face was turning pale, he knew very well the consequences once it was announced.

Under his capital operation and packaging, PCCW has soared to the level of 6000 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Once this financial report is disclosed, what kind of tsunami will it cause...

"Boss, we can actually find a trick."

After all, Yuan Tianfan was a veteran in the capital market, so he quickly gave Little Superman a solution.

"Hasn't Telstra always been interested in our business?! How about announcing that we accept negotiations first, and then announcing our oversubscription rate -20%..."

Facing Little Superman, Tianfan said in a deep voice, "As long as we can reach a memorandum of understanding on the merger with Telstra within this period, including merging some businesses and assets of 'Hong Kong Island Telecom'..."

"Then use this part of the funds to repay the part we owe more than 100 billion US dollars, then the market will naturally get a boost!"

Yuan Tianfan paused for a moment, and continued: "At this time, if we announce the news of the excess rate of 100%, the market acceptance will be much greater..."

Little Superman thought about it, and felt that he could only do this now.

If it is announced in one go, it may cause the entire stock price to plummet.

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