There is only one 973 for telecom operations, and he doesn't have much experience.

And Little Superman focuses on capital operation, which leads to him being top-heavy and finally due to the huge excess difference, the stock price has completely fallen.

He himself knew that there was nothing he could do to recover, so he simply ran away first.

So this gives Shenghe Group a chance, a chance to swallow Yingke Cyberport and the entire Hong Kong Island Telecom.

Second, the profit-making nature of this project.

According to Zhang Lei's statistics, Hong Kong Island Telecom already has a huge user base. As long as these users are well maintained, the annual profits will be billions of Hong Kong dollars.

In terms of marketing, Gao Qiqiang gave some suggestions to boost the number of users and seize more markets at the same time.

Those marketing plans have been communicated and market researched by Zhang Lei and his team, which shows that these plans are extremely feasible.

Third, Hong Kong Island already has the tone of launching a 3G license. If the 3G license can be obtained, then the tariff will be raised a lot first.

At the same time, this can also attract more new users. As for how to get the Hong Kong government to hand over the 3G license to Yingke, this is related to the fourth point.

Fourth, regarding the operation of Yingke Cyberport, both Gao Qiqiang and Zhang Lei feel that Superman is too stupid to operate Yingke Cyberport only as a real estate.

After discussing with Zhang Lei's team, Gao Qiqiang decided to attract investment according to Jinghai Shenghe's model, and all tenants will adopt the model of "base rent of 1000 Hong Kong dollars + 5% turnover commission".

After all, electronic digital products are not as profitable as catering.

Use low rents to attract tenants and big agents, and directly open flagship stores here, which can attract a huge flow of people.

The other is to apply to the Hong Kong government for the open spaces around the building to be vacated during the day, and at night to be handed over to the vendors to set up stalls to form a new night market.

The licenses of these vendors are issued by the Hong Kong government, and the tax is collected by the Hong Kong government, and the rent of the stalls is also collected according to "1000 Hong Kong dollars + 10% of turnover".

With such a cyberport, Shenghe naturally negotiated with the Hong Kong government to transfer the 3G license to Shenghe.

As for the profits in this aspect, the executives of Jinghai Shenghe are naturally clearer than anyone else.

Even how to market, how to attract investment, how to manage and arrange, I also know it all.

As for the residence upstairs, Gao Qiqiang and Zhang Lei do not intend to develop it into a residence, but to rent them out at a reasonable price, only for digital start-up companies.

Regarding the convenience of the 3G era, Zhang Lei and his team have conducted in-depth investigations.

Simply put, it is faster and faster.

To a certain extent, you can watch videos, view pictures, and even play some online games on your mobile phone.

In this regard, Gao Qiqiang does not intend to develop it himself, but to hand over (bbcj) to these companies for development, and Shenghe acts as an agent, and it will be bundled and run after winning the 3G license.

The houses on Cyberport are for these small businesses.

Gao Qiqiang even plans to apply for tax relief from the Hong Kong government for them, and also provide certain subsidies to help them overcome the difficulties in the early stage of starting a business.

And these houses are rented to them at 1000 Hong Kong dollars each.

This is already an extremely low price on Hong Kong Island.

However, it is restricted that they are not allowed to sublet, share rent, or even engage in industries other than digital, otherwise Shenghe has the right to take back the house.

And the entire Cyberport will be completely renamed "Shenghe Cyberport."

"After introducing these profit points and related marketing plans, let's talk about the difficulties of acquisitions and the difficulties we will face."

Zhang Lei will not only talk about the possible profits, but also the upcoming risks.

The first is to inherit Yeston's debt of up to 130 billion US dollars, and the interest generated by this debt every month has to be more than [-] million.

And it’s still a beautiful knife!In other words, the interest generated every month will be as high as more than one billion!

This amount of money is enough to make everyone here almost suffocated.

For every moonlight interest, you have to repay more than one billion!

Shenghe's current assets are enough to pay off the interest for several months.

But the good news is that after Gao Qiqiang contacted the Bank of China, they have decided to reduce or exempt certain interest and extend the repayment period to eight years.

The monthly interest is reduced to [-] million.

That's good news, almost cutting the interest in half.

However, it costs [-] million per month, and the calculation of this interest will blow the minds of everyone here.

Another piece of good news is that the parent company of GD Capital is willing to let Shenghe use its domestic assets as collateral to borrow $30 billion at low interest rates to complete the acquisition.

The repayment period is five years, and the annual interest is RMB 2 million.

According to Zhang Lei's estimate, Yeston's assets have fallen to less than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars under the panic selling in the market.

But in fact, the total assets and profits of Hong Kong Island Telecom are still there.

It can be worth at least 400 billion Hong Kong dollars, and in the hands of Little Superman and other executives who are eager to sell him, they can take back their equity for less than one billion dollars.

For the rest of the retail investors and investors, it is estimated that it should be about [-] million knives.

Because Zhang Lei has been silently buying the shares of Yeston that have been idled and thrown out in the market recently, and now he has almost 55% of the shares.

Little Superman still holds about 25% in their hands, a few big investors hold about 15%, and the remaining 10% is in the hands of retail investors.

It's much easier to take these back! .

Chapter 190 VII Gao Qiqiang's Congratulations

"The risk is great, but the reward is also great!"

Zhang Lei pressed the table, looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Take the 3G license as an example. The companies that issued the license and took pictures last year generally increased their profits by 3 to 5 million US dollars."

"The user base has increased by more than 20%! And there is a trend of gradual replacement. The development of related games, reading, video, news...etc. has also entered a mature stage, and the advertising and related profits generated by it Estimated to be around $3 million..."

"After Shenghe Building started leasing, our team based on market research and estimates, and the expected revenue is 4-6 million per year. The relevant information is in the document. Everyone can take a look..."

"And then our loss-stop plan..."

"Our relevant contingency plans-..."

Zhang Lei talked for more than three hours, almost without stopping.

From time to time, senior executives from Shenghe raised questions, and Zhang Lei answered them one by one.

Shenghe's senior executives are now gradually tempered.

Gao Qiqiang looked very satisfied, and after another year or two of training, he would be able to be alone when he was released.

With the development experience of Hong Kong Island Shenghe this time, I believe they will be able to independently develop other markets after returning home.

Originally, it was planned to develop the inter-market market first, but now Gao Qiqiang decided to move ahead.

Zhijiang is handed over to newcomers to practice. These elites will concentrate in the imperial capital, magic capital, Yangcheng, Pengcheng... and other important cities to carry out the development of Shenghe.

"We still have to do some research ourselves to be sure."

Although Zhang Lei had already explained in great detail, these executives decided to investigate in person.

Gao Qiqiang appreciates their caution.

"Okay! I hope to make a decision as soon as possible. Your investigation results are very important! This will be our decision on whether to acquire, and I will fully respect your opinions."

Naturally, Gao Qiqiang would not let go of this opportunity to train the team.

After the meeting, everyone left, only Cheng Cheng and Zhang Lei were left in this mansion.

"I thought you would not allow them to do research, and then let them directly participate in the acquisition."

Cheng Cheng was very worried about this problem, and even wanted to remind him aloud.

But she didn't expect that Gao Qiqiang would agree, and asked them to investigate carefully, and said that it would be related to whether to make an acquisition.

"This is a very good opportunity for team training. They have been trained and built Shenghe here on Hong Kong Island. Then they can use the experience here in any city in China. , and it can greatly boost their self-confidence."

Zhang Lei sighed: "Boss, this group of people are very good! Their views on issues are sharp! And they dare to put forward their own ideas, not just shooting random!"

"Try for a few more years, and when you go back, you will be a master who can stand on your own!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed and nodded proudly.

Many of these people were left behind by Gao Qisheng, some were his seniors, some were his juniors.

After this period of training, there have been earth-shaking changes.

Many people have witnessed the rise of Shenghe, and the crazy speed of the rise even feels unbelievable to themselves.

The dividends are high enough to make them want to work in Shenghe for a lifetime.

Many people moved their homes to Jinghai and settled directly in order to better develop in Shenghe.

At this time, Gao Qiqiang's cell phone buzzed.

He picked it up and saw that it was Rose calling.

But after answering the phone, a deep baritone voice came from the other side.

"President Gao, I'm Hong Han."

It was Hong Han on the other end of the phone, and Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but froze for a moment.

But he still smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Gao Qiqiang."

"First of all, I am very grateful to Mr. Gao for supporting me, but there are some things I want to say to Mr. Gao in person. I don't know if Mr. Gao has time, let's meet up?!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at his watch and said, "Have dinner together?!"

"Okay! I will pick up Mr. Gao at the GD Building, please wait a moment for Mr. Gao."

After all, he hung up the phone over there.

Gao Qiqiang froze while holding the phone, thinking what does this mean? !

The words are very polite, but the tone seems not very good.

And... directly stating his position, is this a demonstration or a blow to himself? !

Gao Qiqiang decided to see what Hong Han was going to do, so he smiled and told Zhang Lei and the others to go out by himself.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

He didn't let anyone follow him, so he went downstairs by himself.

Hong Han didn't keep him waiting, and drove his own car to the downstairs of the GD Building in just ten minutes.

His car was so conspicuous it was hard to even get noticed.

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