"Within one year, if you can repay the debt of more than US$30 billion through the relevant profits of Shenghe Cyberport, then I will sell Hutchison Telecom to you for US$[-] million!"

As soon as Old Cucumber said this, the expressions of Superman, Cheng Cheng and the others changed immediately!

Hutchison Telecom is an exclusive telecommunications channel that was split from Hutchison. It has been in operation since the 80s. After these years of development, although it has not reached the number of users of the original Hong Kong Island Telecom, it also has a lot of users on Hong Kong Island.

In terms of assets, Hutchison Telecom's assets are currently at least tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

If it is sold for [-] million U.S. dollars, it is equivalent to a cheap sale.

But the most important point is: Once Shenghe wins Hutchison Telecom, their user base on Hong Kong Island will soar to more than 60%.

This is absolutely dominant.

"What if I didn't make it?!"

Different from the shock of Cheng Cheng and the others, Gao Gao Qiqiang still kept smiling and looked at Old Cucumber calmly.

There is no free lunch in the world, and Hutchison Telecom can indeed bring them huge benefits.

However, it is not easy to repay the debt of US$30 billion a year with Shenghe Cyberport's profits.

The two teams of Zhang Lei and Cheng Cheng have repeatedly made estimates. Even if everything goes smoothly, it is already very remarkable if the annual profit can be repaid to one billion US dollars. .

What they bet on is Shenghe's profits within five or even ten years, especially the profits generated and the flow of people attracted by the merchants and enterprises that have settled there.

"If Mr. Gao doesn't do it, then one year later I will buy all the assets of Shenghe Cyberport at a price of 50 billion US dollars!"

The old cucumber smiled and said: "How is it?! Do you dare to bet against me, an old man like Mr. Gao?!"

Cheng Cheng and Little Superman couldn't help showing shock when they heard this!

He looked at Li Cucumber in disbelief, because $50 billion means that even if he loses the bet, Shenghe can actually get a higher profit than when he bought Yingke!

Because they have now acquired it as a whole, and the cost is less than 20 billion US dollars.

Even for the follow-up transformation, bidding, marketing... etc., the estimated cost is about [-] million US dollars.

Even if you lose the bet, you can double your earnings from Li Cucuma!

The debt must be inherited by Li Cucumber, and the direct profit of this in-and-out Shenghe has reached more than 20 billion US dollars!

Cheng Cheng and the others were breathing heavily, but they didn't understand why Li Cucumber chose to do such a seemingly loss-making business.

But they didn't understand, but Gao Qiqiang understood why.

Gao Qiqiang looked at the old cucumber, and sighed in his heart at 2.9: He is indeed the richest man who can be killed among many heroes on Hong Kong Island.

Sitting firmly on the top spot of the richest Chinese man for 15 years, it is true that the business operation and structure are not comparable to ordinary people.

Li Cucumber must be very clear that the future world must be a telecommunications world.

So even if it was acquired at a premium of 25 billion U.S. dollars, in fact, he would not suffer any losses at all.

Both Cheng Cheng and Zhang Lei knew that they would bet on Cyberport for five to ten years, so didn't Li Cucumber know? !

Of course he knows!

Cyberport has more than just the number of users. Although the number of users has increased, Hutchison Telecom has directly become the number one telecommunications company in Hong Kong Island.

But the land and residences in Cyberport are probably what he values ​​most.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If these land and houses are developed by then, a mere 25 billion will be earned back in the blink of an eye.

As for the debt, he is even less worried. The Bank of China can lend money because Little Superman is his son. Could it be that Li Cucumber can embarrass him by going to battle in person? !

Negotiate a rate cut and then make up for it with profits from other industries.

At that time, after a year of development, even if Gao Qiqiang hasn't fully done it, he must have a certain popularity.

After he takes over, he can fully recover these investments by leasing and selling houses.

In this regard, Old Cucumber is an expert.

Therefore, it seems that Li Cucumber suffered a loss in this bet, but in fact he did not incur any losses.

Even if Gao Qiqiang lost the money, he actually earned it. How could he have any position to blame Li Cucumber? !

But what if Gao Qiqiang wins? !

That's even simpler, the telecommunications market on Hong Kong Island is just that big.

If Gao Qiqiang can make such a large profit, it means that he has eaten up more than half of the Hong Kong Island market.

Under such circumstances, what is the use of keeping Hutchison Telecom 11, which is a non-core business, in his hands? !

Can't compete, and is likely to be gradually eroded and have to withdraw from the market.

Rather than waiting for such a result, or possibly being unable to compete after hard work, it is better to sell Hutchison Telecom to Gao Qiqiang directly by selling favors.

More importantly: Regardless of success or failure, what this incident has created is his legend of Li Cucumber.

In defeat, it was he, Li Cucumber, who guided the newcomer, let go of his support, and handed over Hutchison Telecom to the newcomer at a low price.

If he wins, it means that he continues the legend of Li Cucumber, hasn't bullied the younger generation, and earned enough money for them to leave the stage.

"Hahaha... The senior asked the exam questions, how dare the junior not answer?!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed, and said: "But if the junior loses, then you don't have to give me the money, just put the shares of Changshi in the senior's place!"

A gleam of light flashed in Li Cucuma's eyes, and he said to Gao Qiqiang with emotion: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, the old man has seen some young talents over the years!"

"But compared with Mr. Gao, they are not as good as too many!"

Gao Qiqiang's backhand draw is extremely beautiful!

Don't you want to take advantage of winning or losing? !

Then I will set the rules for losing. To a certain extent, I have shares in Changshili, that is, people in the Hong Kong Island business district.

It is still letting Shenghe set a nail on Hong Kong Island and giving himself a chance to make a comeback.

Second, if it doesn't make it and the old cucumber wins.

Gao Qiqiang will not just take the money and leave. Occupying the shares of Changshi means that he can get the dividends of Changshi. Your vision is better than mine, and your management is better than mine.

Then join if I can't beat it!

The amount of funds of 50 billion US dollars is enough to occupy a large share in Changshi.

When the time comes, Sheng He will happily wait for Li Cucumber to make money, and they will just share the money.

This is also beneficial to Li Cucumber. First of all, he doesn't have to spend such a large sum of money.

Secondly, if you join in this way, it will greatly boost the good news of Changshi's capital market, and then the stock market will be able to enjoy another wave of dividends.

Even Li Cucumber can do it again, splitting Cyberport and listing it again, and then injecting capital, so that he can receive another wave of leeks.

Everyone is taking the path of win-win and no loss at all, which makes Li Cucumber take a strong look at Gao Qi.

"If these young people on Hong Kong Island have half of your pattern, we old guys can retire with peace of mind."

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly, bowed and said, "You praise me!"

After Li Cucumber finished speaking, he left his lawyer and the corresponding personnel to negotiate.

Then he smiled and said sorry, and left the scene.

Cheng Cheng led Shenghe's team and started a new difficult negotiation.

Naturally, Gao Qiqiang would not get involved in the negotiations here, if everything had to be taken care of, what would the team do? !

He only needs to set the general direction, and Cheng Cheng and the others will naturally worry about the rest.

Three days later, the entire negotiation was completed.

Shenghe, Yingke and Changshi jointly held a press conference.

At this press conference, the news that Shenghe Group will fully acquire Yingke shocked the audience instantly!

Cheng Cheng, the representative of Shenghe Group, said that Shenghe Group has completed the acquisition of most of the stocks and is preparing to start the privatization process.

A large group of reporters listened to the news in a daze, and then sent it back to their newspapers and magazines as quickly as possible.

Before they could react from the shock of the previous news, Changshi immediately announced that he would sign a VAM agreement with Shenghe Group.

The content of the agreement was exactly what Gao Qiqiang and Li Cucumber talked about, which immediately made everyone dumbfounded!

For a while, everyone couldn't figure out whether Li Cucumber wanted to find a place for his son, or whether he wanted to give benefits to Gao Qiqiang.

But what everyone knows is that this time Shenghe Group...

It is on Hong Kong Island, and it has taken root directly!

"Blast!Shenghe, the mysterious Continental Group, fully acquired Yingke and started privatization! "

"Li Cucumber Large-scale Gambling!Is this looking for a place for the second son, or giving benefits to Sheng He? ! "

"Top Business Operations!On the game between Li Cucumber and Sheng He! "

"The mysterious group has a huge background, and its director 973 is the president of GD Capital! "

"Let's Plant the Flag!"The mysterious group in the mainland is coming menacingly! "


In countless newspapers and magazines, a large number of expert reporters described this event that shocked Hong Kong Island from various perspectives.

A large number of experts and professors on the TV also launched various speculations and analyzes on the huge handwriting of both parties under this shocking gamble.

But the parties on both sides of the incident avoided seeing the media.

The same goes for Superman, but they finally have someone they can interview.

This is Cheng Cheng.

"If we want to win the 3G license, we must also create momentum."

At that time, Gao Qiqiang hugged Cheng Cheng, who looked like a cat, and said with a smile: "If your beauty president's personality is established in Hong Kong Island, it will be beneficial to us."

"It's just that you must be careful when selecting. Those who are hostile to the mainland, those who like to exaggerate, and small and medium-sized newspapers and magazines must all be screened out."

"Only accept interviews from unbiased big media, and be sure to read their interview outlines first, and the legal affairs will follow the whole process! Once the outline is exceeded, the prosecution should be changed, and the termination should be terminated."

So, the interview about Cheng Cheng showed such a spectacle:

Several Hong Kong Island officials followed her closely to protect her and accept the interview.

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