I fully support Gao Qiqiang's approach of "serving the masses".

It is also with their full support (bbcj) that Gao Qiqiang completed training, planning and other projects, and also developed new dishes for these vendors.

Some dishes are even unique to Jinghai Shenghe. Even if Zhijiang wants to eat them, he can only come to Jinghai Shenghe's night market.

"My idea is very simple. If you want to help them, you have to help them to the end. There are also many masters in Hong Kong Island. If possible, please invite them to come in person and help with training, planning, and even help develop some new ones if they are willing. Dishes."

Gao Qiqiang has a mature plan for all these, if the chef on Hong Kong Island is unwilling, then it doesn't matter.

Gao Qiqiang will invite chefs from the mainland to assist in the development here.

"This is a good thing, remember to call me when you have to do it."

Hong Han nodded to Gao Qiqiang, and said, "Actually, I've always thought about doing something for them."

"But I don't know where to start, a lot of things affect the whole body..."

Gao Qiqiang nodded his head to express his understanding. If he didn't solve the problem from the root, then he would just press the gourd and try again.

The hole in the east wall was mended, and the hole in the west wall leaked again.

"In fact, I still have a lot of plans, which also include assisting young people in Hong Kong Island to start their own businesses."

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said to Hong Han: "In this regard, I suggest that you set up an investment company."

"At that time, you can invest a little bit, and the brothers below will not be able to make money for a lifetime."

Seeing Gao Qiqiang talking, he paused and said, "I'm going to hold some training classes at that time, and try to train them some skills."

"At least they can have a subsistence job, so they won't be left in the society without food and clothing."

Gao Qiqiang is indeed thinking about this aspect, and he plans to talk to the Hong Kong government later.

The Shenghe Group and the Hong Kong government each contributed one billion yuan to the "Hong Kong Island Youth Entrepreneurship Fund" with a total of 20 billion yuan.

As long as they are young people who enter the Cyberport to start a business, they can apply for subsidies from this fund.

Of course, they have to go through primary elections, re-elections, and finally have to answer in front of the Hong Kong government and Shenghe high-level officials.

There are 100 places each year, each of which can receive three phases of a total of [-] million Hong Kong dollars in venture capital, which will be paid to them in three installments within a year.

But they need to achieve the corresponding results within the stipulated time.

Gao Qiqiang has seen a lot of people cheating on this kind of subsidy, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of, and he doesn't want the money to fall into the hands of a group of bastards.

Therefore, it will be paid in three installments. If the second installment is not up to the standard due to force majeure factors, or even if you have not done anything, then the subsidy will be gone.

And within three years, he will no longer be allowed to apply for subsidies, and even take back their house in Cyberport.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Hong Kong Island Shenghe takeover battle quickly became dull amidst the excitement.

This surprised everyone in Hong Kong Island Capital. Shouldn't they take advantage of this time to stir it up again? !

This is in line with the marketing effect of capital operation!

However, Shenghe did the opposite, and even quietly completed the share repurchase of some small retail investors, and withdrew from the Hong Kong stock market to complete the privatization.

On Gao Qiqiang's side, he went directly to the Hong Kong government with his own proposal.

Today he is going to meet directly with the current first brother of the Hong Kong government, and Gao Qiqiang still attaches great importance to this meeting.

He brought his entire team, and Cheng Cheng had prepared for a long time to fully prepare the plan.

Zhang Lei followed behind, preparing to supplement the proposal.

The corresponding officials took them to the conference room and served coffee.

After Gao Qiqiang and the others waited for a while, the door of the meeting room opened with a "click".

But the current first brother walked in with a laugh: "Mr. Gao! I've been waiting for a long time!"

"You are busy, and we have just arrived."

"Hahaha... Mr. Gao is polite! Please sit down! Please sit down!"

The current first brother smiled and asked Mr. Gao to sit down, and then said: "I heard that you plan to come and give us feedback today, your development plan for the Cyberport?!"


When it came to business, Gao Qiqiang suddenly became serious.

On Cheng Cheng's side, he put the proposals one by one directly in front of the high-level Hong Kong Island executives who came with the first brother.

Cheng Cheng just cleared his throat and walked up to the curtain.

Then the curtains were slowly lowered, and Cheng Cheng began to describe Shenghe Group's overall plan for the Cyberport to the bigwigs of the Hong Kong government.

At first, these bigwigs casually flipped through the information in front of them, and then listened to Cheng Cheng's statement.

But following Cheng Cheng's statement, their expressions became serious.

Because Shenghe Group's plan for the Cyberport has included entrepreneurship, employment of low-level citizens, youth training, large-scale enterprise presence, research and development...etc.

It can be said that almost all the difficulties and pain points of the Hong Kong government have been covered, and many have even been solved!

Immediately, the face of the current No. [-] brother began to change. He listened carefully to Cheng Cheng's statement, and checked the materials for comparison from time to time.

He even took out a pen and wrote and drew on this material.

Not only did he do this, most of the bigwigs present all started to write and draw on the materials.

After Cheng Cheng finished his statement, the current first brother was the first to ask questions.

"Mr. Cheng, regarding the issue of the low-rent entrepreneurial base, what I want to know is what will you do if you fail to start a business for a long time?!"

Cheng Cheng smiled and said to the first brother: "There is a certain probability of starting a business. How can there be a certain success?! Our current plan is that as long as the other party confirms that he has been trying to start a business, we will give all the convenience and assistance .”

"For example, we will screen and schedule new projects every month, and then invite enterprises in the park and the Hong Kong government to conduct a hearing together. If they encounter a project that they think is suitable for investment, then we can provide legal advice to help them reach an investment protocol!……"

"Of course! Even if he has not been successful for a long time due to various reasons, after we check and confirm that he has been working hard to start a business, we will still provide services until they succeed. We don't specify how long it will be. As long as it is Shenghe Group is still there, and it will continue to implement it."

The current first brother nodded, and quickly wrote down Cheng Cheng's words.

Before he could ask the second question, the boss asked eagerly.

"What are you going to do if they are still in the startup park after the startup is successful?!"

"We have also considered this aspect, and the consideration is 5% of their turnover."

Cheng Cheng said with a smile: "If 5% of their turnover exceeds their rent, what reason do they have to stay here?! They can go out and rent a better office space."

"Of course! We also have a plan in this regard, and this requires the cooperation of the Hong Kong government! We plan to establish corresponding small and medium-sized business incubation centers in the second and third phases of the Cyberport. The Hong Kong government can allow them to afford this part of the rent through subsidies, and we, Shenghe, will also reduce their rent based on their turnover and tax records, so that they can continue to enjoy the convenience in the park at low cost..."

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Just as Cheng Cheng finished answering, another boss raised his hand to ask a question.

The presentation of the PPT is about one hour, but these people's questions lasted nearly three hours before and after.

There was no trace of exhaustion in anyone, everyone was listening to Cheng Cheng's statement attentively, and then quickly took notes.

It's just over three hours later, and the bosses still feel a little unsatisfied.

After a promotion meeting, the current first brother asked Gao Qiqiang to be called to his office, and then dismissed the secretary.

"The gentleman from the Bank of China recommended you to me, saying that you are a pillar of talent! At that time, I thought he was exaggerating."


The current first brother looked at Gao Qiqiang and sighed: "But now I think that what he said is not wrong at all!"

"Senior's award!"

Gao Qiqiang bowed slightly, and said humbly: "I still have a lot to learn from you seniors."

"Hahaha... It's us old people, there are many aspects to learn from you!"

The current first brother smiled and said: "I heard that you signed a gambling agreement with Li Cucumber?!"

"Yes! Within a year, he will repay the loan of 30 billion dollars. His telecommunications company will be sold to me at a low price."

The current first brother heard the words.nodded.

"Your plan is very good. If it is fully implemented, it is not impossible to earn 30 billion US dollars a year."

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said: "You still have to come to help me, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to make things happen!"

The current first brother heard this and said with a smile: "If it is beneficial to Hong Kong Island, then I will naturally help!"

"If it is not beneficial to Hong Kong Island, I would not dare to propose it to you."

As Gao Qiqiang said, he paused and said, "Actually, I just used the first phase of the Cyberport as an experimental site."

"If this plan proves to be feasible within half a year, I hope that the second phase of the plan will be issued immediately!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at the current first brother, and said word by word: "My real idea is to build a new livable area on Hong Kong Island around the Cyberport!!" Tu.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The current first brother couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Gao Qiqiang in disbelief.

"This plan of yours...is it too big?! A new livable center?! Do you know what you're talking about?!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at the current first brother, and said word by word: "Of course I know!"

"You really worked hard to win Li Cucumber!..."

The current first brother sighed, but Gao Qiqiang shook his head: "I didn't do this to win anyone."

"I did this for Hong Kong Island. In other words, it was for most ordinary people on Hong Kong Island."

The current first brother was stunned when he heard the words, but Gao Qiqiang sighed.

Looking at him, he said softly: "What do you think is the biggest problem on Hong Kong Island now?!"

There are many problems on Hong Kong Island, but the biggest problem is... too little land has been developed for "[-]", so that the land price is soaring.

Crazy real estate development devoured a huge amount of wealth.

This makes Hong Kong Island, which is not a big place, no longer has more development funds and space.

Everyone has money to buy a house, buy a house, buy a shop and then rent it out.

The class of renting and buying properties is increasing, so this group of people do not want new land to be developed, otherwise it will affect their assets.

The current No. [-] brother just wants to change this situation, so he developed a part of the real estate and released a low-rent housing plan.

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