Even some Shenghe employees saw that he was asked to cook first, but the boss waved his hand and refused.

"You have to abide by the rules when you come here! There is no such thing as jumping in line! Everyone line up carefully!" Tu.


The boss looked cheerfully at Shenghe's way of cooking, and suddenly felt a little fresh.

Because there are no canteen aunts here to cook for you, but you can cook as much as you want.

The employees of Shenghe are also very conscious, and they eat as much as they eat.

The big guy laughed when he saw it: "The food is good!"

The food is really good, braised chicken legs, charcoal grilled chicken wings, braised pork... There are seven or eight varieties of meat dishes alone.

There are three or four vegetarian dishes, and two kinds of stews.

In addition, there were three or four kinds of fruit, all peeled and placed on the plate.

With the prepared dishes in hand, the boss found a random place to sit down.

Soon he saw that the salesman just came over for dinner, and the boss happily called her to come and sit down.

While eating, I picked up the daily routine.

"Oh "Nine Nine Zero"! Changing shifts! The elderly at home also eat here?!"

"Yes! But they do cleaning work, so they can eat earlier than us. They should have a rest after eating. There is a shift change at noon. They only work at night."

"Where is the child?! Who will pick up the child from school?!"

"The company has specially arranged a driver and a special car. They will go to the school gate to help us pick up the children every day at the o'clock, and eat together in the cafeteria. Then I will go back to the dormitory with my grandparents to rest, and come here in the afternoon to take the car to school."

The salesman smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about eating in the company cafeteria. The kitchen here is my man's comrade-in-arms."

"Oh?! Also retreated from the team?!"

"Yeah! Don't you know?! The chefs here are all from the team. They are honest! The company has enough funds, so our children basically eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the company, which is better than cooking at home. Be cheap."

The salesman said with a smile: "After all, our family can't eat much, and it's a waste of time to buy vegetables. The company has a subsidy, and one person can eat well for ten yuan a day."

The boss of the imperial capital looked at the chicken legs, chicken wings, braised pork, vegetables and fruits on the plate and couldn't help but nodded.

It's only five yuan per person here, and it's said that the child has a family card, which is only three yuan.

Breakfast is also two yuan, milk, soy milk, egg buns...the variety is complete, and the quality is guaranteed. It is indeed cheap and safe to eat.

"Then you have to go to work on weekends, how do you arrange for your children?!"

"Weekends! The company has contacts with Zhijiang University and Zhijiang Normal School. On weekends, their poor students will come over to teach the children homework and play games with the children."

The salesman smiled and said: "This is also to support their work-study program, and our cafeteria also provides three meals for them. Every time these students come early, the company gives them 400 yuan a day, and they can earn [-] yuan a week!"

"Actually, they also come on weekdays, but only at night."

The salesman said with a smile: "After all, we don't have much time to help our children with their homework. We rely on them to help them."

"Those children are very nice, and they cherish this job very much. They are very patient with the children. Even if they come here at night, the company will provide them with supper and 100 yuan for tutoring..."

Before coming, the boss had read the relevant information of Shenghe.

But when he really came to Shenghe, he would realize the difference of Shenghe.

This company and other companies have a completely different temperament.

His employees have a strong centripetal force towards the company, and the company will try its best to provide employees with benefits and assistance in life.

For example, in terms of child tutoring, how many companies have considered it? !

Shenghe considered it, and even took this opportunity to contact various universities to provide work-study opportunities.

Food has also been considered, not only clean and hygienic but also rich in nutrition and variety.

Even the employees have to admit that eating in the company's canteen is more cost-effective than cooking at home. There are many varieties, sufficient nutrition, and the price is cheap without fear of waste.

Not only these, the company's dividends to employees are 50% of the company's profits.

This is almost unprecedented. The biggest profit is distributed to front-line employees, and the benefits provided are so good.

And it also maintains the room for improvement and vitality of employees. It is no wonder that employees of such an enterprise are willing to leave.

"The treatment is so good, you probably haven't resigned here!"

The boss of the imperial capital smiled and said, but the salesman said with a smile: "Actually, there are too!"

"You are treated like this, and someone resigns?!"

This time the boss of the imperial capital was also surprised, and the salesman said with a smile: "Although there are few, there are still some!"

"For example, my men's job transfer, we don't have it here, but there are a few in Jinghai who resigned, because the men's jobs were transferred, and they had to go home to take care of the elderly... so they resigned, and everyone cried when seeing them off. "

The salesman said with emotion: "However, the company found them later and helped them take part-time jobs in the morning and evening. It was considered as a time to take care of them as much as possible. It's just that there is no bonus, less basic salary, and the commission is the same."

The boss of the imperial capital nodded his head, which can be regarded as the utmost benevolence.

"There are also those who have ideas and want to start their own businesses, and the company is also very supportive in this regard."

The salesman smiled and said to the boss of the imperial capital: "There are several managers who want to start their own businesses. After the company's executives knew that he resigned for this reason, they first helped him do market research and then analyzed it. They felt that there was indeed a market. Just support him in starting a business."

"At that time, the company asked him if he had enough funds, but he said not enough. Then the company held a meeting and decided to invest 100 million in him, accounting for [-]% of the shares. It also made him rest assured that even if he didn't make it, the company would always Welcome back him."

This time the boss of the imperial capital was really stunned: "Your company still supports employees to start businesses!"

"2.9 That's right! Our chairman has said that it is a good idea to have the idea of ​​starting a business. But it must be combined with reality, do a good job of research, and be mentally prepared for failure. The company will give full support, and don't be afraid of failure! At most, come back when the time comes Well!"

The salesman said with a smile: "But I don't have that much effort. I just want to learn from the company's business school in a few years. When the company opens a new store, I will be the store manager in the past. I just need a high basic salary."

"I will almost retire when my children finish college and become self-reliant. The company bought five social insurances and one housing fund. Then I will give lectures to new employees, which is also very good!"

The boss couldn't help but nodded when he heard it, and said with emotion: "Yes! That's great!"

"Only by living like this can there be hope, and this is the way to live!".

Chapter 230 The Fourth Principle Is For Him

In the afternoon, it was a visit to Zhijiang Shenghe, and the merchants above were also very satisfied with the current flow of people and rent.

After all, they are based on sales commissions, and the minimum rent and requirements are very low.

This virtually greatly reduces the operating cost of the store, and the profit of the store can be maximized.

Therefore, the prices and discounts here are also higher than other stores.

Consumers are not fools. They shop around and see that this place is cheap, so they often come here to buy.

In the evening, the boss of God Du didn't have dinner at all, and took a group of people to the night market.

The secretary handed over the money to Cheng Cheng, and Cheng Cheng recharged five hundred to the consumption card.

The boss of the imperial capital looked at the originally empty square, which was quickly filled with small carts, and there were fireworks everywhere.

Immediately, the interest is not good, so let's take a look at this one and that one.

There are skewers, rice noodles in casserole, fried noodles with fried noodles...even fruit ice cream, milk tea cake dessert.

"Come, come... I'm treating you today, don't be too polite!"

The boss of the imperial capital was very happy, and he smiled and asked everyone to sit down and eat casserole rice noodles.

I also bought a lot of 11 fruits, and even made a lot of skewers.

Bring a large group of bigwigs, and have a good time.

After eating, I continued to stroll around to eliminate food, and the boss of the imperial capital also chatted with a few stall owners who just came down for leisure.

"We! It turned out to be from Zhijiang Machinery Factory, here! All our former workers over there have been laid off! There was also a breakfast spot open, but the flow of people from early to late is limited, and the certificates are not easy to handle!  … ..."

"Shenghe did a great job! We used to run a breakfast restaurant, and the monthly rent was several hundred. The landlord saw that our business was good and even increased the rent! Now whoever wants to rent it will rent it."

When this matter was brought up, the bosses were still grievous: "It would be great if Shenghe came earlier, and we won't have to suffer so much."

"Are you asking if it's good now?! That must be good! The rent at the end of the month is only 100 yuan. You can't find such a conscientious price in the entire provincial capital! Sheng Heken does this. We will pay 15 yuan for whatever we earn a month. %, Earn more and give more, earn less and give less, it’s reasonable!”

"Look at this trash can, it's half full in a while. No one cares about it, it's stinky, it must affect the guests! Someone will clean it up right now, and the water and electricity are also included. .These sterilized bowls and chopsticks are all one yuan a pair, not worth a few dollars..."

Someone chatted with the stall owner, and immediately the stall owner began to talk non-stop.

The boss of the imperial capital was also very interested and kept chatting with him about the housework, even asking about the number of people in the family, how the business is doing now, and whether the monthly income is enough for the family's expenses.

"That must be enough! My old man is also an old worker. He has medical insurance reimbursement and pension, and he has been in good health for the past two years! It's just that the house is a little small, and we plan to change to a bigger one later!"

The stall owner seemed proud and dry in his words: "Now the stall can earn several thousand yuan a month, which is more than my salary when I went to work! Now tell me to go back, and I won't go back."

"This dining car was also bought by Shenghe. Every month, chefs are invited to give lectures and study new dishes with us! Good guy, those are all big chefs in big hotels! There is also a first-class As for the chef, that level is high!"

Amidst the chatter of the stall owner, the boss of the imperial capital cheerfully learned a lot of information.

The next day, the boss of the imperial capital didn't even hide it at all, and directly asked to go to Jinghai Shenghe for an inspection.

And there was a special roll call, to see Gao Qiqiang.

This made many bigwigs in Zhijiang suddenly have different thoughts.

It is said that the higher-ups attach great importance to Shenghe Group's winning of the Hong Kong Island Cyberport project, and even want to make this matter a benchmark.

After all, this is a model for mainland enterprises to enter the internationalization of Hong Kong Island!

But the rumors are just rumors, and everyone has doubts about their credibility.

However, with the name of the shop name of the boss of the imperial capital, everyone immediately knew it.

I'm afraid this rumor is true.

The boss went down to Shenghe first, and then went to Jinghai without any stop, and asked to see Gao Qiqiang by name.

It almost made it clear that he was here for Shenghe.

The big brother's convoy arrived in Jinghai, and Meng Dehai welcomed the big brothers into the compound under the leadership of the first brother.

This time Qu Heng didn't follow, and it was the current deputy boss Huang Yanjun who was in charge of leading the way.

"This is Comrade Meng Dehai from Jinghai. His relationship with Comrade Gao Qiqiang is the most familiar."

Meng Dehai couldn't help being surprised when his uncle said that!

Ordinarily, it shouldn't be said that, after all, his identity is within the system.

How is it appropriate to say that you are very close and have a good relationship with a businessman? !

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