"A lot of things he won't accept even if he takes the initiative. You have reached the premise that he will accept the initiative, but as long as you don't take the initiative, he will never take any action."

Rose's face was livid, and she cursed in a low voice: "That coquettish fox from Bangzi Kingdom!"

Cheng Cheng looked at the furious Rose jokingly, and said with a smile, "She's not some coquettish fox, she's a bereaved eldest princess!"

"The industry she controls now is worth about US$30 billion."

The current Sansang has not reached the market value of more than 1000 billion US dollars in later generations, and the overall market value of the current Sansang is only about 400 billion.

This also has to count their large amount of assets, and even less if it is liquid funds.

Hearing that Li Fuzhen was actually in charge of 30 billion US dollars in assets, Rose was a little frustrated.

"Don't think that having more assets under management is a good thing..."

Cheng 037 Looking at Rose, Cheng knew what she was thinking, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "For example, me, do you think I'm doing well now?!"

"Is not it?!"

Rose was a little curious, and Cheng Cheng sighed, "I don't have much time to be with him, but it's Chen Shuting, that coquettish fox..."

"Chen Shuting?!"

Rose was taken aback when she heard the words, while Cheng Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! It's that coquettish fox! She is the first woman...to deal with Gao Qiqiang."

When Rose heard this, she suddenly realized that Gao Qiqiang had said that two women had always wanted to give birth to monkeys for him.

Undoubtedly, the other one besides Cheng Cheng is this "Chen Shuting".

But now we have to add Li Fujian!

Uh... Li Fuzhen is a coquettish fox!Rose cursed secretly in her heart, but she was still very curious and wanted to ask what kind of woman Chen Shuting was.

"Let's talk about Chen Shuting, the current situation is: you are already one step behind Li's follow-up consultation."

Cheng Cheng smiled and said to Rose: "If you continue to hold back like this, trust me..."

"Someone will come to (bbda) ahead of you in the future!"

In the next few days, Gao Qiqiang successively met with people from Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei, and they all took out the ppts of their products to demonstrate.

Among these people, Gao Qiqiang only invited Zheng Fei to have dinner together.

This meal was not eaten in any big hotel.

It was eaten in Gao Qiqiang's own mansion in Central, which is the top floor of the CD capital building.

The food was not luxurious. What surprised Zheng Fei was that Gao Qiqiang actually cooked Guizhou cuisine.

"Come on! How about trying my top pick hoof and fish in sour soup! Hahaha..."

Gao Qiqiang took off his apron, let Zheng Fei sit down and smiled at him, "I heard that although Zheng's ancestral home is not in Qiandongnan, he grew up in Qiandongnan!"

"I hope that my skills will not disappoint Mr. Zheng!"

Zheng Fei hurriedly smiled and asked why, while Gao Qiqiang opened a bottle of Moutai, took the wine glass and poured it out.

"Let's take a moderate amount, mainly to chat."

Gao Qiqiang smiled. Over the years, he has begun to collect Moutai consciously.

Years can be collected for more than five years, and there are a lot of them in mansions everywhere.

This move of his also inspired Zhang Lei, and then followed him to start investing in red wine, buying some vintage Bordeaux red wine and hiding it in the wine cellar.

He even invested in a part of French wineries, which has a good income every year.

Zheng Fei picked up a piece of fish in sour soup and put it in his mouth. The familiar taste made him almost cry.

"Gao Dong...thank you!"

Gao Qiqiang raised his glass with a smile, and the two men just clinked a glass.

Putting down his wine glass, Gao Qiqiang smiled and said, "Eat vegetables! Eat vegetables!"

After a pause, he said softly.

"From all aspects, I am actually more inclined to transform into!"

Gao Qiqiang's first words made Zheng Fei's heart skip a beat.

If it is intentional, then there is probably no need to let myself eat this meal.

"But we have to live with face, so we still have to go through the bidding process."

Fortunately, what Gao Qiqiang said next made Zheng Fei feel at ease again.

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said to Zheng Fei: "Our first phase of the project is to build 15 base stations, covering the entire urban area of ​​Hong Kong Island and the Cyberport area! And the requirement is to complete it within two months."

"The construction period is tight and the project volume is huge. Are you able to eat it?!"

15 base stations!The chopsticks in Zheng Fei's hand almost fell to the ground, good guy!This is really a big deal!

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance, where is this!

The number of base stations on Hong Kong Island grew to one million or even more.

This is only the first phase. It is mainly to cover the entire urban area of ​​Hong Kong Island and the Cyberport to ensure communication.

Gao Qiqiang's second phase will directly require 30 base stations, and the final third phase will achieve 50!

The 4G standard will not be finalized until 08, and it will not be until 2010 until it is put into commercial use.

There are still nearly ten years in the middle, and the money is enough to pay back the capital and even make a lot of money!

At the same time, as long as the foundation of the 3G base station is laid, when the 4G comes out, the base station will be covered directly.

Now is one of the lowest housing prices on Hong Kong Island, so Gao Qiqiang wants to take advantage of this time to take down a large number of rooftops as base stations.

At that time, it will be impossible for anyone to let him move.

No one can even replace Shenghe Telecom, because they have the most and largest base stations.

"be able to eat!!"

Zheng Fei gritted his teeth and said harshly: "Don't worry! As long as you give us this chance, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Gao Qiqiang nodded with a smile, and said to Zheng Fei with emotion: "Our country's chip research and development is still too weak!"

"We also have this plan now, but we have to eat every bite..."

Zheng Fei smiled wryly and said: "The investment in chip research and development is huge, and corresponding talents and laboratories are needed..."

"Our current revenue simply cannot support the related R&D consumption."

Gao Qiqiang looked at Zheng Fei and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we will always do it!"

"At least, starting from Shenghe...you have entered the market on Hong Kong Island!".

Chapter 250 Two

A few days later, Shenghe Communication launched a comprehensive bidding.

Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei and Sansang all participated in the bidding. This time, Shenghe Communications took out 15 base stations as the first phase of the project.

These 15 base stations do not refer to the main base station. The base stations are divided into iron tower base stations, equipment room equipment, and a large number of distributed outdoor receiving and transmitting base stations.

If a 3G outdoor base station is built by an operator, the investment for a large base station such as an iron tower is generally around 10 yuan in domestic currency.

Although the equipment in the computer room is high-end, it does not require much.Just switches and such devices.

The most important thing is the signal receiving amplifier that is distributed on the top of various high-rise buildings in the city and is responsible for signal coverage and intermediate transmission.

These signal intermediate amplifiers also account for the largest part of the cost.

The entire investment is close to 8 million US dollars.

Ericsson, Nokia, Huawei, and Sansang started bidding together. Gao Qiqiang and Shenghe decided to hand over the share of up to [-] base stations directly to Huawei after careful consideration.

The reason is that their quotation is low enough, and they actually lowered the price by 8 national-domestic currency like the iron tower base station.

This is [-] yuan cheaper than other houses!

The quotations of Ericsson and Nokia are quite satisfactory, and the quotation of Nokia is slightly lower, which is 9.5 domestic currency for each tower base station.

Ericsson reported [-], but Shenghe gave them [-] of the other [-] base stations to share equally on the grounds of diversity.

And Sansang signed an agreement, if they can solve the compatibility problem within one month, then the remaining 1 base stations will be handed over to them.

If not resolved, then the 1 base stations will be re-bid.

This made Li Fuzheng not completely fruitless, at least she won a piece of meat from a large international communication organization, which is enough to make her proud.

At least going back is successful.

The entire Sansang team was also cheering, only the people from Ericsson and Nokia looked ugly.

They thought they would be able to win the largest share, but they didn't expect to quote such a low price like a madman!

Isn't this smashing everyone's jobs? !

Fortunately, Shenghe Group still gave them some face, at least they didn't let them go away empty-handed.

After winning the project, it is natural to start construction as soon as possible. With the support of the Hong Kong government, Shenghe began to purchase a large number of roofs.

That's right!It is to acquire the roofs of various buildings for the construction of base stations.

Engineers from Ericsson, Nokia, and Huawei planned together, and a large area of ​​the roof was directly included in the base station construction area.

Then the Hong Kong government and Shenghe came forward to negotiate the acquisition, and the area on the roof has never been paid much attention.

And now is the time when housing prices are not very valuable, and the bigwigs in the business world are also happy to make a fortune along the way.

Most importantly, they really want to make friends with Gao Qiqiang, a newly promoted Hong Kong island tycoon!

Gao Qiqiang did not refuse, and participated in various receptions held by the Hong Kong government and these rich people on Hong Kong Island for three consecutive days, and bought all the roofs at a cost of less than 1000 million.

Then in just half a month, the three communication companies rumbled and laid tens of thousands of base stations as if they wanted to fight for speed.

The operation of 3G in Hong Kong Island is getting smoother and smoother. All 3G users in Hong Kong Island are pleasantly surprised to find that their 3G is used to browse web pages, send and receive emails, and watch videos, and it becomes smoother and smoother!

It's just that everyone's face suddenly collapsed again, because the traffic is not enough!

Fortunately, at this time, Shenghe immediately sent text messages to all users, and Shenghe Telecom can provide data packages for everyone!

One hundred Hong Kong dollars per month, you can enjoy 30G traffic.

If it exceeds, every 1G will be charged at an additional HKD 3, or you can order a 30G data package at one time, which only costs HKD 50.

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