"Here, I think what I eat is morning tea!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed and asked the familiar boss to serve them pork ribs, chicken feet and shrimp dumplings, and he and Yang Cheng ate together.

"The chicken feet here are my favorite!"

After drinking this morning tea for a full hour, Gao Qiqiang drove to Temple Street with Yang Cheng.

After parking the car at the intersection of Temple Street, Yang Cheng led Gao Qiqiang to turn left and right into an alley, and knocked lightly in front of a gatehouse.

"Ah Cheng, Gao Dong, the door is unlocked. Come in."

Yang Cheng responded and pushed the door open. At this time, the old voice sounded from the door again.

"Xie Rongzai, come in with you!"

Suddenly, Gao Qiqiang's eyelids twitched a few times, and Xie Rong, who had been expressionless all the time, had a cold light in his eyes!

How does he know his own? !

Yang Cheng didn't know his name, and Xie Rong was absolutely sure: not to mention Hong Kong Island, not many people even in Zhijiang knew his real name.

His name is recorded in the confidential file.

When he introduced himself to others, he always said "call me Arong".

Not many people know what his last name is now, and the salary is also entered into a card whose name cannot be found.

"Don't be nervous, I'm an old thing, any one of you will crush me to death."

Chapter 250 Eighth, I Ask Your Mercy to Come

But I saw an old man walking out slowly with a smile.

Gao Qiqiang thought that what he saw would be a fairy-like old man, the kind who seemed to be out of this world.

However, when Uncle Chen came out, what Gao Qiqiang saw was an old neighbor who was wearing a plain old jacket, a pair of starched whitish blue trousers, and an apron around his waist.

"Phoenix feet are good, but eating too much always makes you easy to get angry."

Uncle Chen said to Gao Qiqiang with a smile on his face at this time: "There is honeysuckle arhat fruit tea on the table, please drink some first."

"Clean up, old man, - I'll be here later."

Yang Cheng seemed to be used to it, and nodded to Uncle Chen and said yes.

Then he made a gesture of invitation to Gao Qiqiang, and the three of them entered the room.

The room is very simple, and even retains the flavor of the 60s.

Old tables, huge china teapots.

Yang matured and picked up the teapot familiarly, and poured tea for Gao Qiqiang and Xie Rong.

Then he smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, Uncle Chen seems to know everything."

"When I first came here, I was also taken aback! Uncle Chen asked me mischievously if the mole on that girl's shoulder last night was very special..."

As Yang Cheng said, there was a wry smile on his face: "I was so scared at the time, I thought he was watching by my side..."

Gao Qiqiang listened with a strange expression, while Xie Rong kept his mouth shut.

Not long after the three sat down, Uncle Chen walked in wearing an apron with a smile on his face.

Wipe a handle on the apron, take off the apron and put it on again.

Then he sat on the chair and poured himself a cup of tea, saying: "Ah Cheng! There is chicken soup in the pot, please watch the fire for me."

"Xie Rongzai, go out and watch for me. Li Cucumber will come in about half an hour. You tell him that the old man is not suitable to see him today. Tell him to go back and wait. I will look for him when the time is right."

After hearing this, Yang Cheng groaned and went out, while Xie Rong also left after taking a look at Gao Qiqiang.

Gao Qiqiang knew that it was Chen Bo who wanted to talk to him alone.

Uncle Chen picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Gao Aqiang.

He smiled and said, "Are you a little disappointed to see me, an old man?!"

"It's more of an accident than a disappointment."

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be able to cook by yourself, there's nothing too pretentious about it."

"Hey! Except for gods, who doesn't have to eat and drink?! The old man is a human being, so naturally he can't be exempt."

Uncle Chen laughed, and said: "If you are a person, you have to eat. Who knew who I was when I first came to Hong Kong Island?! At that time, I was just a scholar, and it was difficult to eat a plate of rice!"

"I make a living by writing letters for others, and after teaching a few potential dragons, I have a little fame and get a bite to eat."

Hearing this, Gao Qiqiang looked at Uncle Chen with a smile on his face: "Then today, Uncle Chen wants to give advice to this junior?!"

However, Uncle Chen looked at Gao Qi seriously and said strongly.

"No, you don't need advice. Even if the old man says something, you won't do it. You have your own plan, you have your own ideas. Soaring into the sky, it's unstoppable! Like a vast tide, a bright sun, right Go ahead and sweep the world!"

Gao Qiqiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly waved his hands with a smile: "I'm so embarrassed by your boasting..."

"Hahaha... The old man never praises anyone. I only tell people about their situation, whether it's Li Cucumber or Ah Cheng...or even Hong Han."

When Hong Han was mentioned, Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but feel awe.

"What happened to Brother Han?!"

Uncle Chen took a sip of his tea and said, "It's nothing, it's already melted."

"If he hadn't met you, this year would be his nine-fold catastrophe, which is almost inevitable. This catastrophe will hurt his foundation. At most two years, he will undoubtedly decline. Of course! After all, he still has a foundation, It’s just that when they intersect brilliantly, there is no one in a hundred.”

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, he suddenly remembered that when he came to Hong Kong Island later, he had indeed heard of Hong Han.

But at that time, Brother Han had already declined, and when people mentioned him, they only lamented that he was a legend for a while, and after more than [-] years of glory, he ended up dismal.

As for Rose and Rose Manor, I have never heard of it.

Presumably after Brother Han's complete decline, Rose without shelter also ended in dismal.

· · Flowers · ·

It was when Gao Qiqiang was meditating that Uncle Chen suddenly spoke again, but he saw his eyes staring at Gao Qiqiang, his voice was flat and old, but with a strange penetrating power.

"At the turn of the centuries, at the turn of the millennium. When I looked at the sky, I saw a dragon and a snake rising from the land! Floating on the river, its scales and claws gradually formed, and it has the potential to swallow the world!"

Gao Qiqiang raised his head in astonishment, while Chen Bo smiled lightly and said, "The two little house sparrows in Zhijiang are nothing more than human. With their scales and claws, they actually look like peacocks."

"As a result of his gaze, the diseased tiger in the shallow tour of the east has the power of a white tiger! The power to swallow the west, the master kills and plunders gold and silver. When the wind and the cloud change, it becomes the momentum of the assistant minister."

"The blood relatives of the Panlong used to be nothing but the appearance of a dragon. They swim in the streams and do not enter the river. They have a violent temperament and will inevitably suffer disasters. But because they are nourished by the Panlong, they have the potential to soar into the sky! Now in the west, the golden energy is accumulated and killed, and the dragon returns. The day is the time when the world sings!"


Gao Qiqiang was silent, he knew who Chen Bo was talking about.

The two house sparrows are Chen Shuting and Cheng Cheng.

Before the two of them met themselves, they had been bouncing around Jinghai at most, and they couldn't even get in the provincial capital.

In the eyes of people like Uncle Chen, he is indeed like a house sparrow.

The sick tiger who Chen Bo talked about traveling in the east must be referring to David.

Before meeting himself, David really had a miserable life.

Being beaten up by his ex-wife and partner, he couldn't stay on Wall Street anymore, so he had to travel far to Hong Kong Island to find opportunities.

And the violent Jiaolong he mentioned is undoubtedly his younger brother Gao Qisheng.

Indeed, if Gao Qiqiang hadn't met, it would be really difficult to say what would happen to this crazy younger brother's style of doing things.

These things...all of them!

There are even many things that only Gao Qiqiang, David, and Gao Qisheng know about, and even Qu Heng, the provincial capital boss, and Huang Lao Huang Yanjun don't know the details.

However, in Uncle Chen's mouth, what he said was light.

Gao Qiqiang let out a breath, looked at Uncle Chen and said softly, "You didn't ask me to meet you today to tell me these things, did you?!"

Uncle Chen waved his hand and said, "Of course not."

"I called you here today because I want to ask your subordinates to be merciful... to give Li Cucumber and the others a way to survive." Cai.

Chapter 250 IX Can You Let Them Go Away

When Gao Qiqiang heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Chen, are you wrong?! I'll give them a way out?! Now Boss Li's money..."

"Everyone in Hong Kong Island has money, and the sum can't beat you."

Chen Bo didn't wait for Gao Qiqiang to finish, he smiled wryly and said: "What you are carrying is the general trend!"

"It's as vast as the tide, and as bright as the sun. This is simply not something they can resist. Anyone or any force who tries to stop you will be crushed to pieces."

Gao Qiqiang quietly listened to Uncle Chen's words until Uncle Chen finished speaking.

He then said softly: "Uncle Chen, it's not about whether I let them go, but whether they let everyone on Hong Kong Island go."

After listening to Gao Qiqiang's words, Chen Bo immediately fell into silence.

"I don't object to making money. I'm not a good person myself. I speculate, sell high and buy low, and even manipulate the "[-]" stock market...I have done it all."

Gao Qiqiang said indifferently: "But I have my own bottom line in life, some money has to be plundered to make the common people live and live. Is it worthwhile to earn this kind of money?!"

"You asked me to let them go, but have they let these ordinary people on Hong Kong Island go?!"

Uncle Chen was silent, while Gao Qiqiang continued: "I won't target anyone, you can go to Zhijiang to inquire."

"What I do is basically for the purpose of win-win or even win-win."

When Gao Qiqiang said this, he looked at Chen Bo for a moment and said, "But..."

"It's impossible for me to join forces with them. Like them, I can't wait to knock on the soles of the feet of all the people on Hong Kong Island and feed them with fat stomachs!"

After listening to Gao Qiqiang's words, Chen Bo sighed deeply.

But he stood up and poured Gao Qiqiang a cup of tea, and said softly.

"When you come to Hong Kong Island, there will be waves of bloody storms. Too many people died, and more people will die next."

Uncle Chen stood up slowly, and sighed: "Actually, my time has come..."

Gao Qiqiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he immediately thought of one thing.

That is, in the next year, Uncle Chen suddenly became seriously ill in Sichuan.

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