He will definitely think that Bai Jiangbo sent someone to kill Lei Lei, and he will definitely retaliate wildly. He will definitely kill Bai Jiangbo, and even kill his whole family!

Gao Qiqiang looked at Xu Jiang, and said in a deep voice: "Bai Jiangbo is not a cat or a dog, and he has a lot of people! If you fight, blood will flow like a river...Even if you have a backer, can you keep you?!"

"Besides, if you fight each other, things are bound to become a big mess! When the time comes, once you get the attention of the higher-ups, what do you think your backer will do?!"

Abandon the pawns and protect the handsome!

Xu Jiang's heart felt cold for a while, once the attention of the higher-ups was drawn, his backers would definitely get rid of him without hesitation, so as to prevent their affairs with him from being leaked out!

"You are stronger than Bai Jiangbo, the outcome of this matter is likely to be that you killed Bai Jiangbo, and even his family! Then... you were noticed by the higher authorities, and even your backers will kill you with their own hands! "

Gao Qiqiang said, then paused: "At that time, the person who promotes this matter will be the biggest winner!"

"What you and Bai Jiangbo left behind, he will take it all without any effort! Continue to cooperate with your backer."

Xu Jiang gritted his teeth, his eyes were turning red.

I saw him trembling all over, squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "Uncle Tai!!"

"Uncle Tai?!"

Gao Qiqiang pretended not to know, while Xu Jiang calmed down his emotions.

"Uncle Tai is Chen Tai from the Construction Engineering Group. That old man was already the leader of Jinghai Road more than 20 years ago! After all, Bai Jiangbo and I came out after him..."

Following Xu Jiang's eloquence, Gao Qiqiang had a preliminary understanding of Uncle Tai.

Uncle Tai Chen Tai was a man of the hour as early as in the period of turmoil.

It's just that his family status is not good, but he is extremely powerful in martial arts, so it was considered a reputation at that time.

At the beginning of the reform, Uncle Tai took advantage of the situation with his sensitive sense of smell.

Opened game halls, video halls, dance halls, etc. At that time, he was good at dancing, and he quickly recruited a group of people.

By virtue of being able to fight and dare to kill, he has grabbed a lot of territory.

Later, the crackdown was severe, and Uncle Tai hid for a while after receiving the news.

It was also at that time that Xu Jiang and Bai Jiangbo had a gap to rise.

When Uncle Tai came back, there was another girl beside him. It is said that Uncle Tai hid back to his hometown, because Uncle Tai was unable to have children because of the wounds left by the fighting in his early years.

He adopted a daughter who had no parents from the clan, and prepared to provide for himself in the future.

When Uncle Tai came back, both Xu Jiang and Bai Jiangbo were trembling.

Don't look at Uncle Tai who has been away for a few years, but the shadow of his name is a tree.

The first one who couldn't bear it was Bai Jiangbo. He went directly to Uncle Tai and expressed his intention to take refuge in him. Uncle Tai wanted to stabilize him, or bought horse bones to show off his wealth.

In short, he married his goddaughter, Chen Shuting, to Bai Jiangbo.

Bai Jiangbo made contributions, while Uncle Tai made full use of his long-sleeved and good at dancing contacts, and soon made a comeback!

Now the pressure came to Xu Jiang's side. In the past few years, he and Bai Jiangbo fought frequently in order to grab the territory. Uncle Tai used his contacts to "negotiate peace".

The so-called "negotiation" actually forced Xu Jiang to give up the most profitable battlefields, quarries, and casinos.

Only Buckingham was left behind in Xu Jiang, and Xu Jiang knew that sooner or later he would be completely annexed by Uncle Tai.

The reason why Uncle Tai didn't kill Xu Jiang directly was to check and balance Bai Jiangbo, and the second was because he was afraid of being noticed by the higher-ups if he made too much noise.

Once noticed by the higher authorities, even his "friends" would not dare to help him.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Jiang gritted his teeth and found his current backer.

In fact, Xu Jiang didn't know that he was now seeking skin from a tiger.

But he had no choice, either he would be cut by Bai Jiangbo's blunt knife and swallowed by him and Uncle Tai bit by bit.

Either find a solid backer, turn to the past without hesitation and kill Bai Jiangbo in turn.

"In the past few years, Uncle Tai has been cleansing white people, and he doesn't care too much about things on the road. After all, he has a black name, and his friends don't like it either."

Xu Jiang took a deep breath and said, "So, I didn't think it might be Uncle Tai at first."

"What is he doing now?!"

Seeing Gao Qiqiang's question, Xu Jiang didn't hide it: "Jianggong Group is engaged in construction."

"That makes sense!"

Seeing Gao Qiqiang let out a breath, Xu Jiang couldn't help saying: "What makes sense?!"


Gao Qiqiang looked at Xu Jiang, and said word by word: "He needs a sand field and a quarry for construction!"

"You are becoming more and more powerful now, and you are threatening Bai Jiangbo's battlefields and quarries, and your backing is too strong! He can't check and balance you, so he can only destroy you! Even if Bai Jiangbo is sacrificed, he will not hesitate. !"

Xu Jiang couldn't help but turn pale when he heard the words: "This old dog!..."

"Of course, all this is just my guess. It's hard to say whether this is the case."

Xu Jiang waved his hand and said, "Brother, you don't have to say that! I know that, except for this old dog... no one wants me to die so urgently! Wants Lei Lei to die!"

"Actually, regardless of whether this is the case or not, we can be sure of one thing: someone is following Lei Lei!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at Xu Jiang and exhaled slowly: "So, my suggestion is: You'd better send Lei Lei abroad!"

"Go abroad?!"

Gao Qiqiang suddenly brought up this topic, which directly stunned Xu Jiang.

"Yes, go abroad!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at Xu Jiang, and said in a deep voice, "In China, even Xiangjiang is not safe anymore!"

"I believe you are in Xiangjiang, and there is a way to find someone to take someone's life!"

Xu Jiang didn't say anything, he could indeed do this.

It's just spending some money. Xiangjiang has a lot of associations and a lot of young people who work for money.

He thought it was safest to keep his son by his side, but now it seems...

This is the most dangerous!


Updated again!I ask you guys to comment and support the flower monthly ticket! !It is not easy for a newcomer to open a book, only if everyone supports me can I have some motivation to continue! ! .

Chapter 32 Meet Lao Mo

"But... I'm not familiar with foreign countries! And Lei Lei has never been abroad..."

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile when he heard the words: "I guess I have to go to the United States at the end of the year, and A Sheng will come with me then."

"I feel it's a waste if Ah Sheng doesn't study. Doing business with me is just for him to experience life. He will definitely want to study later!"

As he said that, Gao Qiqiang paused: "In the past, there was nothing I could do if I didn't have much money. Now that I have money, I want to let Ah Sheng go to America to study."

"If my brother is willing, I'm sure, you can let Lei Lei go there! They also have a companion, Lei Lei is so young, it's always good to read more books!"

Speaking of this, Gao Qiqiang paused and said: "And Ah Sheng can give him some tutoring, no matter how bad it is, at least learn English!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at Xu Jiang, and said in a deep voice, "Don't you know your current situation?!"

Xu Jiang actually knew that he was crazy but not stupid.

Otherwise, he would have been killed by Uncle Tai long ago, that is to say, he would have gone completely crazy after the death of his only son, which made him completely slip into the end.

"Your headquarters hope that Lei Lei will follow your old path in the future?!"

Hearing Gao Qiqiang's words, Xu Jiang couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "That's fine, that's fine."

"Brother, take a look when you go abroad! If it's suitable, I'll send Lei Lei to be a companion with Xiao Sheng."

After talking about these things, Xu Jiang suddenly lost the mood to eat.

Gao Qiqiang was actually not in the mood to eat anymore, he knew more than Xu Jiang imagined.

The meal was almost over after both parties had their own concerns. After returning, Gao Qiqiang asked Gao Qisheng to start preparing various materials.

He was not in a hurry at all with Gong Kaijiang. Now Gong Kaijiang would think that he had no strength, but as long as he won the Jinghai Building, the situation would be different.

At that time, Gong Kaijiang himself will come to ask him to take this agency right, otherwise, there will be no place for PHS in Jinghai's largest digital hypermarket...

How did he become the manager? !

Gao Qisheng wasn't idle during this time, his elder brother was so good because he read the books under his bed, Gao Qisheng felt that he couldn't miss it either.

He actually didn't read the basics of the books Gao Qiqiang bought, but his younger brother Gao Qisheng read them all!

It can be said that Gao Qisheng is working very hard to catch up with his brother.

He was an extremely smart person, and when he knew his emotional and character flaws, he immediately realized that this would cause him great hidden dangers.

If there are hidden dangers, they must be resolved.

So now he is correcting his character flaws little by little, especially impulsiveness and crazy criticism.

"You mean, Xu Lei... might have been almost murdered?!"

Gao Qiqiang nodded slightly while eating the pig's feet noodles: "Yes, and Xu Jiang also guessed who it was."

An Xin let out a deep breath, but luckily Xu Lei didn't die.

Otherwise, this matter will be a big deal!

"I first suggested that Xu Jiang send Xu Lei abroad to help him solve Xu Lei's worries, so that he can trust me more!"

While eating the noodles, An Xin said, "I'm going to visit Chen Jinmo tomorrow."

Gao Qiqiang suddenly paused when he heard this, for Chen Jinmo...his feelings are complicated.

Lao Mo is a good person, but...to be honest, if his temper is not tamed, he may have to go back to his old ways.

"Let's go together!"

Gao Qiqiang put down his chopsticks, sighed and said, "Cui Cui told me about him, this guy is a good guy, but he's a little bit of a guy..."

"He will come out in a few years, and if the knot in his heart is not untied, he may have to commit crimes."

An Xin originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing Gao Qiqiang's words, he immediately agreed to go with him.

The two made some preparations, and then An Xin drove Gao Qiqiang to the prison in a hurry, because they had applied in advance and the two met Chen Jinmo smoothly.

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