"He can't eat it! He has to spit out this piece of meat."

Gao Qiqiang smiled lightly: "Of course! If he wants to spit it out, I have to take over."

"Eh...why are you the only one who can take over?!"

Gao Qisheng was a little puzzled, Gao Qiqiang laughed: "Think about it, if people from the provincial capital can take over, will it be our turn?!"

Indeed, if they could take over, they would have already done so.

"Okay, don't ask so many questions! Let's just wait for the phone call, and spend a few days in the provincial capital by the way."

Gao Qiqiang laughed and told his brother to eat quickly.

But in the next few days, only Gao Qiqiang led Cheng Cheng to wander around the provincial capital. Gao Qisheng was worried about the Shenghe in Beijing, so he took the people back first.

Sure enough, within a few days, Gao Qiqiang received a call from An Changlin.

"Have you returned to Jinghai yet?!"

Gao Qiqiang held the phone and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for your instructions!"

"Why are you waiting for my instructions! Are you waiting for someone to send you money?! Hahaha..."

An Changlin laughed happily on the other end of the phone. It was a bit difficult to parachute to the provincial capital to work.

Unexpectedly, Gao Qiqiang would be the key to breaking the situation. Coupled with the support of the provincial capital, at least most of the work would be much easier.

"Liu Shide, the president of the Chamber of Commerce in the provincial capital, asked me to invite you to dinner. I think you know what's going on?!"

Gao Qiqiang held the phone and smiled faintly: "You can eat, but things are not so easy."

"Since they opened their mouths, they must be ready to bleed."

An Changlin is also very knowledgeable about this matter, he laughed: "At eight o'clock tonight, Lanxin Pavilion, Longlan box."

"it is good!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed, hung up the phone and winked at Cheng Cheng: "Really?! I just said, someone will give me money."

Cheng Cheng looked at 583's boss helplessly, stroking his forehead and was speechless.

She admires the boss's skills, even more sophisticated than Uncle Tai!

Moreover, I will not play any conspiracy with you.

It's a conspiracy to come up directly, and it will plot against you clearly, and you have to fall into the trap.

Of course, as long as you don't want to punish him, you really won't suffer any losses.

He doesn't even care if the boss himself suffers a little.

But if you touch the line, it's hard to talk...

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Longlan box of Lanxin Pavilion.

"Hahaha... Mr. Liu, you are being polite! If you want to see my junior, you can call me, and this junior will be on call! Why do you need Uncle An to notify me!"

Gao Qiqiang bowed his hand and entered the arena. He thought it would be right to hold back a little bit, but he didn't expect that Liu Lao would arrive early.

"Hahaha... Mr. Gao is a talented young man. I, an old man, have already heard of him! I want to make friends but I don't have any connections. That's why I troubled the security bureau to introduce you."

Both parties come and go, business blows to each other.

An Changlin sat down with a smile, while Mr. Zheng shrank like a quail.

Cheng Cheng watched Gao Qiqiang talking and laughing happily with the chairman of the Provincial Chamber of Commerce, and couldn't help but think of the time when Chen Tai and her came to the provincial capital for a meeting, but they were dismissed with a meal of tea.

"The rank of the boss is more than one step higher than that of Uncle Tai!".

Chapter 80 is a genius!

Seeing Mr. Liu talking and laughing happily with Gao Qiqiang, Cheng Cheng was obediently serving wine and food, as obedient as a little daughter-in-law.

Suddenly, Mr. Liu looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile.

"This Miss Cheng Cheng, if I'm not mistaken...is the girl who followed Chen Tai to drink tea with me a few years ago?!"

Cheng Cheng was surprised!She didn't expect that it was just a meeting a few years ago, but Mr. Liu could still remember her.

"Mr. Liu actually still remembers me. I'm really flattered."

Cheng Cheng stood up with a smile, picked up a cup of tea and said softly, "I have to drive Mr. Gao later, so let me toast you with tea instead of wine!"

Old Liu laughed and drank the tea.

Everyone chattered all the way, but Gao Qiqiang didn't mention why he came today, anyway, he just talked about various interesting things.

Talking about Jinghai Shenghe, he also asked Mr. Liu about some business issues.

Mr. Zheng at the side saw them chatting for a long time, and immediately became a little anxious when he didn't mention his own affairs.

Even Mr. Liu didn't introduce him, and Gao Qiqiang didn't even bother to ask.

"Mr. Gao, I'm R&F Real Estate..."

Mr. Zheng raised his wine glass, and Gao Qiqiang laughed and stood up: "Mr. Zheng! We met at the auction! Mr. Zheng's arrogance at that time is still fresh in my memory!"

"Come on! I'll do it first as a respect!"

Gao Qiqiang raised his head and drank a glass straight away. Seeing this, Mr. Zheng quickly drank the wine, and the bottom of the glass was brightened.

Mr. Zheng was about to say something, but Mr. Liu's knife-like eyes swept over directly, and Mr. Zheng sat down resentfully.

The mud can't support the wall, so I can't hold my breath! !

Elder Liu sighed helplessly, but he also knew that it was meaningless to continue to be tense at this moment.

"I came here today because I wanted to bother Mr. Gao with something..."

In this kind of matter, whoever speaks first will naturally be at a disadvantage, and the conditions can be raised by others.

"Hahaha... Look at what you said, you are a senior! It is my honor, Gao Qiqiang, that you are useful to me! Why bother to say '‖!"

Gao Qiqiang laughed, and said to Liu Lao: "You just tell me!"

"It's... a little serious."

Mr. Liu sighed, he might be bloody today: "Didn't Mr. Gao bid for the Renmin Building before?! I don't know if Mr. Gao is still interested."

"Renmin Building!..."

Gao Qiqiang smiled and said, "Actually, I have never been interested in it."


This time it's Mr. Zheng's turn to be dumbfounded. How can we talk about this...? !

"Oh?! Since you are not interested, why did you come to participate in the auction and bid?!"

Elder Liu smiled slightly and asked Gao Qiqiang.

"Hey... Mr. Liu, I was kicked out of the market! I was originally a big boss in the provincial capital, so he rushed to me and asked me to come to the auction."

Gao Qiqiang suddenly had a bitter face, and sighed: "I will only know when I come here. This provincial capital has deep routines. I'd better go back to the countryside!"

"Besides, Jinghai Shenghe has already kept me busy for a long time! After a while, I will go abroad to watch a few projects..."

Gao Qiqiang spread his hands and sighed, "I'm really too busy!"

Elder Liu couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, this kid... is indeed more slippery than an eel.

What he meant inside and outside the words was that our group of people gave him a blow, and this matter was not what he wanted to do.

What are you going to do for me? !If you have the ability, go to the big bosses in the provincial capital!

Besides, the current situation is caused by you yourself, you can't let me come back obediently with just a word, right? !

Although I, Gao Qiqiang, am not a very rich man, I still have some property.

Without the Renmin Building, I, Gao Qiqiang, would not starve to death.

Now, you need me!

"That's it!... That's really troublesome."

Mr. Liu pondered for a while, then sighed, "When my nephew was at the auction house, he took a photo of the Renmin Building on a whim without looking at his own financial situation."

"After the filming and payment, I found out that my family's cash flow seemed to be a little bit unsustainable."

As Mr. Liu said, he paused and said, "So, he asked me to find Mr. Gao, hoping that Mr. Gao can take over."

"Hi! The capital chain is not a big problem, like this! Mr. Zheng, how much do you want?! You make a number, and I will give you a three-point interest! How about a two-year repayment period?!"

Seeing Gao Qiqiang pretending to be stupid and taking care of everything, Mr. Liu became angrily, why don't you little fox know how to let the old man go!Don't talk about Wude!

Gao Qiqiang looked at Mr. Liu with a smile on his face, don't rely on me to sell you, your status is indeed higher than mine.

You let me come to dinner today to give me Gao Qiqiang face.

I'm here to have this meal with you to save face.

But this is not how he did it.

"... 6000 million, can Mr. Gao take over the Renmin Building?!"

After all, Mr. Liu let out a long sigh. At other times, he could spend time with Gao Qiqiang, but Mr. Zheng couldn't afford it or wait.

When Mr. Liu spoke so directly, Mr. Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes shifted to Gao Qiqiang.

"You senior have already spoken, how can I, as a junior, refute your face! Just do as you say! Hahaha..."

As he said that, Gao Qiqiang stood up holding his wine glass and said to Mr. Zheng, "Mr. Zheng, we have a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Mr. Zheng's hanging heart finally let go.

The mouth of the whole person was about to split into the back of his head when he laughed, he touched the cup with both hands to Gao Qiqiang, and drank it down gratefully.

Elder Liu stared blankly at Gao Qiqiang for a while, with extremely complicated eyes.

But seeing him slowly pick up the wine glass, sighed softly: "You are a great talent!"

"You agree!"

(Li Qianhao)

The two sides held the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

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