There are several papers on it, and Gao Qisheng was surprised when he saw the author's signature!

After reading the paper again, gao qisheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

Then he opened several other papers, the summary, details and some inferences above made Gao Qisheng silent.

"Brother, what do you mean... let me get the chips?!"

Gao Qiqiang didn't answer his words directly, but asked instead: "Do you think the descriptions in these papers make sense?! Is it true?!"

"The descriptions in these papers are absolutely correct, and as time goes by, I am afraid that the development of chips will exceed the expectations in the papers!"

Gao Qisheng lowered his head in deep thought, and said, "At that time, the chip will become the sole core of almost all technological products, and whoever masters the high-end chip will have the right to speak in the market and even the world!"

Gao Qiqiang was very satisfied with his younger brother's conclusion.

"I know your talent very well, and I also know how hard you are willing to study! After training in Jinghai Shenghe, you have also learned interpersonal communication and management. Even when you come to the beautiful country with me this time, even the world I saw it too!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at his younger brother and said, "So, I think... it's time for you to go back to school. I'm not telling you to waste your time! I'm asking you to convert the money your brother and you earned into us The foundation of the Gao family!"

"Turn these into the cornerstone of your glorious ancestors of the Gao family!!"

Looking at his younger brother, Gao Qiqiang sighed and said, "Your brother is old, and I am not as talented as you in this area."

"What I can do, 2.9 is to give you a solid backing! Give you enough financial support, and what you have to to use the money to discover talents, use talents, and temper your own scientific research team , take off this laurel crown!"

In all fairness, doesn't Gao Qisheng want to go to school? !

No!Of course he wanted to stay on campus, but before...he had no capital.

He can see how difficult it is for my brother.

His only thought is to share and contribute to his brother!

But after he made up his mind to leave school, he realized that his brother only needed to let go of himself, and Gao Qisheng didn't need to do anything at all.

This discovery made Gao Qisheng very frustrated, even a little confused.

But now, he is needed again! ! .

Chapter 94 On how to keep the crazy criticizing brother from happening

Looking into Gao Qisheng's eyes, Gao Qiqiang let out a long breath.

He had always thought that his younger brother's madness was caused by poverty or low self-esteem, but now he suddenly discovered that Gao Qisheng's madness was actually caused by Gao Qiqiang himself!

Why? !Because although Gao Qisheng had hidden his crazy attribute for a long time before, Gao Qiqiang could tell from the shooting range that he was actually still on the verge of being crazy.

So, he came up with a long-prepared plan—to make Gao Qisheng needed to the greatest extent.

It is a man's greatest comfort to be wanted by the cherished.

Gao Qiqiang has experienced it himself, so he often entrusts some things that he can do to those who cherish him.

It is to let them experience the feeling that they are needed, and this feeling will make them feel that they are not useless.

In terms of family affection, this kind of being needed will be particularly important.

It can be seen from elderly parents that they are afraid of "causing trouble" to their children and desperately want their children to feel that they are still "useful".

This is a desire to be needed. When this desire is not satisfied, it will be transformed into a disease.

The manifestation of this kind of sickness is that they will control you, interfere with you, and even do things that make you dumbfounded or even angry, and their starting point is "for your own good".

In fact, their "for your own good" is to reflect "being needed".

Only when this "need" is met, they will not do those pathological or even extreme things.

The more important thing is: this kind of need cannot be perfunctory.

Even this kind of need, even if it does not meet their satisfaction, is not enough.

It was also because Gao Qisheng arranged for him to go to Jinghai Shenghe and get busy that his crazy criticism attributes were reduced a little.

However, if the needs are not met, this hidden danger will always exist.

That's why Gao Qiqiang would consider using another greater sense of satisfaction to curb Gao Qisheng's crazy criticism.

It was also at that time that he thought of Gao Qisheng's saying "For the Gao family, I am not afraid of death!"

So, there is today's scene.

You are not afraid of death for the Gao family, are you? !That's easy!

I want you to honor your ancestors, and you have to be in the field you are good at, so that the Gao family's name will go down in history!

"In our country, who is the most noble, the most valued, admired by thousands of people, and even no one dares to embarrass him?!"

Gao Qiqiang looked at his younger brother and said word by word: "He is a scientific researcher with scientific achievements!"

"Two eggs, one star! Those heroes, even the bosses have to respect them!"

While Gao Qiqiang was talking, Gao Qisheng's eyeballs were shining brightly!

yes!Such scientists are the most precious!

The country attaches great importance to it, even to the point of cherishing it!

No matter who comes up and who goes down, those scientists who have made achievements are the ones they will inevitably appease and win over.

When encountering something that needs to stand in line, they say that I don’t understand research, and they just flash it to you and dodge it, and you can’t say anything.

And they are powerless, and no one will find fault with them.

Combined with the statement in the paper, Gao Qisheng quickly understood what his brother meant.

In the next 50 to [-] years, what the country needs most is the scientific research results of chips, and they still come from patented and mass-produced ones.

If you do this yourself, you will undoubtedly become a high-tech expert that the country must pay attention to!

"And, have you ever thought about it?! Our current chips are all imported from other countries. Once we conflict with the interests of the other party, or the other party wants to cut us leeks..."

Gao Qisheng's eyes froze when he heard the words, the country must have considered this issue.

But chip technology does not mean that catching up can be caught up. This not only requires a lot of money, but also requires professional scientific research talents.

All of this requires long-term cultivation and research, and the time and money spent are huge, which cannot be supported by the current situation.

As for the market for technology... The beautiful country may give you some of the technology, but it is impossible for them to sell the slightly high-end technology.

"Brother, what do you think?!"

Gao Qisheng didn't intend to think about it by himself, anyway, no matter what his brother said, he didn't even frown.

Seeing that Gao Qisheng was already prepared for this, Gao Qiqiang whispered his thoughts and plans to Gao Qisheng.

This matter is easy and simple to say, but it is difficult... and difficult.

The chip industry is actually a relatively closed industry. Many people say that the beautiful country and Europa are societies that emphasize strength rather than favor.

In fact, this is really damning criticism!

Bill's mother is not a director of IBM, is he eligible to approach IBM's contract? !

If Zhang Zhongmou of the computer shop hadn’t held a meeting and drank with the two founders of Intel, Noyce and Moore, the three of them would have returned to the hotel singing songs in the snowflakes.

Instead of entering Texas Instruments with Jack Keel, the inventor of the world's first integrated circuit, and drinking coffee together...

Where does his newly established computer shop take orders? !

It is true that there is indeed a factor of his strength.After all, people may give the first order out of face, but they can continue to give orders and gradually increase the amount.

Then 583 shows that he does have the strength to take the order.

"This time I asked David to call these people together, and even let him make friends with those related people, just to let you enter the family of Jack Kilby, the father of integrated circuits! He is a distinguished professor of the Electrical Engineering Department of Texas A&M University!"

"After this attack, it is no surprise that the beautiful country will shift its focus to war! And this is also our opportunity!"

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly, and said to his younger brother: "At this time, you need your talent, your hard work, and the management and connections you have learned..."

"You have to learn enough knowledge from Professor Jack Kilby! You have to expand your network, and you have to make a lot of talents and even geniuses!"

As he said that, Gao Qiqiang let out a breath and said in a deep voice: "All this has to be done while the beautiful country is immersed in war!"

"Otherwise, once the beautiful country recovers, it is absolutely impossible to allow you to leave the beautiful country with this high-tech!"

Hearing this, Gao Qisheng not only didn't have the slightest fear, but was even slightly excited!

Obviously, his crazy criticism has come up again!

PS: Today's chapter is a little late because I went to a funeral in the morning.I was injured when I came back, and my hands were bruised. I endured the pain and finished this chapter. I will rush out the chapter tonight, don’t worry! .

Chapter 95 Let's Make Money Together

"James! Oh! My friend, we haven't seen each other for at least four years?! God! You're still so cool..."

"Nathan! Thanks to your help last time, brother! You must have fun today! Hahaha..."

This is the best private club in New York, on the top floor of a certain building.

Membership is implemented here, but consumption is calculated separately.

A deck needs to spend 3000 dollars, while a sofa deck costs [-] dollars.

Small private rooms start at US$[-], and the most expensive ones are US$[-].

In the United States, where the per capita income is 3000 knives, a booth here costs an average person a month's salary.

Even for management and analysis personnel with higher income, or relatively higher income such as engineers, the annual salary is only 8 to 10 knives.

A booth needs to be their salary for at least one month, and a private room is their salary for more than half a year!

But today, this place is reserved.

David greeted every guest with a smile, and greeted and joked with them one by one.

Many guests laughed a little reluctantly, after all, they suffered a huge loss in the recent disaster.

But they had no choice but to come because of David's invitation, because...David was the winner of this disaster!

Almost everyone knew that there must be a boss standing behind David.

There are rumors that the boss is from the mysterious East, and this time, David has an extra billion dollars in assets under his name.

Simply put, David has a great boss!

Almost everyone is estimating his boss's profit this time based on David's profit.

According to the rules of Wall Street, this kind of large-scale trading is definitely impossible to share too much profit with you.

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