With that said, Chen Shuting paused and looked at Cheng Chengdao.

"So you can't see through Gao Qiqiang's "[-]", so even if you moved to his house, you still haven't made any progress with him."

A smile appeared on Chen Shuting's face: "But, isn't that why you stayed?!"

Cheng Cheng fell silent and just stared at Chen Shuting.

But he still picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank the red wine in the glass.

"You! What should I say about you!"

Chen Shuting sighed, stood up slowly, walked to Cheng Cheng's side and patted her on the shoulder.

"If you are like this, even if it is a lifetime, don't even think about what happens to brother Qiang."

When Cheng Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but stare: "Does it have to be like you, making careful calculations to rush forward?!"

"Your conditions are much better than mine. If I could have half of your conditions, I would have attacked him long ago."

Chen Shuting looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile, and said, "Do you know what is the most successful for a woman?!"

Cheng Cheng looked at her unconvinced: "Don't you have your own career?! Find another partner to fight with..."

"You think too much."

Chen Shuting looked at her with a smile, and sighed: "Unless you live as a man, how can you achieve any success in your career?!"

"But you have turned yourself into a man, which man is willing to marry you back?! Have you ever thought about this problem?!"

Chen Shuting spread her hands and said, "For a man, he doesn't need a woman who can fight. What he needs is a home, a harbor. Instead of fighting openly and secretly with people outside, he has to discuss with you how to buy it when he returns home." ..."

"Can't you live that day?! Are you working 24 hours a day?!"

Cheng Cheng was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and Chen Shuting just giggled: "Struggling is a man's business, he just hopes to go home and rest."

Chen Shuting's words made Cheng Cheng silent, but Chen Shuting continued: "So, carry out according to your style, I'm afraid you will only deal with work for the rest of your life."

"Maybe I will raise a few little wolf dogs?! But that's all, don't expect them to really help you, they will only make you happy."

Chen Shuting sneered and said, "Is this a success?! Maybe..."

"But for me, the success of a woman... is to conquer a powerful man! This man can be strong enough to conquer the world, and as a woman... I conquered him."

Looking at Cheng Cheng, Chen Shuting smiled slightly: "Everything he has earned is willing to share with me. Why should I work so hard?! It's completely unnecessary."

After pouring wine for Cheng Cheng, Chen Shuting said flatly: "Back to our topic just now, you are indeed better than me in business, I have to admit that."

"But in terms of people's hearts, you are far behind me!"

Cheng Cheng can only be convinced by what he said. It was true that she was in the company back then, no matter how great her achievements were, a lot of old people still helped Chen Shuting speak.

At one point she was about to cry.

"So you don't understand what kind of man Brother Qiang is. So you don't have any clue until now. Even if you move into his house, nothing will happen."

Chen Shuting spread her hands towards Cheng Cheng, and said, "Let me tell you what kind of person he is!"

For Gao Qiqiang, Cheng Cheng only felt: mysterious.

Gao Qiqiang seems to be transparent in everything. He has a younger brother and a younger sister. He has an inseparable relationship with An Xin, and he has two brothers, Xiaolong and Xiaohu.

But what he was thinking and what he would do, Cheng Cheng had no clue at all...

"He is a confident, powerful man!"

When Chen Shuting mentioned Gao Qiqiang, his eyes immediately lit up.

"He is very confident, but not conceited. He has a strong sense of empathy, which makes it easy for him to take the role of others to think about problems, draw conclusions from other people's perspectives, and judge what others may do. decision. And usually that analysis is almost always correct."

Hearing these words, Cheng Cheng couldn't help being stunned for a while.

The first time I met Gao Qiqiang, it seemed like this.

He almost completely predicted what he was thinking in his heart, and even directly stated that he had guessed the truth but dared not face the situation.

"Because of this advantage, his business is almost always profitable. He predicted the reaction of Lao Bai and me, and the reactions of Uncle Tai, Meng Ju, An Xin...etc., but he predicted This kind of reaction is not for calculation, but for the pursuit of a win-win situation.”

Chen Shuting smiled slightly, and said to Cheng Cheng: "If you pay attention to his behavior style, you will know that unless you violate his bottom line, most of the time he is willing to create a win-win situation or even a multi-win situation."

"He borrowed 600 million from Lao Bai and me, but got back 700 million! He also helped Lao Bai and Xu Jiang to set up a yacht together to make money."

While talking, Chen Shuting's eyes blurred to 2.9: "He even created a three-win situation. I had already faintly felt the murderous intention of the old man towards Xu Jiang!"

Cheng Cheng shuddered when he heard this.

"You also know the situation of the Construction Engineering Group. If we want to develop, we cannot do without the sand mine. Xu Jiang may be planning to plan the sand mine, which will greatly stimulate the father."

As Chen Shuting said, she spread her hands and said, "But brother Qiang easily resolved all this, because his starting point from the very beginning was to take care of the interests of all three parties."

"Based on this point, the three parties are satisfied! But the most important point is..."

Chen Shuting said, then paused: "He didn't get any profit, even if it was just a little bit!"

"This is his most brilliant place!".

Chapter 110 [-] You Understand Why You Want Me to Say It

"You work in Jinghai Shenghe, you should know best: All the money of Brother Qiang has traceable sources and organic sources."

Chen Shuting paused, and said: "He will never be contaminated by any kind of side door, anything."

"His bottom line is very clear, and he is also aware of the possible consequences if he is contaminated with a side door, so even if the yacht's profit is huge, but he is just making an idea, he will never be contaminated."

"His character determines that he will not put himself in danger. He will make extremely long-term planning in advance, make all plans and prepare for the worst situation."

Chen Shuting looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile, and said, "He is the same when it comes to women."

"Do you think he doesn't need it?! No, he is a normal man. So of course he has! Before you and me, he just went to Buckingham in Xujiang to solve it."

Hearing this, Cheng Cheng couldn't help being dumbfounded.

She knows exactly where Buckingham is!

After all, the hospitality of Construction Engineering Group 11 did not go to Buckingham less.

The woman there is actually...

"Did you notice what he said to me last night when I said he didn't like me?!"

Chen Shuting didn't look at Cheng Cheng's expression, but continued to smile and said: "He told me very clearly that he is a flamboyant."

"This is to tell me that if I want to be with him, then I have to accept that he will not be the only woman. If I can't accept it, then everyone should keep a distance."

Cheng Cheng was really silent this time, she never thought that such a small amount of information could be contained in a few words.

Looking at Chen Shuting's appearance, Cheng Cheng asked involuntarily, "So, you agree now?!"

"If you want to get an extremely good man, then you have to pay some price."

Chen Shuting spread out her hands and said, "Someone like Bai Jiangbo often steals food outside behind my back."

"It was okay when he needed to rely on his godfather, but later on with Xu Jiang, he became unscrupulous! Even for a few days, he didn't go home all night."

Speaking of this, Chen Shuting laughed at herself: "Perhaps, they don't regard this place as their home!"

Chen Shuting poured herself wine and raised the glass to Cheng Cheng.

The two silently drank the wine in their glasses.

"Brother Qiang is very good, but he is so good! Such a good man, even if he wants to, cannot have only one woman. Especially in my case."

Looking at Cheng Cheng, Chen Shuting said indifferently: "But I can make some demands, and my request is: at least reach your level."

"What nonsense are you talking about! As if I have to be like Gao Qiqiang!"

When Cheng Cheng heard this, he jumped up immediately.

Chen Shuting said with a smile: "Otherwise, who else can you be with?! Jinghai, even Zhijiang, and even most of the men you know, who can compare with Brother Qiang."

These words directly silenced Cheng Cheng.

"Even if there is, who accepts you to continue to be the supervisor in Jinghai Shenghe instead of going home to help your husband and teach your children?!"

These words pierced Cheng Cheng's heart even more.

But she quickly said unconvinced: "Then you said just now that men don't need strong women..."

"Because you are not strong in front of Brother Qiang!"

Chen Shuting spread her hands and giggled: "Besides, he doesn't care about your management ability at all, and he even appreciates it!"

"I believe you feel it too, he delegates power to you even more than Uncle Tai!"

Cheng Cheng admitted this, and Gao Qiqiang's support for her was directly beyond her imagination.

Even in the Construction Engineering Group, Uncle Tai never trusted her like this.

Gao Qiqiang was completely different, and directly handed over the entire Jinghai Shenghe to her.

The valuation of Jinghai Shenghe is now at least 30 billion, which is all achieved by Gao Qiqiang's hard work.

However, he just went abroad, and he put 30 billion assets in Cheng Cheng's hands with such peace of mind!

When Gao Qiqiang did this, Cheng Cheng even had a feeling that "a man should die for his confidant", and it was at that time that she completely fell for this man.

Because she knew very well that no second man would give her such a high degree of trust.

Put as much as 30 billion assets in your own hands without paying attention.

"But you will find that he did not hand over these permissions to the Tang brothers who followed him earlier."

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Cheng did realize this, and it must be impossible not to trust the brothers of the Tang family.

After all, the Tang brothers had been with him for a long time, and it would be hard to say that the Tang brothers might have two minds, because the two of them were really in a hurry that day!

He took the guy directly and rushed to the school.

"That's because he knows that the two brothers can't do this job! If they have to do it, they can't resist the temptation. It will kill them."

Cheng Chengchang sighed, and said: "Okay! I didn't stay here to listen to how you praise the boss. I also understand how good he is! What I want to know is..."

"Don't you already have the answer yourself?!"

Chen Shuting looked at her with a smile, giggled and said, "You 600 still have to ask me to say it!"

"You are really planning to tell me to pounce on him!"

Cheng Cheng's face collapsed in an instant, while Chen Shuting said flatly: "It's not easy for us women to live a lifetime."

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