Among this group of people, Gao Qiqiang even saw several special teams retreat.

This surprised him very much, and the chief of the military division also saw his thoughts.

Sighing: "We can't afford to support them now, some of them are really difficult at home, and some are hindered by the regulations... They can't join the army if they haven't reached the rank!..."

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but sigh at the words of the military chief.

Gao Qiqiang was silent. He quickly thought of the situation in these years. He had just started to develop, and he was still far behind.

Entering the high-speed period is a few years later, and this moment... is almost the most difficult time.

Thinking of this, Gao Qiqiang immediately made a decision!


He... wanted to do something.

However, what happened next caught Gao Qiqiang by surprise.

First of all, all the industries under Uncle Tai have decided to sign an agreement with Shield Security Consultant, and all security issues will be handed over to Shield Security Consultant Co., Ltd. in the future.

Afterwards, the major banks in Jinghai directly sent over the financial escort contracts, and even several major companies came to join in the fun.

This made Gao Qiqiang a little dumbfounded, I haven't built the company yet!What are you doing!

However, he didn't know that several major firms were now eyeing his Jinghai Shenghe.

Because although the shield company is not under Shenghe, it is also part of Shenghe.

So they simply called them "Sheng He Dun", and it was extremely difficult to get anything to do with Sheng He on weekdays.

Shenghe is such a big company, from employee salaries, to business accounts, to deposits.

These are big projects!

If they are willing to borrow a sum of money from themselves, they will save and loan for the whole year, but they will all be completed.

With these big companies taking the lead, Gao Qiqiang's Shenghedun has not yet recruited manpower, and dozens of related contracts have been signed.

According to the manpower required in the contract, they must send a team of at least 400 people within three months to complete these contracts.

This sudden change caught Gao Qiqiang a little off guard, and at the same time he was a little dumbfounded.

"This... isn't this too enthusiastic?!" Tu.

Chapter 110: The Enthusiastic Boss Is Overwhelming

"Boss! This is just the ones that have signed the contract. There are also some interested companies. There are dozens of companies, large and small!..."

Cheng Cheng rolled his eyes and reported to Gao Qiqiang, she was actually taken aback too!

Unexpectedly, a concept was announced and applications were still being made. As a result, so many companies came and directly signed the contracts.

Cheng Cheng was also very curious about this matter.

Why is Jinghai Shenghe's project so popular!

As she chatted with these people, she gradually discovered that although many of them had never met Gao Qiqiang, it did not prevent them from hearing about Gao Qiqiang.

Whether it is a small vendor or a large enterprise, as long as they have dealt with Gao Qiqiang, almost all of them praise him.

Instead of thinking about how to maximize their own profits, they think about how to maximize the profits of both parties, or even maximize the profits of the "[-]" parties.

This is not the most ruthless, the most ruthless thing is that even Xu Jiang, Bai Jiangbo, and some small gangsters all praised Gao Qiqiang.

Mr. Gao is righteous!Out of breath!

If a person feels that dealing with him will not be a loss, from the big boss to the gangster, then this person's skills and reputation...

It's a bit too much!

It has almost reached the foul level.

However, this is what Gao Qiqiang has done now, which even Cheng Cheng admires.

After all, even if Uncle Tai has many "friends", in fact these "friends" are just acquaintances of interests in the final analysis.

None of these friends felt that there would be no disadvantage in dealing with Uncle Tai.

On the contrary, they are guarding against each other.

Don't talk too much about what you say, just go and realize it yourself!If you don't realize it, it means that you don't have this IQ at all, and you don't need to deal with it.

And Uncle Tai has been cultivating deeply in Jinghai for more than [-] years, and even once became the leader of a partial industry, but in terms of appeal, he is still far behind Gao Qiqiang, a person who has only risen for one year!

"Also, the boss of the military branch just asked you to sign the contract."

But Cheng Cheng smiled and said to Gao Qiqiang: "He has already applied for the co-construction for Sheng Hedun, because we accept and arrange for active-duty family members and retired work, so this project has been approved..."

"Two kilometers away from our Beijing Haishenghe, there is an old camp area that originally belonged to the team. Because of the abolition, the land is now empty. The military branch boss means that this land will be converted into civil construction land. Use it directly for us."

This time Gao Qiqiang was completely dumbfounded, what the hell? !

Is this just giving me a piece of land for nothing? !I somehow got an extra piece of land? !

But when you think about it carefully, it is only natural. When Jinghai Shenghe was established, it gave priority to the military and police.

In recent years, due to the problem of layoffs and retirements, many outstanding fighters have not been placed. It would be a lie to say that the military division chiefs do not have a headache.

As a result, Gao Qiqiang has appeared again now, and he will accept hundreds of people in one go!

What a great thing this is!

Such a good thing must be supported, and it must be vigorously supported!

The big boss of the military division doesn't have much money, but verbal support is definitely not enough. What if this thing doesn't happen!

So, the military chief thought of that piece of land.

That land belongs to the team, and it has been vacant since it was abolished.

No one dared to use the crooked brains there, just kidding!

That is the land of the team, even Uncle Tai would not dare to touch this kind of land if he had a hundred water tanks for him.

But now the land is not as valuable as it was later, and the team's land is also kept there, so it's better to be a favor and give it to Gao Qiqiang directly.

Gao Qiqiang was really stunned this time, and for no reason, he got an extra piece of land in his hand, and it was free!

It is still only two kilometers away from Jinghai Shenghe.

More importantly, the area here is as high as twenty acres!

Back then, a company was stationed here, so the camp was not particularly large.

However, this is not a particularly large camp, and it would be outrageous now.

More importantly, the training grounds and shooting ranges in the camp are all ready-made, and it has only been three to five years since they were withdrawn.

A lot of facilities are there, and they only need to be maintained for basic use.

"Military division boss, thank you so much..."

Gao Qiqiang had no choice but to call the boss, otherwise he would be ignorant...

"Hahaha... Comrade Xiao Gao! You are a good comrade who supports our team building, so it is only right to give you some support!"

The chief of the military branch on the other end of the phone was very happy, because this matter was reported to the higher authorities, and he directly received the reward from the higher authorities.

Looking back, as long as Shenghedun is built, it may be regarded as a model of joint construction and retired employment.

With this achievement, the military branch leader is likely to go one step further.

Speaking of which, the military chief is actually more grateful to Gao Qiqiang.

This young man is a good comrade!

Originally thought that Jinghai's virtue would be over after staying for a few years and almost being transferred, and he didn't get involved in their nonsense.

Who would have thought that Gao Qiqiang would appear out of nowhere, first arrange the jobs of the military and martyrs, and then arrange the jobs of the retired soldiers later!

Good guy!This is a good help for Shengsheng to send me grades!

For this kind of people, the more the better, the more support!

"Comrade Xiao Gao, work hard! If you have any difficulties, you can call me directly! This is my personal phone number!..."

Gao Qiqiang didn't expect to make a thank you phone call, and the military branch boss directly patted his chest and wanted to take care of him.

"You must make this shield company bigger and stronger! Don't worry about problems, you can always come to me if you have any problems!!"

The leader of the military branch patted 2.9 to reassure Gao Qiqiang, because his old squad leader had just called him specifically for this matter.

Kudos to him for doing a good job!Now several bigwigs above are paying attention to this matter. If it becomes a model, then he may have to report.

Thinking of this, the military branch boss was so excited that he almost twisted Yangko.

"Okay! That's it, you arrange someone to come over to sign the contract later! I have already arranged for you on the property of the land, and we will start working right away!"

Even Gao Qiqiang was at a loss for what to do about the excessive enthusiasm of the military branch boss on the other end of the phone.

"We still have a team on the engineering side. If you don't find a suitable one, just tell me! I'll let our team go over there, it's all a joint construction project!..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now even the engineering team had been arranged for Gao Qiqiang, Gao Qiqiang couldn't refuse, he could only agree.

The result is that the recruitment has not yet started, and the camp is now ready to be built.

It has to be said that the team's mobility is much stronger than that of the local government. The next day after the military branch chief made the phone call, several men in military uniforms came to approach him.

Cheng Cheng looked at their quotation with a dazed expression, and could hardly believe his eyes.

Not because it's too high, but because it's too low!

"You two, your quotation is not good!..."

At that moment, Cheng Cheng denied it, and the two people who came to contact him immediately were also a little dumbfounded. They looked at each other and said, "Special Assistant Cheng Cheng, this quotation is calculated by us repeatedly. If it is lower, we will not be able to improve the project quality." Guaranteed..."

"No! It's not that the price is too high, it's too low! If you do this, our boss will scold me, and I can't sign it."

I didn't expect Cheng Cheng to say such a sentence suddenly, and it was the turn of the two of them to be stunned. This... I heard that the price was too high, but I didn't hear that the price was too low!

With Cheng Cheng's current wave, these two can't be dealt with directly.

"This... Special Assistant Cheng Cheng, 11 If we want to raise our quotation, we have to go back and review it again. I'm afraid the process will be a bit troublesome..."

The two also had a bitter face. They were afraid that the quotation given by Jing Haishenghe would be too high and then lower the price. They didn't expect that the price was too low and hoped that they would increase it.

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