"That old bastard Liu Shide was the third class back then!"

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, no wonder Uncle Tai valued Cheng Cheng so much, it turned out that after suffering from Liu Shide's loss, he began to pay attention to studying.

"Uncle Tai, don't worry, the matter of Jiang Sheng and Dun has been settled."

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly, and said: "It's just that the progress of the project needs to be accelerated. Although the provincial capital boss didn't urge him, it would be bad if he did."

"I know, start three shifts now! Try to hand over the house to you within a month!".

Chapter 130 Two You Don't Actually Need My Protection

Early the next morning, Cheng Cheng saw a beautiful stretch Lincoln parked in front of the hotel, and it was so brightly placed in front of her.

After the driver handed over the keys to Cheng Cheng tiredly, he went down to rest.

Uncle Tai asked him to pick up the car last night, and then drove to the provincial capital overnight, and handed over the keys to Cheng Cheng in the morning before allowing him to rest.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Cheng Cheng smiled slightly, and took a lai see to the driver.

This is also learned from Gao Qiqiang. The money is not too much, a few hundred yuan, but this letter of reward can make people feel much more comfortable.

"No no no..."

The driver quickly waved his hand when he saw this, but Cheng Cheng stuffed it directly into his hand: "You pick up the car and drive over, and I'll give you a red envelope for good luck! It's good luck for you and me."

The driver couldn't get rid of it, and bowed gratefully to Cheng Cheng: "The gas pedal of this car is a little too big, you have to pay attention when you drive..."

"The axle is too long, and it's not the same as our ordinary cars when turning. You should pay more attention to the position of the corner..."

The driver accepted the red envelope and told Cheng Cheng some details.

He didn't say a word of these just now, and Cheng Cheng couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

Following Gao Qiqiang is really learning things, treats people well, will not underestimate anyone, and treats everyone with courtesy and benefits.

"Thank you! Thank you for your hard work, master!"

While talking, Gao Qiqiang had already come down, smiled at Cheng Cheng and said, "The driver has been found?!"

"Find it, the old auto soldier on the Sichuan-Tibet line."

Cheng Cheng said softly: "The boss of the military branch personally recommended him to drive for you, saying that he was thinking of your safety."

Gao Qiqiang nodded when he heard the words, and then he saw a tall and straight man with short hair, a strong figure and bright eyes, standing in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Xie Rong."

The visitor spoke very briefly, and seemed to be inarticulate.

When Gao Qiqiang watched this person approaching, he was actually on alert in an instant!

There are not many people like this who make him instantly raise a vigilant posture.

Except for the coaches at the shooting range in the beautiful country, he has never felt this way to anyone.

Xie Rong, a very simple name.

He didn't even introduce himself, and Gao Qiqiang kept silent.

He lowered his head and added: "Military chief, let me drive for you."

Seeing this, Gao Qiqiang let out a deep breath.

"Hard work! From now on, please take care of me."

Xie Rong didn't talk to him either, just nodded and took the key from Cheng Cheng's hand, opened the car door and started to get familiar with the car.

Chen Shuting saw that Gao Qiqiang's state seemed not right, so she asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?!"

"This buddy is not an ordinary person."

Gao Qiqiang looked at Xie Rong's eagle-like eyes through the car window.

He said softly: "No accident, there are many lives in his hands."

As soon as Gao Qiqiang said this, the expressions of Cheng Cheng and Chen Shuting changed slightly.

But Gao Qiqiang comforted him with a smile: "But it's not a big problem. He shouldn't be a bloodthirsty person. The murderous aura on him...is very positive!"

"Very positive?! What does this mean?!"

Cheng Cheng was a little dazed, while Gao Qiqiang opened the car door to let the two of them in. After closing the car door, he used the walkie-talkie to inform Xie Rong to drive the car to Zhijiang Medical University.

Then he said to them: "This feeling... is more complicated, and I don't know how to describe it."

"Based on my experience, there are three types of murderous aura: one is military aura, which means that the murderous aura on the body is very positive. It will shock you but not make you feel scared or fearful."

"One is reckless, like Xu Jiang's. Uncle Tai also has this kind of trace, but it's very faint. It's probably been many years since he has done anything like this."

As Gao Qiqiang spoke, he paused and said, "The last type... is more special. It is a bloodthirsty person. He looks at everyone as if he is looking at prey."

"For them, they are all prey except themselves! And they may enter the hunting state at any time, and when they look at anyone, they may show the desire to kill!"

Gao Qiqiang's words made the second daughter gasp involuntarily.

Cheng Cheng is fine, but Chen Shuting couldn't accept it: "Is there really such a person?!"

Gao Qiqiang didn't say much, there is such a person in Jinghai now.

The guy who followed Jiang Tian across the mountain was a bloodthirsty guy.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

I don't know if the chief of the military branch noticed something, so he asked Xie Rong to drive for him.

But the beauties are on the left and right, Gao Qiqiang feels that it seems a little inappropriate for him not to hug the left and the right.

"Bah!" This was Chen Shuting's winking eyes.

"Bah!" This was Cheng Cheng's shyness.

But obviously, they all enjoy Gao Qiqiang holding them in his arms.

After driving for an unknown amount of time, the car finally stopped slowly.

Xie Rong's cold voice came from the intercom: "Here we are."

Gao Qiqiang was eating tofu, enjoying the winking eyes of the second daughter.

Hearing Xie Rong's unsightly words, he couldn't help sighing.


"Arong, you can just call me 'Brother Qiang' from now on."

"Okay, Brother Qiang."

Xie Rong still had that icy look, and Gao Qiqiang didn't care about it.

After getting off the car, Gao Qiqiang called Gao Qilan.

"Brother! Are you in the provincial capital?!"

Before Gao Qiqiang came over, he called Gao Qilan.

Since Gao Qiqiang started doing it, although he kept it from his sister, his monthly living expenses increased to 3000 yuan, which made Gao Qilan almost think that his brother was doing something illegal.

It wasn't until Gao Qiqiang repeatedly promised that La Anxin would come to testify, and then he gave up.

"I'm right in front of your school, come out!"

Gao Qiqiang said with a smile on the phone: "Bring your roommate, and meet your sister-in-law by the way!"


Gao Qilan hung up the phone quickly, Gao Qiqiang leaned against the car to smoke, and sent one to Xie Rong.

Xie Rong froze for a moment, took the cigarette and said thank you.

"Our Shenghe Shield has a training ground and a fighting center. Let's go back and learn from each other."

Gao Qiqiang smoked a cigarette and smiled at Xie Rong.

Xie Rong took a puff of cigarette and said, "Actually, I knew it when I saw you. There's no need for the military chief to ask me to drive for you."

"At least you don't need any protection."

Gao Qiqiang laughed and didn't explain, at this time Gao Qilan came out from the school gate chattering with seven or eight children.

"Lan Lan! Here!" Tu.

Chapter 130 Three, I'll Support Lan Lan

Gao Qilan originally came out with her roommates talking and laughing, but when she walked out of the school gate, she was stunned!

This...is my brother? !

Gao Qilan couldn't believe her eyes, because the brother in front of her was wearing a custom-made suit and her hair was meticulous.

The smile is warm yet domineering, and the whole person looks like the domineering president in the TV series.

"elder brother……?!"

Gao Qilan yelled in disbelief, and Gao Qiqiang laughed and came forward to rub her head.

"Damn girl! How long has it been since you came home, and you don't even know your brother?!"

Rubbing her head, Gao Qilan rubbed her brows thoroughly and smiled: "Brother, you are so handsome!"

"Your brother is very handsome, but he used to take care of you and your second brother and couldn't take care of himself."

Gao Qi "[-]" rolled his eyes forcefully, and said, "Why don't you introduce your classmate?!"

Only then did Gao Qilan introduce her roommates to Gao Qiqiang with a smirk, but these female Gao Qiqiang just said hello politely.

Because Gao Qiqiang knew that Gao Qilan didn't have many friends in school.

Otherwise, why was she always alone in the end? !There are not even many girlfriends.

"Thanks to all of you who take care of my little sister on weekdays, it's rare for me to come here today, so let's treat everyone to a meal!"

Gao Qiqiang smiled slightly, and the little girls immediately cheered.

Xie Rong, who was at the back, opened the car door with a slight bow, and all the little girls were amazed when they saw this!

It's not like they haven't seen luxury cars in front of the school gate and in Zhijiang City.

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