Even with so many masters from Buddhism, they couldn't shake Chuhe, and they were even killed by Chuhe in one move!

Many people have even begun to regret it.

Such a strong person might have been on the side of the human race, as long as he could treat him better in the first place.

It's entirely possible that he's on the side of the humans and fighting for them.

After all, he is human, isn't he?

Moreover, he is also the leader of the Taoist sect and the guardian of the world.

Now, seeing that Chuhe couldn't be suppressed anymore, they began to reflect again.

He didn't think about their carnival on the Internet when Chuhe was besieged and seemed to be at a disadvantage.

And when the barrage had everything to say, an abnormality suddenly appeared on the screen, which attracted everyone's attention.

All I saw was a man in Taoist robes rising slowly.

Standing on the opposite side of the Chu River.

In the middle, Chu He's Bean Sprinkler condensed into a little golden man. He wanted to attack this figure, but he beat him aside with a flick of his hand.

"That's... who is that? It seems to be a Taoist priest?"

"Could it be that up to now, there are still people who dare to stand up against Chuhe?"

Who else could that figure be if it wasn't Qixing?

He said to Chuhe, and even to many cameras, "I am a true disciple of Lingmingtang, named Qixing."

He first introduced himself, not to let Chuhe know, but to let countless people who are watching the live broadcast know.

But even so, the people who were watching the live broadcast only knew that he was a person in the Tao, he came from Lingming Hall, and his name was Qixing.

Other than that, I don't know at all.

And the manpower arranged by the Daomen began to spread news on the barrage.

"Lingmingtang! It turned out to be Lingmingtang!" Someone crazily posted on the barrage, "We are saved, Lingmingtang is the super sect of Taoism that sealed the demons when the demons broke out last time! And this sect is very low-key, But it's very strong!"

"There are even rumors that once Lingming comes out, the world will be clear!"

"With the appearance of the Lingming Hall, we will be saved. With the appearance of the Lingming Hall, the demon will be re-sealed!"

Words like these began to spread crazily on the Internet, and those ordinary people soon knew that there was a place called Lingming Hall in this world.

Moreover, this place is still so powerful that it once directly sealed the entire monster with its own power!

Hope is rekindled in the hearts of countless people!

And the people who were almost desperate at the Leiyin Mountain scene were all in the same mood after seeing Qixing appear.

"Qi Xing! Qi Xing of Lingming Hall is planning to make a move!"

"Sure enough, at the critical moment, you still have to look at my door!"

"No matter how strong you are, so what? Even if you are the only one who forcibly suppresses the monks of Leiyin Mountain? My Taoist sect is still fearless. Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!"

Almost everyone at the scene was moved by Qixing's attitude, and they felt that people like Qixing would never die easily, and they must have a lot of confidence in me to dare to stand up.

If this is the case, can Chuhe really deal with Lingmingtang?

You must know that Lingmingtang was the previous leader of the Taoist sect. It was not until the Zhenyaoguan suppressed the demons in the last demon birth that the title of Taoist lord was removed from Lingmingtang and came to the master of the Zhenyaoguan. .

But in fact, Zhenyao Temple has always ignored the secular world, and the management of Taoism is also very loose. Although the leader of Zhenyao Temple is the leader of Taoism, he has never shouted at anyone.

Moreover, many people are faintly dissatisfied with the Demon Suppressing Temple.

Therefore, although the Lingming Hall has retired, most people still look forward to the Lingming Hall.

It can be called the invisible leader of the Taoist sect.

At this moment, Qixing slowly stood still.

He was standing not far from the Chu River, smiling, showing an expression that seemed to see through everything.

"Hehe, Chuhe..."

"Shut up." Chuhe interrupted directly, "Who are you?"

Just as Qixing wanted to pretend to be aggressive, he was directly defeated by Chuhe.

He was extremely furious in his heart, as the true disciple of Lingming Hall, he has always regarded himself as the heir of the leader of the Taoist sect, when has he been bullied and ignored like this?

But no matter how angry he is now, he still endured it.

For nothing else, he has already seen Chuhe's strength, and knows that it is not a good time to make a move, and he has to wait for Master Ranchenzi.

Qixing looked at Chuhe, and said silently in his heart, jump, you just jump, wait a while, when you beg for mercy!

On the other side, Ran Chenzi didn't move, he looked like he was made of mud, and the spirituality in his body seemed to have disappeared, as if what remained there was just a body.

Jiang Xinlian also noticed this, but after he just glanced at it, he quickly withdrew his gaze, and at the same time was extremely shocked in his heart.

Yuanshen out of body!

She understood Ranchenzi's plan in an instant, and also understood why even at this moment, after seeing Chuhe's almost invincible strength, they still dared to make a move!

The unique spell of Lingming Hall, Changchun Immortal Skill!

Jiang Xinlian looked at Chuhe and Qixing who were confronting each other above, and suddenly felt a strange emotion in her heart.

Looking at Chuhe's arrogant appearance now, she just felt a little complicated.

But at the same time, I am a little lucky, as long as Ranchenzi can succeed.

Then they say they are saved.

Who knows what will happen if it falls into the hands of Chuhe?

And Qixing over there is still constantly looking for opportunities.

He didn't make a move, but kept saying some things that he didn't have.

Those words were transmitted directly to Chuhe through sound transmission, and people outside couldn't hear them at all. Even if the camera captured them, they couldn't record the sound.

"Chuhe, you are also a member of the Taoist sect, and you are also the leader of the Taoist sect. Now everyone has seen your strength. I don't think anyone will deny that you are not worthy of being the leader of the Taoist sect. Now you still have a chance to turn around and join us again." Daomen." Qixing sent a voice transmission to Chuhe.

"In this way, we can let you sit on the rightful position as the leader of the Taoist sect!"

"Do I need you to admit that I am the leader of the Taoist sect?" Chu He sneered, "This leader of the Taoist sect is the last thing left to me by the master. This position may be very important to you, but to me, he is the leader of the Taoist sect. It just means that this is something left to me by the master, and I must protect it carefully!"

Qixing was taken aback for a moment, keenly aware of the information in it.

He immediately said, "Your master? Is it the one who was beaten to ashes that day? I heard that he sacrificed his own body and life to seal demons and protect all living beings, but who would have thought that he would be killed in the end? It's ironic that the man he himself protected was left in ashes..."

"What did you say!?" Chuhe's anger was immediately aroused.

But Qixing snorted coldly, "It's now!"

"What?" Chuhe was taken aback, but felt a pain in his head, as if another consciousness had entered his Zifu.

Take home!

Chuhe suddenly realized!

Chapter 135 Don't Understand

Seeing that Chuhe's originally nimble figure suddenly became a little dull, it seemed as if he had suddenly lost his soul.

The monks below are all keenly aware of this, but many people don't know why.

And Qixing laughed and said, "Everyone, don't worry, the crisis has been resolved."

"In the eyes of Buddhism, Chuhe is a peerless evildoer that cannot be dealt with, but in the eyes of my Taoism, it is nothing more than that."

Qixing continued, "If I had known that Chuhe was so easy to deal with, I should have made a move earlier. In this case, it would not have caused such heavy losses to the Buddhist sect. It is really a sin."

Everyone in the Buddhist sect has been seriously injured, and they are still not recovering. Hearing what Qixing said now, everyone was so angry that they almost vomited blood.

Fakong, Wenjian and the others gathered together and looked at Chuhe in mid-air, whose eyes were already lifeless, with shock on their faces. After careful consideration, they even gritted their teeth.


It must be that they had a means to deal with Chuhe early in the morning, but they endured that it was useless, and they used it to subdue Chuhe until the Buddhism was deflated.

So, how come these great monks in Leiyin Mountain still don't understand what's going on?

No wonder the Taoist sect supported this grand event so much. It seemed that they had planned it long ago.

Abbot Fakong felt extremely remorseful in his heart. He consciously knew that his own strength and the strength he had heard were already very strong.

But looking at it now, they are still a little too confident.

The result directly led to the current situation.

It gives people the feeling that the Buddhist sect can't deal with Chuhe, but as soon as the Taoist sect made a move, they directly subdued him.

It is conceivable what effect it will produce after outsiders see it.

Fakong thought of some places, his brows twitched constantly, and he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Failed, failed... not only we failed, Chuhe also failed..."

"We are just stepping stones for the grand appearance of Lingming Hall. We have all been tricked... Lingming Hall is worthy of being the last leader of the Taoist sect..."

This group of great monks was directly disheartened.

I worked so hard, and ended up making a wedding dress for someone else.

"But fortunately, this Chuhe, who has caused us heavy losses, is going to die after all, but it is not by our hands, but as long as he can die, I will feel much more comfortable."

"He still has the Eight Treasures Zen Rod in his hand, which is the most precious treasure of our Buddhist sect. Presumably the Taoist sect will not swallow it in front of so many people."

Hearing that he clenched his fists, he looked at Chuhe who suddenly fell from mid-air, and he couldn't help tearing him to pieces!

Seeing Chuhe fall from mid-air, Ah Qing, Xiao Hei Yinyue and others rushed up to catch Chuhe.

"My lord! What's wrong with you, my lord!?"

Chuhe's eyes rolled slightly, and then he whispered, "It's okay, don't worry too much."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

What they don't know is that Chuhe is now facing an intruder in the sea of ​​knowledge in Zifu.

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