He only saw Chuhe look up and down the phantom behind Yang Yufeng with a playful look without fear.

"After inviting for a long time, you invited such a thing?" Chuhe sneered.

This Yang Yufeng really invited an acquaintance of his.

Chapter 16 You Are Dead

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"

Yang Yufeng held his breath and focused, and gave a loud shout, a divine radiance emanated from his body, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in divine light, as if a god descended from the earth.

Jiang Yunshan knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Welcome Patriarch!"

In fact, he himself is a fake Taoist priest at all. At this moment, he only wants to bind with Yang Yufeng, because only Yang Yufeng can save him.

The terrified people around immediately found the backbone and cheered, "A miracle! This is a miracle! We are saved!"

"Let Lord Tianshen destroy these demons! And that demon!" Someone looked at Chuhe viciously.

Yang Yufeng looked neither happy nor sad, he opened his eyes to look at Chuhe, and said in a cold voice, "Evil, you actually helped the emperor to do evil, deliberately released the demons and cholera, today I will do justice for the heavens and kill you!"

"Master's uncle!" Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling shouted together, and rushed to Chuhe in one stride, "Master's uncle, you are invincible!"

"What are you making trouble for?" Chu He swept the two of them together with a wave of his hand, "It's just a chicken and a dog, why should you be so nervous?"

"Bold!" Yang Yufeng yelled angrily, "It's just a little tricky, today I will let you know what is beyond the sky!"

After Yang Yufeng finished speaking, he took a step forward.

The phantom behind him also became more solid, as if condensed into substance.

The people around were also more excited. They just felt that Chuhe would not be able to stop such a cool spell.

And Chuhe also felt that the remorse value that was pouring in continuously before has been reduced by more than half.

Don't you regret it?

Hehe, it's really repeated.

With a sneer, Yang Yufeng took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to make a panicked voice, "Everyone, don't panic, I am the descendant of the Qing Dynasty, and I will strengthen this seal today, so that the world will be safe, and you will be safe as well."

At such an important moment, how can we not publicize the prestige of the Shangqing School?

Sure enough, after saying this, many people regarded the Shangqing faction as the savior and worshiped Yang Yufeng.

Chuhe smiled.

He has also enjoyed this kind of taste before. Master Baixing used his life to seal the gate of the spirit world. At that time, those people also worshiped their demon-suppressing temple in the same way.

But now?

"Child Chuhe, I think you are also a member of my Taoist sect, and your ancestor Baixing Master has indeed made a little effort to suppress the seal. Now I can give you another chance to make way for me to strengthen the seal. Wait until here Now that it’s over, I’ll apologize in front of the people of the world on behalf of the Demon Suppressing Temple, and I’ll abolish my cultivation, and I’ll spend the rest of my life in my Shangqing Sect’s mind-grinding prison!”

Made a little effort?

It's also a little bit of strength to sacrifice your life to suppress the seal?

Chuhe smiled, "It seems that you also want to do something to suppress the seal? That's fine, then I will satisfy you."

"Hmph! Now that you've realized your mistake, why don't you get out of the way!?"

"Wrong?" Chu He sneered, raised his hand and pointed at Yang Yufeng.

Yang Yufeng disdainfully said, "A firefly of rotten grass, how dare you compete with the sun and the moon?"

He flexed his fingers, and the giant figure behind him also flexed his fingers.

A ray of light flew towards Chu River swiftly!


Like a burst balloon, that glorious divine light was broken by Chu He's unpretentious energy!

Yang Yufeng froze for a moment, and instantly felt a great terror of life and death enveloped him.

Others didn't see it, but only saw Yang Yufeng shoot out an incomparably radiant light, like a god among gods, and thought that Chuhe must be doomed.

"Let this kid be arrogant and harm us! If Master Yang makes a move, he will definitely die!"

"Isn't it just demolishing this broken Taoist temple? As for killing us all here so ruthlessly? This person's thoughts are too vicious, and death is not a pity!"

"Good and evil will be rewarded. Master Yang is a role model for our Taoist sect!" Jiang Yunshan looked at Yang Yufeng flatteringly, "Right? Master Yang...Master Yang?"

All I saw was Yang Yufeng's body was stiff, his teeth were clenched, and his face was ferocious, as if he was fighting fiercely with some invisible thing!

Yang Yufeng was shocked.

He actually underestimated this kid! ?

His ability is not small at all!

No, if this continues, maybe this kid will kill him back!

As soon as Yang Yufeng gritted his teeth, all the energy in his body rushed down his throat, "Qinglin Qingmu! Burn high incense!"

Aobayashi Aoki was taken aback.

Burn high incense! ?

This is a taboo technique in the Fushi technique, and it should not be used in non-emergency times, because it will seriously damage the spirit of the performer.

You must not use it three times in your life. After performing it three times, you will lose your energy, and you will have no chance to practice since then!

Even if it is cast once, it will affect the cultivation base of the caster.

Aobayashi Aoki was shocked, has the matter reached such a point?

"Master, this burning incense..."

"Stop talking nonsense, burn it!"

When Chuhe heard this, he was not in a hurry to attack.

Burning high incense is used?

Interesting too.

There were big beads of sweat dripping from Qinglin Qingmu's forehead, he was already regretful and worried, if he knew it earlier, he should have persuaded the master not to come.

Is burning high incense just a joke?

They can also be regarded as the performers of Fushi technique. Even if Chuhe is killed and Fengyun is strengthened again, no one will compensate them for the lost energy.

After thinking about it, the two still followed Yang Yufeng's instructions and took out a long and narrow box. When the box was opened, there was a thick and fragrant little finger inside.

Gao Xiang was covered with dense spells.

The two each stretched out a hand, held Gao Xiang in their hands, and solemnly inserted it into the incense burner.

"The spirit is clear and calm, all dharmas are invisible, and the incense is burning today, please come quickly!"

"I bow to the ancestors! I bow to the ancestors!"

Gao Xiang suddenly ignited spontaneously without fire, and a straight blue smoke ignited from the head of the incense.

The green smoke went straight up, directly into the midair, and then was sucked by the phantom behind Yang Yufeng, and all of it entered the phantom's nose.

Qinglin Qingmu only felt that part of the essence in his body was taken away in an instant, as if being sucked by the phantom behind Yang Yufeng along with the green smoke.

Yang Yufeng himself felt that most of the prosperity had dissipated, and he felt extremely weak, but in the next moment, an extremely huge sense of full strength suddenly appeared in his limbs and bones.

The phantom behind him instantly solidified, and even the clothes on his body became lifelike.

And the eyes of that god-like phantom, who originally opened a little gap, are fully opened at this moment!

The huge aura instantly swept across the half of the mountain, and the surrounding monsters were blown tottering.

Yang Yufeng squinted his eyes and looked at Chuhe.

"You are dead!"

17 Kneel down

"The Empyrean of the Three Treasures of the Three Purities and the Three Realms of Nothingness and Nature is here!"

Yang Yufeng yelled the Daoist slogan, held his hand in the magic trick, and looked at Chuhe as if he was looking at a bug again.

"You actually forced me to burn high incense and lower half of my patriarch's supernatural powers. You are so proud of yourself!"

Qinglin Qingmu knelt in front of Yang Yufeng and shouted, "Patriarch, please lower your supernatural powers to kill demons!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yunshan knelt down and shouted, "Patriarch, please lower your supernatural powers!"

Those people all knelt down in an instant, "Patriarch, please lower your supernatural powers!"

The sound waves even suppressed the howling ghosts and howling wolves of the surrounding monsters in an instant.

Jiang Yunshan raised his head excitedly, and looked at Chuhe full of resentment, and the crowd around him also looked at Chuhe. If eyes can kill, then Chuhe must have died hundreds of times at this moment.

"All living beings are suffering. Believe in me, the Puritan sect, and you will be safe." Yang Yufeng's ethereal voice, like a divine voice, reverberated in this space for a long time.

The voice seemed to have magic power, which made people calm instantly, as if they had already seen victory.

Chuhe watched this scene with a smile all the time, his eyes stayed on the huge phantom behind Yang Yufeng.

Yang Yufeng looked at Chuhe disdainfully, and stretched out his finger to Chuhe, "One finger from Shangqing will destroy your soul."

He meditated on the law in his heart, mobilizing the phantom of the patriarch behind him, only to see the phantom of the patriarch standing behind him in pity, slowly raised his hand.

A breathtaking light gathered between the fingers of that phantom, as if it was about to be aroused in the next moment.

"You, is there anything else you want to say?" Yang Yufeng looked at Chuhe like a cat playing with a mouse, "As the descendant of the Demon Suppression Temple, you should have suppressed the seal, but you let the seal break regardless of the safety of the world, you know crime?"

"I said, after you stay in the ink for a while, the spiritual power in your body will be exhausted, right?" Chu He laughed.

He knew that Yang Yufeng just wanted to build up momentum, and on such an important occasion, if his highlight moment could last a little longer, it would undoubtedly be a huge benefit to their Shangqing faction.

Maybe after this battle, their Shangqing Sect will become the largest Taoist sect in the world.

Although he knew this and what Yang Yufeng was thinking, Chuhe didn't intend to stop him.

Because remorse always comes after hope is shattered.

The more these people believe in Yang Yufeng now, the more they will regret it later!

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