Could this be the reason?

"Don't panic." Chuhe shook his head, "Even if it's hell below, I can overthrow it for him!"

Seeing Chuhe like this, everyone regained their confidence.

And below, the pot really exploded at this moment.

"What's that up there? A demon? Or is there a senior here?"

The first thing the people below saw was a huge lotus-like flower. This flower did not exude nausea or heart palpitations, but it had a peaceful feeling.

That's why people mistakenly think that a certain senior has arrived.

"Everyone! Come and assemble in front of Zhenmo Temple!"

Ranchenzi's heart sank, and he transmitted sound directly to the four directions.

All the people who were meditating and recuperating opened their eyes one after another when they heard this, and galloped towards the Demon Suppressing Temple.

In the blink of an eye, everyone from the Taoist sect arrived.

Only the people from the Buddhist sect of Leiyin Mountain have not arrived yet.

Just when Ranchenzi, Qixing and the others wondered if the monks from Leiyin Mountain had escaped, they saw a group of big monks from Leiyin Mountain arriving late.

"Why are you so slow?" Qixing said dissatisfied.

Abbot Fakong smiled and took a step forward, "I'm sorry everyone, I, Lei Yinshan, was discussing some secret matters just now, so I used formations to isolate the surroundings, so I didn't hear the call in time."

"Secret matter?" Qi Xing was stunned for a moment, always feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with Abbot Fakong in front of him, but he didn't wait for him to think too much.

But I heard Fakong continue to say, "Everyone, be careful. Last night, we were invaded by magic thoughts. This place may be a little weird..."

Qixing nodded, thinking that he had noticed something was wrong at the Leiyinshan camp last night, but he didn't check it.

Listening to what Abbot Fakong said now, is there any secret in this place?

"No matter what it is, let's deal with it first!"

As he spoke, he looked towards the horizon, only to see that translucent lotus-like flower had already appeared in the horizon.

There is no wave in Fakong Ancient Well, as if there is no fluctuation, like an old well.

But the pupils of Shengzi Wenjian who was behind Fakong shrank suddenly!

That is, Chuhe!

Chapter 183

"The people we arranged around discovered the abnormality early in the morning. Everyone, do you know what that red lotus in the sky is?"

Qixing opened his mouth lightly, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

With his ability, he couldn't see clearly what the person above the red lotus looked like!

what does this mean?

It means that the person who controls this lotus-like magic weapon is either more capable than him, or this magic weapon has its own supernatural power of restraint, so that he can't see through it.

But no matter what kind of thing, it is not a good thing for them.

Unless, the people above are here to help them.

"I think there is no magic weapon in this world that I can't recognize, but this lotus..." Shen Lingshi of Bailianmen frowned, "It doesn't seem like I've seen it before, or I've heard of it. Any kind of magic weapon that has been used."

"Could it be some senior expert who can't avoid the world?"

"No, I think this lotus seems to have life." Someone shook his head and said, "But...does it seem to have life? What's going on? It's strange..."

"Could it be the body of some monster?"

After saying this, everyone was silent for a while.

The scene of being besieged by monsters and almost dying before hovered in their minds again.

"No! Not a monster!"

Ran Chenzi resolutely said, "It's definitely a magic weapon, there are people on it..."

He said and looked at Abbot Fakong.

Among them, only the two of them have the highest cultivation!

I saw Fakong looking at the sky, but there was no expression on his face. After a long time, he turned around and said, "I don't know..."

Everyone frowned suddenly.

And Qixing also opened his mouth, " does the shape of this lotus look familiar?"

Having said that, everyone also thought of the weird feeling when they saw the lotus.

I only saw the petals of the lotus and the nodes in it. Isn't this exactly what Qixing asked them to arrange yesterday? ?

After the Sheng Ling Formation was set up, it also looked like a lotus flower!

Is there any connection between this?

"Absolutely impossible!" Qixing threw the thought away by himself, "My grand spirit formation, but my ancestor evolved it from the supernatural powers of the ancient monster phantom light glass beast, and this lotus-like magic weapon, maybe It’s just that they look alike, after all, Lin Lianhua in the world looks pretty much the same.”

Everyone thought it was true, and they all felt that they were a little suspicious, maybe they were overthinking.

"No matter who is above, we can't let him go on any longer. Someone needs to go up and find out what's true." Ranchenzi said suddenly.

The crowd fell silent.

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, who wants to go up?

What if it is a demon?

Wouldn't that mean death?

Even if you are a friend, you may not be able to get the benefits.

Just like the weird but powerful pupil clan, even though they helped them, they were merciless in killing them!

"Who wants to step forward?"

Ran Chenzi's eyes slowly swept across the crowd.

Those who were swept away bowed their heads one after another, not daring to meet their eyes.

"Hmph! At this juncture, you are still acting like this. If the monster comes, are you going to run away immediately?!"

Everyone complained in their hearts, what they said was so righteous, why didn't you go?

"How is it possible? We and monsters are life and death enemies. If we really meet, the only way to go is to fight to the death!" Shen Lingshi said righteously.

"Okay!" Ran Chenzi comforted, "If that's the case, then go up and have a look."

"Ah... as the master of Bailianmen, I am good at refining weapons, but other things are just..."

"I can't do it either, I haven't recovered from my injuries before!"

"Me too. Among all my methods, I am not good at controlling Qi. If I go up, I'm afraid I will have to wait until it gets dark..."

Everyone has an excuse, and some people secretly said, "Let others go up, why don't you go up and see yourself?"

Furious, he said, "I still want to stay here to preside over the overall situation! How can I go up!?"

"You guys! All of you are greedy for life and afraid of death, so you still cultivate the Tao? What kind of Tao are you cultivating!"

Everyone was silent, what kind of way did they cultivate?

No matter what way you cultivate, you must save your life first!

It's not too late to ask this question after saving your life.

After the previous experience of life and death, they are now very conscientious.

Standing in the crowd, Jiang Xinlian couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, "Let me go."

She floated up directly and flew towards the sky. She didn't want to look at these people, but she felt disgusted just by looking at them.

Full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, full of giving up life and forgetting death, when it really comes to this kind of juncture, everyone is shy.

It seems to be aboveboard, but what they do is this kind of conspiracy and sneak attack.

Is this still the right way?

Is this still the Taoist door she is familiar with?

Is this still those Taoist friends she knows who are usually independent and seem to be masters of Taoism?

She just felt exhausted.

Even if there is danger, she can't care about it, and even thinks that there is really an extra big demon in the sky, and if she really fights with it, even if she fights to death, she will be better than now.

In mid-air, Jiang Xinlian heard the words from below again.

It made her look tremble, and her breathing became a little heavy.

I only heard someone below say, "You people are not even as good as a woman, shame on you!"

"Who are you missing? She has been ambiguous with that demon all the time, and even talked to Chuhe before. You don't know, don't you suspect that she is Chuhe's inner ghost?"

"That's right. In the past few days, she has been walking alone and looking up at the starry sky by herself from time to time. What is she doing? I'm afraid she has been thinking about running away and going to the devil of Chuhe for a long time!"

"Now that she is the first to step out, I'm afraid she also wants to meet the demon. I think we should be careful, so as not to be stabbed in the back by this woman!"

Jiang Xinlian at the top almost vomited blood when she heard this, she gritted her teeth and rushed up, thinking that there were a bunch of monsters on top of the lotus, and she would fight them to the death in order to preserve her reputation!

"Look! A figure has appeared on the lotus!"

"That's... Chu River!?"

At this moment, the Flower of Desire, which was originally impenetrable, suddenly opened its mouth, and the people below could also see the people above.

But at the moment when he saw Chuhe's figure, there was a sudden silence below.

Then there was a sudden exclamation.

"Chuhe! He's really here! What to do!?"

"That girl Jiang Xinlian was really hit by us, she is going to seek refuge in Chuhe!"

"This bitch, what if you tell Chuhe about the big formation we arranged!?"

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