The reason for doing this is purely because he is worried that when he makes a move himself, the formation of Guizang Jue will be directly detonated. After all, the current formation has been destroyed to the limit. If it is sold again, Guizang Jue may be directly rupture.

Chuhe is not afraid of any monsters sealed below, but the Demon Suppressing Temple is the center of this formation.

If Guizang Jue explodes, it will definitely affect the remnant soul of his master.

The remnant soul is very weak, and in this kind of violent power, it is easy to be wiped out directly. Chuhe is unwilling to take risks, so he strengthened the Guizang formula, which has nothing to do with these people.

"Now! I want you to come forward and kneel!" Qixing looked at Chuhe nervously. He knew that this request was too much and might anger Chuhe.

But he is not afraid, he thinks that Chuhe will definitely not make a move, and this is just a test, if Chuhe can really kneel down so that the master's remnant soul will not be hurt.

Then, he can do anything for the master's remnant soul!

In an instant, all eyes were on Chuhe.

I only saw that Chuhe moved!

He took a step straight forward!

Everyone cheered instantly!

Let you be invincible, but you don't want to kneel in front of us! ?

Only Leiyinshan felt a little bad when he heard about the Holy Son, and began to step back imperceptibly...

Chapter 196 Offended Master

"Kneel! Kneel! Kneel!"

Qixing yelled at Chuhe frantically, "Kneel down!"

"Kneel down?" Chuhe looked at Lei Wan on the statue, and Qixing's crazy figure, and repeated the words again, "Kneel down!"


Qi Xing subconsciously felt his legs go limp, and immediately knelt down!

Someone did kneel down, but it wasn't Chuhe!

This sudden change made it impossible for everyone to react, it just felt like a dream.

The originally noisy environment fell silent in an instant, only the sound of the wind blowing.

The live broadcast room exploded.

"What!? The Son of Seven Elements knelt down to Chuhe!?"

" is this possible!? Did the devil Chuhe use some illusion to let us see this on purpose?"

"Impossible, the Holy Son of Seven Elements was even able to die generously just now, how could he kneel down in front of the Chu River, there must be something wrong!"

Seeing their idol, the hero in their hearts, actually knelt down in front of the big devil Chuhe, everyone couldn't accept it.

Ranchenzi over there exclaimed even more, "Qixing! What's wrong with you!?"

Qi Xing only felt horrified and ashamed in his heart.

He actually knelt down to Chuhe in front of so many people?

You must know that there is still a live broadcast over there, and there are many people who are watching!

"Chuhe! A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated!" Qixing used all his strength to barely stand up, and he was about to detonate Leiwan.

"No!" Ran Chenzi exclaimed.

Now Master Chuhe's remnant soul is the only thing that can make Chuhe fearful. If Lei Wan is directly detonated now, and his master's remnant soul is wiped out, it will be a sigh of relief.

But after that?What will they do next?

Without something that made Chuhe afraid, wouldn't there be only one of them to die?

No one thought that when Qixing wanted to detonate Leiwan, Chuhe didn't stop it, but Ranchenzi did.

Afterwards, all the Taoists at the scene said to Qi Xingdao, "Don't be impulsive!"

"What you blew up wasn't his master's remnant soul, but the lives of all of us!"

Qixing woke up in an instant, and only felt scared for a while, but fortunately he was not impulsive, otherwise, it would really be over.

"You can continue to negotiate conditions!" Ran Chenzi said to Chu He, "You can not let you kneel down, we can continue to talk!"

The rest of the people also said one after another, "Talk, you can talk, in fact, we don't want to hurt your master's remnant soul, everyone has something to discuss."

Chuhe held back his sneer and looked at Qixing.

But seeing Qixing's clenched fist loosen and tighten, tighten and loosen, and finally squeezed out a smiling face, "I...I just kidded you, Master Baixing is a great hero who sealed away demons, I How could he attack his remnant soul? It's all just a joke... just a joke..."

"Why are we so tense? In fact, we are all for the good of the world, and we can talk about anything."

They thought that using Master Chuhe's remnant soul would make Chuhe fearful, but in fact, when Chuhe showed that he didn't care, they were the only ones who were afraid.

After all, Chuhe might be very sad if he lost the remnant soul of Master Baixing, but it would be fine, but if he lost the remnant soul of Master Baixing as a talisman, then they would only die!

How to choose is clear at a glance.

Qixing and Ranchenzi felt extremely remorseful. They thought that they had already made sufficient preparations, and that they were using the remnant soul of Master Chuhe as a threat. They thought it should be a foolproof thing.

But in the end, who would have thought that Chuhe was so strong?

"Everyone." Qixing sent a voice transmission to the people on the scene, "Let's keep the green hills here, and we are not afraid of running out of firewood. We will be soft on this devil first, and then we will make a long-term plan. After all, we are the only ones who can protect the world. If we die, then This world is equivalent to being destroyed."

In private, these people are comforting each other through sound transmission, "Yes, we shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the world, we must not die here, even if we endure the humiliation of the crotch, why not for the sake of the people of the world?"

They did it quite tragically, as if they were really doing it for the sake of the common people.

The people who were watching the live broadcast outside couldn't hear their voice transmission. They just felt that the Holy Son of the Seven Elements, who was still firm just now and would never discuss any conditions with the devil Chuhe, suddenly softened.

Have you started negotiating terms with Chuhe?

And can talk about anything?

Did something go wrong?

Was it all pretended before?

In just an instant, Qixing felt that countless fortunes were leaving him, but he had nothing to do.

He hated Chuhe to death in his heart, but for his own life, he still licked his face and smiled, "Chuhe, how about this, your master's remnant soul is kept with us, and we promise to let your master's remnant soul be recovered." The best offering, after all, he is a great hero who sealed away demons, we will not do anything to him out of reason."

"And you, for the sake of Master, why don't you stop doing evil from now on?"

Chuhe laughed, "Evil? What evil have I done?"

He sneered, "Which time did I not warn you in advance? If you don't listen, you will blame me if something happens?"

"Does it count as evil if I withdraw from the world and just be a bystander?"

"Good and evil are not important to me at all, be it good or evil, I just follow my own heart, what I don't like is just you group of hypocrites who are good-looking and pious!"

These words were almost pointed at the nose and scolded, but no one refuted it.

How to counter this?

There is no way to refute!

Qixing resisted the urge to vomit blood, and continued, "No matter what you say, we will bear it for the sake of the common people, but your master's remnant soul should be left to us for safekeeping."

After he finished speaking, he winked at everyone.

Everyone understood and came directly to Qixing's surroundings.

"Chuhe, I want to remove your master's remnant soul from this statue now, I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be a pity..."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Chuhe's reaction at all, and under the cover of everyone, he directly started to pull away the wisp of remnant soul.

Soon, a benevolent, translucent figure appeared from above the statue.

And there is also a bead-like thing in the dantian of this translucent figure, which is exactly the same as the bead left to Chuhe by Master Baixing before!

"Master..." The moment Chu He saw the translucent figure, the corners of Chu He's eyes became moist, and he said slowly, "Master, who has spanned hundreds of years."

And the remnant soul of Master Baixing also opened his eyes suddenly.

Chu He pursed his lips, "Master, I offended you."

After he finished speaking, he directly used the innate magic method - the curse of arresting the gods!

This is one of the earliest innate magic methods that Chuhe obtained, and it is also one of the most powerful innate magic methods.

For the soul, it is invincible!

Chapter 197

Qixing over there watched the soul being pulled out, and immediately wanted to put it in the soul bottle.

There was joy on everyone's faces.

But at the next moment, the transparent and illusory figure suddenly opened its eyes.

Then, an inexplicable fluctuation flashed by, and the remnant soul of Master Baixing disappeared directly from their eyes!

Qixing was stunned for a moment, and turned around quickly.

All I saw was that in front of Chuhe, the remnant soul of Master Baixing was floating steadily.


"You can actually get rid of the remnant soul under the noses of us!?"

They were all stunned and had no idea how Chuhe operated.

I just feel a little weird.

"The curse of restraining the gods... this is the curse of restraining the gods!"

Someone exclaimed, "I should have known earlier, Chuhe will restrain the curse!"

"That is to say, Chuhe has the ability to take this remnant soul away from the very beginning, but he has never made a move."

"Then what did we just do?"

"Could it be that in his eyes, it's all a monkey show?"

Bitterness and resentment were mixed in everyone's hearts, but they were all helpless. Now that their last support was lost, what would be waiting for them?

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